blob: 681d821f1d0e0b34e20d228304265ccf2c05fc0a [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id: dlls.h,v 1.2 1993/07/04 04:04:21 root Exp root $
* Copyright Robert J. Amstadt, 1993
#ifndef DLLS_H
#define DLLS_H
#include "wintypes.h"
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 64
struct ne_data {
struct ne_header_s *ne_header;
struct pe_data {
struct pe_header_s *pe_header;
struct pe_segment_table *pe_seg;
struct PE_Import_Directory *pe_import;
struct PE_Export_Directory *pe_export;
struct PE_Resource_Directory *pe_resource;
int resource_offset; /* offset to resource typedirectory in file */
struct w_files
struct w_files * next;
char * name; /* Name, as it appears in the windows binaries */
char * filename; /* Actual name of the unix file that satisfies this */
int type; /* DLL or EXE */
int fd;
unsigned short hinstance;
HANDLE hModule;
int initialised;
struct mz_header_s *mz_header;
struct ne_data *ne;
struct pe_data *pe;
extern struct w_files *wine_files;
#define DLL 0
#define EXE 1
struct dll_table_entry_s
* 16->32 bit interface data
char *export_name;
int used; /* Number of times this function referenced */
struct dll_table_s
struct dll_table_entry_s *dll_table;
int dll_table_length;
int dll_number;
BYTE *code_start; /* 32-bit address of DLL code */
BYTE *data_start; /* 32-bit address of DLL data */
BYTE *module_start; /* 32-bit address of the module data */
BYTE *module_end;
HMODULE hModule;
struct dll_name_table_entry_s
char *dll_name;
struct dll_table_s *table;
int dll_is_used; /* use MS provided if set to zero */
extern struct dll_table_s KERNEL_table;
extern struct dll_table_s USER_table;
extern struct dll_table_s GDI_table;
extern struct dll_table_s WIN87EM_table;
extern struct dll_table_s MMSYSTEM_table;
extern struct dll_table_s SHELL_table;
extern struct dll_table_s SOUND_table;
extern struct dll_table_s KEYBOARD_table;
extern struct dll_table_s WINSOCK_table;
extern struct dll_table_s STRESS_table;
extern struct dll_table_s SYSTEM_table;
extern struct dll_table_s TOOLHELP_table;
extern struct dll_table_s MOUSE_table;
extern struct dll_table_s COMMDLG_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLE2_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLE2CONV_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLE2DISP_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLE2NLS_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLE2PROX_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLECLI_table;
extern struct dll_table_s OLESVR_table;
extern struct dll_table_s COMPOBJ_table;
extern struct dll_table_s STORAGE_table;
extern struct dll_table_s WINPROCS_table;
extern struct dll_table_s DDEML_table;
#define N_BUILTINS 25
#endif /* DLLS_H */