| ;; |
| ;; MS-DOS drives configuration |
| ;; |
| ;; Each section has the following format: |
| ;; [Drive X] |
| ;; Path=xxx (Unix path for drive root) |
| ;; Type=xxx (supported types are 'floppy', 'hd', 'cdrom' and 'network') |
| ;; Label=xxx (drive label, at most 11 characters) |
| ;; Serial=xxx (serial number, 8 characters hexadecimal number) |
| ;; Filesystem=xxx (supported types are 'msdos','win95','unix') |
| ;; This is the FS Wine is supposed to emulate on a certain |
| ;; directory structure. |
| ;; Recommended: |
| ;; - "win95" for ext2fs, VFAT and FAT32 |
| ;; - "msdos" for FAT16 (ugly, upgrading to VFAT driver strongly recommended) |
| ;; DON'T use "unix" unless you intend to port programs using Winelib ! |
| ;; Device=/dev/xx (only if you want to allow raw device access) |
| ;; |
| [Drive A] |
| Path=/mnt/fd0 |
| Type=floppy |
| Label=Floppy |
| Serial=87654321 |
| Device=/dev/fd0 |
| |
| [Drive C] |
| Path=/c |
| Type=hd |
| Label=MS-DOS |
| Filesystem=win95 |
| |
| [Drive D] |
| Path=/cdrom |
| Type=cdrom |
| Label=CD-Rom |
| Filesystem=win95 |
| |
| [Drive E] |
| Path=/tmp |
| Type=hd |
| Label=Tmp Drive |
| Filesystem=win95 |
| |
| [Drive F] |
| Path=${HOME} |
| Type=network |
| Label=Home |
| Filesystem=win95 |
| |
| [wine] |
| Windows=c:\windows |
| System=c:\windows\system |
| Temp=e:\ |
| Path=c:\windows;c:\windows\system;e:\;e:\test;f:\ |
| SymbolTableFile=./wine.sym |
| |
| [options] |
| AllocSystemColors=100 |
| |
| [fonts] |
| ;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases |
| Resolution = 96 |
| Default = -adobe-times- |
| |
| [serialports] |
| Com1=/dev/cua0 |
| Com2=/dev/cua1 |
| Com3=/dev/modem,38400 |
| Com4=/dev/modem |
| |
| [parallelports] |
| Lpt1=/dev/lp0 |
| |
| [spooler] |
| LPT1:=|lpr |
| LPT2:=|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q - |
| LPT3:=/dev/lp3 |
| |
| [ports] |
| ;read=0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0 |
| ;write=0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0 |
| |
| [spy] |
| Exclude=WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER; |
| |
| [Tweak.Layout] |
| ;; WineLook=xxx (supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98') |
| ;WineLook=Win95 |
| |
| [programs] |
| Default= |
| Startup= |