blob: 4b4b7cbea6b99fe0485065f1905a62f6aea1008c [file] [log] [blame]
* Win32 kernel functions
* Copyright 1995 Martin von Loewis and Cameron Heide
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#include "handle32.h"
#include "except.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "stddebug.h"
#define DEBUG_WIN32
#include "debug.h"
/* The global error value
int WIN32_LastError;
/* Standard system handles for stdin, stdout, and stderr.
FILE_OBJECT *hstdin, *hstdout, *hstderr;
static int CreateStdHandles(void);
* CloseHandle (KERNEL32.23)
BOOL CloseHandle(KERNEL_OBJECT *handle)
int rc;
if(ValidateKernelObject(handle) != 0)
return 0;
return 0;
rc = CloseFileHandle((FILE_OBJECT *)handle);
dprintf_win32(stddeb, "CloseHandle: type %ld not implemented yet.\n",
return 0;
* GetModuleFileNameA (KERNEL32.235)
DWORD GetModuleFileNameA(HMODULE32 hModule, LPSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize)
strcpy(lpFilename, "c:\\dummy");
return 8;
* GetModuleHandle (KERNEL32.237)
HMODULE32 WIN32_GetModuleHandle(char *module)
HMODULE32 hModule;
dprintf_win32(stddeb, "GetModuleHandle: %s\n", module ? module : "NULL");
/* Freecell uses the result of GetModuleHandleA(0) as the hInstance in
all calls to e.g. CreateWindowEx. */
if (module == NULL) {
TDB *pTask = (TDB *)GlobalLock16( GetCurrentTask() );
hModule = pTask->hInstance;
} else
hModule = GetModuleHandle(module);
dprintf_win32(stddeb, "GetModuleHandle: returning %d\n", hModule );
return hModule;
* GetStartupInfoA (KERNEL32.273)
VOID GetStartupInfoA(LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo)
lpStartupInfo->cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
lpStartupInfo->lpReserved = NULL;
lpStartupInfo->lpDesktop = "Desktop";
lpStartupInfo->lpTitle = "Title";
lpStartupInfo->cbReserved2 = 0;
lpStartupInfo->lpReserved2 = NULL; /* must be NULL for VC runtime */
lpStartupInfo->hStdInput = (HANDLE)0;
lpStartupInfo->hStdOutput = (HANDLE)1;
lpStartupInfo->hStdError = (HANDLE)2;
/* Initialize whatever internal data structures we need.
* Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int KERN32_Init(void)
#ifndef WINELIB
/* Initialize exception handling */
/* Create the standard system handles
if(CreateStdHandles() != 0)
return 0;
return 1;
/* CreateStdHandles creates the standard input, output, and error handles.
* These handles aren't likely to be used since they're generally used for
* console output, but startup code still likes to mess with them. They're
* also useful for debugging since apps and runtime libraries might write
* errors to stderr.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
static int CreateStdHandles(void)
/* Create the standard input handle.
hstdin = (FILE_OBJECT *)CreateKernelObject(sizeof(FILE_OBJECT));
if(hstdin == NULL)
return 1;
hstdin->common.magic = KERNEL_OBJECT_FILE;
hstdin->fd = 0;
hstdin->type = FILE_TYPE_CHAR;
hstdin->misc_flags = 0;
/* Create the standard output handle
hstdout = (FILE_OBJECT *)CreateKernelObject(sizeof(FILE_OBJECT));
if(hstdout == NULL)
return 1;
hstdout->common.magic = KERNEL_OBJECT_FILE;
hstdout->fd = 1;
hstdout->type = FILE_TYPE_CHAR;
hstdout->misc_flags = 0;
/* Create the standard error handle
hstderr = (FILE_OBJECT *)CreateKernelObject(sizeof(FILE_OBJECT));
if(hstderr == NULL)
return 1;
hstderr->common.magic = KERNEL_OBJECT_FILE;
hstderr->fd = 2;
hstderr->type = FILE_TYPE_CHAR;
hstderr->misc_flags = 0;
return 0;