| /* |
| * X11 driver definitions |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef __WINE_X11DRV_H |
| #define __WINE_X11DRV_H |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| |
| #include <X11/Xlib.h> |
| #include <X11/Xresource.h> |
| #include <X11/Xutil.h> |
| #include <X11/Xatom.h> |
| #endif /* !defined(X_DISPLAY_MISSING) */ |
| |
| #include "dinput.h" |
| #include "gdi.h" |
| #include "winbase.h" |
| #include "windef.h" |
| |
| #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h> |
| |
| struct tagBITMAPOBJ; |
| struct tagCLASS; |
| struct tagCREATESTRUCTA; |
| struct tagCURSORICONINFO; |
| struct tagDC; |
| struct tagDeviceCaps; |
| struct tagPALETTEOBJ; |
| struct tagWND; |
| struct tagWINDOWPOS; |
| |
| /* X physical pen */ |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| int style; |
| int endcap; |
| int linejoin; |
| int pixel; |
| int width; |
| char * dashes; |
| int dash_len; |
| int type; /* GEOMETRIC || COSMETIC */ |
| } X_PHYSPEN; |
| |
| /* X physical brush */ |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| int style; |
| int fillStyle; |
| int pixel; |
| Pixmap pixmap; |
| |
| /* X physical font */ |
| typedef UINT X_PHYSFONT; |
| |
| /* X physical device */ |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| GC gc; /* X Window GC */ |
| Drawable drawable; |
| X_PHYSFONT font; |
| X_PHYSPEN pen; |
| X_PHYSBRUSH brush; |
| int backgroundPixel; |
| int textPixel; |
| |
| |
| typedef struct { |
| Pixmap pixmap; |
| |
| /* GCs used for B&W and color bitmap operations */ |
| extern GC BITMAP_monoGC, BITMAP_colorGC; |
| |
| #define BITMAP_GC(bmp) \ |
| (((bmp)->bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 1) ? BITMAP_monoGC : BITMAP_colorGC) |
| |
| extern DeviceCaps X11DRV_DevCaps; |
| |
| /* Wine driver X11 functions */ |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Init(void); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_BitBlt( struct tagDC *dcDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, |
| INT width, INT height, struct tagDC *dcSrc, |
| INT xSrc, INT ySrc, DWORD rop ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_EnumDeviceFonts( struct tagDC *dc, LPLOGFONT16 plf, |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_GetCharWidth( struct tagDC *dc, UINT firstChar, |
| UINT lastChar, LPINT buffer ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_GetTextExtentPoint( struct tagDC *dc, LPCSTR str, |
| INT count, LPSIZE size ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_GetTextMetrics(struct tagDC *dc, TEXTMETRICA *metrics); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PatBlt( struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, |
| INT width, INT height, DWORD rop ); |
| extern VOID X11DRV_SetDeviceClipping(struct tagDC *dc); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_StretchBlt( struct tagDC *dcDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, |
| INT widthDst, INT heightDst, |
| struct tagDC *dcSrc, INT xSrc, INT ySrc, |
| INT widthSrc, INT heightSrc, DWORD rop ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_MoveToEx( struct tagDC *dc, INT x, INT y,LPPOINT pt); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_LineTo( struct tagDC *dc, INT x, INT y); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Arc( struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, INT right, |
| INT bottom, INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, |
| INT yend ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Pie( struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, INT right, |
| INT bottom, INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, |
| INT yend ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Chord( struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, |
| INT right, INT bottom, INT xstart, |
| INT ystart, INT xend, INT yend ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Ellipse( struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, |
| INT right, INT bottom ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Rectangle(struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, |
