| /* |
| * Row and rowset servers / proxies. |
| * |
| * Copyright 2010 Huw Davies |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA |
| */ |
| #include <stdarg.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| |
| #define COBJMACROS |
| |
| #include "windef.h" |
| #include "winbase.h" |
| #include "wingdi.h" |
| #include "winuser.h" |
| #include "winerror.h" |
| #include "objbase.h" |
| #include "oleauto.h" |
| #include "oledb.h" |
| |
| #include "row_server.h" |
| |
| #include "wine/debug.h" |
| |
| |
| static inline DBLENGTH db_type_size(DBTYPE type, DBLENGTH var_len) |
| { |
| switch(type) |
| { |
| case DBTYPE_I1: |
| case DBTYPE_UI1: |
| return 1; |
| case DBTYPE_I2: |
| case DBTYPE_UI2: |
| return 2; |
| case DBTYPE_I4: |
| case DBTYPE_UI4: |
| case DBTYPE_R4: |
| return 4; |
| case DBTYPE_I8: |
| case DBTYPE_UI8: |
| case DBTYPE_R8: |
| return 8; |
| case DBTYPE_CY: |
| return sizeof(CY); |
| return sizeof(FILETIME); |
| case DBTYPE_BSTR: |
| return sizeof(BSTR); |
| case DBTYPE_GUID: |
| return sizeof(GUID); |
| case DBTYPE_WSTR: |
| return var_len; |
| default: |
| FIXME("Unhandled type %04x\n", type); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| const IWineRowServerVtbl *vtbl; |
| |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| CLSID class; |
| IMarshal *marshal; |
| IUnknown *inner_unk; |
| } server; |
| |
| static inline server *impl_from_IWineRowServer(IWineRowServer *iface) |
| { |
| return (server *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(server, vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_QueryInterface(IWineRowServer *iface, REFIID riid, void **obj) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), obj); |
| |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| if(IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || |
| IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IWineRowServer)) |
| { |
| *obj = iface; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if(!IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IMarshal)) /* We use standard marshalling */ |
| FIXME("interface %s not implemented\n", debugstr_guid(riid)); |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| |
| IWineRowServer_AddRef(iface); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI server_AddRef(IWineRowServer *iface) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI server_Release(IWineRowServer *iface) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref); |
| if(ref == 0) |
| { |
| IMarshal_Release(This->marshal); |
| if(This->inner_unk) IUnknown_Release(This->inner_unk); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); |
| } |
| |
| return ref; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_SetInnerUnk(IWineRowServer *iface, IUnknown *inner) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| |
| if(This->inner_unk) IUnknown_Release(This->inner_unk); |
| |
| if(inner) IUnknown_AddRef(inner); |
| This->inner_unk = inner; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetMarshal(IWineRowServer *iface, IMarshal **marshal) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| |
| IMarshal_AddRef(This->marshal); |
| *marshal = This->marshal; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetColumns(IWineRowServer* iface, DBORDINAL num_cols, |
| wine_getcolumns_in *in_data, wine_getcolumns_out *out_data) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IRow *row; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p)\n", This, num_cols, in_data, out_data); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRow, (void**)&row); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| cols = CoTaskMemAlloc(num_cols * sizeof(cols[0])); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) |
| { |
| TRACE("%d:\tmax_len %d type %04x\n", i, in_data[i].max_len, in_data[i].type); |
| cols[i].pData = CoTaskMemAlloc(db_type_size(in_data[i].type, in_data[i].max_len)); |
| cols[i].columnid = in_data[i].columnid; |
| cols[i].cbMaxLen = in_data[i].max_len; |
| cols[i].wType = in_data[i].type; |
| cols[i].bPrecision = in_data[i].precision; |
| cols[i].bScale = in_data[i].scale; |
| } |
| |
| hr = IRow_GetColumns(row, num_cols, cols); |
| IRow_Release(row); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) |
| { |
| VariantInit(&out_data[i].v); |
| if(cols[i].dwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_OK) |
| { |
| V_VT(&out_data[i].v) = in_data[i].type; |
| memcpy(&V_I1(&out_data[i].v), cols[i].pData, cols[i].cbDataLen); |
| } |
| CoTaskMemFree(cols[i].pData); |
| out_data[i].data_len = cols[i].cbDataLen; |
| out_data[i].status = cols[i].dwStatus; |
| } |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(cols); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetSourceRowset(IWineRowServer* iface, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppRowset, |
| HROW *phRow) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_Open(IWineRowServer* iface, IUnknown *pUnkOuter, DBID *pColumnID, |
| REFGUID rguidColumnType, DWORD dwBindFlags, REFIID riid, |
| IUnknown **ppUnk) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRow *row; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IWineRowServer *new_server; |
| IMarshal *marshal; |
| IUnknown *obj; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%p, %p, %s, %08x, %s, %p)\n", This, pUnkOuter, pColumnID, debugstr_guid(rguidColumnType), |
| dwBindFlags, debugstr_guid(riid), ppUnk); |
| |
| *ppUnk = NULL; |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRow, (void**)&row); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| if(IsEqualGUID(rguidColumnType, &DBGUID_ROWSET)) |
| hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_wine_rowset_server, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IWineRowServer, (void**)&new_server); |
| else |
| { |
| FIXME("Unhandled object %s\n", debugstr_guid(rguidColumnType)); |
| hr = E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| if(FAILED(hr)) |
| { |
| IRow_Release(row); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| IWineRowServer_GetMarshal(new_server, &marshal); |
| hr = IRow_Open(row, (IUnknown*)marshal, pColumnID, rguidColumnType, dwBindFlags, &IID_IUnknown, &obj); |
| IMarshal_Release(marshal); |
| IRow_Release(row); |
| |
| if(FAILED(hr)) |
| { |
| IWineRowServer_Release(new_server); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| IWineRowServer_SetInnerUnk(new_server, obj); |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(obj, riid, (void**)ppUnk); |
| IUnknown_Release(obj); |
| |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_SetColumns(IWineRowServer* iface, DBORDINAL num_cols, |
| wine_setcolumns_in *in_data, DBSTATUS *status) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IRowChange *row_change; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p)\n", This, num_cols, in_data, status); |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowChange, (void**)&row_change); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| cols = CoTaskMemAlloc(num_cols * sizeof(cols[0])); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) |
| { |
| TRACE("%d:\ttype %04x\n", i, in_data[i].type); |
| cols[i].pData = CoTaskMemAlloc(db_type_size(in_data[i].type, in_data[i].max_len)); |
| memcpy(cols[i].pData, &V_I1(&in_data[i].v), db_type_size(in_data[i].type, in_data[i].max_len)); |
| cols[i].columnid = in_data[i].columnid; |
| cols[i].cbDataLen = in_data[i].data_len; |
| cols[i].dwStatus = in_data[i].status; |
| cols[i].cbMaxLen = in_data[i].max_len; |
| cols[i].wType = in_data[i].type; |
| cols[i].bPrecision = in_data[i].precision; |
| cols[i].bScale = in_data[i].scale; |
| } |
| |
| hr = IRowChange_SetColumns(row_change, num_cols, cols); |
| IRowChange_Release(row_change); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) |
| { |
| CoTaskMemFree(cols[i].pData); |
| status[i] = cols[i].dwStatus; |
| } |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(cols); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_AddRefRows(IWineRowServer* iface, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, |
| const HROW rghRows[], DBREFCOUNT rgRefCounts[], |
| DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRowset *rowset; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, cRows, rghRows, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowset, (void**)&rowset); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IRowset_AddRefRows(rowset, cRows, rghRows, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| |
| IRowset_Release(rowset); |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetData(IWineRowServer* iface, HROW hRow, |
| HACCESSOR hAccessor, BYTE *pData, DWORD size) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRowset *rowset; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %08lx, %p, %d)\n", This, hRow, hAccessor, pData, size); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowset, (void**)&rowset); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IRowset_GetData(rowset, hRow, hAccessor, pData); |
| |
| IRowset_Release(rowset); |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetNextRows(IWineRowServer* iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBROWOFFSET lRowsOffset, |
| DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM *pcRowObtained, HROW **prghRows) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRowset *rowset; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %d, %d, %p, %p)\n", This, hReserved, lRowsOffset, cRows, pcRowObtained, prghRows); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowset, (void**)&rowset); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| *prghRows = NULL; |
| |
| hr = IRowset_GetNextRows(rowset, hReserved, lRowsOffset, cRows, pcRowObtained, prghRows); |
| IRowset_Release(rowset); |
| TRACE("returning %08x, got %d rows\n", hr, *pcRowObtained); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_ReleaseRows(IWineRowServer* iface, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, const HROW rghRows[], |
| DBROWOPTIONS rgRowOptions[], DBREFCOUNT rgRefCounts[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRowset *rowset; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, cRows, rghRows, rgRowOptions, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowset, (void**)&rowset); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IRowset_ReleaseRows(rowset, cRows, rghRows, rgRowOptions, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| IRowset_Release(rowset); |
| |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_RestartPosition(IWineRowServer* iface, HCHAPTER hReserved) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)->(%08lx): stub\n", This, hReserved); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_Compare(IWineRowServer *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBBKMARK cbBookmark1, |
| const BYTE *pBookmark1, DBBKMARK cbBookmark2, const BYTE *pBookmark2, |
| DBCOMPARE *pComparison) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetRowsAt(IWineRowServer *iface, HWATCHREGION hReserved1, HCHAPTER hReserved2, |
| DBBKMARK cbBookmark, const BYTE *pBookmark, DBROWOFFSET lRowsOffset, |
| DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM *pcRowsObtained, HROW **prghRows) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRowsetLocate *rowsetlocate; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %08lx, %d, %p, %d, %d, %p, %p\n", This, hReserved1, hReserved2, cbBookmark, pBookmark, lRowsOffset, cRows, |
| pcRowsObtained, prghRows); |
| |
| *prghRows = NULL; |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowsetLocate, (void**)&rowsetlocate); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IRowsetLocate_GetRowsAt(rowsetlocate, hReserved1, hReserved2, cbBookmark, pBookmark, lRowsOffset, |
| cRows, pcRowsObtained, prghRows); |
| IRowsetLocate_Release(rowsetlocate); |
| |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetRowsByBookmark(IWineRowServer *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, |
