| /* |
| * this class implements a pure IStream object |
| * and can be used for many purposes |
| * |
| * the main reason for implementing this was |
| * a cleaner implementation of IShellLink which |
| * needs to be able to load lnk's from a IStream |
| * interface so it was obvious to capsule the file |
| * access in a IStream to. |
| * |
| * Copyright 1999 Juergen Schmied |
| * Copyright 2003 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
| */ |
| |
| #include <stdarg.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| |
| #include "windef.h" |
| #include "winbase.h" |
| #include "winerror.h" |
| #include "winuser.h" |
| #include "wingdi.h" |
| #include "shlobj.h" |
| #include "wine/debug.h" |
| #include "shell32_main.h" |
| |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnQueryInterface(IStream *iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj); |
| static ULONG WINAPI IStream_fnAddRef(IStream *iface); |
| static ULONG WINAPI IStream_fnRelease(IStream *iface); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnRead (IStream * iface, void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnWrite (IStream * iface, const void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbWritten); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnSeek (IStream * iface, LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnSetSize (IStream * iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnCopyTo (IStream * iface, IStream* pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbWritten); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnCommit (IStream * iface, DWORD grfCommitFlags); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnRevert (IStream * iface); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnLockRegion (IStream * iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnUnlockRegion (IStream * iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnStat (IStream * iface, STATSTG* pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnClone (IStream * iface, IStream** ppstm); |
| |
| static IStreamVtbl stvt = |
| { |
| IStream_fnQueryInterface, |
| IStream_fnAddRef, |
| IStream_fnRelease, |
| IStream_fnRead, |
| IStream_fnWrite, |
| IStream_fnSeek, |
| IStream_fnSetSize, |
| IStream_fnCopyTo, |
| IStream_fnCommit, |
| IStream_fnRevert, |
| IStream_fnLockRegion, |
| IStream_fnUnlockRegion, |
| IStream_fnStat, |
| IStream_fnClone |
| |
| }; |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { IStreamVtbl *lpvtst; |
| DWORD ref; |
| HANDLE handle; |
| } ISHFileStream; |
| |
| /************************************************************************** |
| * CreateStreamOnFile() |
| * |
| * similar to CreateStreamOnHGlobal |
| */ |
| HRESULT CreateStreamOnFile (LPCWSTR pszFilename, DWORD grfMode, IStream ** ppstm) |
| { |
| ISHFileStream* fstr; |
| HANDLE handle; |
| DWORD access = GENERIC_READ, creat; |
| |
| if( grfMode & STGM_TRANSACTED ) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| if( grfMode & STGM_WRITE ) |
| access |= GENERIC_WRITE; |
| if( grfMode & STGM_READWRITE ) |
| |
| if( grfMode & STGM_CREATE ) |
| creat = CREATE_ALWAYS; |
| else |
| creat = OPEN_EXISTING; |
| |
| TRACE("Opening %s\n", debugstr_w(pszFilename) ); |
| |
| handle = CreateFileW( pszFilename, access, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, creat, 0, NULL ); |
| if( handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| fstr = (ISHFileStream*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), |
| HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(ISHFileStream)); |
| if( !fstr ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| fstr->lpvtst=&stvt; |
| fstr->ref = 1; |
| fstr->handle = handle; |
| |
| (*ppstm) = (IStream*)fstr; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /************************************************************************** |
| * IStream_fnQueryInterface |
| */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnQueryInterface(IStream *iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(\n\tIID:\t%s,%p)\n",This,debugstr_guid(riid),ppvObj); |
| |
| *ppvObj = NULL; |
| |
| if(IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || |
| IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IStream)) |
| { |
| *ppvObj = This; |
| } |
| |
| if(*ppvObj) |
| { |
| IStream_AddRef((IStream*)*ppvObj); |
| TRACE("-- Interface: (%p)->(%p)\n",ppvObj,*ppvObj); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| TRACE("-- Interface: E_NOINTERFACE\n"); |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| |
| /************************************************************************** |
| * IStream_fnAddRef |
| */ |
| static ULONG WINAPI IStream_fnAddRef(IStream *iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(count=%lu)\n",This, This->ref); |
| |
| return ++(This->ref); |
| } |
| |
| /************************************************************************** |
| * IStream_fnRelease |
| */ |
| static ULONG WINAPI IStream_fnRelease(IStream *iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->()\n",This); |
| |
| if (!--(This->ref)) |
| { |
| TRACE(" destroying SHFileStream (%p)\n",This); |
| CloseHandle(This->handle); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,This); |
| } |
| return This->ref; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnRead (IStream * iface, void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%p,0x%08lx,%p)\n",This, pv, cb, pcbRead); |
| |
| if ( !pv ) |
| |
| if ( ! ReadFile( This->handle, pv, cb, pcbRead, NULL ) ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnWrite (IStream * iface, const void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbWritten) |
| { |
| DWORD dummy_count; |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| if( !pv ) |
| |
| /* WriteFile() doesn't allow to specify NULL as write count pointer */ |
| if (!pcbWritten) |
| pcbWritten = &dummy_count; |
| |
| if( ! WriteFile( This->handle, pv, cb, pcbWritten, NULL ) ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnSeek (IStream * iface, LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition) |
| { |
| DWORD pos, newposlo, newposhi; |
| |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| pos = dlibMove.QuadPart; /* FIXME: truncates */ |
| newposhi = 0; |
| newposlo = SetFilePointer( This->handle, pos, &newposhi, dwOrigin ); |
| if( newposlo == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| plibNewPosition->QuadPart = newposlo | ( (LONGLONG)newposhi<<32); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnSetSize (IStream * iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| if( ! SetFilePointer( This->handle, libNewSize.QuadPart, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| if( ! SetEndOfFile( This->handle ) ) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnCopyTo (IStream * iface, IStream* pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbWritten) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnCommit (IStream * iface, DWORD grfCommitFlags) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnRevert (IStream * iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnLockRegion (IStream * iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnUnlockRegion (IStream * iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnStat (IStream * iface, STATSTG* pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| static HRESULT WINAPI IStream_fnClone (IStream * iface, IStream** ppstm) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(ISHFileStream, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |