| /* DirectMusicSynthesizer Private Include |
| * |
| * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Rok Mandeljc |
| * |
| * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
| * (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * GNU Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #include <stdarg.h> |
| |
| #include "windef.h" |
| #include "winbase.h" |
| #include "winnt.h" |
| #include "wingdi.h" |
| #include "winuser.h" |
| |
| #include "wine/debug.h" |
| #include "wine/list.h" |
| #include "wine/unicode.h" |
| #include "winreg.h" |
| |
| #include "dmusici.h" |
| #include "dmusicf.h" |
| #include "dmusics.h" |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * Interfaces |
| */ |
| typedef struct IDirectMusicSynth8Impl IDirectMusicSynth8Impl; |
| typedef struct IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl; |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * Predeclare the interface implementation structures |
| */ |
| extern ICOM_VTABLE(IDirectMusicSynth8) DirectMusicSynth8_Vtbl; |
| extern ICOM_VTABLE(IDirectMusicSynthSink) DirectMusicSynthSink_Vtbl; |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * ClassFactory |
| */ |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI DMUSIC_CreateDirectMusicSynthImpl (LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPVOID* ppobj, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI DMUSIC_CreateDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl (LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPVOID* ppobj, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * IDirectMusicSynth8Impl implementation structure |
| */ |
| struct IDirectMusicSynth8Impl { |
| /* IUnknown fields */ |
| ICOM_VFIELD(IDirectMusicSynth8); |
| DWORD ref; |
| |
| /* IDirectMusicSynth8 fields */ |
| BOOL fActive; |
| IReferenceClock* pLatencyClock; |
| IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl* pSynthSink; |
| }; |
| |
| /* IUnknown: */ |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_QueryInterface (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppobj); |
| extern ULONG WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_AddRef (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface); |
| extern ULONG WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Release (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface); |
| /* IDirectMusicSynth: */ |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Open (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, LPDMUS_PORTPARAMS pPortParams); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Close (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_SetNumChannelGroups (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD dwGroups); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Download (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, LPHANDLE phDownload, LPVOID pvData, LPBOOL pbFree); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Unload (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, HANDLE hDownload, HRESULT (CALLBACK* lpFreeHandle)(HANDLE,HANDLE), HANDLE hUserData); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_PlayBuffer (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME rt, LPBYTE pbBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetRunningStats (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, LPDMUS_SYNTHSTATS pStats); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetPortCaps (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, LPDMUS_PORTCAPS pCaps); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_SetMasterClock (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, IReferenceClock* pClock); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetLatencyClock (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, IReferenceClock** ppClock); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Activate (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, BOOL fEnable); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_SetSynthSink (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, IDirectMusicSynthSink* pSynthSink); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Render (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, short* pBuffer, DWORD dwLength, LONGLONG llPosition); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_SetChannelPriority (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, DWORD dwPriority); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetChannelPriority (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, LPDWORD pdwPriority); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetFormat (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, LPWAVEFORMATEX pWaveFormatEx, LPDWORD pdwWaveFormatExSiz); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetAppend (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD* pdwAppend); |
| /* IDirectMusicSynth8: */ |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_PlayVoice (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME rt, DWORD dwVoiceId, DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, DWORD dwDLId, long prPitch, long vrVolume, SAMPLE_TIME stVoiceStart, SAMPLE_TIME stLoopStart, SAMPLE_TIME stLoopEnd); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_StopVoice (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, REFERENCE_TIME rt, DWORD dwVoiceId); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_GetVoiceState (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD dwVoice[], DWORD cbVoice, DMUS_VOICE_STATE dwVoiceState[]); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_Refresh (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD dwDownloadID, DWORD dwFlags); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynth8Impl_AssignChannelToBuses (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTH8 iface, DWORD dwChannelGroup, DWORD dwChannel, LPDWORD pdwBuses, DWORD cBuses); |
| |
| /***************************************************************************** |
| * IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl implementation structure |
| */ |
| struct IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl { |
| /* IUnknown fields */ |
| ICOM_VFIELD(IDirectMusicSynthSink); |
| DWORD ref; |
| |
| /* IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl fields */ |
| }; |
| |
| /* IUnknown: */ |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_QueryInterface (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppobj); |
| extern ULONG WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_AddRef (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface); |
| extern ULONG WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_Release (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface); |
| /* IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl: */ |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_Init (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, IDirectMusicSynth* pSynth); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_SetMasterClock (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, IReferenceClock* pClock); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_GetLatencyClock (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, IReferenceClock** ppClock); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_Activate (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, BOOL fEnable); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_SampleToRefTime (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, LONGLONG llSampleTime, REFERENCE_TIME* prfTime); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_RefTimeToSample (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, REFERENCE_TIME rfTime, LONGLONG* pllSampleTime); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_SetDirectSound (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, LPDIRECTSOUND pDirectSound, LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDirectSoundBuffer); |
| extern HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicSynthSinkImpl_GetDesiredBufferSize (LPDIRECTMUSICSYNTHSINK iface, LPDWORD pdwBufferSizeInSamples); |
| |
| #endif /* __WINE_DMSYNTH_PRIVATE_H */ |