| /* |
| * Message queues related functions |
| * |
| * Copyright 1993, 1994 Alexandre Julliard |
| */ |
| |
| #include "ts_xlib.h" |
| |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #include <ctype.h> |
| #include <sys/time.h> |
| #include <sys/types.h> |
| |
| #include "message.h" |
| #include "win.h" |
| #include "gdi.h" |
| #include "sysmetrics.h" |
| #include "heap.h" |
| #include "hook.h" |
| #include "input.h" |
| #include "spy.h" |
| #include "winpos.h" |
| #include "dde.h" |
| #include "queue.h" |
| #include "winproc.h" |
| #include "task.h" |
| #include "process.h" |
| #include "thread.h" |
| #include "options.h" |
| #include "struct32.h" |
| #include "debug.h" |
| |
| |
| typedef enum { SYSQ_MSG_ABANDON, SYSQ_MSG_SKIP, |
| |
| extern MESSAGEQUEUE *pCursorQueue; /* queue.c */ |
| extern MESSAGEQUEUE *pActiveQueue; |
| |
| DWORD MSG_WineStartTicks; /* Ticks at Wine startup */ |
| |
| static UINT32 doubleClickSpeed = 452; |
| static INT32 debugSMRL = 0; /* intertask SendMessage() recursion level */ |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_CheckFilter |
| */ |
| BOOL32 MSG_CheckFilter(WORD uMsg, DWORD filter) |
| { |
| if( filter ) |
| return (uMsg >= LOWORD(filter) && uMsg <= HIWORD(filter)); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_SendParentNotify |
| * |
| * Send a WM_PARENTNOTIFY to all ancestors of the given window, unless |
| * the window has the WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY style. |
| */ |
| static void MSG_SendParentNotify(WND* wndPtr, WORD event, WORD idChild, LPARAM lValue) |
| { |
| #define lppt ((LPPOINT16)&lValue) |
| |
| /* pt has to be in the client coordinates of the parent window */ |
| |
| MapWindowPoints16( 0, wndPtr->hwndSelf, lppt, 1 ); |
| while (wndPtr) |
| { |
| if (!(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CHILD) || (wndPtr->dwExStyle & WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY)) break; |
| lppt->x += wndPtr->rectClient.left; |
| lppt->y += wndPtr->rectClient.top; |
| wndPtr = wndPtr->parent; |
| SendMessage32A( wndPtr->hwndSelf, WM_PARENTNOTIFY, |
| MAKEWPARAM( event, idChild ), lValue ); |
| } |
| #undef lppt |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_TranslateMouseMsg |
| * |
| * Translate an mouse hardware event into a real mouse message. |
| * Return value indicates whether the translated message must be passed |
| * to the user, left in the queue, or skipped entirely (in this case |
| * HIWORD contains hit test code). |
| */ |
| static DWORD MSG_TranslateMouseMsg( HWND16 hTopWnd, DWORD filter, |
| MSG16 *msg, BOOL32 remove, WND* pWndScope ) |
| { |
| static DWORD dblclk_time_limit = 0; |
| static UINT16 clk_message = 0; |
| static HWND16 clk_hwnd = 0; |
| static POINT16 clk_pos = { 0, 0 }; |
| |
| WND *pWnd; |
| HWND16 hWnd; |
| INT16 ht, hittest, sendSC = 0; |
| UINT16 message = msg->message; |
| POINT16 screen_pt, pt; |
| HANDLE16 hQ = GetTaskQueue(0); |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16(hQ); |
| BOOL32 eatMsg = FALSE; |
| BOOL32 mouseClick = ((message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) || |
| (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) || |
| (message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN))?1:0; |
| SYSQ_STATUS ret = 0; |
| |
| /* Find the window */ |
| |
| ht = hittest = HTCLIENT; |
| hWnd = GetCapture16(); |
| if( !hWnd ) |
| { |
| ht = hittest = WINPOS_WindowFromPoint( pWndScope, msg->pt, &pWnd ); |
| if( !pWnd ) pWnd = WIN_GetDesktop(); |
| hWnd = pWnd->hwndSelf; |
| sendSC = 1; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| pWnd = WIN_FindWndPtr(hWnd); |
| ht = EVENT_GetCaptureInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| /* stop if not the right queue */ |
| |
| if (pWnd->hmemTaskQ != hQ) |
| { |
| /* Not for the current task */ |
| if (queue) QUEUE_ClearWakeBit( queue, QS_MOUSE ); |
| /* Wake up the other task */ |
| queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16( pWnd->hmemTaskQ ); |
| if (queue) QUEUE_SetWakeBit( queue, QS_MOUSE ); |
| return SYSQ_MSG_ABANDON; |
| } |
| |
| /* check if hWnd is within hWndScope */ |
| |
| if( hTopWnd && hWnd != hTopWnd ) |
| if( !IsChild16(hTopWnd, hWnd) ) return SYSQ_MSG_CONTINUE; |
| |
| if( mouseClick ) |
| { |
| /* translate double clicks - |
| * note that ...MOUSEMOVEs can slip in between |
| * ...BUTTONDOWN and ...BUTTONDBLCLK messages */ |
| |
| if( pWnd->class->style & CS_DBLCLKS || ht != HTCLIENT ) |
| { |
| if ((message == clk_message) && (hWnd == clk_hwnd) && |
| (msg->time - dblclk_time_limit < doubleClickSpeed) && |
| (abs(msg->pt.x - clk_pos.x) < SYSMETRICS_CXDOUBLECLK/2) && |
| (abs(msg->pt.y - clk_pos.y) < SYSMETRICS_CYDOUBLECLK/2)) |
| { |
| mouseClick++; /* == 2 */ |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| screen_pt = pt = msg->pt; |
| |
| if (hittest != HTCLIENT) |
| { |
| message += ((INT16)WM_NCMOUSEMOVE - WM_MOUSEMOVE); |
| msg->wParam = hittest; |
| } |
| else ScreenToClient16( hWnd, &pt ); |
| |
| /* check message filter */ |
| |
| if (!MSG_CheckFilter(message, filter)) return SYSQ_MSG_CONTINUE; |
| |
| pCursorQueue = queue; |
| |
| /* call WH_MOUSE */ |
| |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_MOUSE )) |
| { |
| if( hook ) |
| { |
| hook->pt = screen_pt; |
| hook->hwnd = hWnd; |
| hook->wHitTestCode = hittest; |
| hook->dwExtraInfo = 0; |
| ret = HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_MOUSE, remove ? HC_ACTION : HC_NOREMOVE, |
| message, (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(hook) ); |
| SEGPTR_FREE(hook); |
| } |
| if( ret ) return MAKELONG((INT16)SYSQ_MSG_SKIP, hittest); |
| } |
| |
| if ((hittest == HTERROR) || (hittest == HTNOWHERE)) |
| eatMsg = sendSC = 1; |
| else if( remove && mouseClick ) |
| { |
| HWND32 hwndTop = WIN_GetTopParent( hWnd ); |
| |
| if( mouseClick == 1 ) |
| { |
| /* set conditions */ |
| dblclk_time_limit = msg->time; |
| clk_message = msg->message; |
| clk_hwnd = hWnd; |
| clk_pos = screen_pt; |
| } else |
| /* got double click - zero them out */ |
| dblclk_time_limit = clk_hwnd = 0; |
| |
| if( sendSC ) |
| { |
| /* Send the WM_PARENTNOTIFY, |
| * note that even for double/nonclient clicks |
| * notification message is still WM_L/M/RBUTTONDOWN. |
| */ |
| |
| MSG_SendParentNotify( pWnd, msg->message, 0, MAKELPARAM(screen_pt.x, screen_pt.y) ); |
| |
| /* Activate the window if needed */ |
| |
| if (hWnd != GetActiveWindow16() && hWnd != GetDesktopWindow16()) |
| { |
| LONG ret = SendMessage16( hWnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, hwndTop, |
| MAKELONG( hittest, message ) ); |
| |
| eatMsg = TRUE; |
| |
| if (((ret == MA_ACTIVATE) || (ret == MA_ACTIVATEANDEAT)) |
| && hwndTop != GetActiveWindow16() ) |
| if (!WINPOS_SetActiveWindow( hwndTop, TRUE , TRUE )) |
| eatMsg = TRUE; |
| } |
| } |
| } else sendSC = (remove && sendSC); |
| |
| /* Send the WM_SETCURSOR message */ |
| |
| if (sendSC) |
| SendMessage16( hWnd, WM_SETCURSOR, (WPARAM16)hWnd, |
| MAKELONG( hittest, message )); |
| if (eatMsg) return MAKELONG( (UINT16)SYSQ_MSG_SKIP, hittest); |
| |
| msg->hwnd = hWnd; |
| msg->message = message; |
| msg->lParam = MAKELONG( pt.x, pt.y ); |
| return SYSQ_MSG_ACCEPT; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_TranslateKbdMsg |
| * |
| * Translate an keyboard hardware event into a real message. |
| */ |
| static DWORD MSG_TranslateKbdMsg( HWND16 hTopWnd, DWORD filter, |
| MSG16 *msg, BOOL32 remove ) |
| { |
| WORD message = msg->message; |
| HWND16 hWnd = GetFocus16(); |
| WND *pWnd; |
| |
| /* Should check Ctrl-Esc and PrintScreen here */ |
| |
| if (!hWnd) |
| { |
| /* Send the message to the active window instead, */ |
| /* translating messages to their WM_SYS equivalent */ |
| |
| hWnd = GetActiveWindow16(); |
| |
| if( message < WM_SYSKEYDOWN ) |
| message += WM_SYSKEYDOWN - WM_KEYDOWN; |
| } |
| pWnd = WIN_FindWndPtr( hWnd ); |
| if (pWnd && (pWnd->hmemTaskQ != GetTaskQueue(0))) |
| { |
| /* Not for the current task */ |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16( GetTaskQueue(0) ); |
| if (queue) QUEUE_ClearWakeBit( queue, QS_KEY ); |
| /* Wake up the other task */ |
| queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16( pWnd->hmemTaskQ ); |
| if (queue) QUEUE_SetWakeBit( queue, QS_KEY ); |
| return SYSQ_MSG_ABANDON; |
| } |
| |
| if (hTopWnd && hWnd != hTopWnd) |
| if (!IsChild16(hTopWnd, hWnd)) return SYSQ_MSG_CONTINUE; |
| if (!MSG_CheckFilter(message, filter)) return SYSQ_MSG_CONTINUE; |
| |
| msg->hwnd = hWnd; |
| msg->message = message; |
| |
| return (HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_KEYBOARD, remove ? HC_ACTION : HC_NOREMOVE, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ) |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_JournalRecordMsg |
| * |
| * Build an EVENTMSG structure and call JOURNALRECORD hook |
| */ |
| static void MSG_JournalRecordMsg( MSG16 *msg ) |
| { |
| if (!event) return; |
| event->message = msg->message; |
| event->time = msg->time; |
| if ((msg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST) && (msg->message <= WM_KEYLAST)) |
| { |
| event->paramL = (msg->wParam & 0xFF) | (HIWORD(msg->lParam) << 8); |
| event->paramH = msg->lParam & 0x7FFF; |
| if (HIWORD(msg->lParam) & 0x0100) |
| event->paramH |= 0x8000; /* special_key - bit */ |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(event) ); |
| } |
| else if ((msg->message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (msg->message <= WM_MOUSELAST)) |
| { |
| event->paramL = LOWORD(msg->lParam); /* X pos */ |
| event->paramH = HIWORD(msg->lParam); /* Y pos */ |
| ClientToScreen16( msg->hwnd, (LPPOINT16)&event->paramL ); |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(event) ); |
| } |
| else if ((msg->message >= WM_NCMOUSEFIRST) && |
| (msg->message <= WM_NCMOUSELAST)) |
| { |
| event->paramL = LOWORD(msg->lParam); /* X pos */ |
| event->paramH = HIWORD(msg->lParam); /* Y pos */ |
| event->message += WM_MOUSEMOVE-WM_NCMOUSEMOVE;/* give no info about NC area */ |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(event) ); |
| } |
| SEGPTR_FREE(event); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_JournalPlayBackMsg |
| * |
| * Get an EVENTMSG struct via call JOURNALPLAYBACK hook function |
| */ |
| static int MSG_JournalPlayBackMsg(void) |
| { |
| EVENTMSG16 *tmpMsg; |
| long wtime,lParam; |
| WORD keyDown,i,wParam,result=0; |
| |
| if ( HOOK_IsHooked( WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK ) ) |
| { |
| tmpMsg = SEGPTR_NEW(EVENTMSG16); |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(tmpMsg)); |
| /* TRACE(msg,"Playback wait time =%ld\n",wtime); */ |
| if (wtime<=0) |
| { |
| wtime=0; |
| if ((tmpMsg->message>= WM_KEYFIRST) && (tmpMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST)) |
| { |
| wParam=tmpMsg->paramL & 0xFF; |
| lParam=MAKELONG(tmpMsg->paramH&0x7ffff,tmpMsg->paramL>>8); |
| if (tmpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || tmpMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) |
| { |
| for (keyDown=i=0; i<256 && !keyDown; i++) |
| if (InputKeyStateTable[i] & 0x80) |
| keyDown++; |
| if (!keyDown) |
| lParam |= 0x40000000; |
| AsyncKeyStateTable[wParam]=InputKeyStateTable[wParam] |= 0x80; |
| } |
| else /* WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP */ |
| { |
| lParam |= 0xC0000000; |
| AsyncKeyStateTable[wParam]=InputKeyStateTable[wParam] &= ~0x80; |
| } |
| if (InputKeyStateTable[VK_MENU] & 0x80) |
| lParam |= 0x20000000; |
| if (tmpMsg->paramH & 0x8000) /*special_key bit*/ |
| lParam |= 0x01000000; |
| hardware_event( tmpMsg->message, wParam, lParam,0, 0, tmpMsg->time, 0 ); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if ((tmpMsg->message>= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (tmpMsg->message <= WM_MOUSELAST)) |
| { |
| switch (tmpMsg->message) |
| { |
| MouseButtonsStates[0]=AsyncMouseButtonsStates[0]=TRUE;break; |
| case WM_LBUTTONUP: |
| MouseButtonsStates[0]=AsyncMouseButtonsStates[0]=FALSE;break; |
| MouseButtonsStates[1]=AsyncMouseButtonsStates[1]=TRUE;break; |
| case WM_MBUTTONUP: |
| MouseButtonsStates[1]=AsyncMouseButtonsStates[1]=FALSE;break; |
| MouseButtonsStates[2]=AsyncMouseButtonsStates[2]=TRUE;break; |
| case WM_RBUTTONUP: |
| MouseButtonsStates[2]=AsyncMouseButtonsStates[2]=FALSE;break; |
| } |
| AsyncKeyStateTable[VK_LBUTTON]= InputKeyStateTable[VK_LBUTTON] = MouseButtonsStates[0] ? 0x80 : 0; |
| AsyncKeyStateTable[VK_MBUTTON]= InputKeyStateTable[VK_MBUTTON] = MouseButtonsStates[1] ? 0x80 : 0; |
| AsyncKeyStateTable[VK_RBUTTON]= InputKeyStateTable[VK_RBUTTON] = MouseButtonsStates[2] ? 0x80 : 0; |
| SetCursorPos32(tmpMsg->paramL,tmpMsg->paramH); |
| lParam=MAKELONG(tmpMsg->paramL,tmpMsg->paramH); |
| wParam=0; |
| if (MouseButtonsStates[0]) wParam |= MK_LBUTTON; |
| if (MouseButtonsStates[1]) wParam |= MK_MBUTTON; |
| if (MouseButtonsStates[2]) wParam |= MK_RBUTTON; |
| hardware_event( tmpMsg->message, wParam, lParam, |
| tmpMsg->paramL, tmpMsg->paramH, tmpMsg->time, 0 ); |
| } |
| } |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(tmpMsg)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if( tmpMsg->message == WM_QUEUESYNC ) |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_CBT )) |
| HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_CBT, HCBT_QS, 0, 0L); |
| |
| result= QS_MOUSE | QS_KEY; /* ? */ |
| } |
| SEGPTR_FREE(tmpMsg); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_PeekHardwareMsg |
| * |
| * Peek for a hardware message matching the hwnd and message filters. |
| */ |
| static BOOL32 MSG_PeekHardwareMsg( MSG16 *msg, HWND16 hwnd, DWORD filter, |
| BOOL32 remove ) |
| { |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *sysMsgQueue = QUEUE_GetSysQueue(); |
| int i, kbd_msg, pos = sysMsgQueue->nextMessage; |
| |
| /* FIXME: there has to be a better way to do this */ |
| joySendMessages(); |
| |
| /* If the queue is empty, attempt to fill it */ |
| if (!sysMsgQueue->msgCount && THREAD_IsWin16( THREAD_Current() ) |
| && EVENT_Pending()) |
| EVENT_WaitNetEvent( FALSE, FALSE ); |
| |
| for (i = kbd_msg = 0; i < sysMsgQueue->msgCount; i++, pos++) |
| { |
| if (pos >= sysMsgQueue->queueSize) pos = 0; |
| *msg = sysMsgQueue->messages[pos].msg; |
| |
| /* Translate message */ |
| |
| if ((msg->message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) && (msg->message <= WM_MOUSELAST)) |
| { |
| HWND32 hWndScope = (HWND32)sysMsgQueue->messages[pos].extraInfo; |
| |
| status = MSG_TranslateMouseMsg(hwnd, filter, msg, remove, |
| (Options.managed && IsWindow32(hWndScope) ) |
| ? WIN_FindWndPtr(hWndScope) : WIN_GetDesktop() ); |
| kbd_msg = 0; |
| } |
| else if ((msg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST) && (msg->message <= WM_KEYLAST)) |
| { |
| status = MSG_TranslateKbdMsg(hwnd, filter, msg, remove); |
| kbd_msg = 1; |
| } |
| else /* Non-standard hardware event */ |
| { |
| { |
| BOOL32 ret; |
| hook->hWnd = msg->hwnd; |
| hook->wMessage = msg->message; |
| hook->wParam = msg->wParam; |
| hook->lParam = msg->lParam; |
| ret = HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_HARDWARE, |
| remove ? HC_ACTION : HC_NOREMOVE, |
| 0, (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(hook) ); |
| SEGPTR_FREE(hook); |
| if (ret) |
| { |
| QUEUE_RemoveMsg( sysMsgQueue, pos ); |
| continue; |
| } |
| status = SYSQ_MSG_ACCEPT; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| switch (LOWORD(status)) |
| { |
| break; |
| |
| case SYSQ_MSG_SKIP: |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_CBT )) |
| { |
| if( kbd_msg ) |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| else |
| { |
| if (hook) |
| { |
| hook->pt = msg->pt; |
| hook->hwnd = msg->hwnd; |
| hook->wHitTestCode = HIWORD(status); |
| hook->dwExtraInfo = 0; |
| HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_CBT, HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED ,msg->message, |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(hook) ); |
| SEGPTR_FREE(hook); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (remove) |
| QUEUE_RemoveMsg( sysMsgQueue, pos ); |
| /* continue */ |
| |
| continue; |
| |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| if (remove) |
| { |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_JOURNALRECORD )) MSG_JournalRecordMsg( msg ); |
| QUEUE_RemoveMsg( sysMsgQueue, pos ); |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /********************************************************************** |
| * SetDoubleClickTime16 (USER.20) |
| */ |
| void WINAPI SetDoubleClickTime16( UINT16 interval ) |
| { |
| SetDoubleClickTime32( interval ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /********************************************************************** |
| * SetDoubleClickTime32 (USER32.480) |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI SetDoubleClickTime32( UINT32 interval ) |
| { |
| doubleClickSpeed = interval ? interval : 500; |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /********************************************************************** |
| * GetDoubleClickTime16 (USER.21) |
| */ |
| UINT16 WINAPI GetDoubleClickTime16(void) |
| { |
| return doubleClickSpeed; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /********************************************************************** |
| * GetDoubleClickTime32 (USER32.239) |
| */ |
| UINT32 WINAPI GetDoubleClickTime32(void) |
| { |
| return doubleClickSpeed; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_SendMessage |
| * |
| * Implementation of an inter-task SendMessage. |
| */ |
| static LRESULT MSG_SendMessage( HQUEUE16 hDestQueue, HWND16 hwnd, UINT16 msg, |
| WPARAM32 wParam, LPARAM lParam, WORD flags ) |
| { |
| INT32 prevSMRL = debugSMRL; |
| QSMCTRL qCtrl = { 0, 1}; |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *queue, *destQ; |
| |
| if (!(queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE*)GlobalLock16( GetTaskQueue(0) ))) return 0; |
| if (!(destQ = (MESSAGEQUEUE*)GlobalLock16( hDestQueue ))) return 0; |
| |
| if (IsTaskLocked() || !IsWindow32(hwnd)) return 0; |
| |
| debugSMRL+=4; |
| TRACE(sendmsg,"%*sSM: %s [%04x] (%04x -> %04x)\n", |
| prevSMRL, "", SPY_GetMsgName(msg), msg, queue->self, hDestQueue ); |
| |
| if( !(queue->wakeBits & QS_SMPARAMSFREE) ) |
| { |
| TRACE(sendmsg,"\tIntertask SendMessage: sleeping since unreplied SendMessage pending\n"); |
| queue->changeBits &= ~QS_SMPARAMSFREE; |
| } |
| |
| /* resume sending */ |
| |
| queue->hWnd = hwnd; |
| queue->msg = msg; |
| queue->wParam = LOWORD(wParam); |
| queue->wParamHigh = HIWORD(wParam); |
| queue->lParam = lParam; |
| queue->hPrevSendingTask = destQ->hSendingTask; |
| destQ->hSendingTask = GetTaskQueue(0); |
| |
| queue->wakeBits &= ~QS_SMPARAMSFREE; |
| queue->flags = (queue->flags & ~(QUEUE_SM_WIN32|QUEUE_SM_UNICODE)) | flags; |
| |
| TRACE(sendmsg,"%*ssm: smResultInit = %08x\n", prevSMRL, "", (unsigned)&qCtrl); |
| |
| queue->smResultInit = &qCtrl; |
| |
| QUEUE_SetWakeBit( destQ, QS_SENDMESSAGE ); |
| |
| /* perform task switch and wait for the result */ |
| |
| while( qCtrl.bPending ) |
| { |
| if (!(queue->wakeBits & QS_SMRESULT)) |
| { |
| queue->changeBits &= ~QS_SMRESULT; |
| if (THREAD_IsWin16( THREAD_Current() )) |
| DirectedYield( destQ->hTask ); |
| else |
| QUEUE_Signal( destQ->hTask ); |
| QUEUE_WaitBits( QS_SMRESULT ); |
| TRACE(sendmsg,"\tsm: have result!\n"); |
| } |
| /* got something */ |
| |
| TRACE(sendmsg,"%*ssm: smResult = %08x\n", prevSMRL, "", (unsigned)queue->smResult ); |
| |
| if (queue->smResult) { /* FIXME, smResult should always be set */ |
| queue->smResult->lResult = queue->SendMessageReturn; |
| queue->smResult->bPending = FALSE; |
| } |
| queue->wakeBits &= ~QS_SMRESULT; |
| |
| if( queue->smResult != &qCtrl ) |
| ERR(sendmsg, "%*ssm: weird scenes inside the goldmine!\n", prevSMRL, ""); |
| } |
| queue->smResultInit = NULL; |
| |
| TRACE(sendmsg,"%*sSM: [%04x] returning %08lx\n", prevSMRL, "", msg, qCtrl.lResult); |
| debugSMRL-=4; |
| |
| return qCtrl.lResult; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * ReplyMessage16 (USER.115) |
| */ |
| void WINAPI ReplyMessage16( LRESULT result ) |
| { |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *senderQ; |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *queue; |
| |
| if (!(queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE*)GlobalLock16( GetTaskQueue(0) ))) return; |
| |
| TRACE(msg,"ReplyMessage, queue %04x\n", queue->self); |
| |
| while( (senderQ = (MESSAGEQUEUE*)GlobalLock16( queue->InSendMessageHandle))) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg,"\trpm: replying to %04x (%04x -> %04x)\n", |
| queue->msg, queue->self, senderQ->self); |
| |
| if( queue->wakeBits & QS_SENDMESSAGE ) |
| { |
| QUEUE_ReceiveMessage( queue ); |
| continue; /* ReceiveMessage() already called us */ |
| } |
| |
| if(!(senderQ->wakeBits & QS_SMRESULT) ) break; |
| if (THREAD_IsWin16(THREAD_Current())) OldYield(); |
| } |
| if( !senderQ ) { TRACE(msg,"\trpm: done\n"); return; } |
| |
| senderQ->SendMessageReturn = result; |
| TRACE(msg,"\trpm: smResult = %08x, result = %08lx\n", |
| (unsigned)queue->smResultCurrent, result ); |
| |
| senderQ->smResult = queue->smResultCurrent; |
| queue->InSendMessageHandle = 0; |
| |
| QUEUE_SetWakeBit( senderQ, QS_SMRESULT ); |
| if (THREAD_IsWin16(THREAD_Current())) DirectedYield( queue->hSendingTask ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_PeekMessage |
| */ |
| static BOOL32 MSG_PeekMessage( LPMSG16 msg, HWND16 hwnd, WORD first, WORD last, |
| WORD flags, BOOL32 peek ) |
| { |
| int pos, mask; |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *msgQueue; |
| HQUEUE16 hQueue; |
| |
| #ifdef CONFIG_IPC |
| DDE_TestDDE(hwnd); /* do we have dde handling in the window ?*/ |
| DDE_GetRemoteMessage(); |
| #endif /* CONFIG_IPC */ |
| |
| mask = QS_POSTMESSAGE | QS_SENDMESSAGE; /* Always selected */ |
| if (first || last) |
| { |
| if ((first <= WM_KEYLAST) && (last >= WM_KEYFIRST)) mask |= QS_KEY; |
| if ( ((first <= WM_MOUSELAST) && (last >= WM_MOUSEFIRST)) || |
| ((first <= WM_NCMOUSELAST) && (last >= WM_NCMOUSEFIRST)) ) mask |= QS_MOUSE; |
| if ((first <= WM_TIMER) && (last >= WM_TIMER)) mask |= QS_TIMER; |
| if ((first <= WM_SYSTIMER) && (last >= WM_SYSTIMER)) mask |= QS_TIMER; |
| if ((first <= WM_PAINT) && (last >= WM_PAINT)) mask |= QS_PAINT; |
| } |
| else mask |= QS_MOUSE | QS_KEY | QS_TIMER | QS_PAINT; |
| |
| if (IsTaskLocked()) flags |= PM_NOYIELD; |
| |
| /* Never yield on Win32 threads */ |
| if (!THREAD_IsWin16(THREAD_Current())) flags |= PM_NOYIELD; |
| |
| while(1) |
| { |
| hQueue = GetTaskQueue(0); |
| msgQueue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16( hQueue ); |
| if (!msgQueue) return FALSE; |
| msgQueue->changeBits = 0; |
| |
| /* First handle a message put by SendMessage() */ |
| |
| while (msgQueue->wakeBits & QS_SENDMESSAGE) |
| QUEUE_ReceiveMessage( msgQueue ); |
| |
| /* Now handle a WM_QUIT message */ |
| |
| if (msgQueue->wPostQMsg && |
| (!first || WM_QUIT >= first) && |
| (!last || WM_QUIT <= last) ) |
| { |
| msg->hwnd = hwnd; |
| msg->message = WM_QUIT; |
| msg->wParam = msgQueue->wExitCode; |
| msg->lParam = 0; |
| if (flags & PM_REMOVE) msgQueue->wPostQMsg = 0; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| /* Now find a normal message */ |
| |
| if (((msgQueue->wakeBits & mask) & QS_POSTMESSAGE) && |
| ((pos = QUEUE_FindMsg( msgQueue, hwnd, first, last )) != -1)) |
| { |
| QMSG *qmsg = &msgQueue->messages[pos]; |
| *msg = qmsg->msg; |
| msgQueue->GetMessageTimeVal = msg->time; |
| msgQueue->GetMessagePosVal = *(DWORD *)&msg->pt; |
| msgQueue->GetMessageExtraInfoVal = qmsg->extraInfo; |
| |
| if (flags & PM_REMOVE) QUEUE_RemoveMsg( msgQueue, pos ); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| msgQueue->changeBits |= MSG_JournalPlayBackMsg(); |
| |
| /* Now find a hardware event */ |
| |
| if (((msgQueue->wakeBits & mask) & (QS_MOUSE | QS_KEY)) && |
| MSG_PeekHardwareMsg( msg, hwnd, MAKELONG(first,last), flags & PM_REMOVE )) |
| { |
| /* Got one */ |
| msgQueue->GetMessageTimeVal = msg->time; |
| msgQueue->GetMessagePosVal = *(DWORD *)&msg->pt; |
| msgQueue->GetMessageExtraInfoVal = 0; /* Always 0 for now */ |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| /* Check again for SendMessage */ |
| |
| while (msgQueue->wakeBits & QS_SENDMESSAGE) |
| QUEUE_ReceiveMessage( msgQueue ); |
| |
| /* Now find a WM_PAINT message */ |
| |
| if ((msgQueue->wakeBits & mask) & QS_PAINT) |
| { |
| WND* wndPtr; |
| msg->hwnd = WIN_FindWinToRepaint( hwnd , hQueue ); |
| msg->message = WM_PAINT; |
| msg->wParam = 0; |
| msg->lParam = 0; |
| |
| if ((wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr(msg->hwnd))) |
| { |
| if( wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE && |
| wndPtr->class->hIcon ) |
| { |
| msg->message = WM_PAINTICON; |
| msg->wParam = 1; |
| } |
| |
| if( !hwnd || msg->hwnd == hwnd || IsChild16(hwnd,msg->hwnd) ) |
| { |
| if( wndPtr->flags & WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT && !wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) |
| { |
| wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT; |
| QUEUE_DecPaintCount( hQueue ); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* Check for timer messages, but yield first */ |
| |
| if (!(flags & PM_NOYIELD)) |
| { |
| UserYield(); |
| while (msgQueue->wakeBits & QS_SENDMESSAGE) |
| QUEUE_ReceiveMessage( msgQueue ); |
| } |
| if ((msgQueue->wakeBits & mask) & QS_TIMER) |
| { |
| if (TIMER_GetTimerMsg(msg, hwnd, hQueue, flags & PM_REMOVE)) break; |
| } |
| |
| if (peek) |
| { |
| if (!(flags & PM_NOYIELD)) UserYield(); |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| msgQueue->wakeMask = mask; |
| QUEUE_WaitBits( mask ); |
| } |
| |
| /* We got a message */ |
| if (flags & PM_REMOVE) |
| { |
| WORD message = msg->message; |
| |
| if (message == WM_KEYDOWN || message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) |
| { |
| BYTE *p = &QueueKeyStateTable[msg->wParam & 0xff]; |
| |
| if (!(*p & 0x80)) |
| *p ^= 0x01; |
| *p |= 0x80; |
| } |
| else if (message == WM_KEYUP || message == WM_SYSKEYUP) |
| QueueKeyStateTable[msg->wParam & 0xff] &= ~0x80; |
| } |
| if (peek) return TRUE; |
| else return (msg->message != WM_QUIT); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_InternalGetMessage |
| * |
| * GetMessage() function for internal use. Behave like GetMessage(), |
| * but also call message filters and optionally send WM_ENTERIDLE messages. |
| * 'hwnd' must be the handle of the dialog or menu window. |
| * 'code' is the message filter value (MSGF_??? codes). |
| */ |
| BOOL32 MSG_InternalGetMessage( MSG16 *msg, HWND32 hwnd, HWND32 hwndOwner, |
| WPARAM32 code, WORD flags, BOOL32 sendIdle ) |
| { |
| for (;;) |
| { |
| if (sendIdle) |
| { |
| if (!MSG_PeekMessage( msg, 0, 0, 0, flags, TRUE )) |
| { |
| /* No message present -> send ENTERIDLE and wait */ |
| if (IsWindow32(hwndOwner)) |
| SendMessage16( hwndOwner, WM_ENTERIDLE, |
| code, (LPARAM)hwnd ); |
| MSG_PeekMessage( msg, 0, 0, 0, flags, FALSE ); |
| } |
| } |
| else /* Always wait for a message */ |
| MSG_PeekMessage( msg, 0, 0, 0, flags, FALSE ); |
| |
| /* Call message filters */ |
| |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_SYSMSGFILTER ) || HOOK_IsHooked( WH_MSGFILTER )) |
| { |
| MSG16 *pmsg = SEGPTR_NEW(MSG16); |
| if (pmsg) |
| { |
| BOOL32 ret; |
| *pmsg = *msg; |
| ret = ((BOOL16)HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_SYSMSGFILTER, code, 0, |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(pmsg) ) || |
| (BOOL16)HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_MSGFILTER, code, 0, |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(pmsg) )); |
| SEGPTR_FREE(pmsg); |
| if (ret) |
| { |
| /* Message filtered -> remove it from the queue */ |
| /* if it's still there. */ |
| if (!(flags & PM_REMOVE)) |
| MSG_PeekMessage( msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE, TRUE ); |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return (msg->message != WM_QUIT); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PeekMessage16 (USER.109) |
| */ |
| BOOL16 WINAPI PeekMessage16( LPMSG16 msg, HWND16 hwnd, UINT16 first, |
| UINT16 last, UINT16 flags ) |
| { |
| return MSG_PeekMessage( msg, hwnd, first, last, flags, TRUE ); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PeekMessageA |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI PeekMessage32A( LPMSG32 lpmsg, HWND32 hwnd, |
| UINT32 min,UINT32 max,UINT32 wRemoveMsg) |
| { |
| MSG16 msg; |
| BOOL32 ret; |
| ret=PeekMessage16(&msg,hwnd,min,max,wRemoveMsg); |
| /* FIXME: should translate the message to Win32 */ |
| STRUCT32_MSG16to32(&msg,lpmsg); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PeekMessageW Check queue for messages |
| * |
| * Checks for a message in the thread's queue, filtered as for |
| * GetMessage(). Returns immediately whether a message is available |
| * or not. |
| * |
| * Whether a retrieved message is removed from the queue is set by the |
| * _wRemoveMsg_ flags, which should be one of the following values: |
| * |
| * PM_NOREMOVE Do not remove the message from the queue. |
| * |
| * PM_REMOVE Remove the message from the queue. |
| * |
| * In addition, PM_NOYIELD may be combined into _wRemoveMsg_ to |
| * request that the system not yield control during PeekMessage(); |
| * however applications may not rely on scheduling behavior. |
| * |
| * |
| * Nonzero if a message is available and is retrieved, zero otherwise. |
| * |
| * |
| * ECMA-234, Win32 |
| * |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI PeekMessage32W( |
| LPMSG32 lpmsg, /* buffer to receive message */ |
| HWND32 hwnd, /* restrict to messages for hwnd */ |
| UINT32 min, /* minimum message to receive */ |
| UINT32 max, /* maximum message to receive */ |
| UINT32 wRemoveMsg /* removal flags */ |
| ) { |
| /* FIXME: Should perform Unicode translation on specific messages */ |
| return PeekMessage32A(lpmsg,hwnd,min,max,wRemoveMsg); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * GetMessage16 (USER.108) |
| */ |
| BOOL16 WINAPI GetMessage16( SEGPTR msg, HWND16 hwnd, UINT16 first, UINT16 last) |
| { |
| MSG16 *lpmsg = (MSG16 *)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(msg); |
| MSG_PeekMessage( lpmsg, |
| hwnd, first, last, PM_REMOVE, FALSE ); |
| |
| TRACE(msg,"message %04x, hwnd %04x, filter(%04x - %04x)\n", lpmsg->message, |
| hwnd, first, last ); |
| HOOK_CallHooks16( WH_GETMESSAGE, HC_ACTION, 0, (LPARAM)msg ); |
| return (lpmsg->message != WM_QUIT); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * GetMessage32A (USER32.270) |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI GetMessage32A(MSG32* lpmsg,HWND32 hwnd,UINT32 min,UINT32 max) |
| { |
| BOOL32 ret; |
| MSG16 *msg = SEGPTR_NEW(MSG16); |
| if (!msg) return 0; |
| ret=GetMessage16(SEGPTR_GET(msg),(HWND16)hwnd,min,max); |
| /* FIXME */ |
| STRUCT32_MSG16to32(msg,lpmsg); |
| SEGPTR_FREE(msg); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * GetMessage32W (USER32.274) Retrieve next message |
| * |
| * GetMessage retrieves the next event from the calling thread's |
| * queue and deposits it in *lpmsg. |
| * |
| * If _hwnd_ is not NULL, only messages for window _hwnd_ and its |
| * children as specified by IsChild() are retrieved. If _hwnd_ is NULL |
| * all application messages are retrieved. |
| * |
| * _min_ and _max_ specify the range of messages of interest. If |
| * min==max==0, no filtering is performed. Useful examples are |
| * WM_KEYFIRST and WM_KEYLAST to retrieve keyboard input, and |
| * WM_MOUSEFIRST and WM_MOUSELAST to retrieve mouse input. |
| * |
| * WM_PAINT messages are not removed from the queue; they remain until |
| * processed. Other messages are removed from the queue. |
| * |
| * |
| * -1 on error, 0 if message is WM_QUIT, nonzero otherwise. |
| * |
| * |
| * ECMA-234, Win32 |
| * |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI GetMessage32W( |
| MSG32* lpmsg, /* buffer to receive message */ |
| HWND32 hwnd, /* restrict to messages for hwnd */ |
| UINT32 min, /* minimum message to receive */ |
| UINT32 max /* maximum message to receive */ |
| ) { |
| BOOL32 ret; |
| MSG16 *msg = SEGPTR_NEW(MSG16); |
| if (!msg) return 0; |
| ret=GetMessage16(SEGPTR_GET(msg),(HWND16)hwnd,min,max); |
| /* FIXME */ |
| STRUCT32_MSG16to32(msg,lpmsg); |
| SEGPTR_FREE(msg); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PostMessage16 (USER.110) |
| */ |
| BOOL16 WINAPI PostMessage16( HWND16 hwnd, UINT16 message, WPARAM16 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| MSG16 msg; |
| WND *wndPtr; |
| |
| msg.hwnd = hwnd; |
| msg.message = message; |
| msg.wParam = wParam; |
| msg.lParam = lParam; |
| msg.time = GetTickCount(); |
| msg.pt.x = 0; |
| msg.pt.y = 0; |
| |
| #ifdef CONFIG_IPC |
| if (DDE_PostMessage(&msg)) |
| return TRUE; |
| #endif /* CONFIG_IPC */ |
| |
| if (hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg,"HWND_BROADCAST !\n"); |
| for (wndPtr = WIN_GetDesktop()->child; wndPtr; wndPtr = wndPtr->next) |
| { |
| if (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_POPUP || wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg,"BROADCAST Message to hWnd=%04x m=%04X w=%04X l=%08lX !\n", |
| wndPtr->hwndSelf, message, wParam, lParam); |
| PostMessage16( wndPtr->hwndSelf, message, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| } |
| TRACE(msg,"End of HWND_BROADCAST !\n"); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ); |
| if (!wndPtr || !wndPtr->hmemTaskQ) return FALSE; |
| |
| return QUEUE_AddMsg( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ, &msg, 0 ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PostMessage32A (USER32.419) |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI PostMessage32A( HWND32 hwnd, UINT32 message, WPARAM32 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| /* FIXME */ |
| if (message&0xffff0000) |
| FIXME(msg,"message is truncated from %d to %d\n", message, message&0xffff); |
| if (wParam&0xffff0000) |
| FIXME(msg,"wParam is truncated from %d to %d\n", wParam, wParam&0xffff); |
| return PostMessage16( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PostMessage32W (USER32.420) |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI PostMessage32W( HWND32 hwnd, UINT32 message, WPARAM32 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| /* FIXME */ |
| if (message&0xffff0000) |
| FIXME(msg,"message is truncated from %d to %d\n", message, message&0xffff); |
| if (wParam&0xffff0000) |
| FIXME(msg,"wParam is truncated from %d to %d\n", wParam, wParam&0xffff); |
| return PostMessage16( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * PostAppMessage16 (USER.116) |
| */ |
| BOOL16 WINAPI PostAppMessage16( HTASK16 hTask, UINT16 message, WPARAM16 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| MSG16 msg; |
| |
| if (GetTaskQueue(hTask) == 0) return FALSE; |
| msg.hwnd = 0; |
| msg.message = message; |
| msg.wParam = wParam; |
| msg.lParam = lParam; |
| msg.time = GetTickCount(); |
| msg.pt.x = 0; |
| msg.pt.y = 0; |
| |
| return QUEUE_AddMsg( GetTaskQueue(hTask), &msg, 0 ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessage16 (USER.111) |
| */ |
| LRESULT WINAPI SendMessage16( HWND16 hwnd, UINT16 msg, WPARAM16 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam) |
| { |
| WND * wndPtr; |
| WND **list, **ppWnd; |
| LRESULT ret; |
| |
| #ifdef CONFIG_IPC |
| MSG16 DDE_msg = { hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam }; |
| if (DDE_SendMessage(&DDE_msg)) return TRUE; |
| #endif /* CONFIG_IPC */ |
| |
| if (hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST) |
| { |
| if (!(list = WIN_BuildWinArray( WIN_GetDesktop(), 0, NULL ))) |
| return TRUE; |
| TRACE(msg,"HWND_BROADCAST !\n"); |
| for (ppWnd = list; *ppWnd; ppWnd++) |
| { |
| wndPtr = *ppWnd; |
| if (!IsWindow32(wndPtr->hwndSelf)) continue; |
| if (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_POPUP || wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg,"BROADCAST Message to hWnd=%04x m=%04X w=%04lX l=%08lX !\n", |
| wndPtr->hwndSelf, msg, (DWORD)wParam, lParam); |
| SendMessage16( wndPtr->hwndSelf, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| } |
| HeapFree( SystemHeap, 0, list ); |
| TRACE(msg,"End of HWND_BROADCAST !\n"); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_CALLWNDPROC )) |
| { |
| LPCWPSTRUCT16 pmsg; |
| |
| if ((pmsg = SEGPTR_NEW(CWPSTRUCT16))) |
| { |
| pmsg->hwnd = hwnd; |
| pmsg->message= msg; |
| pmsg->wParam = wParam; |
| pmsg->lParam = lParam; |
| (LPARAM)SEGPTR_GET(pmsg) ); |
| hwnd = pmsg->hwnd; |
| msg = pmsg->message; |
| wParam = pmsg->wParam; |
| lParam = pmsg->lParam; |
| SEGPTR_FREE( pmsg ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ))) |
| { |
| WARN(msg, "invalid hwnd %04x\n", hwnd ); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| if (QUEUE_IsExitingQueue(wndPtr->hmemTaskQ)) |
| return 0; /* Don't send anything if the task is dying */ |
| |
| SPY_EnterMessage( SPY_SENDMESSAGE16, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| if (wndPtr->hmemTaskQ != GetTaskQueue(0)) |
| ret = MSG_SendMessage( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ, hwnd, msg, |
| wParam, lParam, 0 ); |
| else |
| ret = CallWindowProc16( (WNDPROC16)wndPtr->winproc, |
| hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| SPY_ExitMessage( SPY_RESULT_OK16, hwnd, msg, ret ); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| /************************************************************************ |
| * MSG_CallWndProcHook32 |
| */ |
| static void MSG_CallWndProcHook32( LPMSG32 pmsg, BOOL32 bUnicode ) |
| { |
| CWPSTRUCT32 cwp; |
| |
| cwp.lParam = pmsg->lParam; |
| cwp.wParam = pmsg->wParam; |
| cwp.message = pmsg->message; |
| cwp.hwnd = pmsg->hwnd; |
| |
| if (bUnicode) HOOK_CallHooks32W(WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, 1, (LPARAM)&cwp); |
| else HOOK_CallHooks32A( WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, 1, (LPARAM)&cwp ); |
| |
| pmsg->lParam = cwp.lParam; |
| pmsg->wParam = cwp.wParam; |
| pmsg->message = cwp.message; |
| pmsg->hwnd = cwp.hwnd; |
| } |
| |
| /********************************************************************** |
| * PostThreadMessage32A (USER32.422) |
| * |
| * BUGS |
| * |
| * Thread-local message queues are not supported. |
| * |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI PostThreadMessage32A(DWORD idThread , UINT32 message, |
| WPARAM32 wParam, LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| THDB *thdb = THREAD_ID_TO_THDB(idThread); |
| if (!thdb || !thdb->process) return FALSE; |
| |
| FIXME(sendmsg, "(...): Should use thread-local message queue!\n"); |
| return PostAppMessage16(thdb->process->task, message, wParam, lParam); |
| } |
| |
| /********************************************************************** |
| * PostThreadMessage32W (USER32.423) |
| * |
| * BUGS |
| * |
| * Thread-local message queues are not supported. |
| * |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI PostThreadMessage32W(DWORD idThread , UINT32 message, |
| WPARAM32 wParam, LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| THDB *thdb = THREAD_ID_TO_THDB(idThread); |
| if (!thdb || !thdb->process) return FALSE; |
| |
| FIXME(sendmsg, "(...): Should use thread-local message queue!\n"); |
| return PostAppMessage16(thdb->process->task, message, wParam, lParam); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessage32A (USER32.454) |
| */ |
| LRESULT WINAPI SendMessage32A( HWND32 hwnd, UINT32 msg, WPARAM32 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| WND * wndPtr; |
| WND **list, **ppWnd; |
| LRESULT ret; |
| |
| if (hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST || hwnd == HWND_TOPMOST) |
| { |
| if (!(list = WIN_BuildWinArray( WIN_GetDesktop(), 0, NULL ))) |
| return TRUE; |
| for (ppWnd = list; *ppWnd; ppWnd++) |
| { |
| wndPtr = *ppWnd; |
| if (!IsWindow32(wndPtr->hwndSelf)) continue; |
| if (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_POPUP || wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) |
| SendMessage32A( wndPtr->hwndSelf, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| HeapFree( SystemHeap, 0, list ); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_CALLWNDPROC )) |
| MSG_CallWndProcHook32( (LPMSG32)&hwnd, FALSE); |
| |
| if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ))) |
| { |
| WARN(msg, "invalid hwnd %08x\n", hwnd ); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| if (QUEUE_IsExitingQueue(wndPtr->hmemTaskQ)) |
| return 0; /* Don't send anything if the task is dying */ |
| |
| SPY_EnterMessage( SPY_SENDMESSAGE32, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| if (wndPtr->hmemTaskQ != GetTaskQueue(0)) |
| ret = MSG_SendMessage( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, |
| QUEUE_SM_WIN32 ); |
| else |
| ret = CallWindowProc32A( (WNDPROC32)wndPtr->winproc, |
| hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| SPY_ExitMessage( SPY_RESULT_OK32, hwnd, msg, ret ); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessage32W (USER32.459) Send Window Message |
| * |
| * Sends a message to the window procedure of the specified window. |
| * SendMessage() will not return until the called window procedure |
| * either returns or calls ReplyMessage(). |
| * |
| * Use PostMessage() to send message and return immediately. A window |
| * procedure may use InSendMessage() to detect |
| * SendMessage()-originated messages. |
| * |
| * Applications which communicate via HWND_BROADCAST may use |
| * RegisterWindowMessage() to obtain a unique message to avoid conflicts |
| * with other applications. |
| * |
| * |
| * ECMA-234, Win32 |
| */ |
| LRESULT WINAPI SendMessage32W( |
| HWND32 hwnd, /* Window to send message to. If HWND_BROADCAST, |
| the message will be sent to all top-level windows. */ |
| |
| UINT32 msg, /* message */ |
| WPARAM32 wParam, /* message parameter */ |
| LPARAM lParam /* additional message parameter */ |
| ) { |
| WND * wndPtr; |
| WND **list, **ppWnd; |
| LRESULT ret; |
| |
| if (hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST || hwnd == HWND_TOPMOST) |
| { |
| if (!(list = WIN_BuildWinArray( WIN_GetDesktop(), 0, NULL ))) |
| return TRUE; |
| for (ppWnd = list; *ppWnd; ppWnd++) |
| { |
| wndPtr = *ppWnd; |
| if (!IsWindow32(wndPtr->hwndSelf)) continue; |
| if (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_POPUP || wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) |
| SendMessage32W( wndPtr->hwndSelf, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| HeapFree( SystemHeap, 0, list ); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| if (HOOK_IsHooked( WH_CALLWNDPROC )) |
| MSG_CallWndProcHook32( (LPMSG32)&hwnd, TRUE); |
| |
| if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ))) |
| { |
| WARN(msg, "invalid hwnd %08x\n", hwnd ); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| if (QUEUE_IsExitingQueue(wndPtr->hmemTaskQ)) |
| return 0; /* Don't send anything if the task is dying */ |
| |
| SPY_EnterMessage( SPY_SENDMESSAGE32, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| if (wndPtr->hmemTaskQ != GetTaskQueue(0)) |
| ret = MSG_SendMessage( wndPtr->hmemTaskQ, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, |
| else |
| ret = CallWindowProc32W( (WNDPROC32)wndPtr->winproc, |
| hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| SPY_ExitMessage( SPY_RESULT_OK32, hwnd, msg, ret ); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessageTimeout16 (not a WINAPI) |
| */ |
| LRESULT WINAPI SendMessageTimeout16( HWND16 hwnd, UINT16 msg, WPARAM16 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam, UINT16 flags, |
| UINT16 timeout, LPWORD resultp) |
| { |
| FIXME(sendmsg, "(...): semistub\n"); |
| return SendMessage16 (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessageTimeout32A (USER32.457) |
| */ |
| LRESULT WINAPI SendMessageTimeout32A( HWND32 hwnd, UINT32 msg, WPARAM32 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam, UINT32 flags, |
| UINT32 timeout, LPDWORD resultp) |
| { |
| FIXME(sendmsg, "(...): semistub\n"); |
| return SendMessage32A (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessageTimeout32W (USER32.458) |
| */ |
| LRESULT WINAPI SendMessageTimeout32W( HWND32 hwnd, UINT32 msg, WPARAM32 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam, UINT32 flags, |
| UINT32 timeout, LPDWORD resultp) |
| { |
| FIXME(sendmsg, "(...): semistub\n"); |
| return SendMessage32W (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * WaitMessage (USER.112) (USER32.578) Suspend thread pending messages |
| * |
| * WaitMessage() suspends a thread until events appear in the thread's |
| * queue. |
| * |
| * BUGS |
| * |
| * Is supposed to return BOOL under Win32. |
| * |
| * Thread-local message queues are not supported. |
| * |
| * |
| * ECMA-234, Win32 |
| * |
| */ |
| void WINAPI WaitMessage( void ) |
| { |
| QUEUE_WaitBits( QS_ALLINPUT ); |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (USER32.400) |
| */ |
| DWORD WINAPI MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( DWORD nCount, HANDLE32 *pHandles, |
| BOOL32 fWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds, |
| DWORD dwWakeMask ) |
| { |
| DWORD retv; |
| |
| TDB *currTask = (TDB *)GlobalLock16( GetCurrentTask() ); |
| HQUEUE16 hQueue = currTask? currTask->hQueue : 0; |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *msgQueue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16( hQueue ); |
| if (!msgQueue) return 0xFFFFFFFF; |
| |
| msgQueue->changeBits = 0; |
| msgQueue->wakeMask = dwWakeMask; |
| |
| retv = SYNC_DoWait( nCount, pHandles, fWaitAll, dwMilliseconds, FALSE, TRUE ); |
| |
| return retv; |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| struct accent_char |
| { |
| BYTE ac_accent; |
| BYTE ac_char; |
| BYTE ac_result; |
| }; |
| |
| static const struct accent_char accent_chars[] = |
| { |
| /* A good idea should be to read /usr/X11/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-x/Compose */ |
| {'`', 'A', '\300'}, {'`', 'a', '\340'}, |
| {'\'', 'A', '\301'}, {'\'', 'a', '\341'}, |
| {'^', 'A', '\302'}, {'^', 'a', '\342'}, |
| {'~', 'A', '\303'}, {'~', 'a', '\343'}, |
| {'"', 'A', '\304'}, {'"', 'a', '\344'}, |
| {'O', 'A', '\305'}, {'o', 'a', '\345'}, |
| {'0', 'A', '\305'}, {'0', 'a', '\345'}, |
| {'A', 'A', '\305'}, {'a', 'a', '\345'}, |
| {'A', 'E', '\306'}, {'a', 'e', '\346'}, |
| {',', 'C', '\307'}, {',', 'c', '\347'}, |
| {'`', 'E', '\310'}, {'`', 'e', '\350'}, |
| {'\'', 'E', '\311'}, {'\'', 'e', '\351'}, |
| {'^', 'E', '\312'}, {'^', 'e', '\352'}, |
| {'"', 'E', '\313'}, {'"', 'e', '\353'}, |
| {'`', 'I', '\314'}, {'`', 'i', '\354'}, |
| {'\'', 'I', '\315'}, {'\'', 'i', '\355'}, |
| {'^', 'I', '\316'}, {'^', 'i', '\356'}, |
| {'"', 'I', '\317'}, {'"', 'i', '\357'}, |
| {'-', 'D', '\320'}, {'-', 'd', '\360'}, |
| {'~', 'N', '\321'}, {'~', 'n', '\361'}, |
| {'`', 'O', '\322'}, {'`', 'o', '\362'}, |
| {'\'', 'O', '\323'}, {'\'', 'o', '\363'}, |
| {'^', 'O', '\324'}, {'^', 'o', '\364'}, |
| {'~', 'O', '\325'}, {'~', 'o', '\365'}, |
| {'"', 'O', '\326'}, {'"', 'o', '\366'}, |
| {'/', 'O', '\330'}, {'/', 'o', '\370'}, |
| {'`', 'U', '\331'}, {'`', 'u', '\371'}, |
| {'\'', 'U', '\332'}, {'\'', 'u', '\372'}, |
| {'^', 'U', '\333'}, {'^', 'u', '\373'}, |
| {'"', 'U', '\334'}, {'"', 'u', '\374'}, |
| {'\'', 'Y', '\335'}, {'\'', 'y', '\375'}, |
| {'T', 'H', '\336'}, {'t', 'h', '\376'}, |
| {'s', 's', '\337'}, {'"', 'y', '\377'}, |
| {'s', 'z', '\337'}, {'i', 'j', '\377'}, |
| /* iso-8859-2 uses this */ |
| {'<', 'L', '\245'}, {'<', 'l', '\265'}, /* caron */ |
| {'<', 'S', '\251'}, {'<', 's', '\271'}, |
