| /*************************************************************************************** |
| * FileMonikers implementation |
| * |
| * Copyright 1999 Noomen Hamza |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
| ***************************************************************************************/ |
| |
| #include <assert.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #include "winbase.h" |
| #include "winerror.h" |
| #include "winnls.h" |
| #include "wine/unicode.h" |
| #include "wine/debug.h" |
| #include "objbase.h" |
| #include "wine/obj_storage.h" |
| #include "wine/obj_moniker.h" |
| #include "wine/obj_base.h" |
| |
| #include "compobj_private.h" |
| |
| |
| /* filemoniker data structure */ |
| typedef struct FileMonikerImpl{ |
| |
| ICOM_VTABLE(IMoniker)* lpvtbl1; /* VTable relative to the IMoniker interface.*/ |
| |
| /* The ROT (RunningObjectTable implementation) uses the IROTData interface to test whether |
| * two monikers are equal. That's whay IROTData interface is implemented by monikers. |
| */ |
| ICOM_VTABLE(IROTData)* lpvtbl2; /* VTable relative to the IROTData interface.*/ |
| |
| ULONG ref; /* reference counter for this object */ |
| |
| LPOLESTR filePathName; /* path string identified by this filemoniker */ |
| |
| } FileMonikerImpl; |
| |
| /********************************************************************************/ |
| /* FileMoniker prototype functions : */ |
| |
| /* IUnknown prototype functions */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_QueryInterface(IMoniker* iface,REFIID riid,void** ppvObject); |
| static ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_AddRef(IMoniker* iface); |
| static ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Release(IMoniker* iface); |
| |
| /* IPersist prototype functions */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetClassID(IMoniker* iface, CLSID *pClassID); |
| |
| /* IPersistStream prototype functions */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsDirty(IMoniker* iface); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Load(IMoniker* iface, IStream* pStm); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Save(IMoniker* iface, IStream* pStm, BOOL fClearDirty); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetSizeMax(IMoniker* iface, ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbSize); |
| |
| /* IMoniker prototype functions */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_BindToObject(IMoniker* iface,IBindCtx* pbc, IMoniker* pmkToLeft, REFIID riid, VOID** ppvResult); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_BindToStorage(IMoniker* iface,IBindCtx* pbc, IMoniker* pmkToLeft, REFIID riid, VOID** ppvResult); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Reduce(IMoniker* iface,IBindCtx* pbc, DWORD dwReduceHowFar,IMoniker** ppmkToLeft, IMoniker** ppmkReduced); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_ComposeWith(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmkRight,BOOL fOnlyIfNotGeneric, IMoniker** ppmkComposite); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Enum(IMoniker* iface,BOOL fForward, IEnumMoniker** ppenumMoniker); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsEqual(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmkOtherMoniker); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Hash(IMoniker* iface,DWORD* pdwHash); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsRunning(IMoniker* iface,IBindCtx* pbc, IMoniker* pmkToLeft, IMoniker* pmkNewlyRunning); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetTimeOfLastChange(IMoniker* iface, IBindCtx* pbc, IMoniker* pmkToLeft, FILETIME* pFileTime); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Inverse(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker** ppmk); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_CommonPrefixWith(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmkOther, IMoniker** ppmkPrefix); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_RelativePathTo(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmOther, IMoniker** ppmkRelPath); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetDisplayName(IMoniker* iface,IBindCtx* pbc, IMoniker* pmkToLeft, LPOLESTR *ppszDisplayName); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_ParseDisplayName(IMoniker* iface,IBindCtx* pbc, IMoniker* pmkToLeft, LPOLESTR pszDisplayName, ULONG* pchEaten, IMoniker** ppmkOut); |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsSystemMoniker(IMoniker* iface,DWORD* pwdMksys); |
| |
| /********************************************************************************/ |
| /* IROTData prototype functions */ |
| |
| /* IUnknown prototype functions */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_QueryInterface(IROTData* iface,REFIID riid,VOID** ppvObject); |
| static ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_AddRef(IROTData* iface); |
| static ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_Release(IROTData* iface); |
| |
| /* IROTData prototype function */ |
| static HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_GetComparaisonData(IROTData* iface,BYTE* pbData,ULONG cbMax,ULONG* pcbData); |
| |
