| name user |
| type win16 |
| heap 65520 |
| file user.exe |
| owner user32 |
| rsrc resources/version16.res |
| |
| 1 pascal16 MessageBox(word str str word) MessageBox16 |
| 2 stub OldExitWindows |
| 3 stub EnableOEMLayer |
| 4 stub DisableOEMLayer |
| 5 pascal16 InitApp(word) InitApp16 |
| 6 pascal16 PostQuitMessage(word) PostQuitMessage16 |
| 7 pascal16 ExitWindows(long word) ExitWindows16 |
| 10 pascal16 SetTimer(word word word segptr) SetTimer16 |
| 11 pascal16 SetSystemTimer(word word word segptr) SetSystemTimer16 # BEAR11 |
| 12 pascal16 KillTimer(word word) KillTimer16 |
| 13 pascal GetTickCount() GetTickCount |
| 14 pascal GetTimerResolution() GetTimerResolution16 |
| # GetCurrentTime is effectively identical to GetTickCount |
| 15 pascal GetCurrentTime() GetTickCount |
| 16 pascal16 ClipCursor(ptr) ClipCursor16 |
| 17 pascal16 GetCursorPos(ptr) GetCursorPos16 |
| 18 pascal16 SetCapture(word) SetCapture16 |
| 19 pascal16 ReleaseCapture() ReleaseCapture |
| 20 pascal16 SetDoubleClickTime(word) SetDoubleClickTime16 |
| 21 pascal16 GetDoubleClickTime() GetDoubleClickTime16 |
| 22 pascal16 SetFocus(word) SetFocus16 |
| 23 pascal16 GetFocus() GetFocus16 |
| 24 pascal16 RemoveProp(word ptr) RemoveProp16 |
| 25 pascal16 GetProp(word str) GetProp16 |
| 26 pascal16 SetProp(word str word) SetProp16 |
| 27 pascal16 EnumProps(word segptr) THUNK_EnumProps16 |
| 28 pascal16 ClientToScreen(word ptr) ClientToScreen16 |
| 29 pascal16 ScreenToClient(word ptr) ScreenToClient16 |
| 30 pascal16 WindowFromPoint(long) WindowFromPoint16 |
| 31 pascal16 IsIconic(word) IsIconic16 |
| 32 pascal16 GetWindowRect(word ptr) GetWindowRect16 |
| 33 pascal16 GetClientRect(word ptr) GetClientRect16 |
| 34 pascal16 EnableWindow(word word) EnableWindow16 |
| 35 pascal16 IsWindowEnabled(word) IsWindowEnabled16 |
| 36 pascal16 GetWindowText(word segptr word) GetWindowText16 |
| 37 pascal16 SetWindowText(word segstr) SetWindowText16 |
| 38 pascal16 GetWindowTextLength(word) GetWindowTextLength16 |
| 39 pascal16 BeginPaint(word ptr) BeginPaint16 |
| 40 pascal16 EndPaint(word ptr) EndPaint16 |
| 41 pascal16 CreateWindow(str str long s_word s_word s_word s_word |
| word word word segptr) CreateWindow16 |
| 42 pascal16 ShowWindow(word word) ShowWindow16 |
| 43 pascal16 CloseWindow(word) CloseWindow16 |
| 44 pascal16 OpenIcon(word) OpenIcon16 |
| 45 pascal16 BringWindowToTop(word) BringWindowToTop16 |
| 46 pascal16 GetParent(word) GetParent16 |
| 47 pascal16 IsWindow(word) IsWindow16 |
| 48 pascal16 IsChild(word word) IsChild16 |
| 49 pascal16 IsWindowVisible(word) IsWindowVisible16 |
| 50 pascal16 FindWindow(str str) FindWindow16 |
| 51 stub BEAR51 # IsTwoByteCharPrefix |
| 52 pascal16 AnyPopup() AnyPopup16 |
| 53 pascal16 DestroyWindow(word) DestroyWindow16 |
| 54 pascal16 EnumWindows(segptr long) EnumWindows16 |
| 55 pascal16 EnumChildWindows(word segptr long) EnumChildWindows16 |
| 56 pascal16 MoveWindow(word word word word word word) MoveWindow16 |
| 57 pascal16 RegisterClass(ptr) RegisterClass16 |
| 58 pascal16 GetClassName(word ptr word) GetClassName16 |
| 59 pascal16 SetActiveWindow(word) SetActiveWindow16 |
| 60 pascal16 GetActiveWindow() GetActiveWindow16 |
| 61 pascal16 ScrollWindow(word s_word s_word ptr ptr) ScrollWindow16 |
| 62 pascal16 SetScrollPos(word word s_word word) SetScrollPos16 |
| 63 pascal16 GetScrollPos(word word) GetScrollPos16 |
| 64 pascal16 SetScrollRange(word word s_word s_word word) SetScrollRange16 |
| 65 pascal16 GetScrollRange(word word ptr ptr) GetScrollRange16 |
| 66 pascal16 GetDC(word) GetDC16 |
| 67 pascal16 GetWindowDC(word) GetWindowDC16 |
| 68 pascal16 ReleaseDC(word word) ReleaseDC16 |
| 69 pascal16 SetCursor(word) SetCursor16 |
| 70 pascal16 SetCursorPos(word word) SetCursorPos16 |
| 71 pascal16 ShowCursor(word) ShowCursor16 |
| 72 pascal16 SetRect(ptr s_word s_word s_word s_word) SetRect16 |
| 73 pascal16 SetRectEmpty(ptr) SetRectEmpty16 |
| 74 pascal16 CopyRect(ptr ptr) CopyRect16 |
