/* | |
* Output sequence map for rtf2text | |
* | |
* Field 1 is the standard character name. Field 2 is the output sequence | |
* to produce for that character. | |
* | |
* The output sequence is simply a string of characters. If it contains | |
* whitespace, it may be quoted. If it contains quotes, it may be quoted | |
* with a different quote character. | |
* | |
* characters in ASCII range (32-127 | |
*/ | |
char *text_map[] = { | |
"space" ," ", | |
"exclam" ,"!", | |
"quotedbl" ,"\"", | |
"numbersign" ,"#", | |
"dollar" ,"$", | |
"percent" ,"%", | |
"ampersand" ,"&", | |
"quoteright" ,"'", | |
"parenleft" ,"(", | |
"parenright" ,")", | |
"asterisk" ,"*", | |
"plus" ,"+", | |
"comma" ,",", | |
"hyphen" ,"-", | |
"period" ,".", | |
"slash" ,"/", | |
"zero" ,"0", | |
"one" ,"1", | |
"two" ,"2", | |
"three" ,"3", | |
"four" ,"4", | |
"five" ,"5", | |
"six" ,"6", | |
"seven" ,"7", | |
"eight" ,"8", | |
"nine" ,"9", | |
"colon" ,":", | |
"semicolon" ,";", | |
"less" ,"<", | |
"equal" ,"=", | |
"greater" ,">", | |
"question" ,"?", | |
"at" ,"@", | |
"A" ,"A", | |
"B" ,"B", | |
"C" ,"C", | |
"D" ,"D", | |
"E" ,"E", | |
"F" ,"F", | |
"G" ,"G", | |
"H" ,"H", | |
"I" ,"I", | |
"J" ,"J", | |
"K" ,"K", | |
"L" ,"L", | |
"M" ,"M", | |
"N" ,"N", | |
"O" ,"O", | |
"P" ,"P", | |
"Q" ,"Q", | |
"R" ,"R", | |
"S" ,"S", | |
"T" ,"T", | |
"U" ,"U", | |
"V" ,"V", | |
"W" ,"W", | |
"X" ,"X", | |
"Y" ,"Y", | |
"Z" ,"Z", | |
"bracketleft" ,"[", | |
"backslash" ,"\\", | |
"bracketright" ,"]", | |
"asciicircum" ,"^", | |
"underscore" ,"_", | |
"quoteleft" ,"`", | |
"a" ,"a", | |
"b" ,"b", | |
"c" ,"c", | |
"d" ,"d", | |
"e" ,"e", | |
"f" ,"f", | |
"g" ,"g", | |
"h" ,"h", | |
"i" ,"i", | |
"j" ,"j", | |
"k" ,"k", | |
"l" ,"l", | |
"m" ,"m", | |
"n" ,"n", | |
"o" ,"o", | |
"p" ,"p", | |
"q" ,"q", | |
"r" ,"r", | |
"s" ,"s", | |
"t" ,"t", | |
"u" ,"u", | |
"v" ,"v", | |
"w" ,"w", | |
"x" ,"x", | |
"y" ,"y", | |
"z" ,"z", | |
"braceleft" ,"{", | |
"bar" ,"|", | |
"braceright" ,"}", | |
"asciitilde" ,"~", | |
"AE" ,"AE", | |
"OE" ,"OE", | |
"acute" ,"'", | |
"ae" ,"ae", | |
"angleleft" ,"<", | |
"angleright" ,">", | |
"arrowboth" ,"<->", | |
"arrowdblboth" ,"<=>", | |
"arrowdblleft" ,"<=", | |
"arrowdblright" ,"=>", | |
"arrowleft" ,"<-", | |
"arrowright" ,"->", | |
"bullet" ,"o", | |
"cent" ,"cent", | |
"circumflex" ,"^", | |
"copyright" ,"(c)", | |
"copyrightsans" ,"(c)", | |
"degree" ,"deg.", | |
"divide" ,"/", | |
"dotlessi" ,"i", | |
"ellipsis" ,"...", | |
"emdash" ,"--", | |
"endash" ,"-", | |
"fi" ,"fi", | |
"fl" ,"fl", | |
"fraction" ,"/", | |
"germandbls" ,"ss", | |
"grave" ,"`", | |
"greaterequal" ,">=", | |
"guillemotleft" ,"<<", | |
"guillemotright" ,">>", | |
"guilsinglleft" ,"<", | |
"guilsinglright" ,">", | |
"lessequal" ,"<=", | |
"logicalnot" ,"~", | |
"mathasterisk" ,"*", | |
"mathequal" ,"=", | |
"mathminus" ,"-", | |
"mathnumbersign" ,"#", | |
"mathplus" ,"+", | |
"mathtilde" ,"~", | |
"minus" ,"-", | |
"mu" ,"u", | |
"multiply" ,"x", | |
"nobrkhyphen" ,"-", | |
"nobrkspace" ," ", | |
"notequal" ,"!=", | |
"oe" ,"oe", | |
"onehalf" ,"1/2", | |
"onequarter" ,"1/4", | |
"periodcentered" ,".", | |
"plusminus" ,"+/-", | |
"quotedblbase" ,",,", | |
"quotedblleft" ,"\"", | |
"quotedblright" ,"\"", | |
"quotesinglbase" ,",", | |
"registered" ,"reg.", | |
"registersans" ,"reg.", | |
"threequarters" ,"3/4", | |
"tilde" ,"~", | |
"trademark" ,"(TM)", | |
"trademarksans" ,"(TM)" | |
}; |