blob: da4afd8f4e86824dd2f04f178de4324f9de3fd67 [file] [log] [blame]
/* A few helpful macros for implementing COM objects.
* Copyright 2000 TransGaming Technologies Inc.
#include <stddef.h>
/* Generates the name for a vtable pointer for a given interface. */
/* The canonical name for a single interface is "lpVtbl". */
#define ICOM_VFIELD_MULTI_NAME2(iface) ITF_##iface
/* Declares a vtable pointer field in an implementation. */
#define ICOM_VFIELD_MULTI(iface) \
/* Returns the offset of a vtable pointer within an implementation object. */
#define ICOM_VFIELD_OFFSET(impltype, iface) \
offsetof(impltype, ICOM_VFIELD_MULTI_NAME(iface))
/* Given an interface pointer, returns the implementation pointer. */
#define ICOM_OBJECT(impltype, ifacename, ifaceptr) \
(impltype*)((ifaceptr) == NULL ? NULL \
: (char*)(ifaceptr) - ICOM_VFIELD_OFFSET(impltype,ifacename))
#define ICOM_THIS_FROM(impltype, ifacename, ifaceptr) \
impltype* This = ICOM_OBJECT(impltype, ifacename, ifaceptr)
/* Given an object and interface name, returns a pointer to that interface. */
#define ICOM_INTERFACE(implobj, iface) \
#define ICOM_INIT_INTERFACE(implobj, ifacename, vtblname) \
do { \
(implobj)->ICOM_VFIELD_MULTI_NAME(ifacename).lpVtbl = &(vtblname); \
} while (0)
#define COM_INTERFACE_CAST(impltype, ifnamefrom, ifnameto, ifaceptr) \
ICOM_INTERFACE(ICOM_OBJECT(impltype, ifnamefrom, ifaceptr), ifnameto)