| 75 pascal16 IsRectEmpty(ptr) IsRectEmpty16 |
| 76 pascal16 PtInRect(ptr long) PtInRect16 |
| 77 pascal16 OffsetRect(ptr s_word s_word) OffsetRect16 |
| 78 pascal16 InflateRect(ptr s_word s_word) InflateRect16 |
| 79 pascal16 IntersectRect(ptr ptr ptr) IntersectRect16 |
| 80 pascal16 UnionRect(ptr ptr ptr) UnionRect16 |
| 81 pascal16 FillRect(word ptr word) FillRect16 |
| 82 pascal16 InvertRect(word ptr) InvertRect16 |
| 83 pascal16 FrameRect(word ptr word) FrameRect16 |
| 84 pascal16 DrawIcon(word s_word s_word word) DrawIcon16 |
| 85 pascal16 DrawText(word str s_word ptr word) DrawText16 |
| 86 pascal IconSize() IconSize16 # later versions: BEAR86 |
| 87 pascal16 DialogBox(word str word segptr) DialogBox16 |
| 88 pascal16 EndDialog(word s_word) EndDialog16 |
| 89 pascal16 CreateDialog(word str word segptr) CreateDialog16 |
| 90 pascal16 IsDialogMessage(word segptr) IsDialogMessage16 |
| 91 pascal16 GetDlgItem(word word) GetDlgItem16 |
| 92 pascal16 SetDlgItemText(word word segstr) SetDlgItemText16 |
| 93 pascal16 GetDlgItemText(word word segptr word) GetDlgItemText16 |
| 94 pascal16 SetDlgItemInt(word word word word) SetDlgItemInt16 |
| 95 pascal16 GetDlgItemInt(word s_word ptr word) GetDlgItemInt16 |
| 96 pascal16 CheckRadioButton(word word word word) CheckRadioButton16 |
| 97 pascal16 CheckDlgButton(word word word) CheckDlgButton16 |
| 98 pascal16 IsDlgButtonChecked(word word) IsDlgButtonChecked16 |
| 99 pascal16 DlgDirSelect(word ptr word) DlgDirSelect16 |
| 100 pascal16 DlgDirList(word str word word word) DlgDirList16 |
| 101 pascal SendDlgItemMessage(word word word word long) SendDlgItemMessage16 |
| 102 pascal16 AdjustWindowRect(ptr long word) AdjustWindowRect16 |
| 103 pascal16 MapDialogRect(word ptr) MapDialogRect16 |
| 104 pascal16 MessageBeep(word) MessageBeep16 |
| 105 pascal16 FlashWindow(word word) FlashWindow16 |
| 106 pascal16 GetKeyState(word) GetKeyState16 |
| 107 pascal DefWindowProc(word word word long) DefWindowProc16 |
| 108 pascal16 GetMessage(ptr word word word) GetMessage16 |
| 109 pascal16 PeekMessage(ptr word word word word) PeekMessage16 |
| 110 pascal16 PostMessage(word word word long) PostMessage16 |
| 111 pascal SendMessage(word word word long) SendMessage16 |
| 112 pascal16 WaitMessage() WaitMessage |
| 113 pascal16 TranslateMessage(ptr) TranslateMessage16 |
| 114 pascal DispatchMessage(ptr) DispatchMessage16 |
| 115 pascal16 ReplyMessage(long) ReplyMessage16 |
| 116 pascal16 PostAppMessage(word word word long) PostAppMessage16 |
| 117 pascal16 WindowFromDC(word) WindowFromDC16 # not in W1.1, W2.0 |
| 118 pascal16 RegisterWindowMessage(str) RegisterWindowMessageA |
| 119 pascal GetMessagePos() GetMessagePos |
| 120 pascal GetMessageTime() GetMessageTime |
| 121 pascal SetWindowsHook(s_word segptr) SetWindowsHook16 |
| 122 pascal CallWindowProc(segptr word word word long) CallWindowProc16 |
| 123 pascal16 CallMsgFilter(segptr s_word) CallMsgFilter16 |
| 124 pascal16 UpdateWindow(word) UpdateWindow16 |
| 125 pascal16 InvalidateRect(word ptr word) InvalidateRect16 |
| 126 pascal16 InvalidateRgn(word word word) InvalidateRgn16 |
| 127 pascal16 ValidateRect(word ptr) ValidateRect16 |
| 128 pascal16 ValidateRgn(word word) ValidateRgn16 |
| 129 pascal16 GetClassWord(word s_word) GetClassWord16 |
| 130 pascal16 SetClassWord(word s_word word) SetClassWord16 |
| 131 pascal GetClassLong(word s_word) GetClassLong16 |
| 132 pascal SetClassLong(word s_word long) SetClassLong16 |
| 133 pascal16 GetWindowWord(word s_word) GetWindowWord16 |
| 134 pascal16 SetWindowWord(word s_word word) SetWindowWord16 |
| 135 pascal GetWindowLong(word s_word) GetWindowLong16 |
| 136 pascal SetWindowLong(word s_word long) SetWindowLong16 |
| 137 pascal16 OpenClipboard(word) OpenClipboard16 |
| 138 pascal16 CloseClipboard() CloseClipboard16 |
| 139 pascal16 EmptyClipboard() EmptyClipboard16 |
| 140 pascal16 GetClipboardOwner() GetClipboardOwner16 |
| 141 pascal16 SetClipboardData(word word) SetClipboardData16 |
