blob: af68d4c0d219b18098f791ff0420f9e6df1bf6f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* GDI brush objects
* Copyright 1993, 1994 Alexandre Julliard
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "brush.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "metafile.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "debug.h"
* CreateBrushIndirect16 (GDI.50)
HBRUSH16 WINAPI CreateBrushIndirect16( const LOGBRUSH16 * brush )
BRUSHOBJ * brushPtr;
HBRUSH16 hbrush = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(BRUSHOBJ), BRUSH_MAGIC );
if (!hbrush) return 0;
brushPtr = (BRUSHOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_LOCK( hbrush );
brushPtr->logbrush.lbStyle = brush->lbStyle;
brushPtr->logbrush.lbColor = brush->lbColor;
brushPtr->logbrush.lbHatch = brush->lbHatch;
GDI_HEAP_UNLOCK( hbrush );
return hbrush;
* CreateBrushIndirect32 (GDI32.27)
HBRUSH32 WINAPI CreateBrushIndirect32( const LOGBRUSH32 * brush )
BRUSHOBJ * brushPtr;
HBRUSH32 hbrush = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(BRUSHOBJ), BRUSH_MAGIC );
if (!hbrush) return 0;
brushPtr = (BRUSHOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_LOCK( hbrush );
brushPtr->logbrush.lbStyle = brush->lbStyle;
brushPtr->logbrush.lbColor = brush->lbColor;
brushPtr->logbrush.lbHatch = brush->lbHatch;
GDI_HEAP_UNLOCK( hbrush );
return hbrush;
* CreateHatchBrush16 (GDI.58)
HBRUSH16 WINAPI CreateHatchBrush16( INT16 style, COLORREF color )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_HATCHED, color, style };
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreateHatchBrush16: %d %06lx\n", style, color );
if ((style < 0) || (style >= NB_HATCH_STYLES)) return 0;
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* CreateHatchBrush32 (GDI32.48)
HBRUSH32 WINAPI CreateHatchBrush32( INT32 style, COLORREF color )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_HATCHED, color, style };
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreateHatchBrush32: %d %06lx\n", style, color );
if ((style < 0) || (style >= NB_HATCH_STYLES)) return 0;
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* CreatePatternBrush16 (GDI.60)
HBRUSH16 WINAPI CreatePatternBrush16( HBITMAP16 hbitmap )
return (HBRUSH16)CreatePatternBrush32( hbitmap );
* CreatePatternBrush32 (GDI32.54)
HBRUSH32 WINAPI CreatePatternBrush32( HBITMAP32 hbitmap )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_PATTERN, 0, 0 };
BITMAPOBJ *bmp, *newbmp;
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreatePatternBrush: %04x\n", hbitmap );
/* Make a copy of the bitmap */
if (!(bmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC )))
return 0;
logbrush.lbHatch = (INT32)CreateBitmapIndirect16( &bmp->bitmap );
newbmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( (HGDIOBJ32)logbrush.lbHatch,
if (!newbmp)
GDI_HEAP_UNLOCK( hbitmap );
return 0;
TSXCopyArea( display, bmp->pixmap, newbmp->pixmap, BITMAP_GC(bmp),
0, 0, bmp->bitmap.bmWidth, bmp->bitmap.bmHeight, 0, 0 );
GDI_HEAP_UNLOCK( hbitmap );
GDI_HEAP_UNLOCK( logbrush.lbHatch );
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* CreateDIBPatternBrush16 (GDI.445)
HBRUSH16 WINAPI CreateDIBPatternBrush16( HGLOBAL16 hbitmap, UINT16 coloruse )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_DIBPATTERN, coloruse, 0 };
BITMAPINFO *info, *newInfo;
INT32 size;
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreateDIBPatternBrush: %04x\n", hbitmap );
/* Make a copy of the bitmap */
if (!(info = (BITMAPINFO *)GlobalLock16( hbitmap ))) return 0;
if (info->bmiHeader.biCompression)
size = info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
size = (info->bmiHeader.biWidth * info->bmiHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32
* 8 * info->bmiHeader.biHeight;
size += DIB_BitmapInfoSize( info, coloruse );
if (!(logbrush.lbHatch = (INT16)GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_MOVEABLE, size )))
GlobalUnlock16( hbitmap );
return 0;
newInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) GlobalLock16( (HGLOBAL16)logbrush.lbHatch );
memcpy( newInfo, info, size );
GlobalUnlock16( (HGLOBAL16)logbrush.lbHatch );
GlobalUnlock16( hbitmap );
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* CreateDIBPatternBrush32 (GDI32.34)
HBRUSH32 WINAPI CreateDIBPatternBrush32( HGLOBAL32 hbitmap, UINT32 coloruse )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_DIBPATTERN, coloruse, 0 };
BITMAPINFO *info, *newInfo;
INT32 size;
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreateDIBPatternBrush: %04x\n", hbitmap );
/* Make a copy of the bitmap */
if (!(info = (BITMAPINFO *)GlobalLock32( hbitmap ))) return 0;
if (info->bmiHeader.biCompression)
size = info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
size = (info->bmiHeader.biWidth * info->bmiHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32
* 8 * info->bmiHeader.biHeight;
size += DIB_BitmapInfoSize( info, coloruse );
if (!(logbrush.lbHatch = (INT32)GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_MOVEABLE, size )))
GlobalUnlock16( hbitmap );
return 0;
newInfo = (BITMAPINFO *) GlobalLock16( (HGLOBAL16)logbrush.lbHatch );
memcpy( newInfo, info, size );
GlobalUnlock16( (HGLOBAL16)logbrush.lbHatch );
GlobalUnlock16( hbitmap );
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* CreateSolidBrush (GDI.66)
HBRUSH16 WINAPI CreateSolidBrush16( COLORREF color )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_SOLID, color, 0 };
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreateSolidBrush16: %06lx\n", color );
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* CreateSolidBrush32 (GDI32.64)
HBRUSH32 WINAPI CreateSolidBrush32( COLORREF color )
LOGBRUSH32 logbrush = { BS_SOLID, color, 0 };
dprintf_info(gdi, "CreateSolidBrush32: %06lx\n", color );
return CreateBrushIndirect32( &logbrush );
* SetBrushOrg (GDI.148)
DWORD WINAPI SetBrushOrg( HDC16 hdc, INT16 x, INT16 y )
DWORD retval;
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dc) return FALSE;
retval = dc->w.brushOrgX | (dc->w.brushOrgY << 16);
dc->w.brushOrgX = x;
dc->w.brushOrgY = y;
return retval;
* SetBrushOrgEx (GDI32.308)
BOOL32 WINAPI SetBrushOrgEx( HDC32 hdc, INT32 x, INT32 y, LPPOINT32 oldorg )
DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
if (!dc) return FALSE;
if (oldorg)
oldorg->x = dc->w.brushOrgX;
oldorg->y = dc->w.brushOrgY;
dc->w.brushOrgX = x;
dc->w.brushOrgY = y;
return TRUE;
* FixBrushOrgEx (GDI32.102)
* SDK says discontinued, but in Win95 GDI32 this is the same as SetBrushOrgEx
BOOL32 WINAPI FixBrushOrgEx( HDC32 hdc, INT32 x, INT32 y, LPPOINT32 oldorg )
return SetBrushOrgEx(hdc,x,y,oldorg);
* BRUSH_DeleteObject
BOOL32 BRUSH_DeleteObject( HBRUSH16 hbrush, BRUSHOBJ * brush )
DeleteObject32( (HGDIOBJ32)brush->logbrush.lbHatch );
GlobalFree16( (HGLOBAL16)brush->logbrush.lbHatch );
return GDI_FreeObject( hbrush );
* BRUSH_GetObject16
INT16 BRUSH_GetObject16( BRUSHOBJ * brush, INT16 count, LPSTR buffer )
LOGBRUSH16 logbrush;
logbrush.lbStyle = brush->logbrush.lbStyle;
logbrush.lbColor = brush->logbrush.lbColor;
logbrush.lbHatch = brush->logbrush.lbHatch;
if (count > sizeof(logbrush)) count = sizeof(logbrush);
memcpy( buffer, &logbrush, count );
return count;
* BRUSH_GetObject32
INT32 BRUSH_GetObject32( BRUSHOBJ * brush, INT32 count, LPSTR buffer )
if (count > sizeof(brush->logbrush)) count = sizeof(brush->logbrush);
memcpy( buffer, &brush->logbrush, count );
return count;