| /* IDirectMusicPerformance Implementation |
| * |
| * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Rok Mandeljc |
| * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Raphael Junqueira |
| * |
| * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA |
| */ |
| |
| #include "dmime_private.h" |
| |
| |
| typedef struct DMUS_PMSGItem DMUS_PMSGItem; |
| struct DMUS_PMSGItem { |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* next; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* prev; |
| |
| REFERENCE_TIME rtItemTime; |
| BOOL bInUse; |
| DWORD cb; |
| DMUS_PMSG pMsg; |
| }; |
| |
| #define DMUS_PMSGToItem(pMSG) ((DMUS_PMSGItem*) (((unsigned char*) pPMSG) - offsetof(DMUS_PMSGItem, pMsg))) |
| #define DMUS_ItemToPMSG(pItem) (&(pItem->pMsg)) |
| #define DMUS_ItemRemoveFromQueue(This,pItem) \ |
| {\ |
| if (pItem->prev) pItem->prev->next = pItem->next;\ |
| if (pItem->next) pItem->next->prev = pItem->prev;\ |
| if (This->head == pItem) This->head = pItem->next;\ |
| if (This->imm_head == pItem) This->imm_head = pItem->next;\ |
| pItem->bInUse = FALSE;\ |
| } |
| |
| #define PROCESSMSG_START (WM_APP + 0) |
| #define PROCESSMSG_EXIT (WM_APP + 1) |
| #define PROCESSMSG_REMOVE (WM_APP + 2) |
| #define PROCESSMSG_ADD (WM_APP + 4) |
| |
| |
| static DMUS_PMSGItem* ProceedMsg(IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl* This, DMUS_PMSGItem* cur) { |
| if (cur->pMsg.dwType == DMUS_PMSGT_NOTIFICATION) { |
| SetEvent(This->hNotification); |
| } |
| DMUS_ItemRemoveFromQueue(This, cur); |
| switch (cur->pMsg.dwType) { |
| default: |
| FIXME("Unhandled PMsg Type: 0x%x\n", cur->pMsg.dwType); |
| break; |
| } |
| return cur; |
| } |
| |
| static DWORD WINAPI ProcessMsgThread(LPVOID lpParam) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl* This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl*) lpParam; |
| DWORD timeOut = INFINITE; |
| MSG msg; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* it = NULL; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* cur = NULL; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* it_next = NULL; |
| |
| while (TRUE) { |
| DWORD dwDec = This->rtLatencyTime + This->dwBumperLength; |
| |
| if (timeOut > 0) MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, NULL, FALSE, timeOut, QS_POSTMESSAGE|QS_SENDMESSAGE|QS_TIMER); |
| timeOut = INFINITE; |
| |
| EnterCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| hr = IDirectMusicPerformance8_GetTime((IDirectMusicPerformance8*) This, &rtCurTime, NULL); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| goto outrefresh; |
| } |
| |
| for (it = This->imm_head; NULL != it; ) { |
| it_next = it->next; |
| cur = ProceedMsg(This, it); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cur); |
| it = it_next; |
| } |
| |
| for (it = This->head; NULL != it && it->rtItemTime < rtCurTime + dwDec; ) { |
| it_next = it->next; |
| cur = ProceedMsg(This, it); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cur); |
| it = it_next; |
| } |
| if (NULL != it) { |
| timeOut = ( it->rtItemTime - rtCurTime ) + This->rtLatencyTime; |
| } |
| |
| outrefresh: |
| LeaveCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| |
| while (PeekMessageA(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { |
| /** if hwnd we suppose that is a windows event ... */ |
| if (NULL != msg.hwnd) { |
| TranslateMessage(&msg); |
| DispatchMessageA(&msg); |
| } else { |
| switch (msg.message) { |
| case WM_QUIT: |
| goto outofthread; |
| break; |
| break; |
| break; |
| default: |
| ERR("Unhandled message %u. Critical Path\n", msg.message); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** here we should run a little of current AudioPath */ |
| |
| } |
| |
| outofthread: |
| TRACE("(%p): Exiting\n", This); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static BOOL PostMessageToProcessMsgThread(IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl* This, UINT iMsg) { |
| if (FALSE == This->procThreadTicStarted && PROCESSMSG_EXIT != iMsg) { |
| BOOL res; |
| This->procThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ProcessMsgThread, This, 0, &This->procThreadId); |
| if (NULL == This->procThread) return FALSE; |
| SetThreadPriority(This->procThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); |
| This->procThreadTicStarted = TRUE; |
| while(1) { |
| res = PostThreadMessageA(This->procThreadId, iMsg, 0, 0); |
| /* Let the thread creates its message queue (with MsgWaitForMultipleObjects call) by yielding and retrying */ |
| if (!res && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID)) |
| Sleep(0); |
| else |
| break; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| return PostThreadMessageA(This->procThreadId, iMsg, 0, 0); |
| } |
| |
| /* IDirectMusicPerformance8 IUnknown part: */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_QueryInterface (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppobj) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| TRACE("(%p, %s,%p)\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(riid), ppobj); |
| |
| if (IsEqualIID (riid, &IID_IUnknown) || |
| IsEqualIID (riid, &IID_IDirectMusicPerformance) || |
| IsEqualIID (riid, &IID_IDirectMusicPerformance2) || |
| IsEqualIID (riid, &IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8)) { |
| IUnknown_AddRef(iface); |
| *ppobj = This; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| WARN("(%p, %s,%p): not found\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(riid), ppobj); |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AddRef (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| ULONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p): AddRef from %d\n", This, ref - 1); |
| |
| DMIME_LockModule(); |
| |
| return ref; |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Release (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref); |
| TRACE("(%p): ReleaseRef to %d\n", This, ref); |
| |
| if (ref == 0) { |
| This->safe.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = 0; |
| DeleteCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); |
| } |
| |
| DMIME_UnlockModule(); |
| |
| return ref; |
| } |
| |
| /* IDirectMusicPerformanceImpl IDirectMusicPerformance Interface part: */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Init (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusic** ppDirectMusic, LPDIRECTSOUND pDirectSound, HWND hWnd) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(iface = %p, dmusic = %p, dsound = %p, hwnd = %p)\n", This, ppDirectMusic, pDirectSound, hWnd); |
| if (This->pDirectMusic || This->pDirectSound) |
| |
| if (NULL == hWnd) { |
| hWnd = GetForegroundWindow(); |
| } |
| |
| if (NULL != pDirectSound) { |
| This->pDirectSound = (IDirectSound*) pDirectSound; |
| IDirectSound_AddRef((LPDIRECTSOUND) This->pDirectSound); |
| } else { |
| HRESULT hr; |
| hr = DirectSoundCreate8(NULL, (LPDIRECTSOUND8*) &This->pDirectSound, NULL); |
| if (!This->pDirectSound) return DSERR_NODRIVER; |
| |
| /** |
| * as seen in msdn |
| * |
| * http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/directx9_c/directX/htm/idirectmusicperformance8initaudio.asp |
| */ |
| if (NULL != hWnd) { |
| IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(This->pDirectSound, hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY); |
| } else { |
| /* how to get the ForeGround window handle ? */ |
| /*IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(This->pDirectSound, hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY);*/ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (NULL != ppDirectMusic && NULL != *ppDirectMusic) { |
| /* app creates it's own dmusic object and gives it to performance */ |
| This->pDirectMusic = (IDirectMusic8*) *ppDirectMusic; |
| IDirectMusic8_AddRef((LPDIRECTMUSIC8) This->pDirectMusic); |
| } else { |
| /* app allows the performance to initialise itfself and needs a pointer to object*/ |
| CoCreateInstance (&CLSID_DirectMusic, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectMusic8, (void**)&This->pDirectMusic); |
| if (ppDirectMusic) { |
| *ppDirectMusic = (LPDIRECTMUSIC) This->pDirectMusic; |
| IDirectMusic8_AddRef((LPDIRECTMUSIC8) *ppDirectMusic); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_PlaySegment (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicSegment* pSegment, DWORD dwFlags, __int64 i64StartTime, IDirectMusicSegmentState** ppSegmentState) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %d, 0x%s, %p): stub\n", This, pSegment, dwFlags, |
| wine_dbgstr_longlong(i64StartTime), ppSegmentState); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Stop (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicSegment* pSegment, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegmentState, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, DWORD dwFlags) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %p, %ld, %d): stub\n", This, pSegment, pSegmentState, mtTime, dwFlags); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetSegmentState (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicSegmentState** ppSegmentState, MUSIC_TIME mtTime) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p,%p, %ld): stub\n", This, ppSegmentState, mtTime); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetPrepareTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD dwMilliSeconds) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| TRACE("(%p, %d)\n", This, dwMilliSeconds); |
| This->dwPrepareTime = dwMilliSeconds; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetPrepareTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD* pdwMilliSeconds) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", This, pdwMilliSeconds); |
| if (NULL == pdwMilliSeconds) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| *pdwMilliSeconds = This->dwPrepareTime; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetBumperLength (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD dwMilliSeconds) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| TRACE("(%p, %d)\n", This, dwMilliSeconds); |
| This->dwBumperLength = dwMilliSeconds; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetBumperLength (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD* pdwMilliSeconds) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", This, pdwMilliSeconds); |
