blob: ed2b75bdc88d77b38d381300ffc68812ca10d524 [file] [log] [blame]
echo Tests for cmd's builtin commands
@echo off
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' --------------
echo word
echo 'singlequotedword'
echo "doublequotedword"
@echo at-echoed-word
echo "/?"
echo .
echo ------------ Testing 'set' --------------
echo set "FOO=bar" should not include the quotes in the variable value
set "FOO=bar"
echo %FOO%
echo ------------ Testing variable expansion --------------
echo ~dp0 should be directory containing batch file
echo %~dp0
mkdir dummydir
cd dummydir
echo %~dp0
cd ..
rmdir dummydir
echo ------------ Testing if/else --------------
echo if/else should work with blocks
if 0 == 0 (
echo if seems to work
) else (
echo if seems to be broken
if 1 == 0 (
echo else seems to be broken
) else (
echo else seems to work
echo Testing case sensitivity with and without /i option
if bar==BAR echo if does not default to case sensitivity
if not bar==BAR echo if seems to default to case sensitivity
if /i foo==FOO echo if /i seems to work
if /i not foo==FOO echo if /i seems to be broken
if /I foo==FOO echo if /I seems to work
if /I not foo==FOO echo if /I seems to be broken