| /* Local function used by filemoniker implementation */ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Construct(FileMonikerImpl* iface, LPCOLESTR lpszPathName); |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Destroy(FileMonikerImpl* iface); |
| int WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(LPCOLESTR str, LPOLESTR** tabStr); |
| |
| |
| /********************************************************************************/ |
| /* Virtual function table for the FileMonikerImpl class which include IPersist,*/ |
| /* IPersistStream and IMoniker functions. */ |
| static ICOM_VTABLE(IMoniker) VT_FileMonikerImpl = |
| { |
| FileMonikerImpl_QueryInterface, |
| FileMonikerImpl_AddRef, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Release, |
| FileMonikerImpl_GetClassID, |
| FileMonikerImpl_IsDirty, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Load, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Save, |
| FileMonikerImpl_GetSizeMax, |
| FileMonikerImpl_BindToObject, |
| FileMonikerImpl_BindToStorage, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Reduce, |
| FileMonikerImpl_ComposeWith, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Enum, |
| FileMonikerImpl_IsEqual, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Hash, |
| FileMonikerImpl_IsRunning, |
| FileMonikerImpl_GetTimeOfLastChange, |
| FileMonikerImpl_Inverse, |
| FileMonikerImpl_CommonPrefixWith, |
| FileMonikerImpl_RelativePathTo, |
| FileMonikerImpl_GetDisplayName, |
| FileMonikerImpl_ParseDisplayName, |
| FileMonikerImpl_IsSystemMoniker |
| }; |
| |
| /********************************************************************************/ |
| /* Virtual function table for the IROTData class. */ |
| static ICOM_VTABLE(IROTData) VT_ROTDataImpl = |
| { |
| FileMonikerROTDataImpl_QueryInterface, |
| FileMonikerROTDataImpl_AddRef, |
| FileMonikerROTDataImpl_Release, |
| FileMonikerROTDataImpl_GetComparaisonData |
| }; |
| |
| /******************************************************************************* |
| * FileMoniker_QueryInterface |
| *******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_QueryInterface(IMoniker* iface,REFIID riid,void** ppvObject) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n",This,riid,ppvObject); |
| |
| /* Perform a sanity check on the parameters.*/ |
| if ( (This==0) || (ppvObject==0) ) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| /* Initialize the return parameter */ |
| *ppvObject = 0; |
| |
| /* Compare the riid with the interface IDs implemented by this object.*/ |
| if (IsEqualIID(&IID_IUnknown, riid) || |
| IsEqualIID(&IID_IPersist, riid) || |
| IsEqualIID(&IID_IPersistStream,riid) || |
| IsEqualIID(&IID_IMoniker, riid) |
| ) |
| *ppvObject = iface; |
| |
| else if (IsEqualIID(&IID_IROTData, riid)) |
| *ppvObject = (IROTData*)&(This->lpvtbl2); |
| |
| /* Check that we obtained an interface.*/ |
| if ((*ppvObject)==0) |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| |
| /* Query Interface always increases the reference count by one when it is successful */ |
| FileMonikerImpl_AddRef(iface); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_AddRef |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_AddRef(IMoniker* iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",iface); |
| |
| return ++(This->ref); |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Release |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Release(IMoniker* iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",iface); |
| |
| This->ref--; |
| |
| /* destroy the object if there's no more reference on it */ |
| if (This->ref==0){ |
| |
| FileMonikerImpl_Destroy(This); |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| return This->ref; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_GetClassID |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetClassID(IMoniker* iface, |
| CLSID *pClassID)/* Pointer to CLSID of object */ |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p,%p),stub!\n",iface,pClassID); |
| |
| if (pClassID==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| *pClassID = CLSID_FileMoniker; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_IsDirty |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsDirty(IMoniker* iface) |
| { |
| /* Note that the OLE-provided implementations of the IPersistStream::IsDirty |
| method in the OLE-provided moniker interfaces always return S_FALSE because |
| their internal state never changes. */ |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",iface); |
| |
| return S_FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Load |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Load(IMoniker* iface,IStream* pStm) |
| { |
| HRESULT res; |
| CHAR* filePathA; |
| WCHAR* filePathW; |
| ULONG bread; |
| WORD wbuffer; |
| DWORD dwbuffer,length,i,doubleLenHex,doubleLenDec; |
| |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",iface,pStm); |
| |
| /* this function locates and reads from the stream the filePath string written by FileMonikerImpl_Save */ |
| |
| /* first WORD is non significative */ |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,&wbuffer,sizeof(WORD),&bread); |
| if (bread!=sizeof(WORD) || wbuffer!=0) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| /* read filePath string length (plus one) */ |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,&length,sizeof(DWORD),&bread); |
| if (bread != sizeof(DWORD)) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| /* read filePath string */ |
| filePathA=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,length); |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,filePathA,length,&bread); |
| if (bread != length) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| /* read the first constant */ |
| IStream_Read(pStm,&dwbuffer,sizeof(DWORD),&bread); |
| if (bread != sizeof(DWORD) || dwbuffer != 0xDEADFFFF) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| length--; |
| |
| for(i=0;i<10;i++){ |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,&wbuffer,sizeof(WORD),&bread); |
| if (bread!=sizeof(WORD) || wbuffer!=0) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| } |
| |
| if (length>8) |
| length=0; |
| |
| doubleLenHex=doubleLenDec=2*length; |
| if (length > 5) |
| doubleLenDec+=6; |
| |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,&dwbuffer,sizeof(DWORD),&bread); |
| if (bread!=sizeof(DWORD) || dwbuffer!=doubleLenDec) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| if (length==0) |
| return res; |
| |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,&dwbuffer,sizeof(DWORD),&bread); |
| if (bread!=sizeof(DWORD) || dwbuffer!=doubleLenHex) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,&wbuffer,sizeof(WORD),&bread); |
| if (bread!=sizeof(WORD) || wbuffer!=0x3) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| filePathW=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(length+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); |
| filePathW[length]=0; |
| res=IStream_Read(pStm,filePathW,doubleLenHex,&bread); |
| if (bread!=doubleLenHex) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| if (This->filePathName!=NULL) |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,This->filePathName); |
| |
| This->filePathName=filePathW; |
| |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,filePathA); |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Save |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Save(IMoniker* iface, |
| IStream* pStm,/* pointer to the stream where the object is to be saved */ |
| BOOL fClearDirty)/* Specifies whether to clear the dirty flag */ |
| { |
| /* this function saves data of this object. In the beginning I thougth |
| * that I have just to write the filePath string on Stream. But, when I |
| * tested this function whith windows programs samples, I noticed that it |
| * was not the case. So I analysed data written by this function on |
| * Windows and what this did function exactly ! But I have no idea about |
| * its logic ! |
| * I guessed data which must be written on stream is: |
| * 1) WORD constant:zero |
| * 2) length of the path string ("\0" included) |
| * 3) path string type A |
| * 4) DWORD constant : 0xDEADFFFF |
| * 5) ten WORD constant: zero |
| * 6) DWORD: double-length of the the path string type W ("\0" not |
| * included) |
| * 7) WORD constant: 0x3 |
| * 8) filePath unicode string. |
| * if the length(filePath) > 8 or length(filePath) == 8 stop at step 5) |
| */ |
| |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| HRESULT res; |
| LPOLESTR filePathW=This->filePathName; |
| CHAR* filePathA; |
| DWORD len; |
| |
| DWORD constant1 = 0xDEADFFFF; /* these constants are detected after analysing the data structure written by */ |
| WORD constant2 = 0x3; /* FileMoniker_Save function in a windows program system */ |
| |
| WORD zero=0; |
| DWORD doubleLenHex; |
| DWORD doubleLenDec; |
| int i=0; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%d)\n",iface,pStm,fClearDirty); |
| |
| if (pStm==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| /* write a DWORD set to 0 : constant */ |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&zero,sizeof(WORD),NULL); |
| |
| /* write length of filePath string ( "\0" included )*/ |
| len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, filePathW, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&len,sizeof(DWORD),NULL); |
| |
| /* write filePath string type A */ |
| filePathA=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,len); |
| WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, filePathW, -1, filePathA, len, NULL, NULL ); |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,filePathA,len,NULL); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,filePathA); |
| |
| /* write a DWORD set to 0xDEADFFFF: constant */ |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&constant1,sizeof(DWORD),NULL); |
| |
| len--; |
| /* write 10 times a DWORD set to 0 : constants */ |
| for(i=0;i<10;i++) |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&zero,sizeof(WORD),NULL); |
| |
| if (len>8) |
| len=0; |
| |
| doubleLenHex=doubleLenDec=2*len; |
| if (len > 5) |
| doubleLenDec+=6; |
| |
| /* write double-length of the path string ( "\0" included )*/ |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&doubleLenDec,sizeof(DWORD),NULL); |
| |
| if (len==0) |
| return res; |
| |
| /* write double-length (hexa representation) of the path string ( "\0" included ) */ |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&doubleLenHex,sizeof(DWORD),NULL); |
| |
| /* write a WORD set to 0x3: constant */ |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,&constant2,sizeof(WORD),NULL); |
| |
| /* write path unicode string */ |
| res=IStream_Write(pStm,filePathW,doubleLenHex,NULL); |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_GetSizeMax |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetSizeMax(IMoniker* iface, |
| ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbSize)/* Pointer to size of stream needed to save object */ |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| DWORD len=lstrlenW(This->filePathName); |
| DWORD sizeMAx; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",iface,pcbSize); |
| |
| if (pcbSize!=NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| /* for more details see FileMonikerImpl_Save coments */ |
| |
| sizeMAx = sizeof(WORD) + /* first WORD is 0 */ |
| sizeof(DWORD)+ /* length of filePath including "\0" in the end of the string */ |
| (len+1)+ /* filePath string */ |
| sizeof(DWORD)+ /* constant : 0xDEADFFFF */ |
| 10*sizeof(WORD)+ /* 10 zero WORD */ |
| sizeof(DWORD); /* size of the unicode filePath: "\0" not included */ |
| |
| if (len==0 || len > 8) |
| return S_OK; |
| |
| sizeMAx += sizeof(DWORD)+ /* size of the unicode filePath: "\0" not included */ |
| sizeof(WORD)+ /* constant : 0x3 */ |
| len*sizeof(WCHAR); /* unicde filePath string */ |
| |
| pcbSize->s.LowPart=sizeMAx; |
| pcbSize->s.HighPart=0; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Construct (local function) |
| *******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Construct(FileMonikerImpl* This, LPCOLESTR lpszPathName) |
| { |
| int nb=0,i; |
| int sizeStr=lstrlenW(lpszPathName); |
| LPOLESTR *tabStr=0; |
| WCHAR twoPoint[]={'.','.',0}; |
| WCHAR bkSlash[]={'\\',0}; |
| BYTE addBkSlash; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",This,lpszPathName); |
| |
| /* Initialize the virtual fgunction table. */ |
| This->lpvtbl1 = &VT_FileMonikerImpl; |
| This->lpvtbl2 = &VT_ROTDataImpl; |
| This->ref = 0; |
| |
| This->filePathName=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(WCHAR)*(sizeStr+1)); |
| |
| if (This->filePathName==NULL) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| strcpyW(This->filePathName,lpszPathName); |
| |
| nb=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(This->filePathName,&tabStr); |
| |
| if (nb > 0 ){ |
| |
| addBkSlash=1; |
| if (lstrcmpW(tabStr[0],twoPoint)!=0) |
| addBkSlash=0; |
| else |
| for(i=0;i<nb;i++){ |
| |
| if ( (lstrcmpW(tabStr[i],twoPoint)!=0) && (lstrcmpW(tabStr[i],bkSlash)!=0) ){ |
| addBkSlash=0; |
| break; |
| } |
| else |
| |
| if (lstrcmpW(tabStr[i],bkSlash)==0 && i<nb-1 && lstrcmpW(tabStr[i+1],bkSlash)==0){ |
| *tabStr[i]=0; |
| sizeStr--; |
| addBkSlash=0; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (lstrcmpW(tabStr[nb-1],bkSlash)==0) |
| addBkSlash=0; |
| |
| This->filePathName=HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,This->filePathName,(sizeStr+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); |
| |
| *This->filePathName=0; |
| |
| for(i=0;tabStr[i]!=NULL;i++) |
| strcatW(This->filePathName,tabStr[i]); |
| |
| if (addBkSlash) |
| strcatW(This->filePathName,bkSlash); |
| } |
| |
| for(i=0; tabStr[i]!=NULL;i++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(tabStr[i]); |
| CoTaskMemFree(tabStr); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Destroy (local function) |
| *******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Destroy(FileMonikerImpl* This) |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| if (This->filePathName!=NULL) |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,This->filePathName); |
| |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,This); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_BindToObject |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_BindToObject(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| IMoniker* pmkToLeft, |
| REFIID riid, |
| VOID** ppvResult) |
| { |
| CLSID clsID; |
| IUnknown* pObj=0; |
| IRunningObjectTable *prot=0; |
| IPersistFile *ppf=0; |
| IClassFactory *pcf=0; |
| IClassActivator *pca=0; |
| |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| *ppvResult=0; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,riid,ppvResult); |
| |
| if(pmkToLeft==NULL){ |
| |
| res=IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable(pbc,&prot); |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| /* if the requested class was loaded befor ! we dont need to reload it */ |
| res = IRunningObjectTable_GetObject(prot,iface,&pObj); |
| |
| if (res==S_FALSE){ |
| /* first activation of this class */ |
| res=GetClassFile(This->filePathName,&clsID); |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| res=CoCreateInstance(&clsID,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,&IID_IPersistFile,(void**)&ppf); |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| res=IPersistFile_Load(ppf,This->filePathName,STGM_READ); |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| pObj=(IUnknown*)ppf; |
| IUnknown_AddRef(pObj); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else{ |
| res=IMoniker_BindToObject(pmkToLeft,pbc,NULL,&IID_IClassFactory,(void**)&pcf); |
| |
| if (res==E_NOINTERFACE){ |
| |
| res=IMoniker_BindToObject(pmkToLeft,pbc,NULL,&IID_IClassActivator,(void**)&pca); |
| |
| if (res==E_NOINTERFACE) |
| } |
| if (pcf!=NULL){ |
| |
| IClassFactory_CreateInstance(pcf,NULL,&IID_IPersistFile,(void**)ppf); |
| |
| res=IPersistFile_Load(ppf,This->filePathName,STGM_READ); |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| pObj=(IUnknown*)ppf; |
| IUnknown_AddRef(pObj); |
| } |
| } |
| if (pca!=NULL){ |
| |
| FIXME("()\n"); |
| |
| /*res=GetClassFile(This->filePathName,&clsID); |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| res=IClassActivator_GetClassObject(pca,&clsID,CLSCTX_ALL,0,&IID_IPersistFile,(void**)&ppf); |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| pObj=(IUnknown*)ppf; |
| IUnknown_AddRef(pObj); |
| } |
| }*/ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (pObj!=NULL){ |
| /* get the requested interface from the loaded class */ |
| res= IUnknown_QueryInterface(pObj,riid,ppvResult); |
| |
| IBindCtx_RegisterObjectBound(pbc,(IUnknown*)*ppvResult); |
| |
| IUnknown_Release(pObj); |
| } |
| |
| if (prot!=NULL) |
| IRunningObjectTable_Release(prot); |
| |
| if (ppf!=NULL) |
| IPersistFile_Release(ppf); |
| |
| if (pca!=NULL) |
| IClassActivator_Release(pca); |
| |
| if (pcf!=NULL) |
| IClassFactory_Release(pcf); |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_BindToStorage |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_BindToStorage(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| IMoniker* pmkToLeft, |
| REFIID riid, |
| VOID** ppvObject) |
| { |
| LPOLESTR filePath=0; |
| IStorage *pstg=0; |
| HRESULT res; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,riid,ppvObject); |
| |
| if (pmkToLeft==NULL){ |
| |
| if (IsEqualIID(&IID_IStorage, riid)){ |
| |
| /* get the file name */ |
| FileMonikerImpl_GetDisplayName(iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,&filePath); |
| |
| /* verifie if the file contains a storage object */ |
| res=StgIsStorageFile(filePath); |
| |
| if(res==S_OK){ |
| |
| res=StgOpenStorage(filePath,NULL,STGM_READWRITE|STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE,NULL,0,&pstg); |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(res)){ |
| |
| *ppvObject=pstg; |
| |
| IStorage_AddRef(pstg); |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| } |
| CoTaskMemFree(filePath); |
| } |
| else |
| if ( (IsEqualIID(&IID_IStream, riid)) || (IsEqualIID(&IID_ILockBytes, riid)) ) |
| |
| return E_UNSPEC; |
| else |
| |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| else { |
| |
| FIXME("(%p,%p,%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,riid,ppvObject); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Reduce |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Reduce(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| DWORD dwReduceHowFar, |
| IMoniker** ppmkToLeft, |
| IMoniker** ppmkReduced) |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%ld,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,dwReduceHowFar,ppmkToLeft,ppmkReduced); |
| |
| if (ppmkReduced==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| FileMonikerImpl_AddRef(iface); |
| |
| *ppmkReduced=iface; |
| |
| return MK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF; |
| } |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_ComposeWith |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_ComposeWith(IMoniker* iface, |
| IMoniker* pmkRight, |
| BOOL fOnlyIfNotGeneric, |
| IMoniker** ppmkComposite) |
| { |
| HRESULT res; |
| LPOLESTR str1=0,str2=0,*strDec1=0,*strDec2=0,newStr=0; |
| WCHAR twoPoint[]={'.','.',0}; |
| WCHAR bkSlash[]={'\\',0}; |
| IBindCtx *bind=0; |
| int i=0,j=0,lastIdx1=0,lastIdx2=0; |
| DWORD mkSys; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%d,%p)\n",iface,pmkRight,fOnlyIfNotGeneric,ppmkComposite); |
| |
| if (ppmkComposite==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| if (pmkRight==NULL) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| *ppmkComposite=0; |
| |
| IMoniker_IsSystemMoniker(pmkRight,&mkSys); |
| |
| /* check if we have two filemonikers to compose or not */ |
| |
| CreateBindCtx(0,&bind); |
| |
| FileMonikerImpl_GetDisplayName(iface,bind,NULL,&str1); |
| IMoniker_GetDisplayName(pmkRight,bind,NULL,&str2); |
| |
| /* decompose pathnames of the two monikers : (to prepare the path merge operation ) */ |
| lastIdx1=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(str1,&strDec1)-1; |
| lastIdx2=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(str2,&strDec2)-1; |
| |
| if ((lastIdx1==-1 && lastIdx2>-1)||(lastIdx1==1 && lstrcmpW(strDec1[0],twoPoint)==0)) |
| return MK_E_SYNTAX; |
| |
| if(lstrcmpW(strDec1[lastIdx1],bkSlash)==0) |
| lastIdx1--; |
| |
| /* for etch "..\" in the left of str2 remove the right element from str1 */ |
| for(i=0; ( (lastIdx1>=0) && (strDec2[i]!=NULL) && (lstrcmpW(strDec2[i],twoPoint)==0) ) ;i+=2){ |
| |
| lastIdx1-=2; |
| } |
| |
| /* the length of the composed path string is raised by the sum of the two paths lengths */ |
| newStr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(WCHAR)*(lstrlenW(str1)+lstrlenW(str2)+1)); |
| |
| if (newStr==NULL) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| /* new path is the concatenation of the rest of str1 and str2 */ |
| for(*newStr=0,j=0;j<=lastIdx1;j++) |
| strcatW(newStr,strDec1[j]); |
| |
| if ((strDec2[i]==NULL && lastIdx1>-1 && lastIdx2>-1) || lstrcmpW(strDec2[i],bkSlash)!=0) |
| strcatW(newStr,bkSlash); |
| |
| for(j=i;j<=lastIdx2;j++) |
| strcatW(newStr,strDec2[j]); |
| |
| /* create a new moniker with the new string */ |
| res=CreateFileMoniker(newStr,ppmkComposite); |
| |
| /* free all strings space memory used by this function */ |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,newStr); |
| |
| for(i=0; strDec1[i]!=NULL;i++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(strDec1[i]); |
| for(i=0; strDec2[i]!=NULL;i++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(strDec2[i]); |
| CoTaskMemFree(strDec1); |
| CoTaskMemFree(strDec2); |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(str1); |
| CoTaskMemFree(str2); |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| else if(mkSys==MKSYS_ANTIMONIKER){ |
| |
| *ppmkComposite=NULL; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| else if (fOnlyIfNotGeneric){ |
| |
| *ppmkComposite=NULL; |
| return MK_E_NEEDGENERIC; |
| } |
| else |
| |
| return CreateGenericComposite(iface,pmkRight,ppmkComposite); |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Enum |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Enum(IMoniker* iface,BOOL fForward, IEnumMoniker** ppenumMoniker) |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p,%d,%p)\n",iface,fForward,ppenumMoniker); |
| |
| if (ppenumMoniker == NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| *ppenumMoniker = NULL; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_IsEqual |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsEqual(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmkOtherMoniker) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| CLSID clsid; |
| LPOLESTR filePath; |
| IBindCtx* bind; |
| HRESULT res; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",iface,pmkOtherMoniker); |
| |
| if (pmkOtherMoniker==NULL) |
| return S_FALSE; |
| |
| IMoniker_GetClassID(pmkOtherMoniker,&clsid); |
| |
| if (!IsEqualCLSID(&clsid,&CLSID_FileMoniker)) |
| return S_FALSE; |
| |
| res = CreateBindCtx(0,&bind); |
| if (FAILED(res)) return res; |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(IMoniker_GetDisplayName(pmkOtherMoniker,bind,NULL,&filePath))) { |
| int result = lstrcmpiW(filePath, This->filePathName); |
| CoTaskMemFree(filePath); |
| if ( result == 0 ) return S_OK; |
| } |
| return S_FALSE; |
| |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Hash |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Hash(IMoniker* iface,DWORD* pdwHash) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| int h = 0,i,skip,len; |
| int off = 0; |
| LPOLESTR val; |
| |
| if (pdwHash==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| val = This->filePathName; |
| len = lstrlenW(val); |
| |
| if (len < 16) { |
| for (i = len ; i > 0; i--) { |
| h = (h * 37) + val[off++]; |
| } |
| } else { |
| /* only sample some characters */ |
| skip = len / 8; |
| for (i = len ; i > 0; i -= skip, off += skip) { |
| h = (h * 39) + val[off]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| *pdwHash=h; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_IsRunning |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsRunning(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| IMoniker* pmkToLeft, |
| IMoniker* pmkNewlyRunning) |
| { |
| IRunningObjectTable* rot; |
| HRESULT res; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,pmkNewlyRunning); |
| |
| if ( (pmkNewlyRunning!=NULL) && (IMoniker_IsEqual(pmkNewlyRunning,iface)==S_OK) ) |
| return S_OK; |
| |
| if (pbc==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| res=IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable(pbc,&rot); |
| |
| if (FAILED(res)) |
| return res; |
| |
| res = IRunningObjectTable_IsRunning(rot,iface); |
| |
| IRunningObjectTable_Release(rot); |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_GetTimeOfLastChange |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetTimeOfLastChange(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| IMoniker* pmkToLeft, |
| FILETIME* pFileTime) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| IRunningObjectTable* rot; |
| HRESULT res; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,pFileTime); |
| |
| if (pFileTime==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| if (pmkToLeft!=NULL) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| res=IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable(pbc,&rot); |
| |
| if (FAILED(res)) |
| return res; |
| |
| res= IRunningObjectTable_GetTimeOfLastChange(rot,iface,pFileTime); |
| |
| if (FAILED(res)){ /* the moniker is not registred */ |
| |
| if (!GetFileAttributesExW(This->filePathName,GetFileExInfoStandard,&info)) |
| return MK_E_NOOBJECT; |
| |
| *pFileTime=info.ftLastWriteTime; |
| } |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_Inverse |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_Inverse(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker** ppmk) |
| { |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",iface,ppmk); |
| |
| return CreateAntiMoniker(ppmk); |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_CommonPrefixWith |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_CommonPrefixWith(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmkOther,IMoniker** ppmkPrefix) |
| { |
| |
| LPOLESTR pathThis,pathOther,*stringTable1,*stringTable2,commonPath; |
| IBindCtx *pbind; |
| DWORD mkSys; |
| ULONG nb1,nb2,i,sameIdx; |
| BOOL machimeNameCase=FALSE; |
| |
| if (ppmkPrefix==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| if (pmkOther==NULL) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| *ppmkPrefix=0; |
| |
| /* check if we have the same type of moniker */ |
| IMoniker_IsSystemMoniker(pmkOther,&mkSys); |
| |
| |
| CreateBindCtx(0,&pbind); |
| |
| /* create a string based on common part of the two paths */ |
| |
| IMoniker_GetDisplayName(iface,pbind,NULL,&pathThis); |
| IMoniker_GetDisplayName(pmkOther,pbind,NULL,&pathOther); |
| |
| nb1=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(pathThis,&stringTable1); |
| nb2=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(pathOther,&stringTable2); |
| |
| if (nb1==0 || nb2==0) |
| return MK_E_NOPREFIX; |
| |
| commonPath=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(WCHAR)*(min(lstrlenW(pathThis),lstrlenW(pathOther))+1)); |
| |
| *commonPath=0; |
| |
| for(sameIdx=0; ( (stringTable1[sameIdx]!=NULL) && |
| (stringTable2[sameIdx]!=NULL) && |
| (lstrcmpiW(stringTable1[sameIdx],stringTable2[sameIdx])==0)); sameIdx++); |
| |
| if (sameIdx > 1 && *stringTable1[0]=='\\' && *stringTable2[1]=='\\'){ |
| |
| machimeNameCase=TRUE; |
| |
| for(i=2;i<sameIdx;i++) |
| |
| if( (*stringTable1[i]=='\\') && (i+1 < sameIdx) && (*stringTable1[i+1]=='\\') ){ |
| machimeNameCase=FALSE; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (machimeNameCase && *stringTable1[sameIdx-1]=='\\') |
| sameIdx--; |
| |
| if (machimeNameCase && (sameIdx<=3) && (nb1 > 3 || nb2 > 3) ) |
| return MK_E_NOPREFIX; |
| |
| for(i=0;i<sameIdx;i++) |
| strcatW(commonPath,stringTable1[i]); |
| |
| for(i=0;i<nb1;i++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(stringTable1[i]); |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(stringTable1); |
| |
| for(i=0;i<nb2;i++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(stringTable2[i]); |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(stringTable2); |
| |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,commonPath); |
| |
| return CreateFileMoniker(commonPath,ppmkPrefix); |
| } |
| else |
| return MonikerCommonPrefixWith(iface,pmkOther,ppmkPrefix); |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * DecomposePath (local function) |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| int WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(LPCOLESTR str, LPOLESTR** stringTable) |
| { |
| WCHAR bSlash[] = {'\\',0}; |
| WCHAR word[MAX_PATH]; |
| int i=0,j,tabIndex=0; |
| LPOLESTR *strgtable ; |
| |
| int len=lstrlenW(str); |
| |
| TRACE("%s, %p\n", debugstr_w(str), *stringTable); |
| |
| strgtable =CoTaskMemAlloc(len*sizeof(LPOLESTR)); |
| |
| if (strgtable==NULL) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| while(str[i]!=0){ |
| |
| if(str[i]==bSlash[0]){ |
| |
| strgtable[tabIndex]=CoTaskMemAlloc(2*sizeof(WCHAR)); |
| |
| if (strgtable[tabIndex]==NULL) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| strcpyW(strgtable[tabIndex++],bSlash); |
| |
| i++; |
| |
| } |
| else { |
| |
| for(j=0; str[i]!=0 && str[i]!=bSlash[0] ; i++,j++) |
| word[j]=str[i]; |
| |
| word[j]=0; |
| |
| strgtable[tabIndex]=CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(j+1)); |
| |
| if (strgtable[tabIndex]==NULL) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| strcpyW(strgtable[tabIndex++],word); |
| } |
| } |
| strgtable[tabIndex]=NULL; |
| |
| *stringTable=strgtable; |
| |
| return tabIndex; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_RelativePathTo |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_RelativePathTo(IMoniker* iface,IMoniker* pmOther, IMoniker** ppmkRelPath) |
| { |
| IBindCtx *bind; |
| HRESULT res; |
| LPOLESTR str1=0,str2=0,*tabStr1=0,*tabStr2=0,relPath=0; |
| DWORD len1=0,len2=0,sameIdx=0,j=0; |
| WCHAR back[] ={'.','.','\\',0}; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pmOther,ppmkRelPath); |
| |
| if (ppmkRelPath==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| if (pmOther==NULL) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| res=CreateBindCtx(0,&bind); |
| if (FAILED(res)) |
| return res; |
| |
| res=IMoniker_GetDisplayName(iface,bind,NULL,&str1); |
| if (FAILED(res)) |
| return res; |
| res=IMoniker_GetDisplayName(pmOther,bind,NULL,&str2); |
| if (FAILED(res)) |
| return res; |
| |
| len1=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(str1,&tabStr1); |
| len2=FileMonikerImpl_DecomposePath(str2,&tabStr2); |
| |
| if (FAILED(len1) || FAILED(len2)) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| /* count the number of similar items from the begin of the two paths */ |
| for(sameIdx=0; ( (tabStr1[sameIdx]!=NULL) && |
| (tabStr2[sameIdx]!=NULL) && |
| (lstrcmpiW(tabStr1[sameIdx],tabStr2[sameIdx])==0)); sameIdx++); |
| |
| /* begin the construction of relativePath */ |
| /* if the two paths have a consecutive similar item from the begin ! the relativePath will be composed */ |
| /* by "..\\" in the begin */ |
| relPath=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,sizeof(WCHAR)*(1+lstrlenW(str1)+lstrlenW(str2))); |
| |
| *relPath=0; |
| |
| if (len2>0 && !(len1==1 && len2==1 && sameIdx==0)) |
| for(j=sameIdx;(tabStr1[j] != NULL); j++) |
| if (*tabStr1[j]!='\\') |
| strcatW(relPath,back); |
| |
| /* add items of the second path (similar items with the first path are not included) to the relativePath */ |
| for(j=sameIdx;tabStr2[j]!=NULL;j++) |
| strcatW(relPath,tabStr2[j]); |
| |
| res=CreateFileMoniker(relPath,ppmkRelPath); |
| |
| for(j=0; tabStr1[j]!=NULL;j++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(tabStr1[j]); |
| for(j=0; tabStr2[j]!=NULL;j++) |
| CoTaskMemFree(tabStr2[j]); |
| CoTaskMemFree(tabStr1); |
| CoTaskMemFree(tabStr2); |
| CoTaskMemFree(str1); |
| CoTaskMemFree(str2); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,relPath); |
| |
| if (len1==0 || len2==0 || (len1==1 && len2==1 && sameIdx==0)) |
| return MK_S_HIM; |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_GetDisplayName |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_GetDisplayName(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| IMoniker* pmkToLeft, |
| LPOLESTR *ppszDisplayName) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS(FileMonikerImpl,iface); |
| |
| int len=lstrlenW(This->filePathName); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%p)\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,ppszDisplayName); |
| |
| if (ppszDisplayName==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| if (pmkToLeft!=NULL) |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| |
| *ppszDisplayName=CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(len+1)); |
| if (*ppszDisplayName==NULL) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| strcpyW(*ppszDisplayName,This->filePathName); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_ParseDisplayName |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_ParseDisplayName(IMoniker* iface, |
| IBindCtx* pbc, |
| IMoniker* pmkToLeft, |
| LPOLESTR pszDisplayName, |
| ULONG* pchEaten, |
| IMoniker** ppmkOut) |
| { |
| FIXME("(%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p),stub!\n",iface,pbc,pmkToLeft,pszDisplayName,pchEaten,ppmkOut); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMoniker_IsSystemMoniker |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerImpl_IsSystemMoniker(IMoniker* iface,DWORD* pwdMksys) |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",iface,pwdMksys); |
| |
| if (!pwdMksys) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| (*pwdMksys)=MKSYS_FILEMONIKER; |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /******************************************************************************* |
| * FileMonikerIROTData_QueryInterface |
| *******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_QueryInterface(IROTData *iface,REFIID riid,VOID** ppvObject) |
| { |
| |
| ICOM_THIS_From_IROTData(IMoniker, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n",This,riid,ppvObject); |
| |
| return FileMonikerImpl_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * FileMonikerIROTData_AddRef |
| */ |
| ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_AddRef(IROTData *iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS_From_IROTData(IMoniker, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return FileMonikerImpl_AddRef(This); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * FileMonikerIROTData_Release |
| */ |
| ULONG WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_Release(IROTData* iface) |
| { |
| ICOM_THIS_From_IROTData(IMoniker, iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n",This); |
| |
| return FileMonikerImpl_Release(This); |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * FileMonikerIROTData_GetComparaisonData |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI FileMonikerROTDataImpl_GetComparaisonData(IROTData* iface, |
| BYTE* pbData, |
| ULONG cbMax, |
| ULONG* pcbData) |
| { |
| FIXME("(),stub!\n"); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * CreateFileMoniker (OLE2.28) |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI CreateFileMoniker16(LPCOLESTR16 lpszPathName,LPMONIKER* ppmk) |
| { |
| |
| FIXME("(%s,%p),stub!\n",lpszPathName,ppmk); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| /****************************************************************************** |
| * CreateFileMoniker (OLE32.55) |
| ******************************************************************************/ |
| HRESULT WINAPI CreateFileMoniker(LPCOLESTR lpszPathName, LPMONIKER * ppmk) |
| { |
| FileMonikerImpl* newFileMoniker = 0; |
| HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; |
| IID riid=IID_IMoniker; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p,%p)\n",lpszPathName,ppmk); |
| |
| if (ppmk==NULL) |
| return E_POINTER; |
| |
| if(lpszPathName==NULL) |
| return MK_E_SYNTAX; |
| |
| *ppmk=0; |
| |
| newFileMoniker = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(FileMonikerImpl)); |
| |
| if (newFileMoniker == 0) |
| return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| hr = FileMonikerImpl_Construct(newFileMoniker,lpszPathName); |
| |
| if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) |
| hr = FileMonikerImpl_QueryInterface((IMoniker*)newFileMoniker,&riid,(void**)ppmk); |
| else |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,newFileMoniker); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |