wined3d: Track depth stencil location per-surface.
This gets rid of depth_copy_state in the device, and instead tracks
the most up to date location per-surface. This makes things a lot
easier to follow, and allows us to make a copy when switching depth
stencils in SetDepthStencilSurface().
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h b/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
index 24cf73b..d1456d2 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
@@ -857,7 +857,6 @@
/* For rendering to a texture using glCopyTexImage */
BOOL render_offscreen;
- WINED3D_DEPTHCOPYSTATE depth_copy_state;
GLuint fbo;
GLuint src_fbo;
GLuint dst_fbo;
@@ -1355,26 +1354,28 @@
void get_drawable_size_fbo(IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *This, UINT *width, UINT *height);
/* Surface flags: */
-#define SFLAG_OVERSIZE 0x00000001 /* Surface is bigger than gl size, blts only */
-#define SFLAG_CONVERTED 0x00000002 /* Converted for color keying or Palettized */
-#define SFLAG_DIBSECTION 0x00000004 /* Has a DIB section attached for GetDC */
-#define SFLAG_LOCKABLE 0x00000008 /* Surface can be locked */
-#define SFLAG_DISCARD 0x00000010 /* ??? */
-#define SFLAG_LOCKED 0x00000020 /* Surface is locked atm */
-#define SFLAG_INTEXTURE 0x00000040 /* The GL texture contains the newest surface content */
-#define SFLAG_INDRAWABLE 0x00000080 /* The gl drawable contains the most up to date data */
-#define SFLAG_INSYSMEM 0x00000100 /* The system memory copy is most up to date */
-#define SFLAG_NONPOW2 0x00000200 /* Surface sizes are not a power of 2 */
-#define SFLAG_DYNLOCK 0x00000400 /* Surface is often locked by the app */
-#define SFLAG_DYNCHANGE 0x00000C00 /* Surface contents are changed very often, implies DYNLOCK */
-#define SFLAG_DCINUSE 0x00001000 /* Set between GetDC and ReleaseDC calls */
-#define SFLAG_LOST 0x00002000 /* Surface lost flag for DDraw */
-#define SFLAG_USERPTR 0x00004000 /* The application allocated the memory for this surface */
-#define SFLAG_GLCKEY 0x00008000 /* The gl texture was created with a color key */
-#define SFLAG_CLIENT 0x00010000 /* GL_APPLE_client_storage is used on that texture */
-#define SFLAG_ALLOCATED 0x00020000 /* A gl texture is allocated for this surface */
-#define SFLAG_PBO 0x00040000 /* Has a PBO attached for speeding up data transfers for dynamically locked surfaces */
-#define SFLAG_NORMCOORD 0x00080000 /* Set if the GL texture coords are normalized(non-texture rectangle) */
+#define SFLAG_OVERSIZE 0x00000001 /* Surface is bigger than gl size, blts only */
+#define SFLAG_CONVERTED 0x00000002 /* Converted for color keying or Palettized */
+#define SFLAG_DIBSECTION 0x00000004 /* Has a DIB section attached for GetDC */
+#define SFLAG_LOCKABLE 0x00000008 /* Surface can be locked */
+#define SFLAG_DISCARD 0x00000010 /* ??? */
+#define SFLAG_LOCKED 0x00000020 /* Surface is locked atm */
+#define SFLAG_INTEXTURE 0x00000040 /* The GL texture contains the newest surface content */
+#define SFLAG_INDRAWABLE 0x00000080 /* The gl drawable contains the most up to date data */
+#define SFLAG_INSYSMEM 0x00000100 /* The system memory copy is most up to date */
+#define SFLAG_NONPOW2 0x00000200 /* Surface sizes are not a power of 2 */
+#define SFLAG_DYNLOCK 0x00000400 /* Surface is often locked by the app */
+#define SFLAG_DYNCHANGE 0x00000C00 /* Surface contents are changed very often, implies DYNLOCK */
+#define SFLAG_DCINUSE 0x00001000 /* Set between GetDC and ReleaseDC calls */
+#define SFLAG_LOST 0x00002000 /* Surface lost flag for DDraw */
+#define SFLAG_USERPTR 0x00004000 /* The application allocated the memory for this surface */
+#define SFLAG_GLCKEY 0x00008000 /* The gl texture was created with a color key */
+#define SFLAG_CLIENT 0x00010000 /* GL_APPLE_client_storage is used on that texture */
+#define SFLAG_ALLOCATED 0x00020000 /* A gl texture is allocated for this surface */
+#define SFLAG_PBO 0x00040000 /* Has a PBO attached for speeding up data transfers for dynamically locked surfaces */
+#define SFLAG_NORMCOORD 0x00080000 /* Set if the GL texture coords are normalized(non-texture rectangle) */
+#define SFLAG_DS_ONSCREEN 0x00100000 /* Is a depth stencil, last modified onscreen */
+#define SFLAG_DS_OFFSCREEN 0x00200000 /* Is a depth stencil, last modified offscreen */
/* In some conditions the surface memory must not be freed:
* SFLAG_OVERSIZE: Not all data can be kept in GL
@@ -1386,19 +1387,23 @@
* SFLAG_PBO: PBOs don't use 'normal' memory. It is either allocated by the driver or must be NULL.
* SFLAG_CLIENT: OpenGL uses our memory as backup
BOOL CalculateTexRect(IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *This, RECT *Rect, float glTexCoord[4]);
typedef enum {
@@ -1751,6 +1756,8 @@
void surface_set_compatible_renderbuffer(IWineD3DSurface *iface, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
GLenum surface_get_gl_buffer(IWineD3DSurface *iface, IWineD3DSwapChain *swapchain);
+void surface_modify_ds_location(IWineD3DSurface *iface, DWORD location);
+void surface_load_ds_location(IWineD3DSurface *iface, DWORD location);
BOOL getColorBits(WINED3DFORMAT fmt, short *redSize, short *greenSize, short *blueSize, short *alphaSize, short *totalSize);
BOOL getDepthStencilBits(WINED3DFORMAT fmt, short *depthSize, short *stencilSize);
@@ -2442,5 +2449,6 @@
IWineD3DSurface *dst_surface, WINED3DRECT *dst_rect, const WINED3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE filter, BOOL flip);
void bind_fbo(IWineD3DDevice *iface, GLenum target, GLuint *fbo);
void attach_depth_stencil_fbo(IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This, GLenum fbo_target, IWineD3DSurface *depth_stencil, BOOL use_render_buffer);
+void depth_blt(IWineD3DDevice *iface, GLuint texture);