blob: 3da30f18e74fda02f3ff22b61e1e409f6eb2f63e [file] [log] [blame]
// ROIDSUPP - hyperoid support functions
// Version: 1.1 Copyright (C) 1991, Hutchins Software
// This software is licenced under the GNU General Public Licence
// Please read the associated legal documentation
// Author: Edward Hutchins
// Revisions:
// 11/01/91 added GNU General Public License - Ed.
#include "hyperoid.h"
// defines
// you may ask, "why did he embed all these string constants instead of
// using the resource file?". Good question. The answer is: I feel better
// knowing this stuff is part of the executable, and not part of the resource
// file (which can be changed by sneaky people). Or maybe I wuz lazy.
// If you don't like it, then YOU can change it!
#define NL "\x0d\x0a"
"The following keys control your ship:" NL NL \
" Left, Right Arrow .... spin left or right" NL \
" Down, Up Arrow ..... forward or reverse thrust" NL \
" Space Bar .............. fire!" NL \
" Tab ......................... shields" NL \
" S ............................. smartbomb" NL \
" Esc ......................... pause/boss key" NL NL \
"Note: You have 3 lives, unlimited fuel and firepower, 3 shields and 3 " \
"smartbombs. Your ship gets darker when you lose a life, but you keep on " \
"playing (unless you hit an asteroid). You get an extra life every 100,000 " \
"points. When you lose the game, you start over immediately and can finish " \
"off the current level (which should now be 0) before starting over at " \
"level 1 (There is no waiting around between games)."
#define HYPEROID_HELP2 \
"The HYPEROID.INI file can be created/modified to change default settings " \
"in Hyperoid. Here are some of the items you can set:" NL \
NL "[Hyperoid]" NL "Max=<0/1>" NL "{X,Y,W,H}=<n>" NL "Mono=<0/1>" NL \
"DrawDelay=<ms> ;microseconds/frame" NL \
NL "[Palette]" NL \
"{Black,DkGrey,Grey,White," NL \
" DkRed,Red,DkGreen,Green,DkBlue,Blue," NL \
" DkYellow,Yellow,DkCyan,Cyan," NL \
" DkMagenta,Magenta}=<r>,<g>,<b>" NL \
NL "[Keys]" NL \
"{Shield,Clockwise,CtrClockwise," NL \
" Thrust,RevThrust,Fire,Bomb}=<virtual keycode>" NL NL \
"Note: Virtual keycodes usually match the key's ASCII value."
// this is the part I especially want in the executable image
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " \
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " \
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) " \
"any later version. " \
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " \
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " \
"GNU General Public License for more details. " \
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " \
"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software " \
"Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. "
// imports
IMPORT CHAR szAppName[32] FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT HANDLE hAppInst FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT BOOL bBW FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT nDrawDelay FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkShld FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkClkw FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkCtrClkw FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkThrst FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkRvThrst FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkFire FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT INT vkBomb FROM( hyperoid.c );
IMPORT LONG lHighScore FROM( hyperoid.c );
// globals
// these parts map to "abcdefghijklm"
GLOBAL POINT LetterPart[] =
{83, 572}, {64, 512}, {45, 572}, {96, 362}, {32, 362},
{128, 256}, {0, 0}, {0, 256},
{160, 362}, {224, 362}, {173, 572}, {192, 512}, {211, 572}
// here's the vector font
GLOBAL NPSTR szNumberDesc[] =
"cakmck", // 0
"dbl", // 1
"abekm", // 2
"abegjlk", // 3
"mcfh", // 4
"cbfgjlk", // 5
"bdiljgi", // 6
"acgl", // 7
"bdjlieb", // 8
"ljebdge" // 9
GLOBAL NPSTR szLetterDesc[] =
"kdbemhf", // A
"kabegjlk", // B
"cbflm", // C
"kabejlk", // D
"cafgfkm", // E
"cafgfk", // F
"bdiljhg", // G
"kafhcm", // H
"bl", // I
"cjli", // J
"akcgm", // K
"akm", // L
"kagcm", // M
"kamc", // N
"bdiljeb", // O
"kabegf", // P
"mlidbejl", // Q
"kabegfgm", // R
"ebdjli", // S
"lbac", // T
"ailjc", // U
"alc", // V
"akgmc", // W
"amgkc", // X
"aglgc", // Y
"ackm" // Z
// locals
LOCAL CHAR szLicense[] = "LicenseRead";
LOCAL CHAR szDrawDelay[] = "DrawDelay";
LOCAL CHAR szMax[] = "Max";
LOCAL CHAR szX[] = "X";
LOCAL CHAR szY[] = "Y";
LOCAL CHAR szW[] = "W";
LOCAL CHAR szH[] = "H";
LOCAL CHAR szBW[] = "Mono";
LOCAL CHAR szPalette[] = "Palette";
LOCAL CHAR szKeys[] = "Keys";
LOCAL CHAR szShield[] = "Shield";
LOCAL CHAR szClockwise[] = "Clockwise";
LOCAL CHAR szCtrClockwise[] = "CtrClockwise";
LOCAL CHAR szThrust[] = "Thrust";
LOCAL CHAR szRevThrust[] = "RevThrust";
LOCAL CHAR szFire[] = "Fire";
LOCAL CHAR szBomb[] = "Bomb";
LOCAL CHAR szHi[] = "Hi";
LOCAL CHAR *szColorName[] =
"Black", "DkGrey", "Grey", "White",
"DkRed", "Red", "DkGreen", "Green", "DkBlue", "Blue",
"DkYellow", "Yellow", "DkCyan", "Cyan", "DkMagenta", "Magenta"
LOCAL DWORD dwColors[] =
RGB(0,0,0), RGB(128,128,128),
RGB(192,192,192), RGB(255,255,255),
RGB(128,0,0), RGB(255,0,0),
RGB(0,128,0), RGB(0,255,0),
RGB(0,0,128), RGB(0,0,255),
RGB(128,128,0), RGB(255,255,0),
RGB(0,128,128), RGB(0,255,255),
RGB(128,0,128), RGB(255,0,255),
// PrintLetters - create letter objects from a string
VOID FAR PASCAL PrintLetters( NPSTR npszText, POINT Pos, POINT Vel,
BYTE byColor, INT nSize )
INT nLen = strlen( npszText );
INT nCnt = nLen;
INT nSpace = nSize + nSize / 2;
INT nBase = (nLen - 1) * nSpace;
INT nBaseStart = Pos.x + nBase / 2;
while (nCnt--)
NPOBJ npLtr = CreateLetter( npszText[nCnt], nSize / 2 );
if (npLtr)
npLtr->Pos.x = nBaseStart;
npLtr->Pos.y = Pos.y;
npLtr->Vel = Vel;
npLtr->byColor = byColor;
nBaseStart -= nSpace;
// SpinLetters - spin letter objects away from center for effect
VOID FAR PASCAL SpinLetters( NPSTR npszText, POINT Pos, POINT Vel,
BYTE byColor, INT nSize )
INT nLen = strlen( npszText );
INT nCnt = nLen;
INT nSpace = nSize + nSize / 2;
INT nBase = (nLen - 1) * nSpace;
INT nBaseStart = Pos.x + nBase / 2;
while (nCnt--)
NPOBJ npLtr = CreateLetter( npszText[nCnt], nSize / 2 );
if (npLtr)
INT nSpin = (nCnt - nLen / 2) * 2;
npLtr->Pos.x = nBaseStart;
npLtr->Pos.y = Pos.y;
npLtr->Vel = Vel;
npLtr->Vel.x += nSpin * 16;
npLtr->nSpin = -nSpin;
npLtr->byColor = byColor;
nBaseStart -= nSpace;
// CreateHyperoidPalette - create a logical palette
HPALETTE FAR PASCAL CreateHyperoidPalette( VOID )
HPALETTE hPalette;
INT t;
// are we forced into using b&w?
if (GetDeviceCaps( hIC, NUMCOLORS ) < 8) bBW = TRUE;
DeleteDC( hIC );
if (GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szBW, FALSE, szIni )) bBW = TRUE;
npLogPalette->palVersion = 0x0300;
npLogPalette->palNumEntries = PALETTE_SIZE;
for (t = 0; t < PALETTE_SIZE; ++t)
DWORD dwColor = dwColors[t];
CHAR szBuff[32];
GetPrivateProfileString( szPalette, szColorName[t], "",
szBuff, sizeof(szBuff), szIni );
if (szBuff[0])
INT r, g, b;
NPSTR npBuff = szBuff;
r = g = b = 255;
while (*npBuff == ' ') ++npBuff;
r = atoi( npBuff );
while (*npBuff && *npBuff != ',') ++npBuff;
if (*npBuff == ',') g = atoi( ++npBuff );
while (*npBuff && *npBuff != ',') ++npBuff;
if (*npBuff == ',') b = atoi( ++npBuff );
dwColor = RGB( r, g, b );
if (bBW) dwColor = ((dwColor == RGB(0,0,0)) ? RGB(0,0,0) : RGB(255,255,255));
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peRed = GetRValue( dwColor );
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peGreen = GetGValue( dwColor );
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peBlue = GetBValue( dwColor );
npLogPalette->palPalEntry[t].peFlags = 0;
hPalette = CreatePalette( npLogPalette );
return( hPalette );
// CreateHyperoidClass - create the class of Hyperoid's window
BOOL FAR PASCAL CreateHyperoidClass( VOID )
// load the name from the resource file
LoadString( hAppInst, IDS_NAME, szAppName, sizeof(szAppName) ); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
Class.lpfnWndProc = HyperoidWndProc;
Class.cbClsExtra = 0;
Class.cbWndExtra = 0;
Class.hInstance = hAppInst;
Class.hIcon = NULL;
Class.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_CROSS );
Class.hbrBackground = HNULL;
Class.lpszMenuName = szAppName;
Class.lpszClassName = szAppName;
return( RegisterClass( &Class ) );
// SetHyperoidMenu - add Hyperoid's menu items to the system menu
VOID NEAR PASCAL SetHyperoidMenu( HWND hWnd, INT nFirstID, INT nLastID )
CHAR szMenuName[40];
HMENU hMenu;
hMenu = GetSystemMenu( hWnd, TRUE );
if (hMenu == HNULL) hMenu = GetSystemMenu( hWnd, FALSE );
if (hMenu == HNULL) return;
while (nFirstID <= nLastID)
LoadString( hAppInst, nFirstID, szMenuName, sizeof(szMenuName) );
ChangeMenu( hMenu, 0, szMenuName, nFirstID, MF_APPEND );
// CreateHyperoidWindow - open the Hyperoid window
HWND FAR PASCAL CreateHyperoidWindow( LPSTR lpszCmd, INT nCmdShow )
HWND hWnd;
INT x, y, w, h;
CHAR szBuff[32];
// get the highscore profile here for lack of a better place...
GetPrivateProfileString( szAppName, szHi, "0", szBuff, sizeof(szBuff), szIni );
lHighScore = atol( szBuff );
x = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szX, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
y = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szY, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
w = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szW, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
h = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szH, CW_USEDEFAULT, szIni );
if (GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szMax, FALSE, szIni ) &&
hWnd = CreateWindow( szAppName, szAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
x, y, w, h, HNULL, HNULL, hAppInst, NULL );
if (hWnd == HNULL) return( HNULL );
ShowWindow( hWnd, nCmdShow );
UpdateWindow( hWnd );
SetHyperoidMenu( hWnd, IDM_NEW, IDM_ABOUT );
// show the license...
if (!GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szLicense, FALSE, szIni ))
MessageBox( hWnd, HYPEROID_LICENSE, "Hyperoid License", HYPEROID_HELPSTYLE );
// ...and never show it again (unless they want to see it)
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szLicense, "1", szIni );
return( hWnd );
// SaveHyperoidWindowPos - write out the .ini information
VOID FAR PASCAL SaveHyperoidWindowPos( HWND hWnd )
RECT rect;
CHAR szBuff[32];
// save the highscore profile here for lack of a better place...
if (lHighScore)
wsprintf( szBuff, "%lu", lHighScore );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szHi, szBuff, szIni );
if (IsIconic( hWnd )) return;
if (IsZoomed( hWnd ))
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szMax, "1", szIni );
else WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szMax, NULL, szIni );
GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rect );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", rect.left );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szX, szBuff, szIni );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szY, szBuff, szIni );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", rect.right - rect.left );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szW, szBuff, szIni );
wsprintf( szBuff, "%d", rect.bottom - );
WritePrivateProfileString( szAppName, szH, szBuff, szIni );
// GetHyperoidIni - load the ini file information
nDrawDelay = GetPrivateProfileInt( szAppName, szDrawDelay, DRAW_DELAY, szIni );
vkShld = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szShield, VK_TAB, szIni );
vkClkw = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szClockwise, VK_LEFT, szIni );
vkCtrClkw = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szCtrClockwise, VK_RIGHT, szIni );
vkThrst = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szThrust, VK_DOWN, szIni );
vkRvThrst = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szRevThrust, VK_UP, szIni );
vkFire = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szFire, VK_SPACE, szIni );
vkBomb = GetPrivateProfileInt( szKeys, szBomb, 'S', szIni );
// HyperoidHelp - show help
VOID FAR PASCAL HyperoidHelp( HWND hWnd )
MessageBox( hWnd, HYPEROID_HELP, "Hyperoid help", HYPEROID_HELPSTYLE );
MessageBox( hWnd, HYPEROID_HELP2, "Hyperoid.ini help", HYPEROID_HELPSTYLE );
// HyperoidAboutDlg - the about box proc
BOOL FAR PASCAL EXPORT HyperoidAboutDlg( HWND hDlg, WORD mess,
WORD wParam, LONG lParam )
switch (mess)
if (lHighScore)
CHAR szBuff[40];
wsprintf( szBuff, "High Score: %7.7lu", lHighScore );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDD_A_HISCORE, szBuff );
switch (wParam)
case IDD_A_HELP:
HyperoidHelp( hDlg );
// fall through...
case IDOK:
EndDialog( hDlg, 0 );
return( FALSE );
case WM_CLOSE:
EndDialog( hDlg, FALSE );
return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
// AboutHyperoid - show the about box
VOID FAR PASCAL AboutHyperoid( HWND hWnd )
FARPROC lpprocAbout = MakeProcInstance( HyperoidAboutDlg, hAppInst );
DialogBox( hAppInst, INTRES( IDD_ABOUT ), hWnd, lpprocAbout );
FreeProcInstance( lpprocAbout );