| if (NULL == pdwMilliSeconds) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| *pdwMilliSeconds = This->dwBumperLength; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SendPMsg (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DMUS_PMSG* pPMSG) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* pItem = NULL; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* it = NULL; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* prev_it = NULL; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem** queue = NULL; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, pPMSG); |
| |
| if (NULL == pPMSG) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| pItem = DMUS_PMSGToItem(pPMSG); |
| if (NULL == pItem) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| if (pItem->bInUse) { |
| } |
| |
| /* TODO: Valid Flags */ |
| pItem->rtItemTime = pPMSG->rtTime; |
| |
| queue = &This->imm_head; |
| } else { |
| queue = &This->head; |
| } |
| |
| EnterCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| for (it = *queue; NULL != it && it->rtItemTime < pItem->rtItemTime; it = it->next) { |
| prev_it = it; |
| } |
| if (NULL == prev_it) { |
| pItem->prev = NULL; |
| if (NULL != *queue) pItem->next = (*queue)->next; |
| /*assert( NULL == pItem->next->prev );*/ |
| if (NULL != pItem->next) pItem->next->prev = pItem; |
| *queue = pItem; |
| } else { |
| pItem->prev = prev_it; |
| pItem->next = prev_it->next; |
| prev_it->next = pItem; |
| if (NULL != pItem->next) pItem->next->prev = pItem; |
| } |
| LeaveCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| |
| /** now in use, prevent from stupid Frees */ |
| pItem->bInUse = TRUE; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_MusicToReferenceTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, REFERENCE_TIME* prtTime) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %ld, %p): stub\n", This, mtTime, prtTime); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_ReferenceToMusicTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtTime) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, 0x%s, %p): stub\n", This, wine_dbgstr_longlong(rtTime), pmtTime); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_IsPlaying (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicSegment* pSegment, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegState) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %p): stub\n", This, pSegment, pSegState); |
| return S_FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME* prtNow, MUSIC_TIME* pmtNow) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| HRESULT hr = S_OK; |
| REFERENCE_TIME rtCur = 0; |
| |
| /*TRACE("(%p, %p, %p)\n", This, prtNow, pmtNow); */ |
| if (This->procThreadTicStarted) { |
| rtCur = ((REFERENCE_TIME) GetTickCount() * 10000) - This->procThreadStartTime; |
| } else { |
| /*return DMUS_E_NO_MASTER_CLOCK;*/ |
| } |
| if (NULL != prtNow) { |
| *prtNow = rtCur; |
| } |
| if (NULL != pmtNow) { |
| hr = IDirectMusicPerformance8_ReferenceToMusicTime(iface, rtCur, pmtNow); |
| } |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AllocPMsg (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, ULONG cb, DMUS_PMSG** ppPMSG) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* pItem = NULL; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %d, %p): stub\n", This, cb, ppPMSG); |
| |
| if (sizeof(DMUS_PMSG) > cb) { |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| } |
| if (NULL == ppPMSG) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| pItem = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cb - sizeof(DMUS_PMSG) + sizeof(DMUS_PMSGItem)); |
| if (NULL == pItem) { |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| } |
| pItem->pMsg.dwSize = cb; |
| *ppPMSG = DMUS_ItemToPMSG(pItem); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_FreePMsg (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DMUS_PMSG* pPMSG) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| DMUS_PMSGItem* pItem = NULL; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, pPMSG); |
| |
| if (NULL == pPMSG) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| pItem = DMUS_PMSGToItem(pPMSG); |
| if (NULL == pItem) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| if (pItem->bInUse) { |
| /** prevent for freeing PMsg in queue (ie to be processed) */ |
| return DMUS_E_CANNOT_FREE; |
| } |
| /** now we can remove it safely */ |
| EnterCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| DMUS_ItemRemoveFromQueue( This, pItem ); |
| LeaveCriticalSection(&This->safe); |
| |
| /** TODO: see if we should Release the pItem->pMsg->punkUser and others Interfaces */ |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pItem); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetGraph (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicGraph** ppGraph) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): to check\n", This, ppGraph); |
| if (NULL != This->pToolGraph) { |
| *ppGraph = (LPDIRECTMUSICGRAPH) This->pToolGraph; |
| IDirectMusicGraph_AddRef((LPDIRECTMUSICGRAPH) *ppGraph); |
| } else { |
| return E_FAIL; |
