Release 970914
Release 970914

Thu Sep 11 18:24:56 1997  Philippe De Muyter  <>

	* [objects/dc.c]
	In DC_SetupGCForPatBlt, replace R2_NOT by GXxor with (black xor white).

Tue Sep  9 23:04:02 1997  U. Bonnes <>

	* [memory/virtual.c] 
	Do not write debugging info unconditionally to stderr.

	* [files/profile.c]
	Call PROFILE_GetSection in PROFILE_GetString for key_name "" too.

	* [misc/crtdll.c]
	Many new functions.

	* [include/windows.h] [windows/winpos.c]
	ClientToScreen16 doesn't have a return value.

Sun Sep  7 10:06:39 1997  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [misc/main.c] [AUTHORS]
	Update the list of contributors. Please let me know if I forgot

	* [if1632/*.spec] [if1632/builtin.c] [tools/build.c]
	Ordinal base for Win32 DLLs is now computed automatically from the
	lowest ordinal found.

	* [include/wintypes.h]
	WINAPI is now defined as attribute((stdcall)). This will require
	gcc to compile.

	* [if1632/thunk.c]
	Removed Win32 thunks (no longer needed with stdcall).

	* [if1632/crtdll.spec] [misc/crtdll.c]
	Make sure we only reference cdecl functions in the spec file.

	* [objects/dc.c]
	Use CapNotLast drawing style for 1-pixel wide lines.

	* [tools/build.c]
	Added 'double' argument type.
	Added 'varargs' function type for Win32.
	Made CallTo16_xxx functions stdcall.

Fri Sep  5 14:50:49 1997  Alex Korobka <>

	* [tools/build.c] [windows/win.c] [windows/event.c] [windows/message.c]
	More fixes to get message exchange closer to the original.

	* [misc/spy.c]
	Message logs now contain window names.

	* [loader/resource.c] [loader/ne_resource.c] [loader/task.c]
	  [objects/cursoricon.c] [windows/user.c]
	Added some obscure features to fix memory leaks.

Fri Sep  5 00:46:28 1997  Jan Willamowius <>

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec] [win32/newfns.c]
	Added stub for UTRegister() and UTUnRegister().

Thu Sep  4 12:03:12 1997  Frans van Dorsselaer <>
	* [controls/edit.c]
	Allow ASCII codes > 127 in WM_CHAR.

Mon Sep  1 17:23:24 1997  Dimitrie O. Paun  <>

	* [controls/widgets.c]
	In InitCommonControls, remember the name of the class
	because lpszClassName was made to point to a local array
	Added the ProgressBar to the list of implemented controls.
	Call InitCommonControls from WIDGETS_Init to register all
	implemented Common Controls.
	* [include/commctrl.h]
	Added misc decl for the Progress Bar.

	* [controls/progress.c] [include/progress.h]
	First attempt at implementiong the Progress Bar class.

	* [objects/brush.h]
	Implementation for GetSysColorBrush[16|32]

	* [controls/status.c]
	Use DrawEdge to draw the borders and fill the background

	* [controls/uitools.c]
	Added DrawDiagEdge32 and DrawRectEdge32

	* [graphics/painting.c]
	Implement DrawEdge[16|32]
	Started DrawFrameControl32

Mon Sep  1 10:07:09 1997  Lawson Whitney <>

	* [misc/comm.c] [include/windows.h]
	SetCommEventMask returns a SEGPTR.

Sun Aug 31 23:28:32 1997  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [loader/pe_image.c][loader/module.c][include/pe_image.h]
	Cleaned up the whole Win32 library mess (a bit).

	* [debugger/stabs.c]
	If 'wine' has no absolute path and isn't found, check $PATH too.

	* [misc/ole2nls.c]
	Some fixes.

	* [misc/ver.c]
	Added support for PE style version resources.

	* [memory/string.c]
	Check for NULL pointers to _lstr* functions, just as Windows95 does.

	* [multimedia/time.c]
	Made list of timers a simple linked list.

	* [loader/resource.c]
	Netscape 3 seems to pass NEGATIVE resource Ids (in an
	unsigned int, yes). Don't know why, fixed it anyway.

	* [objects/bitmap.c]
	LoadImageW added.

	* [include/win.h][windows/win.c]
	Change wIDmenu from UINT16 to UINT32 and changed the
	SetWindow(Long|Word) accordingly.

Thu Aug 28 19:30:08 1997  Morten Welinder  <>

	* [include/windows.h]
	Add a few more colors defined for Win95.
	Add a few more brush styles.

	* [windows/syscolor.c]
 	Add error checks for SYSCOLOR_SetColor, SYSCOLOR_Init,
	GetSysColor16, GetSysColor32.  Add support for above colors.

Sun Aug 24 16:22:57 1997  Andrew Taylor <>

	* [multimedia/mmsystem.c]
	Changed mmioDescend to use mmio functions for file I/O, neccessary
	for memory files.
149 files changed