| /* |
| * Wine command prompt |
| * Slovenian Language Support |
| * |
| * Copyright (C) 2003 Rok Mandeljc <rok.mandeljc@gimb.org> |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
| */ |
| |
| |
| { |
| WCMD_ATTRIB, "Help about ATTRIB\n" |
| "CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands\n\ |
| from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to\n\ |
| the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the\n\ |
| called procedure.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a\n\ |
| called procedure are inherited by the caller.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_CD, "Help about CD\n" |
| WCMD_CHDIR, "Help about CHDIR\n" |
| |
| WCMD_CLS, "CLS clears the console screen\n" |
| |
| WCMD_COPY, "Help about COPY\n" |
| WCMD_CTTY, "Help about CTTY\n" |
| WCMD_DATE, "Help about DATE\n" |
| WCMD_DEL, "Help about DEL\n" |
| WCMD_DIR, "Help about DIR\n" |
| |
| "ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed\n\ |
| on the terminal device before they are executed.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by\n\ |
| default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by\n\ |
| preceding it with an @ sign.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_ERASE, "Help about ERASE\n" |
| |
| "The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| Syntax: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command\n\ |
| \n\ |
| The requirement to double the \% sign when using FOR in a batch file does\n\ |
| not exist in wcmd.\n" |
| |
| "The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a\n\ |
| batch file.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters\n\ |
| long but may not include spaces (this is different to other operating\n\ |
| systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the\n\ |
| first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a non-existent\n\ |
| label terminates the batch file execution.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| GOTO has no effect when used interactively.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_HELP, "Help about HELP\n" |
| |
| WCMD_IF, |
| "IF is used to conditionally execute a command.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command\n\ |
| IF [NOT] string1==string2 command\n\ |
| IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command\n\ |
| \n\ |
| In the second form of the command, string1 and string2 must be in double\n\ |
| quotes. The comparison is not case-sensitive.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_LABEL, "LABEL is used to set a disk volume label. \n\ |
| \n\ |
| Syntax: LABEL [drive:]\n\ |
| The command will prompt you for the new volume label for the given drive.\n\ |
| You can display the disk volume label with the VOL command.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_MD, "Help about MD\n" |
| WCMD_MKDIR, "Help about MKDIR\n" |
| "MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories\n\ |
| below the item are moved as well.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters.\n" |
| |
| "PATH displays or changes the wcmd search path.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially this is\n\ |
| the value given in your wine.conf file). To change the setting follow the\n\ |
| PATH command with the new value.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment\n\ |
| variable, for example:\n\ |
| PATH %PATH%;c:\\temp \n" |
| |
| "PAUSE displays a message on the screen 'Press Return key to continue'\n\ |
| and waits for the user to press the Return key. It is mainly useful in\n\ |
| batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command\n\ |
| before it scrolls off the screen.\n" |
| |
| "PROMPT sets the command-line prompt.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after)\n\ |
| appears at the beginning of the line when wcmd is waiting for input.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| The following character strings have the special meaning shown:\n\ |
| \n\ |
| $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|)\n\ |
| $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign\n\ |
| $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path\n\ |
| $q Equal sign $t Current time $v wcmd version\n\ |
| \n\ |
| Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the\n\ |
| prompt to the default, which is the current drive letter followed by its\n\ |
| current directory and a greater-than (>) sign.\n\ |
| (like a command PROMPT $p$g).\n\ |
| \n\ |
| The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable,\n\ |
| so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'\n" |
| |
| "A command line beginning REM (followed by a space) performs no\n\ |
| action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_REN, "Help about REN\n" |
| WCMD_RENAME, "Help about RENAME\n" |
| WCMD_RD, "Help about RD\n" |
| WCMD_RMDIR, "Help about RMDIR\n" |
| |
| "SET displays or changes the wcmd environment variables.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| SET without parameters shows all of the current environment.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is:\n\ |
| \n\ |
| SET <variable>=<value>\n\ |
| \n\ |
| where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no\n\ |
| spaces before the equals sign, nor can the variable name\n\ |
| have embedded spaces.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is\n\ |
| included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be\n\ |
| many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is\n\ |
| not possible to affect the operating system environment from within wcmd.\n" |
| |
| "SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of\n\ |
| the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect\n\ |
| if called from the command line.\n" |
| |
| WCMD_TIME, "Help about TIME\n" |
| |
| WCMD_TITLE, "Sets the window title for the wcmd window, syntax TITLE [string]\n" |
| |
| "TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere\n\ |
| if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text.\n" |
| |
| "VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are:\n\ |
| \n\ |
| VERIFY ON Set the flag\n\ |
| VERIFY OFF Clear the flag\n\ |
| VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate.\n\ |
| \n\ |
| The verify flag has no function in Wine.\n" |
| |
| "VER displays the version of wcmd you are running\n" |
| |
| WCMD_VOL, "Help about VOL\n" |
| |
| "EXIT terminates the current command session and returns\n\ |
| to the operating system or shell from which you invoked wcmd.\n" |
| |
| 1000, "WCMD built-in commands are:\n\ |
| ATTRIB\t\tShow or change DOS file attributes\n\ |
| CALL\t\tInvoke a batch file from inside another\n\ |
| CD (CHDIR)\tChange current default directory\n\ |
| CLS\t\tClear the console screen\n\ |
| COPY\t\tCopy file\n\ |
| CTTY\t\tChange input/output device\n\ |
| DATE\t\tShow or change the system date\n\ |
| DEL (ERASE)\tDelete a file or set of files\n\ |
| DIR\t\tList the contents of a directory\n\ |
| ECHO\t\tCopy text directly to the console output\n\ |
| HELP\t\tShow brief help details on a topic\n\ |
| MD (MKDIR)\tCreate a subdirectory\n\ |
| MOVE\t\tMove a file, set of files or directory tree\n\ |
| PATH\t\tSet or show the search path\n\ |
| PROMPT\t\tChange the command prompt\n\ |
| REN (RENAME)\tRename a file\n\ |
| RD (RMDIR)\tDelete a subdirectory\n\ |
| SET\t\tSet or show environment variables\n\ |
| TIME\t\tSet or show the current system time\n\ |
| TITLE\t\tSet the window title for the WCMD session\n\ |
| TYPE\t\tType the contents of a text file\n\ |
| VER\t\tShow the current version of WCMD\n\ |
| VOL\t\tShow the volume label of a disk device\n\ |
| EXIT\t\tClose down WCMD\n\n\ |
| Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands\n" |
| } |