| const DBBKMARK rgcbBookmarks[], const BYTE * rgpBookmarks[], |
| HROW rghRows[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_Hash(IWineRowServer *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBBKMARK cBookmarks, |
| const DBBKMARK rgcbBookmarks[], const BYTE * rgpBookmarks[], |
| DBHASHVALUE rgHashedValues[], DBROWSTATUS rgBookmarkStatus[]) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetProperties(IWineRowServer* iface, ULONG cPropertyIDSets, |
| const DBPROPIDSET *rgPropertyIDSets, ULONG *pcPropertySets, |
| DBPROPSET **prgPropertySets) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| IRowsetInfo *rowsetinfo; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, cPropertyIDSets, rgPropertyIDSets, pcPropertySets, prgPropertySets); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IRowsetInfo, (void**)&rowsetinfo); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IRowsetInfo_GetProperties(rowsetinfo, cPropertyIDSets, rgPropertyIDSets, pcPropertySets, prgPropertySets); |
| IRowsetInfo_Release(rowsetinfo); |
| |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetReferencedRowset(IWineRowServer* iface, DBORDINAL iOrdinal, |
| REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppReferencedRowset) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetSpecification(IWineRowServer* iface, REFIID riid, |
| IUnknown **ppSpecification) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_AddRefAccessor(IWineRowServer* iface, HACCESSOR hAccessor, |
| DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_CreateAccessor(IWineRowServer* iface, DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, |
| DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING *rgBindings, DBLENGTH cbRowSize, |
| HACCESSOR *phAccessor, DBBINDSTATUS *rgStatus) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IAccessor *accessor; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08x, %d, %p, %d, %p, %p)\n", This, dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, cbRowSize, phAccessor, rgStatus); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IAccessor, (void**)&accessor); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IAccessor_CreateAccessor(accessor, dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, cbRowSize, phAccessor, rgStatus); |
| IAccessor_Release(accessor); |
| |
| TRACE("returning %08x, accessor %08lx\n", hr, *phAccessor); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_GetBindings(IWineRowServer* iface, HACCESSOR hAccessor, |
| DBACCESSORFLAGS *pdwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM *pcBindings, |
| DBBINDING **prgBindings) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IAccessor *accessor; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, hAccessor, pdwAccessorFlags, pcBindings, prgBindings); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IAccessor, (void**)&accessor); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IAccessor_GetBindings(accessor, hAccessor, pdwAccessorFlags, pcBindings, prgBindings); |
| IAccessor_Release(accessor); |
| |
| TRACE("returning %08x\n", hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI server_ReleaseAccessor(IWineRowServer* iface, HACCESSOR hAccessor, |
| DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount) |
| { |
| server *This = impl_from_IWineRowServer(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IAccessor *accessor; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %p)\n", This, hAccessor, pcRefCount); |
| |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(This->inner_unk, &IID_IAccessor, (void**)&accessor); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IAccessor_ReleaseAccessor(accessor, hAccessor, pcRefCount); |
| IAccessor_Release(accessor); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static const IWineRowServerVtbl server_vtbl = |
| { |
| server_QueryInterface, |
| server_AddRef, |
| server_Release, |
| server_SetInnerUnk, |
| server_GetMarshal, |
| server_GetColumns, |
| server_GetSourceRowset, |
| server_Open, |
| server_SetColumns, |
| server_AddRefRows, |
| server_GetData, |
| server_GetNextRows, |
| server_ReleaseRows, |
| server_RestartPosition, |
| server_Compare, |
| server_GetRowsAt, |
| server_GetRowsByBookmark, |
| server_Hash, |
| server_GetProperties, |
| server_GetReferencedRowset, |
| server_GetSpecification, |
| server_AddRefAccessor, |
| server_CreateAccessor, |
| server_GetBindings, |
| server_ReleaseAccessor |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT create_server(IUnknown *outer, const CLSID *class, void **obj) |
| { |
| server *server; |
| TRACE("(%p, %s, %p)\n", outer, debugstr_guid(class), obj); |
| |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| server = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*server)); |
| if(!server) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| server->vtbl = &server_vtbl; |
| server->ref = 1; |
| server->class = *class; |
| server->inner_unk = NULL; |
| if(IsEqualGUID(class, &CLSID_wine_row_server)) |
| create_row_marshal((IUnknown*)server, (void**)&server->marshal); |
| else if(IsEqualGUID(class, &CLSID_wine_rowset_server)) |
| create_rowset_marshal((IUnknown*)server, (void**)&server->marshal); |
| else |
| ERR("create_server called with class %s\n", debugstr_guid(class)); |
| |
| *obj = server; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT create_row_server(IUnknown *outer, void **obj) |
| { |
| return create_server(outer, &CLSID_wine_row_server, obj); |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT create_rowset_server(IUnknown *outer, void **obj) |
| { |
| return create_server(outer, &CLSID_wine_rowset_server, obj); |
| } |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| const IRowVtbl *row_vtbl; |
| const IRowChangeVtbl *row_change_vtbl; |
| |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| IWineRowServer *server; |
| } row_proxy; |
| |
| static inline row_proxy *impl_from_IRow(IRow *iface) |
| { |
