blob: 110e1dbe822b5c2e14c465d94ab52ff792ff3c8f [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __WINE_PSDRV_H
#define __WINE_PSDRV_H
* PostScript driver definitions
* Copyright 1998 Huw D M Davies
#include "wingdi.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "pen.h"
#include "brush.h"
typedef struct {
float llx, lly, urx, ury;
typedef struct _tagAFMLIGS {
char *successor;
char *ligature;
struct _tagAFMLIGS *next;
typedef struct _tagAFMMETRICS {
int C; /* character */
float WX;
char *N; /* name */
AFMLIGS *L; /* Ligatures */
struct _tagAFMMETRICS *next;
typedef struct _tagAFM {
char *FontName;
char *FullName;
char *FamilyName;
char *EncodingScheme;
int Weight; /* FW_NORMAL etc. */
float ItalicAngle;
BOOL32 IsFixedPitch;
float UnderlinePosition;
float UnderlineThickness;
float CapHeight;
float XHeight;
float Ascender;
float Descender;
float FullAscender; /* Ascent of Aring character */
float CharWidths[256];
int NumofMetrics;
} AFM; /* CharWidths is a shortcut to the WX values of numbered glyphs */
/* Note no 'next' in AFM. Use AFMLISTENTRY as a container. This allow more than
one list to exist without having to reallocate the entire AFM structure. We
keep a global list of all afms (PSDRV_AFMFontList) plus a list of available
fonts for each DC (dc->physDev->Fonts) */
typedef struct _tagAFMLISTENTRY {
AFM *afm;
struct _tagAFMLISTENTRY *next;
typedef struct _tagFONTFAMILY {
char *FamilyName; /* family name */
AFMLISTENTRY *afmlist; /* list of afms for this family */
struct _tagFONTFAMILY *next; /* next family */
typedef struct _tagFONTNAME {
char *Name;
struct _tagFONTNAME *next;
typedef struct {
float llx, lly, urx, ury;
typedef struct {
float x, y;
typedef struct _tagPAGESIZE {
char *Name;
char *FullName;
char *InvocationString;
WORD WinPage; /*eg DMPAPER_A4. Doesn't really belong here */
struct _tagPAGESIZE *next;
typedef struct _tagOPTIONENTRY {
char *Name; /* eg "True" */
char *FullName; /* eg "Installed" */
char *InvocationString; /* Often NULL */
struct _tagOPTIONENTRY *next;
typedef struct _tagOPTION { /* Treat bool as a special case of pickone */
char *OptionName; /* eg "*Option1" */
char *FullName; /* eg "Envelope Feeder" */
char *DefaultOption; /* eg "False" */
struct _tagOPTION *next;
typedef struct _tagCONSTRAINT {
char *Feature1;
char *Value1;
char *Feature2;
char *Value2;
struct _tagCONSTRAINT *next;
typedef struct _tagINPUTSLOT {
char *Name;
char *FullName;
char *InvocationString;
WORD WinBin; /* eg DMBIN_LOWER */
struct _tagINPUTSLOT *next;
typedef struct {
char *NickName;
int LanguageLevel;
BOOL32 ColorDevice;
int DefaultResolution;
signed int LandscapeOrientation;
char *JCLBegin;
char *JCLToPSInterpreter;
char *JCLEnd;
char *DefaultFont;
FONTNAME *InstalledFonts; /* ptr to a list of FontNames */
PAGESIZE *PageSizes;
OPTION *InstalledOptions;
CONSTRAINT *Constraints;
INPUTSLOT *InputSlots;
} PPD;
typedef struct {
DEVMODE16 dmPublic;
struct _tagdocprivate {
} dmDocPrivate;
struct _tagdrvprivate {
char ppdFileName[100]; /* Hack */
UINT32 numInstalledOptions; /* Options at end of struct */
} dmDrvPrivate;
/* Now comes:
numInstalledOptions of OPTIONs
typedef struct _tagPI {
char *FriendlyName;
PPD *ppd;
struct _tagPI *next;
typedef struct {
float r, g, b;
typedef struct {
float i;
/* def's for PSCOLOR.type */
#define PSCOLOR_GRAY 0
#define PSCOLOR_RGB 1
typedef struct {
int type;
union {
PSRGB rgb;
PSGRAY gray;
} value;
typedef struct {
AFM *afm;
INT32 size;
float scale;
INT32 escapement;
PSCOLOR color;
BOOL32 set; /* Have we done a setfont yet */
typedef struct {
PSCOLOR color;
BOOL32 set;
typedef struct {
INT32 width;
char *dash;
PSCOLOR color;
BOOL32 set;
typedef struct {
HANDLE16 hJob;
LPSTR output; /* Output file/port */
BOOL32 banding; /* Have we received a NEXTBAND */
BOOL32 NeedPageHeader; /* Page header not sent yet */
INT32 PageNo;
} JOB;
typedef struct {
PSFONT font; /* Current PS font */
PSPEN pen;
PSBRUSH brush;
PSCOLOR bkColor;
PSCOLOR inkColor; /* Last colour set */
JOB job;
extern HANDLE32 PSDRV_Heap;
extern char *PSDRV_ANSIVector[256];
extern void PSDRV_MergeDevmodes(PSDRV_DEVMODE16 *dm1, PSDRV_DEVMODE16 *dm2,
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_GetFontMetrics(void);
extern PPD *PSDRV_ParsePPD(char *fname);
extern PRINTERINFO *PSDRV_FindPrinterInfo(LPCSTR name);
extern AFM *PSDRV_FindAFMinList(FONTFAMILY *head, char *name);
extern void PSDRV_AddAFMtoList(FONTFAMILY **head, AFM *afm);
extern void PSDRV_FreeAFMList( FONTFAMILY *head );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Init(void);
extern HFONT16 PSDRV_FONT_SelectObject( DC *dc, HFONT16 hfont, FONTOBJ *font);
extern HPEN32 PSDRV_PEN_SelectObject( DC * dc, HPEN32 hpen, PENOBJ * pen );
extern HBRUSH32 PSDRV_BRUSH_SelectObject( DC * dc, HBRUSH32 hbrush,
BRUSHOBJ * brush );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Brush(DC *dc, BOOL32 EO);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_SetFont( DC *dc );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_SetPen( DC *dc );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_CmpColor(PSCOLOR *col1, PSCOLOR *col2);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_CopyColor(PSCOLOR *col1, PSCOLOR *col2);
