Avoid an undefined behavior of memcpy() in _tr_stored_block().

Allegedly the behavior of memcpy() is undefined if the source
pointer is NULL, even if the number of bytes to copy is zero.
diff --git a/trees.c b/trees.c
index 50cf4b4..1321548 100644
--- a/trees.c
+++ b/trees.c
@@ -870,7 +870,8 @@
     bi_windup(s);        /* align on byte boundary */
     put_short(s, (ush)stored_len);
     put_short(s, (ush)~stored_len);
-    zmemcpy(s->pending_buf + s->pending, (Bytef *)buf, stored_len);
+    if (stored_len)
+        zmemcpy(s->pending_buf + s->pending, (Bytef *)buf, stored_len);
     s->pending += stored_len;
 #ifdef ZLIB_DEBUG
     s->compressed_len = (s->compressed_len + 3 + 7) & (ulg)~7L;