| 142 pascal16 GetClipboardData(word) GetClipboardData16 |
| 143 pascal16 CountClipboardFormats() CountClipboardFormats16 |
| 144 pascal16 EnumClipboardFormats(word) EnumClipboardFormats16 |
| 145 pascal16 RegisterClipboardFormat(ptr) RegisterClipboardFormat16 |
| 146 pascal16 GetClipboardFormatName(word ptr s_word) GetClipboardFormatName16 |
| 147 pascal16 SetClipboardViewer(word) SetClipboardViewer16 |
| 148 pascal16 GetClipboardViewer() GetClipboardViewer16 |
| 149 pascal16 ChangeClipboardChain(word word) ChangeClipboardChain16 |
| 150 pascal16 LoadMenu(word str) LoadMenu16 |
| 151 pascal16 CreateMenu() CreateMenu16 |
| 152 pascal16 DestroyMenu(word) DestroyMenu16 |
| 153 pascal16 ChangeMenu(word word segstr word word) ChangeMenu16 |
| 154 pascal16 CheckMenuItem(word word word) CheckMenuItem16 |
| 155 pascal16 EnableMenuItem(word word word) EnableMenuItem16 |
| 156 pascal16 GetSystemMenu(word word) GetSystemMenu16 |
| 157 pascal16 GetMenu(word) GetMenu16 |
| 158 pascal16 SetMenu(word word) SetMenu16 |
| 159 pascal16 GetSubMenu(word word) GetSubMenu16 |
| 160 pascal16 DrawMenuBar(word) DrawMenuBar16 |
| 161 pascal16 GetMenuString(word word ptr s_word word) GetMenuString16 |
| 162 pascal16 HiliteMenuItem(word word word word) HiliteMenuItem16 |
| 163 pascal16 CreateCaret(word word word word) CreateCaret16 |
| 164 pascal16 DestroyCaret() DestroyCaret16 |
| 165 pascal16 SetCaretPos(word word) SetCaretPos16 |
| 166 pascal16 HideCaret(word) HideCaret16 |
| 167 pascal16 ShowCaret(word) ShowCaret16 |
| 168 pascal16 SetCaretBlinkTime(word) SetCaretBlinkTime16 |
| 169 pascal16 GetCaretBlinkTime() GetCaretBlinkTime16 |
| 170 pascal16 ArrangeIconicWindows(word) ArrangeIconicWindows16 # W1.1: CREATECONVERTWINDOW, W2.0: nothing ! |
| 171 pascal16 WinHelp(word str word long) WinHelp16 # W1.1: SHOWCONVERTWINDOW, W2.0: nothing ! |
| 172 pascal16 SwitchToThisWindow(word word) SwitchToThisWindow16 # W1.1: SETCONVERTWINDOWHEIGHT, W2.0: nothing ! |
| 173 pascal16 LoadCursor(word str) LoadCursor16 |
| 174 pascal16 LoadIcon(word str) LoadIcon16 |
| 175 pascal16 LoadBitmap(word str) LoadBitmap16 |
| 176 pascal16 LoadString(word word ptr s_word) LoadString16 |
| 177 pascal16 LoadAccelerators(word str) LoadAccelerators16 |
| 178 pascal16 TranslateAccelerator(word word ptr) TranslateAccelerator16 |
| 179 pascal16 GetSystemMetrics(s_word) GetSystemMetrics16 |
| 180 pascal GetSysColor(word) GetSysColor16 |
| 181 pascal16 SetSysColors(word ptr ptr) SetSysColors16 |
| 182 pascal16 KillSystemTimer(word word) KillSystemTimer16 # BEAR182 |
| 183 pascal16 GetCaretPos(ptr) GetCaretPos16 |
| 184 stub QuerySendMessage # W1.1, W2.0: SYSHASKANJI |
| 185 pascal16 GrayString(word word segptr segptr s_word s_word s_word s_word s_word) THUNK_GrayString16 |
| 186 pascal16 SwapMouseButton(word) SwapMouseButton16 |
| 187 pascal16 EndMenu() EndMenu |
| 188 pascal16 SetSysModalWindow(word) SetSysModalWindow16 |
| 189 pascal16 GetSysModalWindow() GetSysModalWindow16 |
| 190 pascal16 GetUpdateRect(word ptr word) GetUpdateRect16 |
| 191 pascal16 ChildWindowFromPoint(word long) ChildWindowFromPoint16 |
| 192 pascal16 InSendMessage() InSendMessage16 |
| 193 pascal16 IsClipboardFormatAvailable(word) IsClipboardFormatAvailable16 |
| 194 pascal16 DlgDirSelectComboBox(word ptr word) DlgDirSelectComboBox16 |
| 195 pascal16 DlgDirListComboBox(word ptr word word word) DlgDirListComboBox16 |
| 196 pascal TabbedTextOut(word s_word s_word ptr s_word s_word ptr s_word) |
| TabbedTextOut16 |
| 197 pascal GetTabbedTextExtent(word ptr word word ptr) GetTabbedTextExtent16 |
| 198 pascal16 CascadeChildWindows(word word) CascadeChildWindows16 |
| 199 pascal16 TileChildWindows(word word) TileChildWindows16 |
| 200 pascal16 OpenComm(str word word) OpenComm16 |
| 201 pascal16 SetCommState(ptr) SetCommState16 |
| 202 pascal16 GetCommState(word ptr) GetCommState16 |
| 203 pascal16 GetCommError(word ptr) GetCommError16 |