| } |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetGraph (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicGraph* pGraph) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): to check\n", This, pGraph); |
| |
| if (NULL != This->pToolGraph) { |
| /* Todo clean buffers and tools before */ |
| IDirectMusicGraph_Release((LPDIRECTMUSICGRAPH) This->pToolGraph); |
| } |
| This->pToolGraph = pGraph; |
| if (NULL != This->pToolGraph) { |
| IDirectMusicGraph_AddRef((LPDIRECTMUSICGRAPH) This->pToolGraph); |
| } |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetNotificationHandle (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, HANDLE hNotification, REFERENCE_TIME rtMinimum) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, 0x%s): stub\n", This, hNotification, wine_dbgstr_longlong(rtMinimum)); |
| This->hNotification = hNotification; |
| if (rtMinimum) This->rtMinimum = rtMinimum; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetNotificationPMsg (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DMUS_NOTIFICATION_PMSG** ppNotificationPMsg) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, ppNotificationPMsg); |
| if (NULL == ppNotificationPMsg) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| return S_FALSE; |
| /*return S_OK;*/ |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AddNotificationType (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidNotificationType) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %s): stub\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidNotificationType)); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_RemoveNotificationType (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidNotificationType) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %s): stub\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidNotificationType)); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AddPort (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicPort* pPort) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, pPort); |
| if (!This->pDirectMusic || !This->pDirectSound) return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; |
| if (NULL == pPort) { |
| GUID port_guid; |
| IDirectMusicPort* pDefaultPort = NULL; |
| int i, j; |
| hr = IDirectMusic8_GetDefaultPort(This->pDirectMusic, &port_guid); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| ZeroMemory(¶ms, sizeof(params)); |
| params.dwSize = sizeof(params); |
| params.dwChannelGroups = 1; |
| params.fShare = TRUE; |
| hr = IDirectMusic8_CreatePort(This->pDirectMusic, &port_guid, ¶ms, &pDefaultPort, NULL); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| hr = IDirectMusicPort_Activate(pDefaultPort, TRUE); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { IDirectMusicPort_Release(pDefaultPort); return hr; } |
| j = 0; |
| for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { |
| if (NULL == This->PChannel[i].port) { |
| This->PChannel[i].port = pPort; |
| This->PChannel[i].group = 0; |
| This->PChannel[i].channel = j; /* FIXME: should this be assigned? */ |
| j++; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| IDirectMusicPort_AddRef(pPort); |
| } |
| /** |
| * We should remember added Ports (for example using a list) |
| * and control if Port is registered for each api who use ports |
| */ |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_RemovePort (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicPort* pPort) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, pPort); |
| IDirectMusicPort_Release (pPort); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AssignPChannelBlock (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD dwBlockNum, IDirectMusicPort* pPort, DWORD dwGroup) { |
| int i, j, range /* min value in range */; |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %d, %p, %d): semi-stub\n", This, dwBlockNum, pPort, dwGroup-1); |
| if (NULL == pPort) return E_POINTER; |
| |
| range = 16 * dwBlockNum; |
| j = 0; |
| for (i = range; i < range+16; i++) { |
| /*TRACE("Setting PChannel[%i] to port %p, group %ld, MIDI port %i\n", i, pPort, dwGroup-1, j); */ |
| This->PChannel[i].port = pPort; |
| This->PChannel[i].group = dwGroup - 1; /* first index is always zero */ |
| This->PChannel[i].channel = j; /* FIXME: should this be assigned? */ |
| j++; |
| } |
| /*if (dwGroup > 2) return S_FALSE;*/ |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AssignPChannel (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD dwPChannel, IDirectMusicPort* pPort, DWORD dwGroup, DWORD dwMChannel) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p, %d, %p, %d, %d)\n", This, dwPChannel, pPort, dwGroup, dwMChannel); |
| if (NULL == pPort) return E_POINTER; |
| This->PChannel[dwPChannel].port = pPort; |
| This->PChannel[dwPChannel].group = dwGroup; |