| INT right, INT bottom); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_RoundRect( struct tagDC *dc, INT left, INT top, |
| INT right, INT bottom, INT ell_width, |
| INT ell_height ); |
| extern COLORREF X11DRV_SetPixel( struct tagDC *dc, INT x, INT y, |
| COLORREF color ); |
| extern COLORREF X11DRV_GetPixel( struct tagDC *dc, INT x, INT y); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PaintRgn( struct tagDC *dc, HRGN hrgn ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Polyline( struct tagDC *dc,const POINT* pt,INT count); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PolyBezier( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT start, const POINT* lppt, DWORD cPoints); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_Polygon( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT* pt, INT count ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PolyPolygon( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT* pt, |
| const INT* counts, UINT polygons); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PolyPolyline( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT* pt, |
| const DWORD* counts, DWORD polylines); |
| |
| extern HGDIOBJ X11DRV_SelectObject( struct tagDC *dc, HGDIOBJ handle ); |
| |
| extern COLORREF X11DRV_SetBkColor( struct tagDC *dc, COLORREF color ); |
| extern COLORREF X11DRV_SetTextColor( struct tagDC *dc, COLORREF color ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_ExtFloodFill( struct tagDC *dc, INT x, INT y, |
| COLORREF color, UINT fillType ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_ExtTextOut( struct tagDC *dc, INT x, INT y, |
| UINT flags, const RECT *lprect, |
| LPCSTR str, UINT count, const INT *lpDx ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_CreateBitmap( HBITMAP hbitmap ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_DeleteObject( HGDIOBJ handle ); |
| extern LONG X11DRV_BitmapBits( HBITMAP hbitmap, void *bits, LONG count, |
| WORD flags ); |
| extern INT X11DRV_SetDIBitsToDevice( struct tagDC *dc, INT xDest, |
| INT yDest, DWORD cx, DWORD cy, |
| INT xSrc, INT ySrc, |
| UINT startscan, UINT lines, |
| LPCVOID bits, const BITMAPINFO *info, |
| UINT coloruse ); |
| extern INT X11DRV_DeviceBitmapBits( struct tagDC *dc, HBITMAP hbitmap, |
| WORD fGet, UINT startscan, |
| UINT lines, LPSTR bits, |
| LPBITMAPINFO info, UINT coloruse ); |
| extern HANDLE X11DRV_LoadOEMResource( WORD id, WORD type ); |
| |
| /* X11 driver internal functions */ |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_BITMAP_Init(void); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_BRUSH_Init(void); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_DIB_Init(void); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_FONT_Init( struct tagDeviceCaps* ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_OBM_Init(void); |
| |
| struct tagBITMAPOBJ; |
| extern XImage *X11DRV_BITMAP_GetXImage( const struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp ); |
| extern int X11DRV_DIB_GetXImageWidthBytes( int width, int depth ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_DIB_Init(void); |
| extern X11DRV_PHYSBITMAP *X11DRV_AllocBitmap( struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp ); |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_SetupGCForPatBlt( struct tagDC *dc, GC gc, |
| BOOL fMapColors ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_SetupGCForBrush( struct tagDC *dc ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_SetupGCForPen( struct tagDC *dc ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_SetupGCForText( struct tagDC *dc ); |
| |
| extern const int X11DRV_XROPfunction[]; |
| |
| /* Xlib critical section */ |
| |
| extern CRITICAL_SECTION X11DRV_CritSection; |
| |
| extern void _XInitImageFuncPtrs(XImage *); |
| |
| #define XCREATEIMAGE(image,width,height,bpp) \ |
| { \ |
| int width_bytes = X11DRV_DIB_GetXImageWidthBytes( (width), (bpp) ); \ |
| (image) = TSXCreateImage(display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(X11DRV_GetXScreen()), \ |