extern void PSDRV_CreateColor( PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev, PSCOLOR *pscolor,
COLORREF wincolor );
extern INT32 PSDRV_WriteHeader( DC *dc, char *title, int len );
extern INT32 PSDRV_WriteFooter( DC *dc );
extern INT32 PSDRV_WriteNewPage( DC *dc );
extern INT32 PSDRV_WriteEndPage( DC *dc );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteMoveTo(DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteLineTo(DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteStroke(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteRectangle(DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 width,
INT32 height);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteSetFont(DC *dc, BOOL32 UseANSI);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteShow(DC *dc, char *str, INT32 count);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteReencodeFont(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteSetPen(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteArc(DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h,
double ang1, double ang2);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteSetColor(DC *dc, PSCOLOR *color);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteSetBrush(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteFill(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteEOFill(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteGSave(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteGRestore(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteClosePath(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteClip(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteEOClip(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteHatch(DC *dc);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_WriteRotate(DC *dc, float ang);
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Arc( DC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right,
INT32 bottom, INT32 xstart, INT32 ystart,
INT32 xend, INT32 yend );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Chord( DC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right,
INT32 bottom, INT32 xstart, INT32 ystart,
INT32 xend, INT32 yend );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Ellipse( DC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right,
INT32 bottom );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_EnumDeviceFonts( DC* dc, LPLOGFONT16 plf,
extern INT32 PSDRV_Escape( DC *dc, INT32 nEscape, INT32 cbInput,
SEGPTR lpInData, SEGPTR lpOutData );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_ExtTextOut( DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, UINT32 flags,
const RECT32 *lprect, LPCSTR str, UINT32 count,
const INT32 *lpDx );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_GetCharWidth( DC *dc, UINT32 firstChar, UINT32 lastChar,
LPINT32 buffer );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_GetTextExtentPoint( DC *dc, LPCSTR str, INT32 count,
LPSIZE32 size );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_GetTextMetrics( DC *dc, TEXTMETRIC32A *metrics );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_LineTo( DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_MoveToEx( DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, LPPOINT32 pt );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Pie( DC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right,
INT32 bottom, INT32 xstart, INT32 ystart,
INT32 xend, INT32 yend );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Polygon( DC *dc, const POINT32* pt, INT32 count );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Polyline( DC *dc, const POINT32* pt, INT32 count );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_PolyPolygon( DC *dc, const POINT32* pts, const INT32* counts,
UINT32 polygons );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_PolyPolyline( DC *dc, const POINT32* pts, const DWORD* counts,
DWORD polylines );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_Rectangle( DC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right,
INT32 bottom );
extern BOOL32 PSDRV_RoundRect(DC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right,
INT32 bottom, INT32 ell_width, INT32 ell_height);
extern HGDIOBJ32 PSDRV_SelectObject( DC *dc, HGDIOBJ32 handle );
extern COLORREF PSDRV_SetBkColor( DC *dc, COLORREF color );
extern COLORREF PSDRV_SetPixel( DC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, COLORREF color );
extern COLORREF PSDRV_SetTextColor( DC *dc, COLORREF color );
extern INT32 PSDRV_StretchDIBits( DC *dc, INT32 xDst, INT32 yDst,
INT32 widthDst, INT32 heightDst, INT32 xSrc,
INT32 ySrc, INT32 widthSrc, INT32 heightSrc,
const void *bits, const BITMAPINFO *info,
UINT32 wUsage, DWORD dwRop );