Release 950122

Sun Jan 22 18:55:33 1995  Alexandre Julliard  (

	* [loader/resource.c] [objects/dib.c]
	Fixed icon loading and drawing, now that BitBlt() works correctly.
	* [objects/clipping.c] [objects/region.c]
	Implemented elliptic regions with a set of rectangle. This greatly
	simplifies the region code and should boost clipping performance.

	* [objects/color.c]
	Fixed bug that caused seg-fault on 24bpp displays.

	* [objects/bitblt.c]
	Fixed bug when shrinking a bitmap to more than half its size.

	* [windows/graphics.c]
	Fixed bugs in PaintRgn() and Polyline().

	* [windows/nonclient.c] [windows/painting.c] [windows/winpos.c]
	Fixed some problems with window background painting.

Thu Jan 12 12:20:25 PST 1995 Ross Biro (

       * [tools/build.c]
       * [tools/newbuild.c]
       * [Imakefile]
       * [include/wine.h]
       * [loader/call.S]
       * [loader/selector.c]
       * [include/segmem.h]
       * [misc/main.c]
       Changed selector code and 16/32 bit xfer code so that wine
       no longer has to be loaded low in memory.  Changed wine
       to work with ELF binary formats under Linux.
Sat Sep 17 11:08:49 1994  Eric Youngdale  (eric@esp22)

	* [debugger/db_disasm.c]
	New instruction disassembler - borrowed from Mach kernel.  Has a
	BSD style of license as opposed to the gdb code we were previously
	using which was under the GPL.

Mon Jan  9 18:27:11 1995  Alexandre Julliard  (

	* [Imakefile]
	Compiling with -Wall flag.

	* [*/*]
	Fixes to minimize the number of compilation warnings.

	* [objects/bitblt.c]
	Fixed BitBlt() and used the same code to rewrite PatBlt() and
	StretchBlt(). The three *Blt() functions should now be correct in
	every case (famous last words).

	* [objects/brush.c] [objects/dither.c]
	Merged the two files into brush.c

	* [objects/dc.c]
	Fixed bug when the Windows programs forget to re-select the
	original bitmap in a memory DC.

	* [objects/font.c]
	Tty to use 'fixed' font when the system font can't be found.

	* [windows/dialog.c]
	Tentative fix to make dialogs look better when using fixed-width

	* [windows/graphics.c]
	Partially implemented the PS_INSIDEFRAME pen style.

	* [windows/nonclient.c]
	Fix for windows that have the WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME style bit
	without the WS_DLGFRAME style.
diff --git a/ANNOUNCE b/ANNOUNCE
index b2255e5..ebdf2dc 100644
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-This is release 950109 of Wine the MS Windows emulator.  This is still a
+This is release 950122 of Wine the MS Windows emulator.  This is still a
 developer's only release.  There are many bugs and many unimplemented API
 features.  Most applications still do not work.
 Patches should be submitted to "".  Please don't forget
-to include a ChangeLog entry.  I'll try to make a new release every Sunday.
+to include a ChangeLog entry.  I'll make a new release every other Sunday.
-WHAT'S NEW with Wine-950109: (see ChangeLog for details)
-	- Compiling with -Wall. Don't panic if you get many warnings...
-	- Better StretchBlt()
+WHAT'S NEW with Wine-950122: (see ChangeLog for details)
+	- ELF format support
+	- New disassembler based on Mach code, replacing the gdb code
+	- Faster regions
 	- Lots of bug fixes
 See the README file in the distribution for installation instructions.
@@ -16,11 +17,11 @@
 the release is available at the ftp sites.  The sources will be available
 from the following locations:
 If you submitted a patch, please check to make sure it has been
 included in the new release.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 2ebc86d..7592fc4 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,81 @@
+Sun Jan 22 18:55:33 1995  Alexandre Julliard  (
+	* [loader/resource.c] [objects/dib.c]
+	Fixed icon loading and drawing, now that BitBlt() works correctly.
+	* [objects/clipping.c] [objects/region.c]
+	Implemented elliptic regions with a set of rectangle. This greatly
+	simplifies the region code and should boost clipping performance.
+	* [objects/color.c]
+	Fixed bug that caused seg-fault on 24bpp displays.
+	* [objects/bitblt.c]
+	Fixed bug when shrinking a bitmap to more than half its size.
+	* [windows/graphics.c]
+	Fixed bugs in PaintRgn() and Polyline().
+	* [windows/nonclient.c] [windows/painting.c] [windows/winpos.c]
+	Fixed some problems with window background painting.
+Thu Jan 12 12:20:25 PST 1995 Ross Biro (
+       * [tools/build.c]
+       * [tools/newbuild.c]
+       * [Imakefile]
+       * [include/wine.h]
+       * [loader/call.S]
+       * [loader/selector.c]
+       * [include/segmem.h]
+       * [misc/main.c]
+       Changed selector code and 16/32 bit xfer code so that wine
+       no longer has to be loaded low in memory.  Changed wine
+       to work with ELF binary formats under Linux.
+Sat Sep 17 11:08:49 1994  Eric Youngdale  (eric@esp22)
+	* [debugger/db_disasm.c]
+	New instruction disassembler - borrowed from Mach kernel.  Has a
+	BSD style of license as opposed to the gdb code we were previously
+	using which was under the GPL.
+Mon Jan  9 18:27:11 1995  Alexandre Julliard  (
+	* [Imakefile]
+	Compiling with -Wall flag.
+	* [*/*]
+	Fixes to minimize the number of compilation warnings.
+	* [objects/bitblt.c]
+	Fixed BitBlt() and used the same code to rewrite PatBlt() and
+	StretchBlt(). The three *Blt() functions should now be correct in
+	every case (famous last words).
+	* [objects/brush.c] [objects/dither.c]
+	Merged the two files into brush.c
+	* [objects/dc.c]
+	Fixed bug when the Windows programs forget to re-select the
+	original bitmap in a memory DC.
+	* [objects/font.c]
+	Tty to use 'fixed' font when the system font can't be found.
+	* [windows/dialog.c]
+	Tentative fix to make dialogs look better when using fixed-width
+	fonts.
+	* [windows/graphics.c]
+	Partially implemented the PS_INSIDEFRAME pen style.
+	* [windows/nonclient.c]
+	Fix for windows that have the WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME style bit
+	without the WS_DLGFRAME style.
 Thu Jan  5 13:37:42 1995  Cameron Heide  (
 	* [memory/global.c]
@@ -10,11 +88,13 @@
 Sun Jan  1 23:30:25 1995  Fons Botman  <>
-	* objects/font.c (GetTextExtentPoint): 
-	Fixed debug output, str is counted string, not zero terminated.
+	* [objects/font.c]
+	GetTextExtentPoint: fixed debug output, str is counted string, not
+        zero terminated.
-	* if1632/relay.c (DLLRelay): 
-	When debugging_stack got segv, added upper bound for stack dump.
+	* [if1632/relay.c]
+	DLLRelay: when debugging_stack got segv, added upper bound for
+        stack dump.
 Tue Dec 27 13:35:16 1994  Alexandre Julliard  (
diff --git a/Imakefile b/Imakefile
index f5e2fad..cd14207 100644
--- a/Imakefile
+++ b/Imakefile
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
+#ifdef __ELF__
+CDEBUGFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -static
  * This is the second try at using Imakefiles. There are probably many
diff --git a/README b/README
index d172aa9..59e768b 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@
 Wine is free software. See the file LICENSE for the details.
 Basically, you can do anything with it, except claim that you wrote it.
-Important note: current versions of Wine include a built-in debugger
-for 16-bit code, that is based on code from gdb. This means that if
-you redistribute a version of Wine that includes this debugger, you
-must follow the terms of the GNU General Public License.
diff --git a/controls/menu.c b/controls/menu.c
index 0647eaf..bfe0fbf 100644
--- a/controls/menu.c
+++ b/controls/menu.c
@@ -1357,6 +1357,7 @@
 void MENU_TrackKbdMenuBar( HWND hwnd, WORD wParam )
     WND *wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
+    if (!wndPtr->wIDmenu) return;
     SendMessage( hwnd, WM_ENTERMENULOOP, 0, 0 );
       /* Select first selectable item */
     MENU_SelectItem( wndPtr->wIDmenu, NO_SELECTED_ITEM );
diff --git a/controls/static.c b/controls/static.c
index 85345d8..3191604 100644
--- a/controls/static.c
+++ b/controls/static.c
@@ -134,7 +134,11 @@
 	case WM_SETTEXT:
-	    DEFWND_SetText( hWnd, (LPSTR)lParam );
+	    if (style == SS_ICON)
+                STATIC_SetIcon( hWnd, LoadIcon( wndPtr->hInstance,
+                                                (LPSTR)lParam ) );
+            else
+                DEFWND_SetText( hWnd, (LPSTR)lParam );
 	    InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE );
 	    UpdateWindow( hWnd );
diff --git a/debugger/Imakefile b/debugger/Imakefile
index a6c260c..7b7ea9d 100644
--- a/debugger/Imakefile
+++ b/debugger/Imakefile
@@ -6,20 +6,19 @@
 MODULE = debugger
-SUBDIRS = opcodes readline
+SUBDIRS = readline
 SRCS = \
- \
 	break.c \
+	db_disasm.c \
+ \
 	hash.c \
-	lex.yy.c \
-	info.c
+	info.c \
+	lex.yy.c
-	opcodes/opcodes.o \
-	readline/readline.o
+SUBDIRS_OBJS = readline/readline.o
diff --git a/debugger/db_disasm.c b/debugger/db_disasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb26fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debugger/db_disasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1483 @@
+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ * 
+ *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ *  School of Computer Science
+ *  Carnegie Mellon University
+ *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ * 
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+ * $Log:	db_disasm.c,v $
+ * Revision 2.6  92/01/03  20:05:00  dbg
+ * 	Add a switch to disassemble 16-bit code.
+ * 	Fix spelling of 'lods' opcodes.
+ * 	[91/10/30            dbg]
+ * 
+ * Revision 2.5  91/10/09  16:05:58  af
+ * 	Supported disassemble of non current task by passing task parameter.
+ * 	[91/08/29            tak]
+ * 
+ * Revision 2.4  91/05/14  16:05:04  mrt
+ * 	Correcting copyright
+ * 
+ * Revision 2.3  91/02/05  17:11:03  mrt
+ * 	Changed to new Mach copyright
+ * 	[91/02/01  17:31:03  mrt]
+ * 
+ * Revision 2.2  90/08/27  21:55:56  dbg
+ * 	Fix register operand for move to/from control/test/debug
+ * 	register instructions.  Add i486 instructions.
+ * 	[90/08/27            dbg]
+ * 
+ * 	Import db_sym.h.  Print instruction displacements in
+ * 	current radix (signed).  Change calling sequence of
+ * 	db_disasm.
+ * 	[90/08/21            dbg]
+ * 	Fix includes.
+ * 	[90/08/08            dbg]
+ * 	Created.
+ * 	[90/07/25            dbg]
+ * 
+ */
+ * Instruction disassembler.
+ */
+#if 0
+#include <mach/boolean.h>
+#include "db_machdep.h"
+#include "db_access.h"
+#include "db_sym.h"
+#include <kern/task.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "db_disasm.h"
+ * Switch to disassemble 16-bit code.
+ */
+static boolean_t	db_disasm_16 = FALSE;
+ * Size attributes
+ */
+#define	BYTE	0
+#define	WORD	1
+#define	LONG	2
+#define	QUAD	3
+#define	SNGL	4
+#define	DBLR	5
+#define	EXTR	6
+#define	SDEP	7
+#define	NONE	8
+ * Addressing modes
+ */
+#define	E	1			/* general effective address */
+#define	Eind	2			/* indirect address (jump, call) */
+#define	Ew	3			/* address, word size */
+#define	Eb	4			/* address, byte size */
+#define	R	5			/* register, in 'reg' field */
+#define	Rw	6			/* word register, in 'reg' field */
+#define	Ri	7			/* register in instruction */
+#define	S	8			/* segment reg, in 'reg' field */
+#define	Si	9			/* segment reg, in instruction */
+#define	A	10			/* accumulator */
+#define	BX	11			/* (bx) */
+#define	CL	12			/* cl, for shifts */
+#define	DX	13			/* dx, for IO */
+#define	SI	14			/* si */
+#define	DI	15			/* di */
+#define	CR	16			/* control register */
+#define	DR	17			/* debug register */
+#define	TR	18			/* test register */
+#define	I	19			/* immediate, unsigned */
+#define	Is	20			/* immediate, signed */
+#define	Ib	21			/* byte immediate, unsigned */
+#define	Ibs	22			/* byte immediate, signed */
+#define	Iw	23			/* word immediate, unsigned */
+#define	Il	24			/* long immediate */
+#define	O	25			/* direct address */
+#define	Db	26			/* byte displacement from EIP */
+#define	Dl	27			/* long displacement from EIP */
+#define	o1	28			/* constant 1 */
+#define	o3	29			/* constant 3 */
+#define	OS	30			/* immediate offset/segment */
+#define	ST	31			/* FP stack top */
+#define	STI	32			/* FP stack */
+#define	X	33			/* extended FP op */
+#define	XA	34			/* for 'fstcw %ax' */
+struct inst {
+	char *	i_name;			/* name */
+	short	i_has_modrm;		/* has regmodrm byte */
+	short	i_size;			/* operand size */
+	int	i_mode;			/* addressing modes */
+	char *	i_extra;		/* pointer to extra opcode table */
+#define	op1(x)		(x)
+#define	op2(x,y)	((x)|((y)<<8))
+#define	op3(x,y,z)	((x)|((y)<<8)|((z)<<16))
+struct finst {
+	char *	f_name;			/* name for memory instruction */
+	int	f_size;			/* size for memory instruction */
+	int	f_rrmode;		/* mode for rr instruction */
+	char *	f_rrname;		/* name for rr instruction
+					   (or pointer to table) */
+static char *	db_Grp6[] = {
+	"sldt",
+	"str",
+	"lldt",
+	"ltr",
+	"verr",
+	"verw",
+	"",
+	""
+static char *	db_Grp7[] = {
+	"sgdt",
+	"sidt",
+	"lgdt",
+	"lidt",
+	"smsw",
+	"",
+	"lmsw",
+	"invlpg"
+static char *	db_Grp8[] = {
+	"",
+	"",
+	"",
+	"",
+	"bt",
+	"bts",
+	"btr",
+	"btc"
+static struct inst db_inst_0f0x[] = {
+/*00*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Ew),     (char *)db_Grp6 },
+/*01*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Ew),     (char *)db_Grp7 },
+/*02*/	{ "lar",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,R),    0 },
+/*03*/	{ "lsl",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,R),    0 },
+/*04*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*05*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*06*/	{ "clts",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*07*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*08*/	{ "invd",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*09*/	{ "wbinvd",FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*0a*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*0b*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*0c*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*0d*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*0e*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*0f*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0f2x[] = {
+/*20*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(CR,E),   0 }, /* use E for reg */
+/*21*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(DR,E),   0 }, /* since mod == 11 */
+/*22*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,CR),   0 },
+/*23*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,DR),   0 },
+/*24*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(TR,E),   0 },
+/*25*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*26*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,TR),   0 },
+/*27*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*28*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*29*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*2a*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*2b*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*2c*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*2d*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*2e*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*2f*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0f8x[] = {
+/*80*/	{ "jo",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*81*/	{ "jno",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*82*/	{ "jb",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*83*/	{ "jnb",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*84*/	{ "jz",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*85*/	{ "jnz",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*86*/	{ "jbe",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*87*/	{ "jnbe",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*88*/	{ "js",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*89*/	{ "jns",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*8a*/	{ "jp",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*8b*/	{ "jnp",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*8c*/	{ "jl",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*8d*/	{ "jnl",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*8e*/	{ "jle",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*8f*/	{ "jnle",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0f9x[] = {
+/*90*/	{ "seto",  TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*91*/	{ "setno", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*92*/	{ "setb",  TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*93*/	{ "setnb", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*94*/	{ "setz",  TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*95*/	{ "setnz", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*96*/	{ "setbe", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*97*/	{ "setnbe",TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*98*/	{ "sets",  TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*99*/	{ "setns", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*9a*/	{ "setp",  TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*9b*/	{ "setnp", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*9c*/	{ "setl",  TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*9d*/	{ "setnl", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*9e*/	{ "setle", TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+/*9f*/	{ "setnle",TRUE,  NONE,  op1(Eb),     0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0fax[] = {
+/*a0*/	{ "push",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),     0 },
+/*a1*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),     0 },
+/*a2*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*a3*/	{ "bt",    TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,R),    0 },
+/*a4*/	{ "shld",  TRUE,  LONG,  op3(Ib,E,R), 0 },
+/*a5*/	{ "shld",  TRUE,  LONG,  op3(CL,E,R), 0 },
+/*a6*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*a7*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*a8*/	{ "push",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),     0 },
+/*a9*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),     0 },
+/*aa*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*ab*/	{ "bts",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,R),    0 },
+/*ac*/	{ "shrd",  TRUE,  LONG,  op3(Ib,E,R), 0 },
+/*ad*/	{ "shrd",  TRUE,  LONG,  op3(CL,E,R), 0 },
+/*a6*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*a7*/	{ "imul",  TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E,R),    0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0fbx[] = {
+/*b0*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*b1*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*b2*/	{ "lss",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*b3*/	{ "bts",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*b4*/	{ "lfs",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*b5*/	{ "lgs",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*b6*/	{ "movzb", TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*b7*/	{ "movzw", TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*b8*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*b9*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*ba*/	{ "",      TRUE,  LONG,  op2(Is, E),  (char *)db_Grp8 },
