blob: 6109eb8fbdc4f89b2a577ca7156ddec29737c3fe [file] [log] [blame]
/* Window-specific OpenGL functions implementation.
Copyright (c) 1999 Lionel Ulmer
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "debugtools.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "dc.h"
#include "windef.h"
#include "wine_gl.h"
#include "x11drv.h"
#include "wgl.h"
#include "opengl_ext.h"
HGLRC WINAPI wglCreateContext(HDC hdc) {
DC * dc = DC_GetDCPtr( hdc );
X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev;
XVisualInfo *vis;
GLXContext ret;
TRACE("(%08x)\n", hdc);
if (dc == NULL) {
ERR("Null DC !!!\n");
return NULL;
physDev = (X11DRV_PDEVICE *)dc->physDev;
/* First, get the visual for the choosen pixel format */
vis = physDev->visuals[physDev->current_pf - 1];
if (vis == NULL) {
ERR("NULL visual !!!\n");
/* Need to set errors here */
return NULL;
ret = glXCreateContext(display, vis, NULL, True);
return (HGLRC) ret;
HGLRC WINAPI wglCreateLayerContext(HDC hdc,
int iLayerPlane) {
FIXME("(%08x,%d): stub !\n", hdc, iLayerPlane);
return NULL;
BOOL WINAPI wglCopyContext(HGLRC hglrcSrc,
HGLRC hglrcDst,
UINT mask) {
FIXME("(%p,%p,%d)\n", hglrcSrc, hglrcDst, mask);
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI wglDeleteContext(HGLRC hglrc) {
FIXME("(%p): stub !\n", hglrc);
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI wglDescribeLayerPlane(HDC hdc,
int iPixelFormat,
int iLayerPlane,
UINT nBytes,
FIXME("(%08x,%d,%d,%d,%p)\n", hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nBytes, plpd);
return FALSE;
HGLRC WINAPI wglGetCurrentContext(void) {
GLXContext ret;
ret = glXGetCurrentContext();
TRACE(" returning %p\n", ret);
return ret;
HDC WINAPI wglGetCurrentDC(void) {
GLXContext ret;
ret = glXGetCurrentContext();
if (ret == NULL) {
TRACE("() no current context -> returning NULL\n");
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
int WINAPI wglGetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC hdc,
int iLayerPlane,
int iStart,
int cEntries,
const COLORREF *pcr) {
FIXME("(): stub !\n");
return 0;
static int compar(const void *elt_a, const void *elt_b) {
return strcmp(((OpenGL_extension *) elt_a)->name,
((OpenGL_extension *) elt_b)->name);
void* WINAPI wglGetProcAddress(LPCSTR lpszProc) {
void *local_func;
static HMODULE hm = 0;
TRACE("(%s)\n", lpszProc);
if (hm == 0)
hm = GetModuleHandleA("opengl32");
/* First, look if it's not already defined in the 'standard' OpenGL functions */
if ((local_func = GetProcAddress(hm, lpszProc)) != NULL) {
TRACE("Found function in 'standard' OpenGL functions (%p)\n", local_func);
return local_func;
/* After that, look at the extensions defined in the Linux OpenGL library */
if ((local_func = glXGetProcAddressARB(lpszProc)) == NULL) {
char buf[256];
void *ret = NULL;
/* Remove the 3 last letters (EXT, ARB, ...).
I know that some extensions have more than 3 letters (MESA, NV,
INTEL, ...), but this is only a stop-gap measure to fix buggy
OpenGL drivers (moreover, it is only useful for old 1.0 apps
that query the glBindTextureEXT extension).
strncpy(buf, lpszProc, strlen(lpszProc) - 3);
buf[strlen(lpszProc) - 3] = '\0';
TRACE("Extension not found in the Linux OpenGL library, checking against libGL bug with %s..\n", buf);
ret = GetProcAddress(hm, buf);
if (ret != NULL) {
TRACE("Found function in main OpenGL library (%p) !\n", ret);
return ret;
} else {
OpenGL_extension ext;
OpenGL_extension *ret; = (char *) lpszProc;
ret = (OpenGL_extension *) bsearch(&ext, extension_registry,
extension_registry_size, sizeof(OpenGL_extension), compar);
if (ret != NULL) {
TRACE("Returning function (%p)\n", ret->func);
*(ret->func_ptr) = local_func;
return ret->func;
} else {
ERR("Extension defined in the OpenGL library but NOT in opengl_ext.c... Please report ( !\n");
return NULL;
BOOL WINAPI wglMakeCurrent(HDC hdc,
HGLRC hglrc) {
DC * dc = DC_GetDCPtr( hdc );
X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev;
BOOL ret;
TRACE("(%08x,%p)\n", hdc, hglrc);
if (dc == NULL) {
ERR("Null DC !!!\n");
return FALSE;
physDev =(X11DRV_PDEVICE *)dc->physDev;
ret = glXMakeCurrent(display, physDev->drawable, (GLXContext) hglrc);
return ret;
BOOL WINAPI wglRealizeLayerPalette(HDC hdc,
int iLayerPlane,
BOOL bRealize) {
return FALSE;
int WINAPI wglSetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC hdc,
int iLayerPlane,
int iStart,
int cEntries,
const COLORREF *pcr) {
FIXME("(): stub !\n");
return 0;
BOOL WINAPI wglShareLists(HGLRC hglrc1,
HGLRC hglrc2) {
FIXME("(): stub !\n");
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI wglSwapLayerBuffers(HDC hdc,
UINT fuPlanes) {
FIXME("(): stub !\n");
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI wglUseFontBitmaps(HDC hdc,
DWORD first,
DWORD count,
DWORD listBase) {
FIXME("(): stub !\n");
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI wglUseFontOutlines(HDC hdc,
DWORD first,
DWORD count,
DWORD listBase,
FLOAT deviation,
FLOAT extrusion,
int format,
FIXME("(): stub !\n");
return FALSE;
/* This is for brain-dead applications that use OpenGL functions before even
creating a rendering context.... */
DECL_GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR(OpenGL_create_default_context) {
int num;
XVisualInfo template;
XVisualInfo *vis;
GLXContext cx;
template.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual(visual);
vis = XGetVisualInfo(display, VisualIDMask, &template, &num);
cx=glXCreateContext(display, vis, 0, GL_TRUE);
glXMakeCurrent(display, X11DRV_GetXRootWindow(), cx);