blob: de58d4f1429817c9322735638a2fbc0dd41bd087 [file] [log] [blame]
* Local heap declarations
* Copyright 1995 Alexandre Julliard
#ifndef __WINE_LOCAL_H
#define __WINE_LOCAL_H
#include "wintypes.h"
/* These function are equivalent to the Local* API functions, */
/* excepted that they need DS as the first parameter. This */
/* allows managing several heaps from the emulation library. */
extern HLOCAL LOCAL_Alloc( WORD ds, WORD flags, WORD size );
extern HLOCAL LOCAL_ReAlloc( WORD ds, HLOCAL handle, WORD size, WORD flags );
extern HLOCAL LOCAL_Free( WORD ds, HLOCAL handle );
extern HLOCAL LOCAL_Handle( WORD ds, WORD addr );
extern WORD LOCAL_Size( WORD ds, HLOCAL handle );
extern WORD LOCAL_Flags( WORD ds, HLOCAL handle );
extern WORD LOCAL_HeapSize( WORD ds );
extern WORD LOCAL_Lock( WORD ds, HLOCAL handle );
extern BOOL LOCAL_Unlock( WORD ds, HLOCAL handle );
#endif /* __WINE_LOCAL_H */