| {'<', 'T', '\253'}, {'<', 't', '\273'}, |
| {'<', 'Z', '\256'}, {'<', 'z', '\276'}, |
| {'<', 'C', '\310'}, {'<', 'c', '\350'}, |
| {'<', 'E', '\314'}, {'<', 'e', '\354'}, |
| {'<', 'D', '\317'}, {'<', 'd', '\357'}, |
| {'<', 'N', '\322'}, {'<', 'n', '\362'}, |
| {'<', 'R', '\330'}, {'<', 'r', '\370'}, |
| {';', 'A', '\241'}, {';', 'a', '\261'}, /* ogonek */ |
| {';', 'E', '\312'}, {';', 'e', '\332'}, |
| {'\'', 'Z', '\254'}, {'\'', 'z', '\274'}, /* acute */ |
| {'\'', 'R', '\300'}, {'\'', 'r', '\340'}, |
| {'\'', 'L', '\305'}, {'\'', 'l', '\345'}, |
| {'\'', 'C', '\306'}, {'\'', 'c', '\346'}, |
| {'\'', 'N', '\321'}, {'\'', 'n', '\361'}, |
| /* collision whith S, from iso-8859-9 !!! */ |
| {',', 'S', '\252'}, {',', 's', '\272'}, /* cedilla */ |
| {',', 'T', '\336'}, {',', 't', '\376'}, |
| {'.', 'Z', '\257'}, {'.', 'z', '\277'}, /* dot above */ |
| {'/', 'L', '\243'}, {'/', 'l', '\263'}, /* slash */ |
| {'/', 'D', '\320'}, {'/', 'd', '\360'}, |
| {'(', 'A', '\303'}, {'(', 'a', '\343'}, /* breve */ |
| {'\275', 'O', '\325'}, {'\275', 'o', '\365'}, /* double acute */ |
| {'\275', 'U', '\334'}, {'\275', 'u', '\374'}, |
| {'0', 'U', '\332'}, {'0', 'u', '\372'}, /* ring above */ |
| /* iso-8859-3 uses this */ |
| {'/', 'H', '\241'}, {'/', 'h', '\261'}, /* slash */ |
| {'>', 'H', '\246'}, {'>', 'h', '\266'}, /* circumflex */ |
| {'>', 'J', '\254'}, {'>', 'j', '\274'}, |
| {'>', 'C', '\306'}, {'>', 'c', '\346'}, |
| {'>', 'G', '\330'}, {'>', 'g', '\370'}, |
| {'>', 'S', '\336'}, {'>', 's', '\376'}, |
| /* collision whith G( from iso-8859-9 !!! */ |
| {'(', 'G', '\253'}, {'(', 'g', '\273'}, /* breve */ |
| {'(', 'U', '\335'}, {'(', 'u', '\375'}, |
| /* collision whith I. from iso-8859-3 !!! */ |
| {'.', 'I', '\251'}, {'.', 'i', '\271'}, /* dot above */ |
| {'.', 'C', '\305'}, {'.', 'c', '\345'}, |
| {'.', 'G', '\325'}, {'.', 'g', '\365'}, |
| /* iso-8859-4 uses this */ |
| {',', 'R', '\243'}, {',', 'r', '\263'}, /* cedilla */ |
| {',', 'L', '\246'}, {',', 'l', '\266'}, |
| {',', 'G', '\253'}, {',', 'g', '\273'}, |
| {',', 'N', '\321'}, {',', 'n', '\361'}, |
| {',', 'K', '\323'}, {',', 'k', '\363'}, |
| {'~', 'I', '\245'}, {'~', 'i', '\265'}, /* tilde */ |
| {'-', 'E', '\252'}, {'-', 'e', '\272'}, /* macron */ |
| {'-', 'A', '\300'}, {'-', 'a', '\340'}, |
| {'-', 'I', '\317'}, {'-', 'i', '\357'}, |
| {'-', 'O', '\322'}, {'-', 'o', '\362'}, |
| {'-', 'U', '\336'}, {'-', 'u', '\376'}, |
| {'/', 'T', '\254'}, {'/', 't', '\274'}, /* slash */ |
| {'.', 'E', '\314'}, {'.', 'e', '\344'}, /* dot above */ |
| {';', 'I', '\307'}, {';', 'i', '\347'}, /* ogonek */ |
| {';', 'U', '\331'}, {';', 'u', '\371'}, |
| /* iso-8859-9 uses this */ |
| /* iso-8859-9 has really bad choosen G( S, and I. as they collide |
| * whith the same letters on other iso-8859-x (that is they are on |
| * different places :-( ), if you use turkish uncomment these and |
| * comment out the lines in iso-8859-2 and iso-8859-3 sections |
| * FIXME: should be dynamic according to chosen language |
| * if/when Wine has turkish support. |
| */ |
| /* collision whith G( from iso-8859-3 !!! */ |
| /* {'(', 'G', '\320'}, {'(', 'g', '\360'}, */ /* breve */ |
| /* collision whith S, from iso-8859-2 !!! */ |
| /* {',', 'S', '\336'}, {',', 's', '\376'}, */ /* cedilla */ |
| /* collision whith I. from iso-8859-3 !!! */ |
| /* {'.', 'I', '\335'}, {'.', 'i', '\375'}, */ /* dot above */ |
| }; |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * MSG_DoTranslateMessage |
| * |
| * Implementation of TranslateMessage. |
| * |
| * TranslateMessage translates virtual-key messages into character-messages, |
| * as follows : |
| * WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP combinations produce a WM_CHAR or WM_DEADCHAR message. |
| * ditto replacing WM_* with WM_SYS* |
| * This produces WM_CHAR messages only for keys mapped to ASCII characters |
| * by the keyboard driver. |
| */ |
| static BOOL32 MSG_DoTranslateMessage( UINT32 message, HWND32 hwnd, |
| WPARAM32 wParam, LPARAM lParam ) |
| { |
| static int dead_char; |
| BYTE wp[2]; |
| |
| if (message != WM_MOUSEMOVE && message != WM_TIMER) |
| TRACE(msg, "(%s, %04X, %08lX)\n", |
| SPY_GetMsgName(message), wParam, lParam ); |
| if(message >= WM_KEYFIRST && message <= WM_KEYLAST) |
| TRACE(key, "(%s, %04X, %08lX)\n", |
| SPY_GetMsgName(message), wParam, lParam ); |
| |
| if ((message != WM_KEYDOWN) && (message != WM_SYSKEYDOWN)) return FALSE; |
| |
| TRACE(key, "Translating key %04X, scancode %04X\n", |
| wParam, HIWORD(lParam) ); |
| |
| /* FIXME : should handle ToAscii yielding 2 */ |
| switch (ToAscii32(wParam, HIWORD(lParam), |
| QueueKeyStateTable,(LPWORD)wp, 0)) |
| { |
| case 1 : |
| message = (message == WM_KEYDOWN) ? WM_CHAR : WM_SYSCHAR; |
| /* Should dead chars handling go in ToAscii ? */ |
| if (dead_char) |
| { |
| int i; |
| |
| if (wp[0] == ' ') wp[0] = dead_char; |
| if (dead_char == 0xa2) dead_char = '('; |
| else if (dead_char == 0xa8) dead_char = '"'; |
| else if (dead_char == 0xb2) dead_char = ';'; |
| else if (dead_char == 0xb4) dead_char = '\''; |
| else if (dead_char == 0xb7) dead_char = '<'; |
| else if (dead_char == 0xb8) dead_char = ','; |
| else if (dead_char == 0xff) dead_char = '.'; |
| for (i = 0; i < sizeof(accent_chars)/sizeof(accent_chars[0]); i++) |
| if ((accent_chars[i].ac_accent == dead_char) && |
| (accent_chars[i].ac_char == wp[0])) |
| { |
| wp[0] = accent_chars[i].ac_result; |
| break; |
| } |
| dead_char = 0; |
| } |
| TRACE(key, "1 -> PostMessage(%s)\n", SPY_GetMsgName(message)); |
| PostMessage16( hwnd, message, wp[0], lParam ); |
| return TRUE; |
| |
| case -1 : |
| message = (message == WM_KEYDOWN) ? WM_DEADCHAR : WM_SYSDEADCHAR; |
| dead_char = wp[0]; |
| TRACE(key, "-1 -> PostMessage(%s)\n", |
| SPY_GetMsgName(message)); |
| PostMessage16( hwnd, message, wp[0], lParam ); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * TranslateMessage16 (USER.113) |
| */ |
| BOOL16 WINAPI TranslateMessage16( const MSG16 *msg ) |
| { |
| return MSG_DoTranslateMessage( msg->message, msg->hwnd, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * TranslateMessage32 (USER32.556) |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI TranslateMessage32( const MSG32 *msg ) |
| { |
| return MSG_DoTranslateMessage( msg->message, msg->hwnd, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * DispatchMessage16 (USER.114) |
| */ |
| LONG WINAPI DispatchMessage16( const MSG16* msg ) |
| { |
| WND * wndPtr; |
| LONG retval; |
| int painting; |
| |
| /* Process timer messages */ |
| if ((msg->message == WM_TIMER) || (msg->message == WM_SYSTIMER)) |
| { |
| if (msg->lParam) |
| { |
| return CallWindowProc16( (WNDPROC16)msg->lParam, msg->hwnd, |
| msg->message, msg->wParam, GetTickCount() ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!msg->hwnd) return 0; |
| if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( msg->hwnd ))) return 0; |
| if (!wndPtr->winproc) return 0; |
| painting = (msg->message == WM_PAINT); |
| if (painting) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT; |
| |
| SPY_EnterMessage( SPY_DISPATCHMESSAGE16, msg->hwnd, msg->message, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| retval = CallWindowProc16( (WNDPROC16)wndPtr->winproc, |
| msg->hwnd, msg->message, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| SPY_ExitMessage( SPY_RESULT_OK16, msg->hwnd, msg->message, retval ); |
| |
| if (painting && (wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( msg->hwnd )) && |
| (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT) && wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) |
| { |
| ERR(msg, "BeginPaint not called on WM_PAINT for hwnd %04x!\n", |
| msg->hwnd); |
| wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT; |
| /* Validate the update region to avoid infinite WM_PAINT loop */ |
| ValidateRect32( msg->hwnd, NULL ); |
| } |
| return retval; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * DispatchMessage32A (USER32.141) |
| */ |
