blob: 242d0f385b9deb19e6cb3754549cb7401b9b03d4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "debugtools.h"
#include "wtypes.h"
#include "thread.h"
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct debug_info
char *str_pos; /* current position in strings buffer */
char *out_pos; /* current position in output buffer */
char strings[500]; /* buffer for temporary strings */
char output[500]; /* current output line */
static struct debug_info tmp;
static inline struct debug_info *get_info(void)
struct debug_info *info = NtCurrentTeb()->debug_info;
if (!info)
/* setup the temp structure in case HeapAlloc wants to print something */
NtCurrentTeb()->debug_info = &tmp;
tmp.str_pos = tmp.strings;
tmp.out_pos = tmp.output;
info = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*info) );
info->str_pos = info->strings;
info->out_pos = info->output;
NtCurrentTeb()->debug_info = info;
return info;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void *
gimme1 (int n)
struct debug_info *info = get_info();
char *res = info->str_pos;
if (res + n >= &info->strings[sizeof(info->strings)]) res = info->strings;
info->str_pos = res + n;
return res;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
LPCSTR debugstr_an (LPCSTR src, int n)
LPSTR dst, res;
if (!src) return "(null)";
if (n < 0) n = 0;
dst = res = gimme1 (n * 4 + 6);
*dst++ = '"';
while (n-- > 0 && *src)
BYTE c = *src++;
switch (c)
case '\n': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'n'; break;
case '\r': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'r'; break;
case '\t': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 't'; break;
case '"': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '"'; break;
case '\\': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '\\'; break;
if (c >= ' ' && c <= 126)
*dst++ = c;
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = '0' + ((c >> 6) & 7);
*dst++ = '0' + ((c >> 3) & 7);
*dst++ = '0' + ((c >> 0) & 7);
*dst++ = '"';
if (*src)
*dst++ = '.';
*dst++ = '.';
*dst++ = '.';
*dst = '\0';
return res;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
LPCSTR debugstr_wn (LPCWSTR src, int n)
LPSTR dst, res;
if (!src) return "(null)";
if (n < 0) n = 0;
dst = res = gimme1 (n * 5 + 7);
*dst++ = 'L';
*dst++ = '"';
while (n-- > 0 && *src)
WORD c = *src++;
switch (c)
case '\n': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'n'; break;
case '\r': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'r'; break;
case '\t': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 't'; break;
case '"': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '"'; break;
case '\\': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '\\'; break;
if (c >= ' ' && c <= 126)
*dst++ = c;
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = '"';
if (*src)
*dst++ = '.';
*dst++ = '.';
*dst++ = '.';
*dst = '\0';
return res;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This routine returns a nicely formated name of the resource res
If the resource name is a string, it will return '<res-name>'
If it is a number, it will return #<4-digit-hex-number> */
LPCSTR debugres_a( LPCSTR res )
char *resname;
if (HIWORD(res)) return debugstr_a(res);
resname = gimme1(6);
sprintf(resname, "#%04x", LOWORD(res) );
return resname;
LPCSTR debugres_w( LPCWSTR res )
char *resname;
if (HIWORD(res)) return debugstr_w(res);
resname = gimme1(6);
sprintf( resname, "#%04x", LOWORD(res) );
return resname;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
LPCSTR debugstr_guid( const GUID *id )
LPSTR str;
if (!id) return "(null)";
if (!HIWORD(id))
str = gimme1(12);
sprintf( str, "<guid-0x%04x>", LOWORD(id) );
str = gimme1(40);
sprintf( str, "{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}",
id->Data1, id->Data2, id->Data3,
id->Data4[0], id->Data4[1], id->Data4[2], id->Data4[3],
id->Data4[4], id->Data4[5], id->Data4[6], id->Data4[7] );
return str;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int dbg_vprintf( const char *format, va_list args )
struct debug_info *info = get_info();
int ret = vsprintf( info->out_pos, format, args );
char *p = strrchr( info->out_pos, '\n' );
if (!p) info->out_pos += ret;
char *pos = info->output;
write( 2, pos, p - pos );
/* move beginning of next line to start of buffer */
while ((*pos = *p++)) pos++;
info->out_pos = pos;
return ret;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int dbg_printf(const char *format, ...)
int ret;
va_list valist;
va_start(valist, format);
ret = dbg_vprintf( format, valist);
return ret;
/*--< Function >---------------------------------------------------------
** debugstr_hex_dump
** Description:
** This function creates a hex dump, with a readable ascii
** section, for displaying memory.
** Parameters:
** 1. ptr Pointer to memory
** 2. len How much to dump.
** Returns:
** Temporarily allocated buffer, with the hex dump in it.
** Don't rely on this pointer being around for very long, just
** long enough to use it in a TRACE statement; e.g.:
** TRACE("struct dump is \n%s", debugstr_hex_dump(&x, sizeof(x)));
LPCSTR debugstr_hex_dump (const void *ptr, int len)
/* Locals */
char dumpbuf[59];
char charbuf[20];
char tempbuf[8];
const char *p;
int i;
unsigned int nosign;
LPSTR dst;
LPSTR outptr;
/* Begin function dbg_hex_dump */
** Allocate an output buffer
** A reasonable value is one line overhand (80 chars), and
** then one line (80) for every 16 bytes.
outptr = dst = gimme1 ((len * (80 / 16)) + 80);
** Loop throught the input buffer, one character at a time
for (i = 0, p = ptr; (i < len); i++, p++)
** If we're just starting a line,
** we need to possibly flush the old line, and then
** intialize the line buffer.
if ((i % 16) == 0)
if (i)
sprintf(outptr, " %-43.43s %-16.16s\n", dumpbuf, charbuf);
outptr += strlen(outptr);
sprintf (dumpbuf, "%04x: ", i);
strcpy (charbuf, "");
** Add the current data byte to the dump section.
nosign = (unsigned char) *p;
sprintf (tempbuf, "%02X", nosign);
** If we're two DWORDS through, add a hyphen for readability,
** if it's a DWORD boundary, add a space for more
** readability.
if ((i % 16) == 7)
strcat(tempbuf, " - ");
else if ( (i % 4) == 3)
strcat(tempbuf, " ");
strcat (dumpbuf, tempbuf);
** Add the current byte to the character display part of the
** hex dump
sprintf (tempbuf, "%c", isprint(*p) ? *p : '.');
strcat (charbuf, tempbuf);
** Flush the last line, if any
if (i > 0)
sprintf(outptr, " %-43.43s %-16.16s\n", dumpbuf, charbuf);
outptr += strlen(outptr);
} /* End function dbg_hex_dump */