| (bpp), ZPixmap, 0, xcalloc( (height)*width_bytes ),\ |
| (width), (height), 32, width_bytes ); \ |
| } |
| |
| /* exported dib functions for now */ |
| |
| /* Additional info for DIB section objects */ |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| /* Windows DIB section */ |
| DIBSECTION dibSection; |
| |
| /* Mapping status */ |
| enum { X11DRV_DIB_NoHandler, X11DRV_DIB_InSync, X11DRV_DIB_AppMod, X11DRV_DIB_GdiMod } status; |
| |
| /* Color map info */ |
| int nColorMap; |
| int *colorMap; |
| |
| /* Cached XImage */ |
| XImage *image; |
| |
| /* Selector for 16-bit access to bits */ |
| WORD selector; |
| |
| /* Shared memory segment info */ |
| XShmSegmentInfo shminfo; |
| |
| |
| /* This structure holds the arguments for DIB_SetImageBits() */ |
| typedef struct |
| { |
| struct tagDC *dc; |
| LPCVOID bits; |
| XImage *image; |
| PALETTEENTRY *palentry; |
| int lines; |
| DWORD infoWidth; |
| WORD depth; |
| WORD infoBpp; |
| WORD compression; |
| RGBQUAD *colorMap; |
| int nColorMap; |
| Drawable drawable; |
| GC gc; |
| int xSrc; |
| int ySrc; |
| int xDest; |
| int yDest; |
| int width; |
| int height; |
| DWORD rMask; |
| DWORD gMask; |
| DWORD bMask; |
| BOOL useShm; |
| |
| |
| extern int X11DRV_DIB_GetImageBits( const X11DRV_DIB_IMAGEBITS_DESCR *descr ); |
| extern int X11DRV_DIB_SetImageBits( const X11DRV_DIB_IMAGEBITS_DESCR *descr ); |
| extern int *X11DRV_DIB_BuildColorMap( struct tagDC *dc, WORD coloruse, |
| WORD depth, const BITMAPINFO *info, |
| int *nColors ); |
| extern void X11DRV_DIB_UpdateDIBSection(struct tagDC *dc, BOOL toDIB); |
| |
| extern HBITMAP X11DRV_DIB_CreateDIBSection(struct tagDC *dc, BITMAPINFO *bmi, UINT usage, |
| LPVOID *bits, HANDLE section, DWORD offset); |
| extern HBITMAP16 X11DRV_DIB_CreateDIBSection16(struct tagDC *dc, BITMAPINFO *bmi, UINT16 usage, |
| SEGPTR *bits, HANDLE section, DWORD offset); |
| |
| extern struct tagBITMAP_DRIVER X11DRV_BITMAP_Driver; |
| |
| extern INT X11DRV_DIB_SetDIBits(struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp, struct tagDC *dc, UINT startscan, |
| UINT lines, LPCVOID bits, const BITMAPINFO *info, |
| UINT coloruse, HBITMAP hbitmap); |
| extern INT X11DRV_DIB_GetDIBits(struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp, struct tagDC *dc, UINT startscan, |
| UINT lines, LPVOID bits, BITMAPINFO *info, |
| UINT coloruse, HBITMAP hbitmap); |
| extern void X11DRV_DIB_DeleteDIBSection(struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp); |
| |
| /************************************************************************** |
| * X11 GDI driver |
| */ |
| |
| extern struct tagGDI_DRIVER X11DRV_GDI_Driver; |
| |
| BOOL X11DRV_GDI_Initialize(void); |
| void X11DRV_GDI_Finalize(void); |
| |
| /* X11 GDI palette driver */ |
| |
| #define X11DRV_PALETTE_FIXED 0x0001 /* read-only colormap - have to use XAllocColor (if not virtual)*/ |
| #define X11DRV_PALETTE_VIRTUAL 0x0002 /* no mapping needed - pixel == pixel color */ |
| |
| #define X11DRV_PALETTE_PRIVATE 0x1000 /* private colormap, identity mapping */ |
| #define X11DRV_PALETTE_WHITESET 0x2000 |
| |
| extern Colormap X11DRV_PALETTE_PaletteXColormap; |
| extern UINT16 X11DRV_PALETTE_PaletteFlags; |
| |
| extern int *X11DRV_PALETTE_PaletteToXPixel; |
| extern int *X11DRV_PALETTE_XPixelToPalette; |
| |
| extern int X11DRV_PALETTE_mapEGAPixel[16]; |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PALETTE_Init(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_PALETTE_Cleanup(void); |
| |
| extern COLORREF X11DRV_PALETTE_ToLogical(int pixel); |
| extern int X11DRV_PALETTE_ToPhysical(struct tagDC *dc, COLORREF color); |
| |
| extern struct tagPALETTE_DRIVER X11DRV_PALETTE_Driver; |
| |
| extern int X11DRV_PALETTE_SetMapping(struct tagPALETTEOBJ *palPtr, UINT uStart, UINT uNum, BOOL mapOnly); |
| extern int X11DRV_PALETTE_UpdateMapping(struct tagPALETTEOBJ *palPtr); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_PALETTE_IsDark(int pixel); |
| |
| /************************************************************************** |