| 204 pascal16 ReadComm(word ptr word) ReadComm16 |
| 205 pascal16 WriteComm(word ptr word) WriteComm16 |
| 206 pascal16 TransmitCommChar(word word) TransmitCommChar16 |
| 207 pascal16 CloseComm(word) CloseComm16 |
| 208 pascal SetCommEventMask(word word) SetCommEventMask16 |
| 209 pascal16 GetCommEventMask(word word) GetCommEventMask16 |
| 210 pascal16 SetCommBreak(word) SetCommBreak16 |
| 211 pascal16 ClearCommBreak(word) ClearCommBreak16 |
| 212 pascal16 UngetCommChar(word word) UngetCommChar16 |
| 213 pascal16 BuildCommDCB(ptr ptr) BuildCommDCB16 |
| 214 pascal EscapeCommFunction(word word) EscapeCommFunction16 |
| 215 pascal16 FlushComm(word word) FlushComm16 |
| 216 pascal UserSeeUserDo(word word word word) UserSeeUserDo16 # W1.1, W2.0: MYOPENCOMM |
| #217-299 not in W1.1 |
| 217 pascal16 LookupMenuHandle(word s_word) LookupMenuHandle16 |
| 218 pascal16 DialogBoxIndirect(word word word segptr) DialogBoxIndirect16 |
| 219 pascal16 CreateDialogIndirect(word ptr word segptr) CreateDialogIndirect16 |
| 220 pascal16 LoadMenuIndirect(ptr) LoadMenuIndirect16 |
| 221 pascal16 ScrollDC(word s_word s_word ptr ptr word ptr) ScrollDC16 |
| 222 pascal16 GetKeyboardState(ptr) GetKeyboardState |
| 223 pascal16 SetKeyboardState(ptr) SetKeyboardState |
| 224 pascal16 GetWindowTask(word) GetWindowTask16 |
| 225 pascal16 EnumTaskWindows(word segptr long) THUNK_EnumTaskWindows16 |
| 226 stub LockInput # not in W2.0 |
| 227 pascal16 GetNextDlgGroupItem(word word word) GetNextDlgGroupItem16 |
| 228 pascal16 GetNextDlgTabItem(word word word) GetNextDlgTabItem16 |
| 229 pascal16 GetTopWindow(word) GetTopWindow16 |
| 230 pascal16 GetNextWindow(word word) GetNextWindow16 |
| 231 pascal16 GetSystemDebugState() GetSystemDebugState16 |
| 232 pascal16 SetWindowPos(word word word word word word word) SetWindowPos16 |
| 233 pascal16 SetParent(word word) SetParent16 |
| 234 pascal16 UnhookWindowsHook(s_word segptr) UnhookWindowsHook16 |
| 235 pascal DefHookProc(s_word word long ptr) DefHookProc16 |
| 236 pascal16 GetCapture() GetCapture16 |
| 237 pascal16 GetUpdateRgn(word word word) GetUpdateRgn16 |
| 238 pascal16 ExcludeUpdateRgn(word word) ExcludeUpdateRgn16 |
| 239 pascal16 DialogBoxParam(word str word segptr long) DialogBoxParam16 |
| 240 pascal16 DialogBoxIndirectParam(word word word segptr long) |
| DialogBoxIndirectParam16 |
| 241 pascal16 CreateDialogParam(word str word segptr long) CreateDialogParam16 |
| 242 pascal16 CreateDialogIndirectParam(word ptr word segptr long) |
| CreateDialogIndirectParam16 |
| 243 pascal GetDialogBaseUnits() GetDialogBaseUnits |
| 244 pascal16 EqualRect(ptr ptr) EqualRect16 |
| 245 pascal16 EnableCommNotification(s_word word s_word s_word) EnableCommNotification16 |
| 246 pascal16 ExitWindowsExec(str str) ExitWindowsExec16 |
| 247 pascal16 GetCursor() GetCursor16 |
| 248 pascal16 GetOpenClipboardWindow() GetOpenClipboardWindow16 |
| 249 pascal16 GetAsyncKeyState(word) GetAsyncKeyState16 |
| 250 pascal16 GetMenuState(word word word) GetMenuState16 |
| 251 pascal SendDriverMessage(word word long long) SendDriverMessage16 |
| 252 pascal16 OpenDriver(str str long) OpenDriver16 |
| 253 pascal CloseDriver(word long long) CloseDriver16 |
| 254 pascal16 GetDriverModuleHandle(word) GetDriverModuleHandle16 |
| 255 pascal DefDriverProc(long word word long long) DefDriverProc16 |
| 256 pascal16 GetDriverInfo(word ptr) GetDriverInfo16 |
| 257 pascal16 GetNextDriver(word long) GetNextDriver16 |
| 258 pascal16 MapWindowPoints(word word ptr word) MapWindowPoints16 |
| 259 pascal16 BeginDeferWindowPos(s_word) BeginDeferWindowPos16 |
| 260 pascal16 DeferWindowPos(word word word s_word s_word s_word s_word word) |
| DeferWindowPos16 |
| 261 pascal16 EndDeferWindowPos(word) EndDeferWindowPos16 |
| 262 pascal16 GetWindow(word word) GetWindow16 |
| 263 pascal16 GetMenuItemCount(word) GetMenuItemCount16 |
| 264 pascal16 GetMenuItemID(word word) GetMenuItemID16 |
| 265 pascal16 ShowOwnedPopups(word word) ShowOwnedPopups16 |
| 266 pascal16 SetMessageQueue(word) SetMessageQueue16 |
| 267 pascal16 ShowScrollBar(word word word) ShowScrollBar16 |
| 268 pascal16 GlobalAddAtom(str) GlobalAddAtomA |
| 269 pascal16 GlobalDeleteAtom(word) GlobalDeleteAtom |
| 270 pascal16 GlobalFindAtom(str) GlobalFindAtomA |
| 271 pascal16 GlobalGetAtomName(word ptr s_word) GlobalGetAtomNameA |
| 272 pascal16 IsZoomed(word) IsZoomed16 |
| 273 pascal16 ControlPanelInfo(word word str) ControlPanelInfo16 |
| 274 stub GetNextQueueWindow |
| 275 stub RepaintScreen |
| 276 stub LockMyTask |
| 277 pascal16 GetDlgCtrlID(word) GetDlgCtrlID16 |
| 278 pascal16 GetDesktopHwnd() GetDesktopHwnd16 |
| 279 pascal16 OldSetDeskPattern() SetDeskPattern |
| 280 pascal16 SetSystemMenu(word word) SetSystemMenu16 |
| 281 pascal16 GetSysColorBrush(word) GetSysColorBrush16 |
| 282 pascal16 SelectPalette(word word word) SelectPalette16 |
| 283 pascal16 RealizePalette(word) RealizePalette16 |
| 284 pascal16 GetFreeSystemResources(word) GetFreeSystemResources16 |
| 285 pascal16 SetDeskWallPaper(ptr) SetDeskWallPaper16 # BEAR285 |
| 286 pascal16 GetDesktopWindow() GetDesktopWindow16 |
| 287 pascal16 GetLastActivePopup(word) GetLastActivePopup16 |
| 288 pascal GetMessageExtraInfo() GetMessageExtraInfo |
| 289 register keybd_event() keybd_event16 |
| 290 pascal16 RedrawWindow(word ptr word word) RedrawWindow16 |
| 291 pascal SetWindowsHookEx(s_word segptr word word) SetWindowsHookEx16 |
| 292 pascal16 UnhookWindowsHookEx(segptr) UnhookWindowsHookEx16 |
| 293 pascal CallNextHookEx(segptr s_word word long) CallNextHookEx16 |
| 294 pascal16 LockWindowUpdate(word) LockWindowUpdate16 |
| 299 register mouse_event() mouse_event16 |
| 300 stub UnloadInstalledDrivers # W1.1: USER_FARFRAME |
| 302 stub STATICWNDPROC |
| 303 stub BUTTONWNDPROC |
| 304 stub SBWNDPROC |
| 306 stub MENUWNDPROC # BEAR306 |
| 308 pascal DefDlgProc(word word word long) DefDlgProc16 # W1.1, W2.0: DLGWNDPROC |
| 309 pascal16 GetClipCursor(ptr) GetClipCursor16 # W1.1, W2.0: MESSAGEBOXWNDPROC |
| #310 ContScroll |
| #311 CaretBlinkProc # W1.1 |
| #312 SendMessage2 |
| #313 PostMessage2 |
| 314 pascal16 SignalProc(word word word word word) USER_SignalProc |
| #315 XCStoDS |
| #316 CompUpdateRect |
| #317 CompUpdateRgn |
| #318 GetWC2 |
| 319 pascal16 ScrollWindowEx(word s_word s_word ptr ptr word ptr word) ScrollWindowEx16 # W1.1, W2.0: SETWC2 |
| 320 stub SysErrorBox # W1.1: ICONNAMEWNDPROC, W2.0: nothing ! |
| 321 pascal SetEventHook(segptr) SetEventHook16 # W1.1, W2.0: DESTROYTASKWINDOWS2 |
| 322 stub WinOldAppHackOMatic # W1.1, W2.0: POSTSYSERROR |
| 323 stub GetMessage2 |
| 324 pascal16 FillWindow(word word word word) FillWindow16 |
| 325 pascal16 PaintRect(word word word word ptr) PaintRect16 |
| 326 pascal16 GetControlBrush(word word word) GetControlBrush16 |
| #327 KillTimer2 |
| #328 SetTimer2 |
| #329 MenuItemState # W1.1 |
| #330 SetGetKbdState |
| 331 pascal16 EnableHardwareInput(word) EnableHardwareInput16 |
| 332 pascal16 UserYield() UserYield16 |
| 333 pascal16 IsUserIdle() IsUserIdle16 |
| 334 pascal GetQueueStatus(word) GetQueueStatus16 |
| 335 pascal16 GetInputState() GetInputState16 |
| 336 pascal16 LoadCursorIconHandler(word word word) LoadCursorIconHandler16 |
| 337 pascal GetMouseEventProc() GetMouseEventProc16 |
| 338 stub ECGETDS # W2.0 (only ?) |
| #340 WinFarFrame |
| 343 stub GetFilePortName |
| 345 stub BEAR345 |
| #354 TabTheTextOutForWimps |
| #355 BroadcastMessage |
| 356 pascal16 LoadDIBCursorHandler(word word word) LoadDIBCursorHandler16 |
| 357 pascal16 LoadDIBIconHandler(word word word) LoadDIBIconHandler16 |
| 358 pascal16 IsMenu(word) IsMenu16 |
| 359 pascal16 GetDCEx(word word long) GetDCEx16 |
| 362 pascal16 DCHook(word word long long) DCHook16 |
| 364 pascal16 LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(ptr word word word word) LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx16 |
| 368 pascal16 CopyIcon(word word) CopyIcon16 |
| 369 pascal16 CopyCursor(word word) CopyCursor16 |
| 370 pascal16 GetWindowPlacement(word ptr) GetWindowPlacement16 |
| 371 pascal16 SetWindowPlacement(word ptr) SetWindowPlacement16 |
| 372 stub GetInternalIconHeader |
| 373 pascal16 SubtractRect(ptr ptr ptr) SubtractRect16 |
| #374 DllEntryPoint |
| 375 stub DrawTextEx |
| 376 stub SetMessageExtraInfo |
| 378 stub SetPropEx |
| 379 stub GetPropEx |
| 380 stub RemovePropEx |
| 381 stub UsrMPR_ThunkData16 |
| 382 stub SetWindowContextHelpID |
| 383 stub GetWindowContextHelpID |
| 384 pascal16 SetMenuContextHelpId(word word) SetMenuContextHelpId16 |
| 385 pascal16 GetMenuContextHelpId(word) GetMenuContextHelpId16 |
| 389 pascal LoadImage(word str word word word word) LoadImage16 |
| 390 pascal16 CopyImage(word word word word word) CopyImage16 |
| 391 pascal16 SignalProc32(long long long word) UserSignalProc |
| 394 pascal16 DrawIconEx(word word word word word word word word word) DrawIconEx16 |
| 395 pascal16 GetIconInfo(word ptr) GetIconInfo16 |
| 397 pascal16 RegisterClassEx(ptr) RegisterClassEx16 |
| 398 pascal16 GetClassInfoEx(word segstr ptr) GetClassInfoEx16 |
| 399 pascal16 ChildWindowFromPointEx(word long word) ChildWindowFromPointEx16 |
| 400 pascal16 FinalUserInit() FinalUserInit16 |
| 402 pascal16 GetPriorityClipboardFormat(ptr s_word) GetPriorityClipboardFormat16 |
| 403 pascal16 UnregisterClass(str word) UnregisterClass16 |
| 404 pascal16 GetClassInfo(word segstr ptr) GetClassInfo16 |
| 406 pascal16 CreateCursor(word word word word word ptr ptr) CreateCursor16 |
| 407 pascal16 CreateIcon(word word word word word ptr ptr) CreateIcon16 |
| 408 pascal16 CreateCursorIconIndirect(word ptr ptr ptr) |
| CreateCursorIconIndirect16 |
| 409 pascal16 InitThreadInput(word word) InitThreadInput16 |
| 410 pascal16 InsertMenu(word word word word segptr) InsertMenu16 |
| 411 pascal16 AppendMenu(word word word segptr) AppendMenu16 |
| 412 pascal16 RemoveMenu(word word word) RemoveMenu16 |
| 413 pascal16 DeleteMenu(word word word) DeleteMenu16 |
| 414 pascal16 ModifyMenu(word word word word segptr) ModifyMenu16 |
| 415 pascal16 CreatePopupMenu() CreatePopupMenu16 |
| 416 pascal16 TrackPopupMenu(word word s_word s_word s_word word ptr) TrackPopupMenu16 |
| 417 pascal GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions() GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions |
| 418 pascal16 SetMenuItemBitmaps(word word word word word) SetMenuItemBitmaps16 |
| 420 pascal16 _wsprintf() wsprintf16 |
| 421 pascal16 wvsprintf(ptr str ptr) wvsprintf16 |
| 422 pascal16 DlgDirSelectEx(word ptr word word) DlgDirSelectEx16 |
| 423 pascal16 DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx(word ptr word word) DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx16 |
| 427 pascal16 FindWindowEx(word word str str) FindWindowEx16 |
| 428 stub TileWindows |
| 429 stub CascadeWindows |
| 430 pascal16 lstrcmp(str str) lstrcmp16 |
| 431 pascal AnsiUpper(segstr) AnsiUpper16 |
| 432 pascal AnsiLower(segstr) AnsiLower16 |
| 433 pascal16 IsCharAlpha(word) IsCharAlphaA |
| 434 pascal16 IsCharAlphaNumeric(word) IsCharAlphaNumericA |
| 435 pascal16 IsCharUpper(word) IsCharUpperA |
| 436 pascal16 IsCharLower(word) IsCharLowerA |
| 437 pascal16 AnsiUpperBuff(str word) AnsiUpperBuff16 |
| 438 pascal16 AnsiLowerBuff(str word) AnsiLowerBuff16 |
| 441 pascal16 InsertMenuItem(word word word ptr) InsertMenuItem16 |
| 443 stub GetMenuItemInfo |
| 445 pascal DefFrameProc(word word word word long) DefFrameProc16 |
| 446 stub SetMenuItemInfo |
| 447 pascal DefMDIChildProc(word word word long) DefMDIChildProc16 |
| 448 pascal16 DrawAnimatedRects(word word ptr ptr) DrawAnimatedRects16 |
| 449 pascal16 DrawState(word word ptr long word s_word s_word s_word s_word word) DrawState16 |
| 450 pascal16 CreateIconFromResourceEx(ptr long word long word word word) CreateIconFromResourceEx16 |
| 451 pascal16 TranslateMDISysAccel(word ptr) TranslateMDISysAccel16 |
| 452 pascal16 CreateWindowEx(long str str long s_word s_word s_word s_word |
| word word word segptr) CreateWindowEx16 |
| 454 pascal16 AdjustWindowRectEx(ptr long word long) AdjustWindowRectEx16 |
| 455 pascal16 GetIconID(word long) GetIconID16 |
| 456 pascal16 LoadIconHandler(word word) LoadIconHandler16 |
| 457 pascal16 DestroyIcon(word) DestroyIcon16 |
| 458 pascal16 DestroyCursor(word) DestroyCursor16 |
| 459 pascal DumpIcon(segptr ptr ptr ptr) DumpIcon16 |
| 460 pascal16 GetInternalWindowPos(word ptr ptr) GetInternalWindowPos16 |
| 461 pascal16 SetInternalWindowPos(word word ptr ptr) SetInternalWindowPos16 |
| 462 pascal16 CalcChildScroll(word word) CalcChildScroll16 |
| 463 pascal16 ScrollChildren(word word word long) ScrollChildren16 |
| 464 pascal DragObject(word word word word word word) DragObject16 |
| 465 pascal16 DragDetect(word long) DragDetect16 |
| 466 pascal16 DrawFocusRect(word ptr) DrawFocusRect16 |
| 470 stub StringFunc |
| 471 pascal16 lstrcmpi(str str) lstrcmpiA |
| 472 pascal AnsiNext(segptr) AnsiNext16 |
| 473 pascal AnsiPrev(str segptr) AnsiPrev16 |
| 475 pascal16 SetScrollInfo(word s_word ptr word) SetScrollInfo16 |
| 476 pascal16 GetScrollInfo(word s_word ptr) GetScrollInfo16 |
| 477 pascal16 GetKeyboardLayoutName(ptr) GetKeyboardLayoutName16 |
| 478 stub LoadKeyboardLayout |
| 479 stub MenuItemFromPoint |
| 480 stub GetUserLocalObjType |
| 482 pascal16 EnableScrollBar(word word word) EnableScrollBar16 |
| 483 pascal16 SystemParametersInfo(word word ptr word) SystemParametersInfo16 |
| #484 __GP |
| # Stubs for Hebrew version |
| 489 pascal16 USER_489() stub_USER_489 |
| 490 pascal16 USER_490() stub_USER_490 |
| 492 pascal16 USER_492() stub_USER_492 |
| 496 pascal16 USER_496() stub_USER_496 |
| 498 stub BEAR498 |
| 499 pascal16 WNetErrorText(word ptr word) WNetErrorText16 |
| 500 stub FARCALLNETDRIVER # Undocumented Windows |
| 501 pascal16 WNetOpenJob(ptr ptr word ptr) WNetOpenJob16 |
| 502 pascal16 WNetCloseJob(word ptr ptr) WNetCloseJob16 |
| 503 pascal16 WNetAbortJob(ptr word) WNetAbortJob16 |
| 504 pascal16 WNetHoldJob(ptr word) WNetHoldJob16 |
| 505 pascal16 WNetReleaseJob(ptr word) WNetReleaseJob16 |
| 506 pascal16 WNetCancelJob(ptr word) WNetCancelJob16 |
| 507 pascal16 WNetSetJobCopies(ptr word word) WNetSetJobCopies16 |
| 508 pascal16 WNetWatchQueue(word ptr ptr word) WNetWatchQueue16 |
| 509 pascal16 WNetUnwatchQueue(str) WNetUnwatchQueue16 |
| 510 pascal16 WNetLockQueueData(ptr ptr ptr) WNetLockQueueData16 |
| 511 pascal16 WNetUnlockQueueData(ptr) WNetUnlockQueueData16 |
| 512 pascal16 WNetGetConnection(ptr ptr ptr) WNetGetConnection16 |
| 513 pascal16 WNetGetCaps(word) WNetGetCaps16 |
| 514 pascal16 WNetDeviceMode(word) WNetDeviceMode16 |
| 515 pascal16 WNetBrowseDialog(word word ptr) WNetBrowseDialog16 |
| 516 pascal16 WNetGetUser(ptr ptr ptr) WNetGetUser16 |
| 517 pascal16 WNetAddConnection(str str str) WNetAddConnection16 |
| 518 pascal16 WNetCancelConnection(str word) WNetCancelConnection16 |
| 519 pascal16 WNetGetError(ptr) WNetGetError16 |
| 520 pascal16 WNetGetErrorText(word ptr ptr) WNetGetErrorText16 |
| 521 stub WNetEnable |
| 522 stub WNetDisable |
| 523 pascal16 WNetRestoreConnection(word ptr) WNetRestoreConnection16 |
| 524 pascal16 WNetWriteJob(word ptr ptr) WNetWriteJob16 |
| 525 pascal16 WNetConnectDialog(word word) WNetConnectDialog |
| 526 pascal16 WNetDisconnectDialog(word word) WNetDisconnectDialog16 |
| 527 pascal16 WNetConnectionDialog(word word) WNetConnectionDialog16 |
| 528 pascal16 WNetViewQueueDialog(word ptr) WNetViewQueueDialog16 |
| 529 pascal16 WNetPropertyDialog(word word word str word) WNetPropertyDialog16 |
| 530 pascal16 WNetGetDirectoryType(ptr ptr) WNetGetDirectoryType16 |
| 531 pascal16 WNetDirectoryNotify(word ptr word) WNetDirectoryNotify16 |
| 532 pascal16 WNetGetPropertyText(word word str str word word) WNetGetPropertyText16 |
| 533 stub WNetInitialize |
| #533 stub NOTIFYWOW # ordinal conflict with WNetInitialize !! |
| 534 stub WNetLogon |