| LONG WINAPI DispatchMessage32A( const MSG32* msg ) |
| { |
| WND * wndPtr; |
| LONG retval; |
| int painting; |
| |
| /* Process timer messages */ |
| if ((msg->message == WM_TIMER) || (msg->message == WM_SYSTIMER)) |
| { |
| if (msg->lParam) |
| { |
| /* HOOK_CallHooks32A( WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, 0, FIXME ); */ |
| return CallWindowProc32A( (WNDPROC32)msg->lParam, msg->hwnd, |
| msg->message, msg->wParam, GetTickCount() ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!msg->hwnd) return 0; |
| if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( msg->hwnd ))) return 0; |
| if (!wndPtr->winproc) return 0; |
| painting = (msg->message == WM_PAINT); |
| if (painting) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT; |
| /* HOOK_CallHooks32A( WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, 0, FIXME ); */ |
| |
| SPY_EnterMessage( SPY_DISPATCHMESSAGE32, msg->hwnd, msg->message, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| retval = CallWindowProc32A( (WNDPROC32)wndPtr->winproc, |
| msg->hwnd, msg->message, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| SPY_ExitMessage( SPY_RESULT_OK32, msg->hwnd, msg->message, retval ); |
| |
| if (painting && (wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( msg->hwnd )) && |
| (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT) && wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) |
| { |
| ERR(msg, "BeginPaint not called on WM_PAINT for hwnd %04x!\n", |
| msg->hwnd); |
| wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT; |
| /* Validate the update region to avoid infinite WM_PAINT loop */ |
| ValidateRect32( msg->hwnd, NULL ); |
| } |
| return retval; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * DispatchMessage32W (USER32.142) Process Message |
| * |
| * Process the message specified in the structure *_msg_. |
| * |
| * If the lpMsg parameter points to a WM_TIMER message and the |
| * parameter of the WM_TIMER message is not NULL, the lParam parameter |
| * points to the function that is called instead of the window |
| * procedure. |
| * |
| * The message must be valid. |
| * |
| * |
| * DispatchMessage() returns the result of the window procedure invoked. |
| * |
| * |
| * ECMA-234, Win32 |
| * |
| */ |
| LONG WINAPI DispatchMessage32W( const MSG32* msg ) |
| { |
| WND * wndPtr; |
| LONG retval; |
| int painting; |
| |
| /* Process timer messages */ |
| if ((msg->message == WM_TIMER) || (msg->message == WM_SYSTIMER)) |
| { |
| if (msg->lParam) |
| { |
| /* HOOK_CallHooks32W( WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, 0, FIXME ); */ |
| return CallWindowProc32W( (WNDPROC32)msg->lParam, msg->hwnd, |
| msg->message, msg->wParam, GetTickCount() ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!msg->hwnd) return 0; |
| if (!(wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( msg->hwnd ))) return 0; |
| if (!wndPtr->winproc) return 0; |
| painting = (msg->message == WM_PAINT); |
| if (painting) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT; |
| /* HOOK_CallHooks32W( WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, 0, FIXME ); */ |
| |
| SPY_EnterMessage( SPY_DISPATCHMESSAGE32, msg->hwnd, msg->message, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| retval = CallWindowProc32W( (WNDPROC32)wndPtr->winproc, |
| msg->hwnd, msg->message, |
| msg->wParam, msg->lParam ); |
| SPY_ExitMessage( SPY_RESULT_OK32, msg->hwnd, msg->message, retval ); |
| |
| if (painting && (wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( msg->hwnd )) && |
| (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT) && wndPtr->hrgnUpdate) |
| { |
| ERR(msg, "BeginPaint not called on WM_PAINT for hwnd %04x!\n", |
| msg->hwnd); |
| wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT; |
| /* Validate the update region to avoid infinite WM_PAINT loop */ |
| ValidateRect32( msg->hwnd, NULL ); |
| } |
| return retval; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * RegisterWindowMessage16 (USER.118) |
| */ |
| WORD WINAPI RegisterWindowMessage16( SEGPTR str ) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg, "%08lx\n", (DWORD)str ); |
| return GlobalAddAtom16( str ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * RegisterWindowMessage32A (USER32.437) |
| */ |
| WORD WINAPI RegisterWindowMessage32A( LPCSTR str ) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg, "%s\n", str ); |
| return GlobalAddAtom32A( str ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * RegisterWindowMessage32W (USER32.438) |
| */ |
| WORD WINAPI RegisterWindowMessage32W( LPCWSTR str ) |
| { |
| TRACE(msg, "%p\n", str ); |
| return GlobalAddAtom32W( str ); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * GetTickCount (USER.13) (KERNEL32.299) System Time |
| * Returns the number of milliseconds, modulo 2^32, since the start |
| * of the current session. |
| * |
| * |
| * ECMA-234, Win32 |
| */ |
| DWORD WINAPI GetTickCount(void) |
| { |
| struct timeval t; |
| gettimeofday( &t, NULL ); |
| /* make extremely compatible: granularity is 25 msec */ |
| return ((t.tv_sec * 1000) + (t.tv_usec / 25000) * 25) - MSG_WineStartTicks; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * GetCurrentTime16 (USER.15) |
| * |
| * (effectively identical to GetTickCount) |
| */ |
| DWORD WINAPI GetCurrentTime16(void) |
| { |
| return GetTickCount(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * InSendMessage16 (USER.192) |
| */ |
| BOOL16 WINAPI InSendMessage16(void) |
| { |
| return InSendMessage32(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * InSendMessage32 (USER32.320) |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI InSendMessage32(void) |
| { |
| MESSAGEQUEUE *queue; |
| |
| if (!(queue = (MESSAGEQUEUE *)GlobalLock16( GetTaskQueue(0) ))) |
| return 0; |
| return (BOOL32)queue->InSendMessageHandle; |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * BroadcastSystemMessage (USER32.12) |
| */ |
| LONG WINAPI BroadcastSystemMessage( |
| DWORD dwFlags,LPDWORD recipients,UINT32 uMessage,WPARAM32 wParam, |
| LPARAM lParam |
| ) { |
| FIXME(sendmsg,"(%08lx,%08lx,%08x,%08x,%08lx): stub!\n", |
| dwFlags,*recipients,uMessage,wParam,lParam |
| ); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendNotifyMessageA (USER32.460) |
| * FIXME |
| * The message sended with PostMessage has to be put in the queue |
| * with a higher priority as the other "Posted" messages. |
| * QUEUE_AddMsg has to be modifyed. |
| */ |
| LONG WINAPI SendNotifyMessage32A(HWND32 hwnd,UINT32 msg,WPARAM32 wParam,LPARAM lParam) |
| { BOOL32 ret = TRUE; |
| FIXME(msg,"(%04x,%08x,%08x,%08lx) not complete\n", |
| hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); |
| |
| if ( GetCurrentThreadId() == GetWindowThreadProcessId ( hwnd, NULL)) |
| { ret=SendMessage32A ( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| else |
| { PostMessage32A ( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); |
| } |
| return ret; |
| } |
| /*********************************************************************** |
| * SendMessageCallBack32A |
| * FIXME: It's like PostMessage. The callback gets called when the message |
| * is processed. We have to modify the message processing for a exact |
| * implementation... |
| */ |
| BOOL32 WINAPI SendMessageCallBack32A( |
| HWND32 hWnd,UINT32 Msg,WPARAM32 wParam,LPARAM lParam, |
| FARPROC32 lpResultCallBack,DWORD dwData) |
| { |
| FIXME(msg,"(0x%04x,0x%04x,0x%08x,0x%08lx,%p,0x%08lx),stub!\n", |
| hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam,lpResultCallBack,dwData); |
| if ( hWnd == HWND_BROADCAST) |
| { PostMessage32A( hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); |
| FIXME(msg,"Broadcast: Callback will not be called!\n"); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| (lpResultCallBack)( hWnd, Msg, dwData, SendMessage32A ( hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam )); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |