Release 980601
Release 980601

Sun May 31 13:40:13 1998  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [if1632/signal.c]
	Added display of exception name.

	* [loader/task.c]
	Yet another attempt at fixing SwitchStackTo/SwitchStackBack.

	* [memory/selector.c] [relay32/builtin32.c] [tools/build.c]
	Generate an assembly stub for Win32 register functions to make
	their names available at link time.

	* [programs/*/]
	Added hacks to support old resource compiler.

Fri May 29 16:27:14 1998  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [tools/testrun]
	Merge of my testscripts at home into one single perl program
	(tested with perl5). Works only on Linux due to 'ps' and 'ipcs'

	* [controls/menu.c]
	Added some DefaultMenuItem stubs.

	* [debugger/stabs.c]
	Fixed stabs loading, now supports (int,int) typeinfo format used
	by gcc-2.8 and egcs-1. If it still crashes, please mail me.

	* [if1632/][relay32/]
	Added msvideo.dll (stubs only)
	Replaced some ptr by str for stringcases
	Added some new stubs (VxDCall, FindCloseNotif....)

	* [misc/network.c]
	Some argument fixes.

	* [misc/registry.c][misc/cpu.c]
	Registry initialization partially rewritten and enhanced.

	* [scheduler/*.c]
	Some additions so we don't do kill(0,SIGUSR1) (kill processgroup
	instead of targeted thread)
	Added SetThreadContext.

Thu May 28 23:59:59 1998  Bertho Stultiens <>

	* [tools/wrc/*]
	New resource compiler version 1.0.0 (28-May-1998)

	* [] []
	Changed and added rc rules to point to tools/wrc/wrc.

	* [] [include/]
	Added check for function 'stricmp'.

	* [include/resource.h]
	Commented out the old resource structure to catch references.
	It also includes wrc_rsc.h.

	* [include/wrc_rsc.h]
	New file. Definitions for the resources generated with wrc.

	* [include/windows.h]
	Added #ifdef RC_INVOKED to exclude stdarg.h.
	Added SS_NOTIFY flag.

	* [include/winnls.h]
	Added SUBLANG_* definitions and corrected some defaults.

	* [loader/libres.c]
	Changed the sysres load functions to support wrc generated

	* [resource/sysres_*.rc]
	Added #include <windows.h>

	* [resource/sysres.c]
	Changed declarations to match wrc's output

	* [resource/]
	Changed rules to work with wrc.

	* [tools/makedep.c]
	Changed generation of .rc file dependencies to .s target.

Thu May 28 22:28:39 1998  Eric Kohl <>

	* [files/file.c][include/windows.c][relay32/kernel32.spec]
	Implemented GetFileAttributesEx32A/W.

	* [misc/imagelist.h][include/commctrl.h][relay32/comctl32.spec]
	Added ImageList_Read and ImageList_Write stubs.
	Added ImageList_AddIcon function.
	Added ImageList_LoadImage. It is the same as ImageList_LoadImage32A.

	* [controls/header.c]
	Fixed bitmap drawing bug.
	Added full bitmap support.

	* [include/commctrl.h]
	Added missing header macros.

	* [controls/toolbar.c][include/toolbar.h][include/commctrl.h]
	  [controls/commctrl.c] [relay32/comctl32.spec]
	First implementation of toolbar control.
	Implemented CreateToolbar, CreateToolbarEx and CreateMappedBitmap.

	* [controls/progress.c][controls/status.c]
	Some code cleanup.

	* [controls/commctrl.c][include/commctrl.h][relay32/comctl32.spec]
	Removed CreateStatusWindow16 and DrawStatusText16.
	CreateStatusWindow is the same as CreateStatusWindow32A.
	DrawStatusText is the same as DrawStatusText32A.

Thu May 28 16:01:28 1998  Matthew J. Francis  <>

	* [objects/bitmap.c] [objects/bitmap.h] [objects/oembitmap.c]
	  [objects/dc.c] [graphics/x11drv/bitblt.c]
	Added partial implementation of CreateDIBSection, with great thanks
	to Ulrich Weigand <> for
	contributing the bulk of the patch.

Wed May 27 19:04:31 1998  Ulrich Weigand <>

	* [win32/kernel32.c] [if1632/thunk.c] [include/flatthunk.h]
	ThunkConnect16 and related functions moved to emulator.

	* [loader/ne/segment.c]
	Call DllEntryPoint with correct arguments.

	* [relay32/builtin32.c]
	Bugfix: Relay debugging did not work for multiple processes.

