blob: 346289e735a2c2883b597db508424121aee9fc98 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef WINELIB
static char RCSId[] = "$Id: wine.c,v 1.2 1993/07/04 04:04:21 root Exp root $";
static char Copyright[] = "Copyright Robert J. Amstadt, 1993";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "callback.h"
#include "stackframe.h"
#include "win.h"
#include "alias.h"
#include "relay32.h"
#include "stddebug.h"
#include "debug.h"
* CallWindowProc (USER.122)
LONG CallWindowProc( WNDPROC func, HWND hwnd, WORD message,
WORD wParam, LONG lParam )
WND *wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
if (!wndPtr) return 0;
/* check if we have something better than 16 bit relays */
if(!ALIAS_UseAliases || !(a=ALIAS_LookupAlias((DWORD)func)) ||
(!a->wine && !a->win32))
return CallWndProc( (FARPROC)func, wndPtr->hInstance,
hwnd, message, wParam, lParam );
return ((LONG(*)(WORD,WORD,WORD,LONG))(a->wine))
fprintf(stderr,"Where is the Win32 callback?\n");
if (UsesLParamPtr(message))
return RELAY32_CallWindowProc(a->win32,hwnd,message,wParam,lParam ? PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(lParam): 0);
return RELAY32_CallWindowProc(a->win32,hwnd,message,wParam,lParam);
* Catch (KERNEL.55)
INT Catch( LPCATCHBUF lpbuf )
dprintf_catch( stddeb, "Catch: buf=%p ss:sp=%04x:%04x\n",
lpbuf, IF1632_Saved16_ss, IF1632_Saved16_sp );
/* Note: we don't save the current ss, as the catch buffer is */
/* only 9 words long. Hopefully no one will have the silly */
/* idea to change the current stack before calling Throw()... */
lpbuf[0] = IF1632_Saved16_sp;
lpbuf[1] = LOWORD(IF1632_Saved32_esp);
lpbuf[2] = HIWORD(IF1632_Saved32_esp);
lpbuf[3] = pFrame->saved_ss;
lpbuf[4] = pFrame->saved_sp;
lpbuf[5] = pFrame->ds;
lpbuf[6] = pFrame->bp;
lpbuf[7] = pFrame->ip;
lpbuf[8] = pFrame->cs;
return 0;
* Throw (KERNEL.56)
int Throw( LPCATCHBUF lpbuf, int retval )
dprintf_catch( stddeb, "Throw: buf=%p val=%04x ss:sp=%04x:%04x\n",
lpbuf, retval, IF1632_Saved16_ss, IF1632_Saved16_sp );
IF1632_Saved16_sp = lpbuf[0] - sizeof(WORD);
IF1632_Saved32_esp = MAKELONG( lpbuf[1], lpbuf[2] );
pFrame->saved_ss = lpbuf[3];
pFrame->saved_sp = lpbuf[4];
pFrame->ds = lpbuf[5];
pFrame->bp = lpbuf[6];
pFrame->ip = lpbuf[7];
pFrame->cs = lpbuf[8];
pFrame->es = 0;
return retval;
#endif /* !WINELIB */