TOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@ | |
TOPOBJDIR = .. | |
SRCDIR = @srcdir@ | |
VPATH = @srcdir@ | |
MODULE = none | |
IDL_SRCS = \ | |
oaidl.idl \ | |
objidl.idl \ | |
unknwn.idl \ | |
wtypes.idl | |
accctrl.h \ | |
audevcod.h \ | |
basetsd.h \ | |
cderr.h \ | |
cguid.h \ | |
comcat.h \ | |
commctrl.h \ | |
commdlg.h \ | |
compobj.h \ | |
cpl.h \ | |
custcntl.h \ | |
d3d.h \ | |
d3d8.h \ | |
d3d8caps.h \ | |
d3d8types.h \ | |
d3dcaps.h \ | |
d3dhal.h \ | |
d3dtypes.h \ | |
d3dvec.inl \ | |
d3dx8core.h \ | |
dde.h \ | |
ddeml.h \ | |
ddraw.h \ | |
ddrawi.h \ | |
digitalv.h \ | |
dinput.h \ | |
dispdib.h \ | |
dlgs.h \ | |
dls1.h \ | |
dmdls.h \ | |
dmerror.h \ | |
dmo.h \ | |
dmoreg.h \ | |
dmort.h \ | |
dmplugin.h \ | |
dmusbuff.h \ | |
dmusicc.h \ | |
dmusicf.h \ | |
dmusici.h \ | |
dmusics.h \ | |
docobj.h \ | |
dplay.h \ | |
dplobby.h \ | |
dsconf.h \ | |
dsdriver.h \ | |
dshow.h \ | |
dsound.h \ | |
excpt.h \ | |
fci.h \ | |
fdi.h \ | |
guiddef.h \ | |
icmpapi.h \ | |
imagehlp.h \ | |
imm.h \ | |
initguid.h \ | |
instance.h \ | |
ipexport.h \ | |
iphlpapi.h \ | |
ipifcons.h \ | |
iprtrmib.h \ | |
iptypes.h \ | |
lm.h \ | |
lmaccess.h \ | |
lmapibuf.h \ | |
lmbrowsr.h \ | |
lmcons.h \ | |
lmerr.h \ | |
lmwksta.h \ | |
lzexpand.h \ | |
mapi.h \ | |
mapicode.h \ | |
mapidefs.h \ | |
mciavi.h \ | |
mcx.h \ | |
mediaerr.h \ | |
mediaobj.h \ | |
minmax.h \ | |
mmddk.h \ | |
mmreg.h \ | |
mmsystem.h \ | |
msacm.h \ | |
msacmdlg.h \ | |
mssip.h \ | |
mswsock.h \ | |
nb30.h \ | |
netspi.h \ | |
nspapi.h \ | |
ntddcdrm.h \ | |
ntddscsi.h \ | |
ntddstor.h \ | |
ntsecapi.h \ | |
ntstatus.h \ | |
objbase.h \ | |
ocidl.h \ | |
ole2.h \ | |
ole2ver.h \ | |
oleauto.h \ | |
olectl.h \ | |
oledlg.h \ | |
oleidl.h \ | |
pktdef.h \ | |
poppack.h \ | |
prsht.h \ | |
psapi.h \ | |
pshpack1.h \ | |
pshpack2.h \ | |
pshpack4.h \ | |
pshpack8.h \ | |
ras.h \ | |
regstr.h \ | |
richedit.h \ | |
richole.h \ | |
rpc.h \ | |
rpcdce.h \ | |
rpcdcep.h \ | |
rpcndr.h \ | |
rpcnterr.h \ | |
rpcproxy.h \ | |
servprov.h \ | |
setupapi.h \ | |
shellapi.h \ | |
shlguid.h \ | |
shlobj.h \ | |
shlwapi.h \ | |
sipbase.h \ | |
sql.h \ | |
sqlext.h \ | |
sqltypes.h \ | |
storage.h \ | |
tapi.h \ | |
tchar.h \ | |
tlhelp32.h \ | |
urlmon.h \ | |
uuids.h \ | |
ver.h \ | |
vfw.h \ | |
vfwmsgs.h \ | |
winbase.h \ | |
wincon.h \ | |
wincrypt.h \ | |
windef.h \ | |
windows.h \ | |
windowsx.h \ | |
winerror.h \ | |
wingdi.h \ | |
wininet.h \ | |
winioctl.h \ | |
winnetwk.h \ | |
winnls.h \ | |
winnt.h \ | |
winreg.h \ | |
winres.h \ | |
winresrc.h \ | |
winsock.h \ | |
winsock2.h \ | |
winspool.h \ | |
winsvc.h \ | |
wintab.h \ | |
wintabx.h \ | |
winternl.h \ | |
winuser.h \ | |
winver.h \ | |
wnaspi32.h \ | |
wownt32.h \ | |
ws2spi.h \ | |
ws2tcpip.h \ | |
wshisotp.h \ | |
wsipx.h \ | |
zmouse.h \ | |
$(IDL_SRCS) \ | |
$(IDL_SRCS:.idl=.h) | |
msvcrt/conio.h \ | |
msvcrt/crtdbg.h \ | |
msvcrt/ctype.h \ | |
msvcrt/direct.h \ | |
msvcrt/dirent.h \ | |
msvcrt/dos.h \ | |
msvcrt/eh.h \ | |
msvcrt/errno.h \ | |
msvcrt/fcntl.h \ | |
msvcrt/io.h \ | |
msvcrt/locale.h \ | |
msvcrt/malloc.h \ | |
msvcrt/mbctype.h \ | |
msvcrt/mbstring.h \ | |
msvcrt/process.h \ | |
msvcrt/search.h \ | |
msvcrt/setjmp.h \ | |
msvcrt/share.h \ | |
msvcrt/stddef.h \ | |
msvcrt/stdio.h \ | |
msvcrt/stdlib.h \ | |
msvcrt/string.h \ | |
msvcrt/sys/locking.h \ | |
msvcrt/sys/stat.h \ | |
msvcrt/sys/timeb.h \ | |
msvcrt/sys/types.h \ | |
msvcrt/sys/unistd.h \ | |
msvcrt/sys/utime.h \ | |
msvcrt/time.h \ | |
msvcrt/unistd.h \ | |
msvcrt/wchar.h \ | |
msvcrt/wctype.h | |
debug.h \ | |
exception.h \ | |
library.h \ | |
obj_cache.h \ | |
obj_comcat.h \ | |
obj_commdlgbrowser.h \ | |
obj_connection.h \ | |
obj_contextmenu.h \ | |
obj_control.h \ | |
obj_dockingwindowframe.h \ | |
obj_dragdrop.h \ | |
obj_dragdrophelper.h \ | |
obj_enumguid.h \ | |
obj_enumidlist.h \ | |
obj_extracticon.h \ | |
obj_inplace.h \ | |
obj_olefont.h \ | |
obj_oleobj.h \ | |
obj_oleundo.h \ | |
obj_oleview.h \ | |
obj_picture.h \ | |
obj_property.h \ | |
obj_serviceprovider.h \ | |
obj_shellbrowser.h \ | |
obj_shellextinit.h \ | |
obj_shellfolder.h \ | |
obj_shelllink.h \ | |
obj_shellview.h \ | |
obj_webbrowser.h \ | |
unicode.h | |
EXTRASUBDIRS = bitmaps msvcrt msvcrt/sys wine | |
.SUFFIXES: .idl .h | |
.idl.h: | |
$(WIDL) $(DEFS) -b -h -H $@ $< | |
.PHONY: idl | |
idl: $(IDL_SRCS:.idl=.h) | |
install:: | |
$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(includedir) $(includedir)/windows $(includedir)/msvcrt $(includedir)/msvcrt/sys | |
for f in $(WINDOWS_INCLUDES); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $(SRCDIR)/$$f $(includedir)/windows/$$f; done | |
for f in $(MSVCRT_INCLUDES); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $(SRCDIR)/$$f $(includedir)/$$f; done | |
for f in $(WINE_INCLUDES); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $(SRCDIR)/wine/$$f $(includedir)/$$f; done | |
# Don't just do a rm -rf on $(includedir) -- don't want to wipe out | |
# anything extra the user may have put there. | |
uninstall:: | |
[ -d $(includedir)/windows ] && cd $(includedir)/windows && $(RM) $(WINDOWS_INCLUDES) || true | |
[ -d $(includedir) ] && cd $(includedir) && $(RM) $(MSVCRT_INCLUDES) $(WINE_INCLUDES) || true | |
-rmdir $(includedir)/msvcrt/sys $(includedir)/msvcrt $(includedir)/windows $(includedir) | |
### Dependencies: |