| /* |
| * Standard library definitions |
| * |
| * Derived from the mingw header written by Colin Peters. |
| * Modified for Wine use by Jon Griffiths and Francois Gouget. |
| * This file is in the public domain. |
| */ |
| #ifndef __WINE_STDLIB_H |
| #define __WINE_STDLIB_H |
| |
| #include <crtdefs.h> |
| |
| #include <pshpack8.h> |
| |
| #ifndef NULL |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| #define NULL 0 |
| #else |
| #define NULL ((void*)0) |
| #endif |
| #endif |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| float f; |
| } _CRT_FLOAT; |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| double x; |
| } _CRT_DOUBLE; |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| unsigned char ld[10]; |
| } _LDOUBLE; |
| |
| #define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 |
| #define EXIT_FAILURE -1 |
| #define RAND_MAX 0x7FFF |
| |
| #ifndef _MAX_PATH |
| #define _MAX_DRIVE 3 |
| #define _MAX_FNAME 256 |
| #define _MAX_DIR _MAX_FNAME |
| #define _MAX_EXT _MAX_FNAME |
| #define _MAX_PATH 260 |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| typedef struct _div_t { |
| int quot; |
| int rem; |
| } div_t; |
| |
| typedef struct _ldiv_t { |
| __msvcrt_long quot; |
| __msvcrt_long rem; |
| } ldiv_t; |
| |
| #define __max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
| #define __min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
| #ifndef __cplusplus |
| #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
| #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
| #endif |
| |
| /* _set_error_mode() constants */ |
| #define _OUT_TO_DEFAULT 0 |
| #define _OUT_TO_STDERR 1 |
| #define _OUT_TO_MSGBOX 2 |
| #define _REPORT_ERRMODE 3 |
| |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef __i386__ |
| |
| extern unsigned int* __cdecl __p__osver(void); |
| #define _osver (*__p__osver()) |
| extern unsigned int* __cdecl __p__winver(void); |
| #define _winver (*__p__winver()) |
| extern unsigned int* __cdecl __p__winmajor(void); |
| #define _winmajor (*__p__winmajor()) |
| extern unsigned int* __cdecl __p__winminor(void); |
| #define _winminor (*__p__winminor()) |
| extern int* __cdecl __p___argc(void); |
| #define __argc (*__p___argc()) |
| extern char*** __cdecl __p___argv(void); |
| #define __argv (*__p___argv()) |
| extern wchar_t*** __cdecl __p___wargv(void); |
| #define __wargv (*__p___wargv()) |
| extern char*** __cdecl __p__environ(void); |
| #define _environ (*__p__environ()) |
| extern wchar_t*** __cdecl __p__wenviron(void); |
| #define _wenviron (*__p__wenviron()) |
| extern unsigned int* __cdecl __p__fmode(void); |
| #define _fmode (*__p__fmode()) |
| |
| #else /* __i386__ */ |
| |
| extern unsigned int _osver; |
| extern unsigned int _winver; |
| extern unsigned int _winmajor; |
| extern unsigned int _winminor; |
| extern int __argc; |
| extern char **__argv; |
| extern wchar_t **__wargv; |
| extern char **_environ; |
| extern wchar_t **_wenviron; |
| extern unsigned int _fmode; |
| |
| #endif /* __i386__ */ |
| |
| extern int* __cdecl ___mb_cur_max_func(void); |
| #define __mb_cur_max (*___mb_cur_max_func()) |
| extern __msvcrt_ulong* __cdecl __doserrno(void); |
| #define _doserrno (*__doserrno()) |
| extern int* __cdecl _errno(void); |
| #define errno (*_errno()) |
| |
| /* FIXME: We need functions to access these: |
| * int _sys_nerr; |
| * char** _sys_errlist; |
| */ |
| |
| |
| typedef int (__cdecl *_onexit_t)(void); |
| |
| |
| int __cdecl _atodbl(_CRT_DOUBLE*,char*); |
| int __cdecl _atoflt(_CRT_FLOAT*,char*); |
| __int64 __cdecl _atoi64(const char*); |
| long double __cdecl _atold(const char*); |
| int __cdecl _atoldbl(_LDOUBLE*,char*); |
| void __cdecl _beep(unsigned int,unsigned int); |
| char* __cdecl _ecvt(double,int,int*,int*); |
| char* __cdecl _fcvt(double,int,int*,int*); |
| char* __cdecl _fullpath(char*,const char*,size_t); |
| char* __cdecl _gcvt(double,int,char*); |
| char* __cdecl _i64toa(__int64,char*,int); |
| char* __cdecl _itoa(int,char*,int); |
| char* __cdecl _ltoa(__msvcrt_long,char*,int); |
| __msvcrt_ulong __cdecl _lrotl(__msvcrt_ulong,int); |
| __msvcrt_ulong __cdecl _lrotr(__msvcrt_ulong,int); |
| void __cdecl _makepath(char*,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*); |
| size_t __cdecl _mbstrlen(const char*); |
| _onexit_t __cdecl _onexit(_onexit_t); |
| int __cdecl _putenv(const char*); |
| unsigned int __cdecl _rotl(unsigned int,int); |
| unsigned int __cdecl _rotr(unsigned int,int); |
| void __cdecl _searchenv(const char*,const char*,char*); |
| int __cdecl _set_error_mode(int); |
| void __cdecl _seterrormode(int); |
| void __cdecl _sleep(__msvcrt_ulong); |
| void __cdecl _splitpath(const char*,char*,char*,char*,char*); |
| long double __cdecl _strtold(const char*,char**); |
| void __cdecl _swab(char*,char*,int); |
| char* __cdecl _ui64toa(unsigned __int64,char*,int); |
| char* __cdecl _ultoa(__msvcrt_ulong,char*,int); |
| |
| void __cdecl _exit(int); |
| void __cdecl abort(void); |
| int __cdecl abs(int); |