| * X11 USER driver |
| */ |
| |
| extern struct tagUSER_DRIVER X11DRV_USER_Driver; |
| |
| extern Display *display; |
| extern Screen *X11DRV_GetXScreen(void); |
| extern Window X11DRV_GetXRootWindow(void); |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_USER_Initialize(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_USER_Finalize(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_USER_BeginDebugging(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_USER_EndDebugging(void); |
| |
| /* X11 clipboard driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagCLIPBOARD_DRIVER X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_Driver; |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_Acquire(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_Release(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_SetData(UINT wFormat); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_GetData(UINT wFormat); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_IsFormatAvailable(UINT wFormat); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_RegisterFormat( LPCSTR FormatName ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_IsSelectionowner(); |
| extern UINT X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_MapPropertyToFormat(char *itemFmtName); |
| extern Atom X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_MapFormatToProperty(UINT id); |
| extern void X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_ResetOwner(struct tagWND *pWnd, BOOL bFooBar); |
| extern void X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_ReleaseSelection(Atom selType, Window w, HWND hwnd); |
| |
| /* X11 desktop driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagDESKTOP_DRIVER X11DRV_DESKTOP_Driver; |
| |
| typedef struct _X11DRV_DESKTOP_DATA { |
| int dummy; |
| |
| struct tagDESKTOP; |
| |
| extern Screen *X11DRV_DESKTOP_GetXScreen(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| extern Window X11DRV_DESKTOP_GetXRootWindow(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_DESKTOP_Initialize(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| extern void X11DRV_DESKTOP_Finalize(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| extern int X11DRV_DESKTOP_GetScreenWidth(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| extern int X11DRV_DESKTOP_GetScreenHeight(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| extern int X11DRV_DESKTOP_GetScreenDepth(struct tagDESKTOP *pDesktop); |
| |
| /* X11 event driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagEVENT_DRIVER X11DRV_EVENT_Driver; |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_EVENT_Init(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_EVENT_Synchronize( void ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_EVENT_CheckFocus( void ); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_EVENT_QueryPointer(DWORD *posX, DWORD *posY, DWORD *state); |
| extern void X11DRV_EVENT_UserRepaintDisable( BOOL bDisable ); |
| |
| /* X11 keyboard driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagKEYBOARD_DRIVER X11DRV_KEYBOARD_Driver; |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_KEYBOARD_Init(void); |
| extern WORD X11DRV_KEYBOARD_VkKeyScan(CHAR cChar); |
| extern UINT16 X11DRV_KEYBOARD_MapVirtualKey(UINT16 wCode, UINT16 wMapType); |
| extern INT16 X11DRV_KEYBOARD_GetKeyNameText(LONG lParam, LPSTR lpBuffer, INT16 nSize); |
| extern INT16 X11DRV_KEYBOARD_ToAscii(UINT16 virtKey, UINT16 scanCode, LPBYTE lpKeyState, LPVOID lpChar, UINT16 flags); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_KEYBOARD_GetBeepActive(void); |
| extern void X11DRV_KEYBOARD_SetBeepActive(BOOL bActivate); |
| extern void X11DRV_KEYBOARD_Beep(void); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_KEYBOARD_GetDIState(DWORD len, LPVOID ptr); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_KEYBOARD_GetDIData(BYTE *keystate, DWORD dodsize, LPDIDEVICEOBJECTDATA dod, LPDWORD entries, DWORD flags); |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_KEYBOARD_HandleEvent(struct tagWND *pWnd, XKeyEvent *event); |