| return (row_proxy *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(row_proxy, row_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static inline row_proxy *impl_from_IRowChange(IRowChange *iface) |
| { |
| return (row_proxy *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(row_proxy, row_change_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI row_QueryInterface(IRow *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRow(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(iid), obj); |
| |
| if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IUnknown) || |
| IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IRow)) |
| { |
| *obj = &This->row_vtbl; |
| } |
| else if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IRowChange)) |
| { |
| *obj = &This->row_change_vtbl; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| FIXME("interface %s not implemented\n", debugstr_guid(iid)); |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| |
| IRow_AddRef(iface); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI row_AddRef(IRow *iface) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRow(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI row_Release(IRow *iface) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRow(iface); |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref); |
| if(ref == 0) |
| { |
| if(This->server) IWineRowServer_Release(This->server); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); |
| } |
| |
| return ref; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI row_GetColumns(IRow* iface, DBORDINAL cColumns, DBCOLUMNACCESS rgColumns[]) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRow(iface); |
| wine_getcolumns_in *in_data; |
| wine_getcolumns_out *out_data; |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p)\n", This, cColumns, rgColumns); |
| |
| in_data = CoTaskMemAlloc(cColumns * sizeof(in_data[0])); |
| out_data = CoTaskMemAlloc(cColumns * sizeof(out_data[0])); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) |
| { |
| TRACE("%d:\tdata %p data_len %d status %08x max_len %d type %04x\n", i, rgColumns[i].pData, |
| rgColumns[i].cbDataLen, rgColumns[i].dwStatus, rgColumns[i].cbMaxLen, rgColumns[i].wType); |
| in_data[i].columnid = rgColumns[i].columnid; |
| in_data[i].max_len = rgColumns[i].cbMaxLen; |
| in_data[i].type = rgColumns[i].wType; |
| in_data[i].precision = rgColumns[i].bPrecision; |
| in_data[i].scale = rgColumns[i].bScale; |
| } |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_GetColumns(This->server, cColumns, in_data, out_data); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) |
| { |
| rgColumns[i].cbDataLen = out_data[i].data_len; |
| rgColumns[i].dwStatus = out_data[i].status; |
| if(rgColumns[i].dwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_OK) |
| memcpy(rgColumns[i].pData, &V_I1(&out_data[i].v), out_data[i].data_len); |
| } |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(out_data); |
| CoTaskMemFree(in_data); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI row_GetSourceRowset(IRow* iface, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppRowset, |
| HROW *phRow) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRow(iface); |
| |
| FIXME("(%p)->(%s, %p, %p): stub\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), ppRowset, phRow); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI row_Open(IRow* iface, IUnknown *pUnkOuter, |
| DBID *pColumnID, REFGUID rguidColumnType, |
| DWORD dwBindFlags, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppUnk) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRow(iface); |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%p, %p, %s, %08x, %s, %p)\n", This, pUnkOuter, pColumnID, debugstr_guid(rguidColumnType), |
| dwBindFlags, debugstr_guid(riid), ppUnk); |
| if(pUnkOuter) |
| { |
| FIXME("Aggregation not supported\n"); |
| } |
| |
| return IWineRowServer_Open(This->server, pUnkOuter, pColumnID, rguidColumnType, dwBindFlags, riid, ppUnk); |
| } |
| |
| static const IRowVtbl row_vtbl = |
| { |
| row_QueryInterface, |
| row_AddRef, |
| row_Release, |
| row_GetColumns, |
| row_GetSourceRowset, |
| row_Open |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI row_change_QueryInterface(IRowChange *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowChange(iface); |
| return IUnknown_QueryInterface((IUnknown *)This, iid, obj); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI row_change_AddRef(IRowChange *iface) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowChange(iface); |
| return IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown*)This); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI row_change_Release(IRowChange *iface) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowChange(iface); |
| return IUnknown_Release((IUnknown*)This); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI row_change_SetColumns(IRowChange *iface, DBORDINAL cColumns, |
| DBCOLUMNACCESS rgColumns[]) |
| { |
| row_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowChange(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| wine_setcolumns_in *in_data; |
| DBSTATUS *status; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p)\n", This, cColumns, rgColumns); |
| |
| in_data = CoTaskMemAlloc(cColumns * sizeof(in_data[0])); |
| status = CoTaskMemAlloc(cColumns * sizeof(status[0])); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) |
| { |
| TRACE("%d: wtype %04x max %08x len %08x\n", i, rgColumns[i].wType, rgColumns[i].cbMaxLen, rgColumns[i].cbDataLen); |
| V_VT(&in_data[i].v) = rgColumns[i].wType; |
| memcpy(&V_I1(&in_data[i].v), rgColumns[i].pData, db_type_size(rgColumns[i].wType, rgColumns[i].cbDataLen)); |
| in_data[i].columnid = rgColumns[i].columnid; |
| in_data[i].data_len = rgColumns[i].cbDataLen; |
| in_data[i].status = rgColumns[i].dwStatus; |
| in_data[i].max_len = rgColumns[i].cbMaxLen; |
| in_data[i].type = rgColumns[i].wType; |
| in_data[i].precision = rgColumns[i].bPrecision; |
| in_data[i].scale = rgColumns[i].bScale; |