| int __cdecl atexit(void (*)(void)); |
| double __cdecl atof(const char*); |
| int __cdecl atoi(const char*); |
| __msvcrt_long __cdecl atol(const char*); |
| void* __cdecl calloc(size_t,size_t); |
| #ifndef __i386__ |
| div_t __cdecl div(int,int); |
| ldiv_t __cdecl ldiv(__msvcrt_long,__msvcrt_long); |
| #endif |
| void __cdecl exit(int); |
| void __cdecl free(void*); |
| char* __cdecl getenv(const char*); |
| __msvcrt_long __cdecl labs(__msvcrt_long); |
| void* __cdecl malloc(size_t); |
| int __cdecl mblen(const char*,size_t); |
| void __cdecl perror(const char*); |
| int __cdecl rand(void); |
| void* __cdecl realloc(void*,size_t); |
| void __cdecl srand(unsigned int); |
| double __cdecl strtod(const char*,char**); |
| __msvcrt_long __cdecl strtol(const char*,char**,int); |
| __msvcrt_ulong __cdecl strtoul(const char*,char**,int); |
| int __cdecl system(const char*); |
| void* __cdecl bsearch(const void*,const void*,size_t,size_t,int (*)(const void*,const void*)); |
| void __cdecl qsort(void*,size_t,size_t,int (*)(const void*,const void*)); |
| |
| #ifndef _WSTDLIB_DEFINED |
| #define _WSTDLIB_DEFINED |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _itow(int,wchar_t*,int); |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _i64tow(__int64,wchar_t*,int); |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _ltow(__msvcrt_long,wchar_t*,int); |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _ui64tow(unsigned __int64,wchar_t*,int); |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _ultow(__msvcrt_ulong,wchar_t*,int); |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _wfullpath(wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,size_t); |
| wchar_t* __cdecl _wgetenv(const wchar_t*); |
| void __cdecl _wmakepath(wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*); |
| void __cdecl _wperror(const wchar_t*); |
| int __cdecl _wputenv(const wchar_t*); |
| void __cdecl _wsearchenv(const wchar_t*,const wchar_t*,wchar_t*); |
| void __cdecl _wsplitpath(const wchar_t*,wchar_t*,wchar_t*,wchar_t*,wchar_t*); |
| int __cdecl _wsystem(const wchar_t*); |
| int __cdecl _wtoi(const wchar_t*); |
| __int64 __cdecl _wtoi64(const wchar_t*); |
| __msvcrt_long __cdecl _wtol(const wchar_t*); |
| |
| size_t __cdecl mbstowcs(wchar_t*,const char*,size_t); |
| int __cdecl mbtowc(wchar_t*,const char*,size_t); |
| double __cdecl wcstod(const wchar_t*,wchar_t**); |
| __msvcrt_long __cdecl wcstol(const wchar_t*,wchar_t**,int); |
| size_t __cdecl wcstombs(char*,const wchar_t*,size_t); |
| __msvcrt_ulong __cdecl wcstoul(const wchar_t*,wchar_t**,int); |
| int __cdecl wctomb(char*,wchar_t); |
| #endif /* _WSTDLIB_DEFINED */ |
| |
| typedef void (__cdecl *_invalid_parameter_handler)(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, unsigned, uintptr_t); |
| _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_invalid_parameter_handler(_invalid_parameter_handler); |
| _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_invalid_parameter_handler(void); |
| void __cdecl _invalid_parameter(const wchar_t *expr, const wchar_t *func, const wchar_t *file, |
| unsigned int line, uintptr_t arg); |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| #define environ _environ |
| #define onexit_t _onexit_t |
| |
| static inline char* ecvt(double value, int ndigit, int* decpt, int* sign) { return _ecvt(value, ndigit, decpt, sign); } |
| static inline char* fcvt(double value, int ndigit, int* decpt, int* sign) { return _fcvt(value, ndigit, decpt, sign); } |
| static inline char* gcvt(double value, int ndigit, char* buf) { return _gcvt(value, ndigit, buf); } |
| static inline char* itoa(int value, char* str, int radix) { return _itoa(value, str, radix); } |
| static inline char* ltoa(__msvcrt_long value, char* str, int radix) { return _ltoa(value, str, radix); } |
| static inline _onexit_t onexit(_onexit_t func) { return _onexit(func); } |
| static inline int putenv(const char* str) { return _putenv(str); } |
| static inline void swab(char* src, char* dst, int len) { _swab(src, dst, len); } |
| static inline char* ultoa(__msvcrt_ulong value, char* str, int radix) { return _ultoa(value, str, radix); } |
| |
| #ifdef __i386__ |
| static inline div_t __wine_msvcrt_div(int num, int denom) |
| { |
| extern unsigned __int64 div(int,int); |
| div_t ret; |
| unsigned __int64 res = div(num,denom); |
| ret.quot = (int)res; |
| ret.rem = (int)(res >> 32); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| static inline ldiv_t __wine_msvcrt_ldiv(__msvcrt_long num, __msvcrt_long denom) |
| { |
| extern unsigned __int64 ldiv(__msvcrt_long,__msvcrt_long); |
| ldiv_t ret; |
| unsigned __int64 res = ldiv(num,denom); |
| ret.quot = (__msvcrt_long)res; |
| ret.rem = (__msvcrt_long)(res >> 32); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| #define div(num,denom) __wine_msvcrt_div(num,denom) |
| #define ldiv(num,denom) __wine_msvcrt_ldiv(num,denom) |
| #endif |
| |
| #include <poppack.h> |
| |
| #endif /* __WINE_STDLIB_H */ |