| This->PChannel[dwPChannel].channel = dwMChannel; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_PChannelInfo (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD dwPChannel, IDirectMusicPort** ppPort, DWORD* pdwGroup, DWORD* pdwMChannel) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %d, %p, %p, %p): stub\n", This, dwPChannel, ppPort, pdwGroup, pdwMChannel); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_DownloadInstrument (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicInstrument* pInst, DWORD dwPChannel, IDirectMusicDownloadedInstrument** ppDownInst, DMUS_NOTERANGE* pNoteRanges, DWORD dwNumNoteRanges, IDirectMusicPort** ppPort, DWORD* pdwGroup, DWORD* pdwMChannel) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %d, %p, %p, %d, %p, %p, %p): stub\n", This, pInst, dwPChannel, ppDownInst, pNoteRanges, dwNumNoteRanges, ppPort, pdwGroup, pdwMChannel); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Invalidate (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, DWORD dwFlags) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %ld, %d): stub\n", This, mtTime, dwFlags); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetParam (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidType, DWORD dwGroupBits, DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext, void* pParam) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %s, %d, %d, %ld, %p, %p): stub\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidType), dwGroupBits, dwIndex, mtTime, pmtNext, pParam); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetParam (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidType, DWORD dwGroupBits, DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, void* pParam) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %s, %d, %d, %ld, %p): stub\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidType), dwGroupBits, dwIndex, mtTime, pParam); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetGlobalParam (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidType, void* pParam, DWORD dwSize) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p, %s, %p, %d): stub\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidType), pParam, dwSize); |
| |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfAutoDownload)) |
| memcpy(pParam, &This->fAutoDownload, sizeof(&This->fAutoDownload)); |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfMasterGrooveLevel)) |
| memcpy(pParam, &This->cMasterGrooveLevel, sizeof(&This->cMasterGrooveLevel)); |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfMasterTempo)) |
| memcpy(pParam, &This->fMasterTempo, sizeof(&This->fMasterTempo)); |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfMasterVolume)) |
| memcpy(pParam, &This->lMasterVolume, sizeof(&This->lMasterVolume)); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetGlobalParam (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidType, void* pParam, DWORD dwSize) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p, %s, %p, %d)\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidType), pParam, dwSize); |
| |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfAutoDownload)) { |
| memcpy(&This->fAutoDownload, pParam, dwSize); |
| TRACE("=> AutoDownload set to %d\n", This->fAutoDownload); |
| } |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfMasterGrooveLevel)) { |
| memcpy(&This->cMasterGrooveLevel, pParam, dwSize); |
| TRACE("=> MasterGrooveLevel set to %i\n", This->cMasterGrooveLevel); |
| } |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfMasterTempo)) { |
| memcpy(&This->fMasterTempo, pParam, dwSize); |
| TRACE("=> MasterTempo set to %f\n", This->fMasterTempo); |
| } |
| if (IsEqualGUID (rguidType, &GUID_PerfMasterVolume)) { |
| memcpy(&This->lMasterVolume, pParam, dwSize); |
| TRACE("=> MasterVolume set to %li\n", This->lMasterVolume); |
| } |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetLatencyTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME* prtTime) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| TRACE("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, prtTime); |
| *prtTime = This->rtLatencyTime; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetQueueTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME* prtTime) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", This, prtTime); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AdjustTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME rtAmount) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, 0x%s): stub\n", This, wine_dbgstr_longlong(rtAmount)); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_CloseDown (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| if (PostMessageToProcessMsgThread(This, PROCESSMSG_EXIT)) { |
| WaitForSingleObject(This->procThread, INFINITE); |
| This->procThreadTicStarted = FALSE; |
| CloseHandle(This->procThread); |
| } |
| if (NULL != This->pDirectSound) { |
| IDirectSound_Release((LPDIRECTSOUND) This->pDirectSound); |
| This->pDirectSound = NULL; |
| } |
| if (NULL != This->pDirectMusic) { |
| IDirectMusic8_Release((LPDIRECTMUSIC8) This->pDirectMusic); |
| This->pDirectMusic = NULL; |
| } |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetResolvedTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, REFERENCE_TIME* prtResolved, DWORD dwTimeResolveFlags) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, 0x%s, %p, %d): stub\n", This, wine_dbgstr_longlong(rtTime), |
| prtResolved, dwTimeResolveFlags); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_MIDIToMusic (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, BYTE bMIDIValue, DMUS_CHORD_KEY* pChord, BYTE bPlayMode, BYTE bChordLevel, WORD* pwMusicValue) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %d, %p, %d, %d, %p): stub\n", This, bMIDIValue, pChord, bPlayMode, bChordLevel, pwMusicValue); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_MusicToMIDI (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, WORD wMusicValue, DMUS_CHORD_KEY* pChord, BYTE bPlayMode, BYTE bChordLevel, BYTE* pbMIDIValue) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %d, %p, %d, %d, %p): stub\n", This, wMusicValue, pChord, bPlayMode, bChordLevel, pbMIDIValue); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_TimeToRhythm (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE* pTimeSig, WORD* pwMeasure, BYTE* pbBeat, BYTE* pbGrid, short* pnOffset) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %ld, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p): stub\n", This, mtTime, pTimeSig, pwMeasure, pbBeat, pbGrid, pnOffset); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_RhythmToTime (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, WORD wMeasure, BYTE bBeat, BYTE bGrid, short nOffset, DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE* pTimeSig, MUSIC_TIME* pmtTime) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %d, %d, %d, %i, %p, %p): stub\n", This, wMeasure, bBeat, bGrid, nOffset, pTimeSig, pmtTime); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /* IDirectMusicPerformance8 Interface part follow: */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_InitAudio (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, |
| IDirectMusic** ppDirectMusic, |
| IDirectSound** ppDirectSound, |
| HWND hWnd, |
| DWORD dwDefaultPathType, |
| DWORD dwPChannelCount, |
| DWORD dwFlags, |
| DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS* pParams) { |
| |
| IDirectSound* dsound = NULL; |
| HRESULT hr = S_OK; |
| |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %x, %u, %x, %p): to check\n", This, ppDirectMusic, ppDirectSound, hWnd, dwDefaultPathType, dwPChannelCount, dwFlags, pParams); |
| |
| if (This->pDirectMusic || This->pDirectSound) |
| |
| if (NULL != ppDirectSound && NULL != *ppDirectSound) { |
| dsound = *ppDirectSound; |
| } else { |
| hr = DirectSoundCreate8 (NULL, (LPDIRECTSOUND8*) &dsound, NULL); |
| FIXME("return dsound(%p,%d)\n", dsound, hr); |
| if (FAILED(hr) || !dsound) |
| return DSERR_NODRIVER; |
| if (ppDirectSound) |
| *ppDirectSound = dsound; |
| } |
| |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Init(iface, ppDirectMusic, dsound, hWnd); |
| |
| /* Init increases the ref count of the dsound object. Decremente it if the app don't want a pointer to the object. */ |
| if (NULL == ppDirectSound) { |
| IDirectSound_Release(This->pDirectSound); |
| } |
| |
| /* as seen in msdn we need params init before audio path creation */ |
| if (NULL != pParams) { |
| memcpy(&This->pParams, pParams, sizeof(DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS)); |
| } else { |
| /** |
| * TODO, how can i fill the struct |
| * as seen at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/directx9_c/directX/htm/dmusaudioparams.asp |
| */ |
| memset(&This->pParams, 0, sizeof(DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS)); |
| This->pParams.dwSize = sizeof(DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS); |
| This->pParams.fInitNow = FALSE; |
| This->pParams.dwVoices = 64; |
| This->pParams.dwSampleRate = (DWORD) 22.050; |
| This->pParams.dwFeatures = dwFlags; |
| This->pParams.clsidDefaultSynth = CLSID_DirectMusicSynthSink; |
| } |
| hr = IDirectMusicPerformance8_CreateStandardAudioPath(iface, dwDefaultPathType, dwPChannelCount, FALSE, (IDirectMusicAudioPath**) &This->pDefaultPath); |
| |
| PostMessageToProcessMsgThread(This, PROCESSMSG_START); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_PlaySegmentEx (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IUnknown* pSource, WCHAR* pwzSegmentName, IUnknown* pTransition, DWORD dwFlags, __int64 i64StartTime, IDirectMusicSegmentState** ppSegmentState, IUnknown* pFrom, IUnknown* pAudioPath) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %d, 0x%s, %p, %p, %p): stub\n", This, pSource, pwzSegmentName, |
| pTransition, dwFlags, wine_dbgstr_longlong(i64StartTime), ppSegmentState, pFrom, pAudioPath); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_StopEx (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IUnknown* pObjectToStop, __int64 i64StopTime, DWORD dwFlags) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, 0x%s, %d): stub\n", This, pObjectToStop, |
| wine_dbgstr_longlong(i64StopTime), dwFlags); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_ClonePMsg (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DMUS_PMSG* pSourcePMSG, DMUS_PMSG** ppCopyPMSG) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %p): stub\n", This, pSourcePMSG, ppCopyPMSG); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_CreateAudioPath (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IUnknown* pSourceConfig, BOOL fActivate, IDirectMusicAudioPath** ppNewPath) { |
| IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl *default_path; |
| IDirectMusicAudioPath *pPath; |
| |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| FIXME("(%p, %p, %d, %p): stub\n", This, pSourceConfig, fActivate, ppNewPath); |
| |
| if (NULL == ppNewPath) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| |
| DMUSIC_CreateDirectMusicAudioPathImpl (&IID_IDirectMusicAudioPath, (LPVOID*)&pPath, NULL); |
| default_path = (IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl*)((char*)(pPath) - offsetof(IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl,AudioPathVtbl)); |
| default_path->pPerf = (IDirectMusicPerformance8*) This; |
| |
| /** TODO */ |
| |
| |
| return IDirectMusicAudioPath_Activate(*ppNewPath, fActivate); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/directx9_c/directX/htm/standardaudiopaths.asp |
| */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_CreateStandardAudioPath (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwPChannelCount, BOOL fActivate, IDirectMusicAudioPath** ppNewPath) { |
| IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl *default_path; |
| IDirectMusicAudioPath *pPath; |
| WAVEFORMATEX format; |
| HRESULT hr = S_OK; |
| |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p)->(%d, %d, %d, %p): semi-stub\n", This, dwType, dwPChannelCount, fActivate, ppNewPath); |
| |
| if (NULL == ppNewPath) { |
| return E_POINTER; |
| } |
| |
| DMUSIC_CreateDirectMusicAudioPathImpl (&IID_IDirectMusicAudioPath, (LPVOID*)&pPath, NULL); |
| default_path = (IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl*)((char*)(pPath) - offsetof(IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl,AudioPathVtbl)); |
| default_path->pPerf = (IDirectMusicPerformance8*) This; |
| |
| /* Secondary buffer description */ |
| memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); |
| format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; |
| format.nChannels = 1; |
| format.nSamplesPerSec = 44000; |
| format.nAvgBytesPerSec = 44000*2; |
| format.nBlockAlign = 2; |
| format.wBitsPerSample = 16; |
| format.cbSize = 0; |
| |
| memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); |
| desc.dwSize = sizeof(desc); |
| desc.dwBufferBytes = DSBSIZE_MIN; |
| desc.dwReserved = 0; |
| desc.lpwfxFormat = &format; |
| desc.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL; |
| |
| switch(dwType) { |
| break; |
| desc.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; |
| break; |
| /* normally we havet to create 2 buffers (one for music other for reverb) |
| * in this case. See msdn |
| */ |
| desc.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; |
| format.nChannels = 2; |
| format.nBlockAlign *= 2; |
| format.nAvgBytesPerSec *=2; |
| break; |
| default: |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, default_path); |
| *ppNewPath = NULL; |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| } |
| |
| /* FIXME: Should we create one secondary buffer for each PChannel? */ |
| hr = IDirectSound8_CreateSoundBuffer ((LPDIRECTSOUND8) This->pDirectSound, &desc, &buffer, NULL); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, default_path); |
| *ppNewPath = NULL; |
| } |
| default_path->pDSBuffer = buffer; |
| |
| /* Update description for creating primary buffer */ |
| desc.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; |
| desc.dwBufferBytes = 0; |
| desc.lpwfxFormat = NULL; |
| |
| hr = IDirectSound8_CreateSoundBuffer ((LPDIRECTSOUND8) This->pDirectSound, &desc, &buffer, NULL); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(default_path->pDSBuffer); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, default_path); |
| *ppNewPath = NULL; |
| } |
| default_path->pPrimary = buffer; |
| |
| |
| TRACE(" returning IDirectMusicPerformance interface at %p.\n", *ppNewPath); |
| |
| return IDirectMusicAudioPath_Activate(*ppNewPath, fActivate); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetDefaultAudioPath (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicAudioPath* pAudioPath) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): semi-stub\n", This, pAudioPath); |
| if (NULL != This->pDefaultPath) { |
| IDirectMusicAudioPath_Release((LPDIRECTMUSICAUDIOPATH) This->pDefaultPath); |
| ((IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl*) This->pDefaultPath)->pPerf = NULL; |
| This->pDefaultPath = NULL; |
| } |
| This->pDefaultPath = pAudioPath; |
| if (NULL != This->pDefaultPath) { |
| IDirectMusicAudioPath_AddRef((LPDIRECTMUSICAUDIOPATH) This->pDefaultPath); |
| ((IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl*) This->pDefaultPath)->pPerf = (IDirectMusicPerformance8*) This; |
| } |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetDefaultAudioPath (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, IDirectMusicAudioPath** ppAudioPath) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %p): semi-stub (%p)\n", This, ppAudioPath, This->pDefaultPath); |
| |
| if (NULL != This->pDefaultPath) { |
| *ppAudioPath = (LPDIRECTMUSICAUDIOPATH) This->pDefaultPath; |
| IDirectMusicAudioPath_AddRef(*ppAudioPath); |
| } else { |
| *ppAudioPath = NULL; |
