Release 960811
Release 960811

Sun Aug 11 13:00:20 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [] [include/acconfig.h] [tools/build.c]
	Added check for underscore on external symbols.

	* [memory/selector.c] [memory/global.c]
	Fixed FreeSelector() to free only one selector.
	Added SELECTOR_FreeBlock() to free an array of selectors.

	* [objects/color.c]
	Fixed a bug in COLOR_ToLogical() that caused GetPixel() to fail on
	hi-color displays.

	* [tools/build.c] [if1632/crtdll.spec]
	Added 'extern' type, used for external variables or functions.

	* [windows/winpos.c]
	Allow de-activating a window in WINPOS_ChangeActiveWindow().

	* [windows/winproc.c]
	Added 32-to-16 translation for button messages.
	Fixed WINPROC_GetPtr() to avoid crashes on 32-bit procedures that
	happen to be valid SEGPTRs.

Sat Aug 10 18:22:25 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [windows/message.c]
	Removed a FIXME in MSG_PeekHardwareMsg(): produces correct 
	data for the JOURNALRECORD-hook (using EVENTMSG16 structure).

	* [if1632/gdi.spec] [include/windows.h] [objects/metafile.c]
	Introduced undocumented API function IsValidMetaFile(), plus a
 	minor fix in last patch of CopyMetaFile().

	* [objects/gdiobj.c]
	Removed a FIXME in IsGDIObject(): added magic word check.

Sun Aug 10 18:10:10 1996  Bruce Milner <>

	* [controls/statuswin.c]
	First pass at implementing the StatusWindow class.

	* [include/commctrl.h]
	Header file for common controls.

	* [controls/widgets.c]
	Added InitCommonControls().

	* [if1632/comctl32.spec]
	Add DrawStatusTextA, CreateStatusWindowA, InitCommonControls.

	* [win32/findfile.c] [if1632/kernel32.spec]
	Add FindNextFile32A, FindClose.
	Modified FindFirstFile32A so it works with FindNextFile32A.

	* [include/winbase.h]
	Fixed WIN32_FIND_DATA structure member names.

Sat Aug 10 09:00:00 1996  Alex Korobka <>

	* [windows/scroll.c]
	Changed scrolling routines to benefit from DCE code update.

Thu Aug  8 18:05:09 1996  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [files/file.c]
	SearchPath* could get NULL for lastpart argument.

	* [if1632/build-spec.txt] [documentation/debugging]
	Varargs documentation added, debugging hints updated.

	* [if1632/crtdll.spec][misc/crtdll.c][misc/]
	Started to implement CRTDLL.

	* [if1632/wsock32.spec]
	Some thunks to standard libc functions (structures have the same
 	elements, but perhaps wrong offset due to packing).

	* [include/kernel32.h][include/windows.h][win32/*.c][loader/main.c]
	Merged kernel32.h into windows.h.

	* [misc/lstr.c]
	Enhanced FormatMessage().

	* [misc/main.c] [if1632/kernel.spec] [include/windows.h]
	GetVersion() updated to new naming standard.
	Changed language handling to support language ids.

	* [misc/shell.c]
	Enhanced FindExecutable, so it finds files in the search path too.

	* [win32/environment.c]
	GetCommandLine* updated.

	* [loader/resource.c] [loader/pe_resource.c]
	FindResourceEx32* added.
	Loading of messagetables added.
	Language handling now uses Wine default language id.
112 files changed