| } |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_SetColumns(This->server, cColumns, in_data, status); |
| |
| for(i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) |
| rgColumns[i].dwStatus = status[i]; |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(status); |
| CoTaskMemFree(in_data); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static const IRowChangeVtbl row_change_vtbl = |
| { |
| row_change_QueryInterface, |
| row_change_AddRef, |
| row_change_Release, |
| row_change_SetColumns |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT create_row_proxy(IWineRowServer *server, IUnknown **obj) |
| { |
| row_proxy *proxy; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", server, obj); |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| proxy = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*proxy)); |
| if(!proxy) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| proxy->row_vtbl = &row_vtbl; |
| proxy->row_change_vtbl = &row_change_vtbl; |
| proxy->ref = 1; |
| IWineRowServer_AddRef(server); |
| proxy->server = server; |
| |
| *obj = (IUnknown*)&proxy->row_vtbl; |
| TRACE("returning %p\n", *obj); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| const IRowsetVtbl *rowset_vtbl; |
| const IRowsetLocateVtbl *rowsetlocate_vtbl; |
| const IRowsetInfoVtbl *rowsetinfo_vtbl; |
| const IAccessorVtbl *accessor_vtbl; |
| |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| IWineRowServer *server; |
| } rowset_proxy; |
| |
| static inline rowset_proxy *impl_from_IRowset(IRowset *iface) |
| { |
| return (rowset_proxy *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(rowset_proxy, rowset_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static inline rowset_proxy *impl_from_IRowsetLocate(IRowsetLocate *iface) |
| { |
| return (rowset_proxy *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(rowset_proxy, rowsetlocate_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static inline rowset_proxy *impl_from_IRowsetInfo(IRowsetInfo *iface) |
| { |
| return (rowset_proxy *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(rowset_proxy, rowsetinfo_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static inline rowset_proxy *impl_from_IAccessor(IAccessor *iface) |
| { |
| return (rowset_proxy *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(rowset_proxy, accessor_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowset_QueryInterface(IRowset *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(iid), obj); |
| |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IUnknown) || |
| IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IRowset)) |
| { |
| *obj = &This->rowset_vtbl; |
| } |
| else if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IRowsetLocate)) |
| { |
| *obj = &This->rowsetlocate_vtbl; |
| } |
| else if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IRowsetInfo)) |
| { |
| *obj = &This->rowsetinfo_vtbl; |
| } |
| else if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IAccessor)) |
| { |
| *obj = &This->accessor_vtbl; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| FIXME("interface %s not implemented\n", debugstr_guid(iid)); |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| |
| IRowset_AddRef(iface); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI rowset_AddRef(IRowset *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI rowset_Release(IRowset *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref); |
| if(ref == 0) |
| { |
| if(This->server) IWineRowServer_Release(This->server); |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); |
| } |
| |
| return ref; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowset_AddRefRows(IRowset *iface, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, const HROW rghRows[], |
| DBREFCOUNT rgRefCounts[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| DBREFCOUNT *refs = rgRefCounts; |
| DBSTATUS *stats = rgRowStatus; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, cRows, rghRows, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| |
| if(!refs) refs = CoTaskMemAlloc(cRows * sizeof(refs[0])); |
| if(!stats) stats = CoTaskMemAlloc(cRows * sizeof(stats[0])); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_AddRefRows(This->server, cRows, rghRows, refs, stats); |
| |
| if(refs != rgRefCounts) CoTaskMemFree(refs); |
| if(stats != rgRowStatus) CoTaskMemFree(stats); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowset_GetData(IRowset *iface, HROW hRow, HACCESSOR hAccessor, void *pData) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IAccessor *accessor; |
| DBCOUNTITEM count, i; |
| DBBINDING *bindings; |
| DWORD max_len = 0; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%lx, %lx, %p)\n", This, hRow, hAccessor, pData); |
| |
| hr = IRowset_QueryInterface(iface, &IID_IAccessor, (void**)&accessor); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| hr = IAccessor_GetBindings(accessor, hAccessor, &flags, &count, &bindings); |
| IAccessor_Release(accessor); |
| if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; |
| |
| TRACE("got %d bindings\n", count); |
| for(i = 0; i < count; i++) |
| { |
| TRACE("%d\tord %d offs: val %d len %d stat %d, part %x, max len %d type %04x\n", |
| i, bindings[i].iOrdinal, bindings[i].obValue, bindings[i].obLength, bindings[i].obStatus, |
| bindings[i].dwPart, bindings[i].cbMaxLen, bindings[i].wType); |
| if(bindings[i].dwPart & DBPART_LENGTH && bindings[i].obLength >= max_len) |
| max_len = bindings[i].obLength + sizeof(DBLENGTH); |
| if(bindings[i].dwPart & DBPART_STATUS && bindings[i].obStatus >= max_len) |
| max_len = bindings[i].obStatus + sizeof(DWORD); |
| if(bindings[i].dwPart & DBPART_VALUE && bindings[i].obValue >= max_len) |
| max_len = bindings[i].obValue + db_type_size(bindings[i].wType, bindings[i].cbMaxLen); |
| |
| } |
| TRACE("max_len %d\n", max_len); |
| |
| CoTaskMemFree(bindings); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_GetData(This->server, hRow, hAccessor, pData, max_len); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowset_GetNextRows(IRowset *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBROWOFFSET lRowsOffset, |
| DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM *pcRowObtained, HROW **prghRows) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| HROW *rows = NULL; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %d, %d, %p, %p)\n", This, hReserved, lRowsOffset, cRows, pcRowObtained, prghRows); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_GetNextRows(This->server, hReserved, lRowsOffset, cRows, pcRowObtained, &rows); |
| if(*prghRows) |
| { |
| memcpy(*prghRows, rows, *pcRowObtained * sizeof(rows[0])); |
| CoTaskMemFree(rows); |
| } |
| else |
| *prghRows = rows; |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowset_ReleaseRows(IRowset *iface, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, const HROW rghRows[], |
| DBROWOPTIONS rgRowOptions[], DBREFCOUNT rgRefCounts[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| DBROWOPTIONS *options = rgRowOptions; |
| DBREFCOUNT *refs = rgRefCounts; |
| DBROWSTATUS *status = rgRowStatus; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, cRows, rghRows, rgRowOptions, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| |
| if(!options) |
| { |
| options = CoTaskMemAlloc(cRows * sizeof(options[0])); |
| memset(options, 0, cRows * sizeof(options[0])); |
| } |
| if(!refs) refs = CoTaskMemAlloc(cRows * sizeof(refs[0])); |
| if(!status) status = CoTaskMemAlloc(cRows * sizeof(status[0])); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_ReleaseRows(This->server, cRows, rghRows, options, refs, status); |
| |
| if(status != rgRowStatus) CoTaskMemFree(status); |
| if(refs != rgRefCounts) CoTaskMemFree(refs); |
| if(options != rgRowOptions) CoTaskMemFree(options); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowset_RestartPosition(IRowset* iface, HCHAPTER hReserved) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowset(iface); |
| |
| FIXME("(%p)->(%lx): stub\n", This, hReserved); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static const IRowsetVtbl rowset_vtbl = |
| { |
| rowset_QueryInterface, |
| rowset_AddRef, |
| rowset_Release, |
| rowset_AddRefRows, |
| rowset_GetData, |
| rowset_GetNextRows, |
| rowset_ReleaseRows, |
| rowset_RestartPosition |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_QueryInterface(IRowsetLocate *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IUnknown_QueryInterface((IUnknown *)This, iid, obj); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI rowsetlocate_AddRef(IRowsetLocate *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown *)This); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI rowsetlocate_Release(IRowsetLocate *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IUnknown_Release((IUnknown *)This); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_AddRefRows(IRowsetLocate *iface, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, const HROW rghRows[], |
| DBREFCOUNT rgRefCounts[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IRowset_AddRefRows((IRowset*)This, cRows, rghRows, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_GetData(IRowsetLocate *iface, HROW hRow, HACCESSOR hAccessor, void *pData) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IRowset_GetData((IRowset*)This, hRow, hAccessor, pData); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_GetNextRows(IRowsetLocate *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBROWOFFSET lRowsOffset, |
| DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM *pcRowObtained, HROW **prghRows) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IRowset_GetNextRows((IRowset*)This, hReserved, lRowsOffset, cRows, pcRowObtained, prghRows); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_ReleaseRows(IRowsetLocate *iface, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, const HROW rghRows[], |
| DBROWOPTIONS rgRowOptions[], DBREFCOUNT rgRefCounts[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IRowset_ReleaseRows((IRowset*)This, cRows, rghRows, rgRowOptions, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_RestartPosition(IRowsetLocate *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| return IRowset_RestartPosition((IRowset*)This, hReserved); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_Compare(IRowsetLocate *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBBKMARK cbBookmark1, const BYTE *pBookmark1, |
| DBBKMARK cbBookmark2, const BYTE *pBookmark2, DBCOMPARE *pComparison) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_GetRowsAt(IRowsetLocate *iface, HWATCHREGION hReserved1, HCHAPTER hReserved2, DBBKMARK cbBookmark, |
| const BYTE *pBookmark, DBROWOFFSET lRowsOffset, DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM *pcRowsObtained, |
| HROW **prghRows) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| HROW *rows = NULL; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %08lx, %d, %p, %d, %d, %p, %p\n", This, hReserved1, hReserved2, cbBookmark, pBookmark, lRowsOffset, cRows, |
| pcRowsObtained, prghRows); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_GetRowsAt(This->server, hReserved1, hReserved2, cbBookmark, pBookmark, lRowsOffset, cRows, pcRowsObtained, &rows); |
| |
| if(*prghRows) |
| { |
| memcpy(*prghRows, rows, *pcRowsObtained * sizeof(rows[0])); |
| CoTaskMemFree(rows); |
| } |
| else |
| *prghRows = rows; |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_GetRowsByBookmark(IRowsetLocate *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBCOUNTITEM cRows, const DBBKMARK rgcbBookmarks[], |
| const BYTE * rgpBookmarks[], HROW rghRows[], DBROWSTATUS rgRowStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetlocate_Hash(IRowsetLocate *iface, HCHAPTER hReserved, DBBKMARK cBookmarks, const DBBKMARK rgcbBookmarks[], |
| const BYTE * rgpBookmarks[], DBHASHVALUE rgHashedValues[], DBROWSTATUS rgBookmarkStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetLocate(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static const IRowsetLocateVtbl rowsetlocate_vtbl = |
| { |
| rowsetlocate_QueryInterface, |
| rowsetlocate_AddRef, |
| rowsetlocate_Release, |
| rowsetlocate_AddRefRows, |
| rowsetlocate_GetData, |
| rowsetlocate_GetNextRows, |
| rowsetlocate_ReleaseRows, |
| rowsetlocate_RestartPosition, |
| rowsetlocate_Compare, |
| rowsetlocate_GetRowsAt, |
| rowsetlocate_GetRowsByBookmark, |
| rowsetlocate_Hash |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetinfo_QueryInterface(IRowsetInfo *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetInfo(iface); |
| return IUnknown_QueryInterface((IUnknown *)This, iid, obj); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI rowsetinfo_AddRef(IRowsetInfo *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetInfo(iface); |
| return IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown *)This); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI rowsetinfo_Release(IRowsetInfo *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetInfo(iface); |
| return IUnknown_Release((IUnknown *)This); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetinfo_GetProperties(IRowsetInfo *iface, const ULONG cPropertyIDSets, |
| const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[], ULONG *pcPropertySets, |
| DBPROPSET **prgPropertySets) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetInfo(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%d, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, cPropertyIDSets, rgPropertyIDSets, pcPropertySets, prgPropertySets); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_GetProperties(This->server, cPropertyIDSets, rgPropertyIDSets, pcPropertySets, prgPropertySets); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetinfo_GetReferencedRowset(IRowsetInfo *iface, DBORDINAL iOrdinal, REFIID riid, |
| IUnknown **ppReferencedRowset) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetInfo(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI rowsetinfo_GetSpecification(IRowsetInfo *iface, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppSpecification) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IRowsetInfo(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static const IRowsetInfoVtbl rowsetinfo_vtbl = |
| { |
| rowsetinfo_QueryInterface, |
| rowsetinfo_AddRef, |
| rowsetinfo_Release, |
| rowsetinfo_GetProperties, |
| rowsetinfo_GetReferencedRowset, |
| rowsetinfo_GetSpecification |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI accessor_QueryInterface(IAccessor *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| return IUnknown_QueryInterface((IUnknown *)This, iid, obj); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI accessor_AddRef(IAccessor *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| return IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown *)This); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI accessor_Release(IAccessor *iface) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| return IUnknown_Release((IUnknown *)This); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI accessor_AddRefAccessor(IAccessor *iface, HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)\n", This); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI accessor_CreateAccessor(IAccessor *iface, DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, |
| const DBBINDING rgBindings[], DBLENGTH cbRowSize, HACCESSOR *phAccessor, |
| DBBINDSTATUS rgStatus[]) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| DBBINDSTATUS *status; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08x, %d, %p, %d, %p, %p)\n", This, dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, cbRowSize, phAccessor, rgStatus); |
| |
| if(!rgStatus) status = CoTaskMemAlloc(cBindings * sizeof(status[0])); |
| else status = rgStatus; |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_CreateAccessor(This->server, dwAccessorFlags, cBindings, rgBindings, cbRowSize, phAccessor, status); |
| |
| if(!rgStatus) CoTaskMemFree(status); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI accessor_GetBindings(IAccessor *iface, HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBACCESSORFLAGS *pdwAccessorFlags, |
| DBCOUNTITEM *pcBindings, DBBINDING **prgBindings) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %p, %p, %p)\n", This, hAccessor, pdwAccessorFlags, pcBindings, prgBindings); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_GetBindings(This->server, hAccessor, pdwAccessorFlags, pcBindings, prgBindings); |
| |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI accessor_ReleaseAccessor(IAccessor *iface, HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *This = impl_from_IAccessor(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%08lx, %p)\n", This, hAccessor, pcRefCount); |
| |
| hr = IWineRowServer_ReleaseAccessor(This->server, hAccessor, &ref); |
| if(pcRefCount) *pcRefCount = ref; |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static const IAccessorVtbl accessor_vtbl = |
| { |
| accessor_QueryInterface, |
| accessor_AddRef, |
| accessor_Release, |
| accessor_AddRefAccessor, |
| accessor_CreateAccessor, |
| accessor_GetBindings, |
| accessor_ReleaseAccessor |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT create_rowset_proxy(IWineRowServer *server, IUnknown **obj) |
| { |
| rowset_proxy *proxy; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", server, obj); |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| proxy = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*proxy)); |
| if(!proxy) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| proxy->rowset_vtbl = &rowset_vtbl; |
| proxy->rowsetlocate_vtbl = &rowsetlocate_vtbl; |
| proxy->rowsetinfo_vtbl = &rowsetinfo_vtbl; |
| proxy->accessor_vtbl = &accessor_vtbl; |
| proxy->ref = 1; |
| IWineRowServer_AddRef(server); |
| proxy->server = server; |
| |
| *obj = (IUnknown *)&proxy->rowset_vtbl; |
| TRACE("returning %p\n", *obj); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT create_proxy(IWineRowServer *server, const CLSID *class, IUnknown **obj) |
| { |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| if(IsEqualGUID(class, &CLSID_wine_row_proxy)) |
| return create_row_proxy(server, obj); |
| else if(IsEqualGUID(class, &CLSID_wine_rowset_proxy)) |
| return create_rowset_proxy(server, obj); |
| else |
| FIXME("Unhandled proxy class %s\n", debugstr_guid(class)); |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| /* Marshal impl */ |
| |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| const IMarshalVtbl *marshal_vtbl; |
| |
| LONG ref; |
| CLSID unmarshal_class; |
| IUnknown *outer; |
| } marshal; |
| |
| static inline marshal *impl_from_IMarshal(IMarshal *iface) |
| { |
| return (marshal *)((char*)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(marshal, marshal_vtbl)); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_QueryInterface(IMarshal *iface, REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(iid), obj); |
| |
| if(IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IUnknown) || |
| IsEqualIID(iid, &IID_IMarshal)) |
| { |
| *obj = iface; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| FIXME("interface %s not implemented\n", debugstr_guid(iid)); |
| *obj = NULL; |
| return E_NOINTERFACE; |
| } |
| |
| IMarshal_AddRef(iface); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI marshal_AddRef(IMarshal *iface) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); |
| } |
| |
| static ULONG WINAPI marshal_Release(IMarshal *iface) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| LONG ref; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)\n", This); |
| |
| ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref); |
| if(ref == 0) |
| { |
| HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); |
| } |
| |
| return ref; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_GetUnmarshalClass(IMarshal *iface, REFIID iid, void *obj, |
| DWORD dwDestContext, void *pvDestContext, |
| DWORD mshlflags, CLSID *clsid) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %08x, %p, %08x, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(iid), obj, dwDestContext, |
| pvDestContext, mshlflags, clsid); |
| |
| *clsid = This->unmarshal_class; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_GetMarshalSizeMax(IMarshal *iface, REFIID iid, void *obj, |
| DWORD dwDestContext, void *pvDestContext, |
| DWORD mshlflags, DWORD *size) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p, %08x, %p, %08x, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(iid), obj, dwDestContext, |
| pvDestContext, mshlflags, size); |
| |
| return CoGetMarshalSizeMax(size, &IID_IWineRowServer, This->outer, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, |
| mshlflags); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_MarshalInterface(IMarshal *iface, IStream *stream, REFIID iid, |
| void *obj, DWORD dwDestContext, void *pvDestContext, |
| DWORD mshlflags) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%p, %s, %p, %08x, %p, %08x)\n", This, stream, debugstr_guid(iid), obj, dwDestContext, |
| pvDestContext, mshlflags); |
| |
| return CoMarshalInterface(stream, &IID_IWineRowServer, This->outer, dwDestContext, pvDestContext, mshlflags); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_UnmarshalInterface(IMarshal *iface, IStream *stream, |
| REFIID iid, void **obj) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| HRESULT hr; |
| IWineRowServer *server; |
| IUnknown *proxy; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%p, %s, %p)\n", This, stream, debugstr_guid(iid), obj); |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| hr = CoUnmarshalInterface(stream, &IID_IWineRowServer, (void**)&server); |
| if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) |
| { |
| hr = create_proxy(server, &This->unmarshal_class, &proxy); |
| if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) |
| { |
| hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(proxy, iid, obj); |
| IUnknown_Release(proxy); |
| } |
| IWineRowServer_Release(server); |
| } |
| |
| TRACE("returning %p\n", *obj); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_ReleaseMarshalData(IMarshal *iface, IStream *stream) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, stream); |
| return CoReleaseMarshalData(stream); |
| } |
| |
| static HRESULT WINAPI marshal_DisconnectObject(IMarshal *iface, DWORD dwReserved) |
| { |
| marshal *This = impl_from_IMarshal(iface); |
| FIXME("(%p)->(%08x)\n", This, dwReserved); |
| |
| return E_NOTIMPL; |
| } |
| |
| static const IMarshalVtbl marshal_vtbl = |
| { |
| marshal_QueryInterface, |
| marshal_AddRef, |
| marshal_Release, |
| marshal_GetUnmarshalClass, |
| marshal_GetMarshalSizeMax, |
| marshal_MarshalInterface, |
| marshal_UnmarshalInterface, |
| marshal_ReleaseMarshalData, |
| marshal_DisconnectObject |
| }; |
| |
| static HRESULT create_marshal(IUnknown *outer, const CLSID *class, void **obj) |
| { |
| marshal *marshal; |
| |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", outer, obj); |
| *obj = NULL; |
| |
| marshal = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*marshal)); |
| if(!marshal) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; |
| |
| marshal->unmarshal_class = *class; |
| marshal->outer = outer; /* don't ref outer unk */ |
| marshal->marshal_vtbl = &marshal_vtbl; |
| marshal->ref = 1; |
| |
| *obj = &marshal->marshal_vtbl; |
| TRACE("returning %p\n", *obj); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT create_row_marshal(IUnknown *outer, void **obj) |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", outer, obj); |
| return create_marshal(outer, &CLSID_wine_row_proxy, obj); |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT create_rowset_marshal(IUnknown *outer, void **obj) |
| { |
| TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", outer, obj); |
| return create_marshal(outer, &CLSID_wine_rowset_proxy, obj); |
| } |