	* [controls/menu.c]
	Bugfix: dwItemData was not set for MF_OWNERDRAW menus.

	* [if1632/relay.c] [relay32/relay386.c]
	Relay messages converted to use DPRINTF.

	* [controls/desktop.c] [relay32/user32.spec]
	Implemented PaintDesktop.

	* [files/profile.c] [if1632/kernel.spec] [misc/network.c]
	  [misc/printdrv.c] [relay32/winspool.spec] 
	  [win32/ordinals.c] [relay32/kernel32.spec]
	Some stubs added.

	* [relay32/mpr.spec]
	All ordinals were off by one.

Tue May 26 13:32:57 1998  Bill Hawes <>

	* [misc/lstr.c] [include/casemap.h] [tools/]
	Added Unicode case conversion routines towupper/towlower,
	with mapping tables casemap.h created by tools/

	* [misc/ntdll.c] [include/winnls.h] [relay32/ntdll.spec]
	Minimal implementation of IsTextUnicode, just enough to get
	NT4 notepad to open ascii/unicode files.

	* [] [resources/sysres_En.rc]
	Added include file dlgs.h for building resource files, so that
	resources can refer to defined values (e.g. pshHelp).

	* [misc/crtdll.c] [relay32/crtdll.spec]
	Use towupper/towlower for 32W case conversions.

	* [memory/string.c]
	Use towupper for 32W case conversions.

	* [ole/ole2nls.c]
	Use towupper for 32W case conversions; fix mem leak; minor cleanup

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Added soft break flag to edit state. Print unknown action values
	for WM_VSCROLL (action 190 occurs when running NT4 notepad.)

Mon May 25 22:42:40 1998  Uwe Bonnes <>

	* [files/file.c]
	Care for a pathological case in SetFilePointer.

	* [graphics/x11drv/xfont.c]
	Handle longer Font names in LFD_ComposeLFD and try to catch errors.

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	Unload Dummymodule when PE_LoadLibraryEx32A fails with
	PE_LoadImage (makes Encarta 98 installer proceed).

	* [misc/registry.c]
	Move a check for a special case in RegCreateKeyEx32W after the
	check for existence.

Tue May 25 20:18:26 1998  Matthew Becker <>

	* [misc/ntdll.c]
	Added some stubs, just guessing at the size of their param lists.

	* [misc/registry.c]
	Added stubs for RegUnLoadKey, RegSetKeySecurity, RegSaveKey,
	RegRestoreKey, and RegReplaceKey

	* [programs/regtest/regtest.c]
	Updated registry testing program.

Sun May 24 18:11:40 1998  Alex Priem <>

	* [file/profile.c]
	Added flag 'return_values' to PROFILE_GetSection.

Sun May 24 13:41:10 1998  James Juran <>

	* [misc/shell.c] [files/directory.c]
	Documentation/debugging info additions.

	* [*/*.c] [include/*.h]
	Moved many extern function definitions to appropriate header files.
	Cleaned up a few compile warnings.
	If #include "debug.h" is present, removed #include <stdio.h>.
	debug.h includes stdio.h, so it is not necessary to include both.

	* [graphics/*.c] [if1632/signal.c] [ipc/*.c] [scheduler/*.c]
	  [win32/*.c] [windows/*.c]
	Final patch to convert fprintf statements to new debugging interface.
	Some fprintfs are still left, especially in the debugger/ directory.
	However, IMHO, it's not worth the effort to change the rest.

Fri May 22 21:58:35 1998  Morten Welinder  <>

	* [windows/keyboard.c]
	Correct handling of keys "`-=[]\;',./".

Fri May 22 12:06:00 1998  Per Lindström <>

	* [include/windows.h] [relay32/kernel32.spec] [win32/console.c]
	Added stub for ReadConsoleOutputCharacter32A.

Thu May 21 16:45:48 1998  Pascal Cuoq <>

	* [ole/ole2nls.c]
	Began better implementation of LCMapString32A.
	Not very well tested yet, and still need improvements.

	* [controls/scroll.c]
	Documented functions.

Wed May 20 21:37:56 1998  Peter Hunnisett <>

	* [include/windows.h][misc/main.c]
	Change SystemParameterInfo to support SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST. Also
	include some missing SPI_ definitions.

	* [include/dsound.h][multimedia/dsound.c][relay32/dplayx.spec]
	Added stubs for DirectPlayLobbyCreate[AW]. Not sure if these
	should go into a new files dplayx.c? Anyone care?

	* [include/winnls.h]
	Added two missing flags for the CompareString32 functions.
310 files changed