| } |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetParamEx (LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8 iface, REFGUID rguidType, DWORD dwTrackID, DWORD dwGroupBits, DWORD dwIndex, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext, void* pParam) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *This = (IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *)iface; |
| |
| FIXME("(%p, %s, %d, %d, %d, %ld, %p, %p): stub\n", This, debugstr_dmguid(rguidType), dwTrackID, dwGroupBits, dwIndex, mtTime, pmtNext, pParam); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static const IDirectMusicPerformance8Vtbl DirectMusicPerformance8_Vtbl = { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_QueryInterface, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AddRef, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Release, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Init, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_PlaySegment, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Stop, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetSegmentState, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetPrepareTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetPrepareTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetBumperLength, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetBumperLength, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SendPMsg, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_MusicToReferenceTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_ReferenceToMusicTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_IsPlaying, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AllocPMsg, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_FreePMsg, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetGraph, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetGraph, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetNotificationHandle, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetNotificationPMsg, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AddNotificationType, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_RemoveNotificationType, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AddPort, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_RemovePort, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AssignPChannelBlock, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AssignPChannel, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_PChannelInfo, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_DownloadInstrument, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_Invalidate, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetParam, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetParam, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetGlobalParam, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetGlobalParam, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetLatencyTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetQueueTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_AdjustTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_CloseDown, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetResolvedTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_MIDIToMusic, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_MusicToMIDI, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_TimeToRhythm, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_RhythmToTime, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_InitAudio, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_PlaySegmentEx, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_StopEx, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_ClonePMsg, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_CreateAudioPath, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_CreateStandardAudioPath, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_SetDefaultAudioPath, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetDefaultAudioPath, |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_GetParamEx |
| }; |
| |
| /* for ClassFactory */ |
| HRESULT WINAPI DMUSIC_CreateDirectMusicPerformanceImpl (LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPVOID *ppobj, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter) { |
| IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl *obj; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n", lpcGUID, ppobj, pUnkOuter); |
| |
| obj = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl)); |
| if (NULL == obj) { |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| } |
| obj->lpVtbl = &DirectMusicPerformance8_Vtbl; |
| obj->ref = 0; /* will be inited by QueryInterface */ |
| obj->pDirectMusic = NULL; |
| obj->pDirectSound = NULL; |
| obj->pDefaultPath = NULL; |
| InitializeCriticalSection(&obj->safe); |
| obj->safe.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl*->safe"); |
| |
| /** |
| * @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/directx9_c/directx/htm/latencyandbumpertime.asp |
| */ |
| obj->rtLatencyTime = 100; /* 100ms TO FIX */ |
| obj->dwBumperLength = 50; /* 50ms default */ |
| obj->dwPrepareTime = 1000; /* 1000ms default */ |
| return IDirectMusicPerformance8Impl_QueryInterface ((LPDIRECTMUSICPERFORMANCE8)obj, lpcGUID, ppobj); |
| } |