| |
| /* X11 monitor driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagMONITOR_DRIVER X11DRV_MONITOR_Driver; |
| |
| typedef struct _X11DRV_MONITOR_DATA { |
| Screen *screen; |
| Window rootWindow; |
| int width; |
| int height; |
| int depth; |
| |
| struct tagMONITOR; |
| |
| extern Screen *X11DRV_MONITOR_GetXScreen(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern Window X11DRV_MONITOR_GetXRootWindow(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_MONITOR_Initialize(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern void X11DRV_MONITOR_Finalize(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_MONITOR_IsSingleWindow(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern int X11DRV_MONITOR_GetWidth(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern int X11DRV_MONITOR_GetHeight(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern int X11DRV_MONITOR_GetDepth(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_MONITOR_GetScreenSaveActive(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern void X11DRV_MONITOR_SetScreenSaveActive(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor, BOOL bActivate); |
| extern int X11DRV_MONITOR_GetScreenSaveTimeout(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor); |
| extern void X11DRV_MONITOR_SetScreenSaveTimeout(struct tagMONITOR *pMonitor, int nTimeout); |
| |
| /* X11 mouse driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagMOUSE_DRIVER X11DRV_MOUSE_Driver; |
| |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_MOUSE_DisableWarpPointer; |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_MOUSE_SetCursor(struct tagCURSORICONINFO *lpCursor); |
| extern void X11DRV_MOUSE_MoveCursor(WORD wAbsX, WORD wAbsY); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_MOUSE_EnableWarpPointer(BOOL bEnable); |
| |
| /* X11 windows driver */ |
| |
| extern struct tagWND_DRIVER X11DRV_WND_Driver; |
| |
| typedef struct _X11DRV_WND_DATA { |
| Window window; |
| HBITMAP hWMIconBitmap; |
| int bit_gravity; |
| } X11DRV_WND_DATA; |
| |
| extern Window X11DRV_WND_GetXWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern Window X11DRV_WND_FindXWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern Screen *X11DRV_WND_GetXScreen(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern Window X11DRV_WND_GetXRootWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_Initialize(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_Finalize(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_WND_CreateDesktopWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr, struct tagCLASS *classPtr, BOOL bUnicode); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_WND_CreateWindow(struct tagWND *wndPtr, struct tagCLASS *classPtr, struct tagCREATESTRUCTA *cs, BOOL bUnicode); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_WND_DestroyWindow(struct tagWND *pWnd); |
| extern struct tagWND *X11DRV_WND_SetParent(struct tagWND *wndPtr, struct tagWND *pWndParent); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_ForceWindowRaise(struct tagWND *pWnd); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_SetWindowPos(struct tagWND *wndPtr, const struct tagWINDOWPOS *winpos, BOOL bSMC_SETXPOS); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_SetText(struct tagWND *wndPtr, LPCSTR text); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_SetFocus(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_PreSizeMove(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_PostSizeMove(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_SurfaceCopy(struct tagWND *wndPtr, struct tagDC *dcPtr, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *clipRect, BOOL bUpdate); |
| extern void X11DRV_WND_SetDrawable(struct tagWND *wndPtr, struct tagDC *dc, WORD flags, BOOL bSetClipOrigin); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_WND_SetHostAttr(struct tagWND *wndPtr, INT haKey, INT value); |
| extern BOOL X11DRV_WND_IsSelfClipping(struct tagWND *wndPtr); |
| |
| #endif /* __WINE_X11DRV_H */ |