| #534 stub DEFDLGPROCTHUNK # ordinal conflict with WNetLogon !! |
| 537 stub MOUSEEVENT |
| 538 stub KEYBDEVENT |
| 600 pascal16 GetShellWindow() GetShellWindow16 |
| 601 stub DoHotkeyStuff |
| 602 stub SetCheckCursorTimer |
| 604 stub BroadcastSystemMessage |
| 605 stub HackTaskMonitor |
| 606 pascal16 FormatMessage(long segptr word word ptr word ptr) FormatMessage16 |
| 608 pascal16 GetForegroundWindow() GetForegroundWindow16 |
| 609 pascal16 SetForegroundWindow(word) SetForegroundWindow16 |
| 610 pascal16 DestroyIcon32(word word) CURSORICON_Destroy |
| 620 pascal ChangeDisplaySettings(ptr long) ChangeDisplaySettings16 |
| 621 pascal16 EnumDisplaySettings(str long ptr) EnumDisplaySettings16 |
| 640 pascal MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(long ptr long long long) MsgWaitForMultipleObjects16 |
| 650 stub ActivateKeyboardLayout |
| 651 stub GetKeyboardLayout |
| 652 stub GetKeyboardLayoutList |
| 654 stub UnloadKeyboardLayout |
| 655 stub PostPostedMessages |
| 656 pascal16 DrawFrameControl(word ptr word word) DrawFrameControl16 |
| 657 pascal16 DrawCaptionTemp(word word ptr word word ptr word) DrawCaptionTemp16 |
| 658 stub DispatchInput |
| 659 pascal16 DrawEdge(word ptr word word) DrawEdge16 |
| 660 pascal16 DrawCaption(word word ptr word) DrawCaption16 |
| 661 stub SetSysColorsTemp |
| 662 stub DrawMenubarTemp |
| 663 stub GetMenuDefaultItem |
| 664 stub SetMenuDefaultItem |
| 665 pascal16 GetMenuItemRect(word word word ptr) GetMenuItemRect16 |
| 666 pascal16 CheckMenuRadioItem(word word word word word) CheckMenuRadioItem16 |
| 667 stub TrackPopupMenuEx |
| 668 pascal16 SetWindowRgn(word word word) SetWindowRgn16 |
| 669 stub GetWindowRgn |
| 803 stub PRINTDLG_CALLBACK16 |
| 819 pascal16 PeekMessage32(ptr word word word word word) PeekMessage32_16 |
| 820 pascal GetMessage32(ptr word word word word) GetMessage32_16 |
| 821 pascal16 TranslateMessage32(ptr word) TranslateMessage32_16 |
| #821 stub IsDialogMessage32 # FIXME: two ordinal 821??? |
| 822 pascal DispatchMessage32(ptr word) DispatchMessage32_16 |
| 823 pascal16 CallMsgFilter32(segptr word word) CallMsgFilter32_16 |
| 825 stub PostMessage32 |
| 826 stub PostThreadMessage32 |
| 827 pascal16 MessageBoxIndirect(ptr) MessageBoxIndirect16 |
| 851 stub MsgThkConnectionDataLS |
| 855 stub Usr32ThkConnectionDataSL |
| 890 stub InstallIMT |
| 891 stub UninstallIMT |
| # API for Hebrew version |
| 902 pascal16 LoadSystemLanguageString(word word ptr word word) LoadSystemLanguageString16 |
| 905 pascal16 ChangeDialogTemplate() ChangeDialogTemplate16 |
| 906 pascal16 GetNumLanguages() GetNumLanguages16 |
| 907 pascal16 GetLanguageName(word word ptr word) GetLanguageName16 |
| 909 pascal16 SetWindowTextEx(word str word) SetWindowTextEx16 |
| 910 pascal16 BiDiMessageBoxEx() BiDiMessageBoxEx16 |
| 911 pascal16 SetDlgItemTextEx(word word str word) SetDlgItemTextEx16 |
| 912 pascal ChangeKeyboardLanguage(word word) ChangeKeyboardLanguage16 |
| 913 pascal16 GetCodePageSystemFont(word word) GetCodePageSystemFont16 |
| 914 pascal16 QueryCodePage(word word word long) QueryCodePage16 |
| 915 pascal GetAppCodePage(word) GetAppCodePage16 |
| 916 pascal16 CreateDialogIndirectParamML(word ptr word ptr long word word str word) CreateDialogIndirectParamML16 |
| 918 pascal16 DialogBoxIndirectParamML(word word word ptr long word word str word) DialogBoxIndirectParamML16 |
| 919 pascal16 LoadLanguageString(word word word ptr word) LoadLanguageString16 |
| 920 pascal SetAppCodePage(word word word word) SetAppCodePage16 |
| 922 pascal GetBaseCodePage() GetBaseCodePage16 |
| 923 pascal16 FindLanguageResource(word str str word) FindLanguageResource16 |
| 924 pascal ChangeKeyboardCodePage(word word) ChangeKeyboardCodePage16 |
| 930 pascal16 MessageBoxEx(word str str word word) MessageBoxEx16 |
| 1000 pascal16 SetProcessDefaultLayout(long) SetProcessDefaultLayout16 |
| 1001 pascal16 GetProcessDefaultLayout(ptr) GetProcessDefaultLayout16 |