blob: 842383698d4f2e712eacbd39a8c64954a86eaac6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2001 Patrik Stridvall
use strict;
$0 =~ m%^(.*?/?tools)/winapi/winapi_extract$%;
require "$1/winapi/";
use config qw(
&file_type &files_skip &files_filter &get_spec_files
$current_dir $wine_dir $winapi_dir $winapi_check_dir
use output qw($output);
use winapi_extract_options qw($options);
use function;
use type;
use winapi_function;
use winapi_parser;
use winapi qw(@winapis);
my %module2spec_file;
my %module2type;
if($options->spec_files) {
local $_;
foreach my $spec_file (get_spec_files("winelib")) {
my $module;
my $type;
open(IN, "< $wine_dir/$spec_file");
while(<IN>) {
s/^\s*?(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # remove whitespace at begining and end of line
s/^(.*?)\s*#.*$/$1/; # remove comments
/^$/ && next; # skip empty lines
if(/^name\s+(.*?)$/) {
$module = $1;
$module2spec_file{$module} = $spec_file;
} elsif(/^type\s+(.*?)$/) {
$type = $1;
$module2type{$module} = $type;
my %specifications;
sub documentation_specifications {
my $function = shift;
my @debug_channels = @{$function->debug_channels};
my $documentation = $function->documentation;
my $documentation_line = $function->documentation_line;
my $return_type = $function->return_type;
my $linkage = $function->linkage;
my $internal_name = $function->internal_name;
if($linkage eq "static") {
local $_;
foreach (split(/\n/, $documentation)) {
if(/^\s*\*\s*(\S+)\s*[\(\[]\s*(\w+)\s*\.\s*(\S+)\s*[\)\]]/) {
my $external_name = $1;
my $module = lc($2);
my $ordinal = $3;
if($ordinal eq "@") {
if(1 || !exists($specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$external_name})) {
$specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$external_name}{ordinal} = $ordinal;
$specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$external_name}{external_name} = $external_name;
$specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$external_name}{function} = $function;
} else {
$output->write("$external_name ($module.$ordinal) already exists\n");
} elsif($ordinal =~ /^\d+$/) {
if(1 || !exists($specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal})) {
$specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal}{ordinal} = $ordinal;
$specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal}{external_name} = $external_name;
$specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal}{function} = $function;
} else {
$output->write("$external_name ($module.$ordinal) already exists\n");
} elsif($ordinal eq "init") {
if(!exists($specifications{$module}{init})) {
$specifications{$module}{init}{function} = $function;
} else {
$output->write("$external_name ($module.$ordinal) already exists\n");
} else {
if(!exists($specifications{$module}{unknown}{$external_name})) {
$specifications{$module}{unknown}{$external_name}{ordinal} = $ordinal;
$specifications{$module}{unknown}{$external_name}{external_name} = $external_name;
$specifications{$module}{unknown}{$external_name}{function} = $function;
} else {
$output->write("$external_name ($module.$ordinal) already exists\n");
if($options->debug) {
$output->write("$external_name ($module.$ordinal)\n");
my %module_pseudo_stub_count16;
my %module_pseudo_stub_count32;
sub statements_stub {
my $function = shift;
my $statements = $function->statements;
if(defined($statements) && $statements =~ /FIXME[^;]*stub/s) {
if($options->win16) {
foreach my $module16 ($function->modules16) {
if($options->win32) {
foreach my $module32 ($function->modules32) {
my @c_files = $options->c_files;
@c_files = files_skip(@c_files);
@c_files = files_filter("winelib", @c_files);
my $progress_output;
my $progress_current = 0;
my $progress_max = scalar(@c_files);
foreach my $file (@c_files) {
my %functions;
if($options->progress) {
$output->progress("$file: file $progress_current of $progress_max");
my $create_function = sub {
if($options->stub_statistics) {
return 'winapi_function'->new;
} else {
return 'function'->new;
my $found_function = sub {
my $function = shift;
my $documentation_line = $function->documentation_line;
my $documentation = $function->documentation;
my $function_line = $function->function_line;
my $linkage = $function->linkage;
my $return_type = $function->return_type;
my $calling_convention = $function->calling_convention;
my $internal_name = $function->internal_name;
my $statements = $function->statements;
$functions{$internal_name} = $function;
$output->prefix_callback(sub { return $function->prefix; });
if($options->spec_files) {
if($options->stub_statistics) {
my $create_type = sub {
return 'type'->new;
my $found_type = sub {
my $type = shift;
my $found_preprocessor = sub {
my $directive = shift;
my $argument = shift;
&winapi_parser::parse_c_file($file, $create_function, $found_function, $create_type, $found_type, $found_preprocessor);
my @internal_names = keys(%functions);
if($#internal_names < 0) {
$output->write("$file: doesn't contain any functions\n");
sub output_function {
local *OUT = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $ordinal = shift;
my $external_name = shift;
my $function = shift;
my $internal_name = $function->internal_name;
my $return_kind;
my $calling_convention;
my $refargument_kinds;
if($type eq "win16") {
$return_kind = $function->return_kind16 || "undef";
$calling_convention = $function->calling_convention16 || "undef";
$refargument_kinds = $function->argument_kinds16;
} elsif($type eq "win32") {
$return_kind = $function->return_kind32 || "undef";
$calling_convention = $function->calling_convention32 || "undef";
$refargument_kinds = $function->argument_kinds32;
if(defined($refargument_kinds)) {
my @argument_kinds = map { $_ || "undef"; } @$refargument_kinds;
print OUT "$ordinal $calling_convention $external_name(@argument_kinds) $internal_name\n";
} else {
print OUT "$ordinal $calling_convention $external_name() $internal_name # FIXME: arguments undefined\n";
if($options->spec_files) {
foreach my $module (keys(%specifications)) {
my $spec_file = $module2spec_file{$module};
my $type = $module2type{$module};
if(!defined($spec_file) || !defined($type)) {
$output->write("$module: doesn't exist\n");
$spec_file .= "2";
open(OUT, "> $wine_dir/$spec_file");
print OUT "name $module\n";
print OUT "type $type\n";
if(exists($specifications{$module}{init})) {
my $function = $specifications{$module}{init}{function};
print OUT "init " . $function->internal_name . "\n";
print OUT "\n";
my %debug_channels;
if(exists($specifications{$module}{init})) {
my $function = $specifications{$module}{init}{function};
foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
foreach my $ordinal (sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$specifications{$module}{fixed}})) {
my $function = $specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal}{function};
foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unfixed}}))) {
my $function = $specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$name}{function};
foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unknown}}))) {
my $function = $specifications{$module}{unknown}{$name}{function};
foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
my @debug_channels = sort(keys(%debug_channels));
if($#debug_channels >= 0) {
print OUT "debug_channels (" . join(" ", @debug_channels) . ")\n";
print OUT "\n";
my $empty = 1;
if(!$empty) {
print OUT "\n";
$empty = 1;
foreach my $external_name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unknown}}))) {
my $entry = $specifications{$module}{unknown}{$external_name};
my $ordinal = $entry->{ordinal};
my $function = $entry->{function};
print OUT "# ";
output_function(\*OUT, $type, $ordinal, $external_name, $function);
$empty = 0;
if(!$empty) {
print OUT "\n";
$empty = 1;
foreach my $ordinal (sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$specifications{$module}{fixed}})) {
my $entry = $specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal};
my $external_name = $entry->{external_name};
my $function = $entry->{function};
output_function(\*OUT, $type, $ordinal, $external_name, $function);
$empty = 0;
if(!$empty) {
print OUT "\n";
$empty = 1;
foreach my $external_name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unfixed}}))) {
my $entry = $specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$external_name};
my $ordinal = $entry->{ordinal};
my $function = $entry->{function};
output_function(\*OUT, $type, $ordinal, $external_name, $function);
$empty = 0;
if($options->stub_statistics) {
foreach my $winapi (@winapis) {
if($winapi->name eq "win16" && !$options->win16) { next; }
if($winapi->name eq "win32" && !$options->win32) { next; }
my %module_stub_count;
my %module_total_count;
foreach my $internal_name ($winapi->all_internal_functions,$winapi->all_functions_stub) {
foreach my $module (split(/ \& /, $winapi->function_internal_module($internal_name))) {
if($winapi->is_function_stub_in_module($module, $internal_name)) {
foreach my $module ($winapi->all_modules) {
my $pseudo_stubs;
if($winapi->name eq "win16") {
$pseudo_stubs = $module_pseudo_stub_count16{$module};
} elsif($winapi->name eq "win32") {
$pseudo_stubs = $module_pseudo_stub_count32{$module};
my $real_stubs = $module_stub_count{$module};
my $total = $module_total_count{$module};
if(!defined($real_stubs)) { $real_stubs = 0; }
if(!defined($pseudo_stubs)) { $pseudo_stubs = 0; }
if(!defined($total)) { $total = 0;}
my $stubs = $real_stubs + $pseudo_stubs;
$output->write("*.c: $module: ");
$output->write("$stubs of $total functions are stubs ($real_stubs real, $pseudo_stubs pseudo)\n");