blob: 2d059464e78a0179bbdf8cbaa847a0a50325cafe [file] [log] [blame]
* System I/O definitions.
* Derived from the mingw header written by Colin Peters.
* Modified for Wine use by Jon Griffiths and Francois Gouget.
* This file is in the public domain.
#ifndef __WINE_IO_H
#define __WINE_IO_H
#include "msvcrt/stdio.h" /* For FILENAME_MAX */
#include "msvcrt/sys/types.h" /* For time_t */
/* The following are also defined in dos.h */
#define _A_NORMAL 0x00000000
#define _A_RDONLY 0x00000001
#define _A_HIDDEN 0x00000002
#define _A_SYSTEM 0x00000004
#define _A_VOLID 0x00000008
#define _A_SUBDIR 0x00000010
#define _A_ARCH 0x00000020
typedef unsigned long _fsize_t;
struct _finddata_t
unsigned attrib;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_create;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_access;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_write;
_fsize_t size;
struct _finddatai64_t
unsigned attrib;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_create;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_access;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_write;
__int64 size;
struct _wfinddata_t {
unsigned attrib;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_create;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_access;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_write;
_fsize_t size;
struct _wfinddatai64_t {
unsigned attrib;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_create;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_access;
MSVCRT(time_t) time_write;
__int64 size;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int _access(const char*,int);
int _chmod(const char*,int);
int _chsize(int,long);
int _close(int);
int _commit(int);
int _creat(const char*,int);
int _dup(int);
int _dup2(int,int);
int _eof(int);
__int64 _filelengthi64(int);
long _filelength(int);
int _findclose(long);
long _findfirst(const char*,struct _finddata_t*);
long _findfirsti64(const char*, struct _finddatai64_t*);
int _findnext(long,struct _finddata_t*);
int _findnexti64(long, struct _finddatai64_t*);
long _get_osfhandle(int);
int _isatty(int);
int _locking(int,int,long);
long _lseek(int,long,int);
__int64 _lseeki64(int,__int64,int);
char* _mktemp(char*);
int _open(const char*,int,...);
int _open_osfhandle(long,int);
int _pipe(int*,unsigned int,int);
int _read(int,void*,unsigned int);
int _setmode(int,int);
int _sopen(const char*,int,int,...);
long _tell(int);
__int64 _telli64(int);
int _umask(int);
int _unlink(const char*);
int _write(int,const void*,unsigned int);
int MSVCRT(remove)(const char*);
int MSVCRT(rename)(const char*,const char*);
int _waccess(const WCHAR*,int);
int _wchmod(const WCHAR*,int);
int _wcreat(const WCHAR*,int);
long _wfindfirst(const WCHAR*,struct _wfinddata_t*);
long _wfindfirsti64(const WCHAR*, struct _wfinddatai64_t*);
int _wfindnext(long,struct _wfinddata_t*);
int _wfindnexti64(long, struct _wfinddatai64_t*);
WCHAR* _wmktemp(WCHAR*);
int _wopen(const WCHAR*,int,...);
int _wrename(const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*);
int _wsopen(const WCHAR*,int,int,...);
int _wunlink(const WCHAR*);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define access _access
#define chmod _chmod
#define chsize _chsize
#define close _close
#define creat _creat
#define dup _dup
#define dup2 _dup2
#define eof _eof
#define filelength _filelength
#define isatty _isatty
#define locking _locking
#define lseek _lseek
#define mktemp _mktemp
#define open _open
#define read _read
#define setmode _setmode
#define sopen _sopen
#define tell _tell
#define umask _umask
#define unlink _unlink
#define write _write
#endif /* USE_MSVCRT_PREFIX */
#endif /* __WINE_IO_H */