+/*bb*/	{ "btc",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*bc*/	{ "bsf",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*bd*/	{ "bsr",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*be*/	{ "movsb", TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*bf*/	{ "movsw", TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0fcx[] = {
+/*c0*/	{ "xadd",  TRUE,  BYTE,	 op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*c1*/	{ "xadd",  TRUE,  LONG,	 op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*c2*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c3*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c4*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c5*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c6*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c7*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c8*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*c9*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*ca*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*cb*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*cc*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*cd*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*ce*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+/*cf*/	{ "bswap", FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),     0 },
+static struct inst	db_inst_0fdx[] = {
+/*c0*/	{ "cmpxchg",TRUE, BYTE,	 op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*c1*/	{ "cmpxchg",TRUE, LONG,	 op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*c2*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c3*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c4*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c5*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c6*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c7*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c8*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*c9*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*ca*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*cb*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*cc*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*cd*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*ce*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+/*cf*/	{ "",	   FALSE, NONE,	 0,	      0 },
+static struct inst *db_inst_0f[] = {
+	db_inst_0f0x,
+	0,
+	db_inst_0f2x,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	0,
+	db_inst_0f8x,
+	db_inst_0f9x,
+	db_inst_0fax,
+	db_inst_0fbx,
+	db_inst_0fcx,
+	db_inst_0fdx,
+	0,
+	0
+static char *	db_Esc92[] = {
+	"fnop",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	""
+static char *	db_Esc93[] = {
+	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	""
+static char *	db_Esc94[] = {
+	"fchs",	"fabs",	"",	"",	"ftst",	"fxam",	"",	""
+static char *	db_Esc95[] = {
+	"fld1",	"fldl2t","fldl2e","fldpi","fldlg2","fldln2","fldz",""
+static char *	db_Esc96[] = {
+	"f2xm1","fyl2x","fptan","fpatan","fxtract","fprem1","fdecstp",
+	"fincstp"
+static char *	db_Esc97[] = {
+	"fprem","fyl2xp1","fsqrt","fsincos","frndint","fscale","fsin","fcos"
+static char *	db_Esca4[] = {
+	"",	"fucompp","",	"",	"",	"",	"",	""
+static char *	db_Escb4[] = {
+	"",	"",	"fnclex","fninit","",	"",	"",	""
+static char *	db_Esce3[] = {
+	"",	"fcompp","",	"",	"",	"",	"",	""
+static char *	db_Escf4[] = {
+	"fnstsw","",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	""
+static struct finst db_Esc8[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fadd",   SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*1*/	{ "fmul",   SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*2*/	{ "fcom",   SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*3*/	{ "fcomp",  SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*4*/	{ "fsub",   SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*5*/	{ "fsubr",  SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*6*/	{ "fdiv",   SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+/*7*/	{ "fdivr",  SNGL,  op2(STI,ST),	0 },
+static struct finst db_Esc9[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fld",    SNGL,  op1(STI),	0 },
+/*1*/	{ "",       NONE,  op1(STI),	"fxch" },
+/*2*/	{ "fst",    SNGL,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esc92 },
+/*3*/	{ "fstp",   SNGL,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esc93 },
+/*4*/	{ "fldenv", NONE,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esc94 },
+/*5*/	{ "fldcw",  NONE,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esc95 },
+/*6*/	{ "fnstenv",NONE,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esc96 },
+/*7*/	{ "fnstcw", NONE,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esc97 },
+static struct finst db_Esca[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fiadd",  WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*1*/	{ "fimul",  WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*2*/	{ "ficom",  WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*3*/	{ "ficomp", WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*4*/	{ "fisub",  WORD,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esca4 },
+/*5*/	{ "fisubr", WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*6*/	{ "fidiv",  WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*7*/	{ "fidivr", WORD,  0,		0 }
+static struct finst db_Escb[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fild",   WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*1*/	{ "",       NONE,  0,		0 },
+/*2*/	{ "fist",   WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*3*/	{ "fistp",  WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*4*/	{ "",       WORD,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Escb4 },
+/*5*/	{ "fld",    EXTR,  0,		0 },
+/*6*/	{ "",       WORD,  0,		0 },
+/*7*/	{ "fstp",   EXTR,  0,		0 },
+static struct finst db_Escc[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fadd",   DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	0 },
+/*1*/	{ "fmul",   DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	0 },
+/*2*/	{ "fcom",   DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	0 },
+/*3*/	{ "fcomp",  DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	0 },
+/*4*/	{ "fsub",   DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	"fsubr" },
+/*5*/	{ "fsubr",  DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	"fsub" },
+/*6*/	{ "fdiv",   DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	"fdivr" },
+/*7*/	{ "fdivr",  DBLR,  op2(ST,STI),	"fdiv" },
+static struct finst db_Escd[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fld",    DBLR,  op1(STI),	"ffree" },
+/*1*/	{ "",       NONE,  0,		0 },
+/*2*/	{ "fst",    DBLR,  op1(STI),	0 },
+/*3*/	{ "fstp",   DBLR,  op1(STI),	0 },
+/*4*/	{ "frstor", NONE,  op1(STI),	"fucom" },
+/*5*/	{ "",       NONE,  op1(STI),	"fucomp" },
+/*6*/	{ "fnsave", NONE,  0,		0 },
+/*7*/	{ "fnstsw", NONE,  0,		0 },
+static struct finst db_Esce[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fiadd",  LONG,  op2(ST,STI),	"faddp" },
+/*1*/	{ "fimul",  LONG,  op2(ST,STI),	"fmulp" },
+/*2*/	{ "ficom",  LONG,  0,		0 },
+/*3*/	{ "ficomp", LONG,  op1(X),	(char *)db_Esce3 },
+/*4*/	{ "fisub",  LONG,  op2(ST,STI),	"fsubrp" },
+/*5*/	{ "fisubr", LONG,  op2(ST,STI),	"fsubp" },
+/*6*/	{ "fidiv",  LONG,  op2(ST,STI),	"fdivrp" },
+/*7*/	{ "fidivr", LONG,  op2(ST,STI),	"fdivp" },
+static struct finst db_Escf[] = {
+/*0*/	{ "fild",   LONG,  0,		0 },
+/*1*/	{ "",       LONG,  0,		0 },
+/*2*/	{ "fist",   LONG,  0,		0 },
+/*3*/	{ "fistp",  LONG,  0,		0 },
+/*4*/	{ "fbld",   NONE,  op1(XA),	(char *)db_Escf4 },
+/*5*/	{ "fld",    QUAD,  0,		0 },
+/*6*/	{ "fbstp",  NONE,  0,		0 },
+/*7*/	{ "fstp",   QUAD,  0,		0 },
+static struct finst *db_Esc_inst[] = {
+	db_Esc8, db_Esc9, db_Esca, db_Escb,
+	db_Escc, db_Escd, db_Esce, db_Escf
+static char *	db_Grp1[] = {
+	"add",
+	"or",
+	"adc",
+	"sbb",
+	"and",
+	"sub",
+	"xor",
+	"cmp"
+static char *	db_Grp2[] = {
+	"rol",
+	"ror",
+	"rcl",
+	"rcr",
+	"shl",
+	"shr",
+	"shl",
+	"sar"
+static struct inst db_Grp3[] = {
+	{ "test",  TRUE, NONE, op2(I,E), 0 },
+	{ "test",  TRUE, NONE, op2(I,E), 0 },
+	{ "not",   TRUE, NONE, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "neg",   TRUE, NONE, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "mul",   TRUE, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 },
+	{ "imul",  TRUE, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 },
+	{ "div",   TRUE, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 },
+	{ "idiv",  TRUE, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 },
+static struct inst	db_Grp4[] = {
+	{ "inc",   TRUE, BYTE, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "dec",   TRUE, BYTE, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 }
+static struct inst	db_Grp5[] = {
+	{ "inc",   TRUE, LONG, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "dec",   TRUE, LONG, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "call",  TRUE, NONE, op1(Eind),0 },
+	{ "lcall", TRUE, NONE, op1(Eind),0 },
+	{ "jmp",   TRUE, NONE, op1(Eind),0 },
+	{ "ljmp",  TRUE, NONE, op1(Eind),0 },
+	{ "push",  TRUE, LONG, op1(E),   0 },
+	{ "",      TRUE, NONE, 0,	 0 }
+static struct inst db_inst_table[256] = {
+/*00*/	{ "add",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*01*/	{ "add",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*02*/	{ "add",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*03*/	{ "add",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*04*/	{ "add",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*05*/	{ "add",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*06*/	{ "push",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*07*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*08*/	{ "or",    TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*09*/	{ "or",    TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*0a*/	{ "or",    TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*0b*/	{ "or",    TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*0c*/	{ "or",    FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, A),  0 },
+/*0d*/	{ "or",    FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, A),  0 },
+/*0e*/	{ "push",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*0f*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*10*/	{ "adc",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*11*/	{ "adc",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*12*/	{ "adc",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*13*/	{ "adc",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*14*/	{ "adc",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*15*/	{ "adc",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*16*/	{ "push",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*17*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*18*/	{ "sbb",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*19*/	{ "sbb",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*1a*/	{ "sbb",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*1b*/	{ "sbb",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*1c*/	{ "sbb",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*1d*/	{ "sbb",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*1e*/	{ "push",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*1f*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Si),    0 },
+/*20*/	{ "and",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*21*/	{ "and",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*22*/	{ "and",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*23*/	{ "and",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*24*/	{ "and",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, A),  0 },
+/*25*/	{ "and",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, A),  0 },
+/*26*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*27*/	{ "aaa",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*28*/	{ "sub",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*29*/	{ "sub",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*2a*/	{ "sub",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*2b*/	{ "sub",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*2c*/	{ "sub",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*2d*/	{ "sub",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*2e*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*2f*/	{ "das",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*30*/	{ "xor",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*31*/	{ "xor",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*32*/	{ "xor",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*33*/	{ "xor",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*34*/	{ "xor",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, A),  0 },
+/*35*/	{ "xor",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, A),  0 },
+/*36*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*37*/	{ "daa",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*38*/	{ "cmp",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*39*/	{ "cmp",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),  0 },
+/*3a*/	{ "cmp",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*3b*/	{ "cmp",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*3c*/	{ "cmp",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*3d*/	{ "cmp",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(Is, A), 0 },
+/*3e*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*3f*/	{ "aas",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*40*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*41*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*42*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*43*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*44*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*45*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*46*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*47*/	{ "inc",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*48*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*49*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*4a*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*4b*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*4c*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*4d*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*4e*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*4f*/	{ "dec",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*50*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*51*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*52*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*53*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*54*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*55*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*56*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*57*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*58*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*59*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*5a*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*5b*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*5c*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*5d*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*5e*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*5f*/	{ "pop",   FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ri),    0 },
+/*60*/	{ "pusha", FALSE, LONG,  0,	     0 },
+/*61*/	{ "popa",  FALSE, LONG,  0,	     0 },
+/*62*/  { "bound", TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),  0 },
+/*63*/	{ "arpl",  TRUE,  NONE,  op2(Ew,Rw), 0 },
+/*64*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*65*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*66*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*67*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*68*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(I),     0 },
+/*69*/  { "imul",  TRUE,  LONG,  op3(I,E,R), 0 },
+/*6a*/	{ "push",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(Ib),    0 },
+/*6b*/  { "imul",  TRUE,  LONG,  op3(Ibs,E,R),0 },
+/*6c*/	{ "ins",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(DX, DI), 0 },
+/*6d*/	{ "ins",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(DX, DI), 0 },
+/*6e*/	{ "outs",  FALSE, BYTE,  op2(SI, DX), 0 },
+/*6f*/	{ "outs",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(SI, DX), 0 },
+/*70*/	{ "jo",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*71*/	{ "jno",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*72*/	{ "jb",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*73*/	{ "jnb",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*74*/	{ "jz",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*75*/	{ "jnz",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*76*/	{ "jbe",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*77*/	{ "jnbe",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*78*/	{ "js",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*79*/	{ "jns",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*7a*/	{ "jp",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*7b*/	{ "jnp",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*7c*/	{ "jl",    FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*7d*/	{ "jnl",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*7e*/	{ "jle",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*7f*/	{ "jnle",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*80*/  { "",	   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(I, E),   (char *)db_Grp1 },
+/*81*/  { "",	   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(I, E),   (char *)db_Grp1 },
+/*82*/  { "",	   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(Is,E),   (char *)db_Grp1 },
+/*83*/  { "",	   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(Ibs,E),  (char *)db_Grp1 },
+/*84*/	{ "test",  TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*85*/	{ "test",  TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*86*/	{ "xchg",  TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*87*/	{ "xchg",  TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*88*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*89*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(R, E),   0 },
+/*8a*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*8b*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*8c*/  { "mov",   TRUE,  NONE,  op2(S, Ew),  0 },
+/*8d*/	{ "lea",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*8e*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  NONE,  op2(Ew, S),  0 },
+/*8f*/	{ "pop",   TRUE,  LONG,  op1(E),      0 },
+/*90*/	{ "nop",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*91*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*92*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*93*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*94*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*95*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*96*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*97*/	{ "xchg",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ri),  0 },
+/*98*/	{ "cbw",   FALSE, SDEP,  0,	      "cwde" },	/* cbw/cwde */
+/*99*/	{ "cwd",   FALSE, SDEP,  0,	      "cdq"  },	/* cwd/cdq */
+/*9a*/	{ "lcall", FALSE, NONE,  op1(OS),     0 },
+/*9b*/	{ "wait",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*9c*/	{ "pushf", FALSE, LONG,  0,	      0 },
+/*9d*/	{ "popf",  FALSE, LONG,  0,	      0 },
+/*9e*/	{ "sahf",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*9f*/	{ "lahf",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*a0*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(O, A),   0 },
+/*a1*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(O, A),   0 },
+/*a2*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(A, O),   0 },
+/*a3*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, O),   0 },
+/*a4*/	{ "movs",  FALSE, BYTE,  op2(SI,DI),  0 },
+/*a5*/	{ "movs",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(SI,DI),  0 },
+/*a6*/	{ "cmps",  FALSE, BYTE,  op2(SI,DI),  0 },
+/*a7*/	{ "cmps",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(SI,DI),  0 },
+/*a8*/	{ "test",  FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, A),   0 },
+/*a9*/	{ "test",  FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, A),   0 },
+/*aa*/	{ "stos",  FALSE, BYTE,  op1(DI),     0 },
+/*ab*/	{ "stos",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(DI),     0 },
+/*ac*/	{ "lods",  FALSE, BYTE,  op1(SI),     0 },
+/*ad*/	{ "lods",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(SI),     0 },
+/*ae*/	{ "scas",  FALSE, BYTE,  op1(SI),     0 },
+/*af*/	{ "scas",  FALSE, LONG,  op1(SI),     0 },
+/*b0*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b1*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b2*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b3*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b4*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b5*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b6*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b7*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b8*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*b9*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*ba*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*bb*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*bc*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*bd*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*be*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*bf*/	{ "mov",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(I, Ri),  0 },
+/*c0*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(Ib, E),  (char *)db_Grp2 },
+/*c1*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(Ib, E),  (char *)db_Grp2 },
+/*c2*/	{ "ret",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Iw),     0 },
+/*c3*/	{ "ret",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*c4*/	{ "les",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*c5*/	{ "lds",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(E, R),   0 },
+/*c6*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(I, E),   0 },
+/*c7*/	{ "mov",   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(I, E),   0 },
+/*c8*/	{ "enter", FALSE, NONE,  op2(Ib, Iw), 0 },
+/*c9*/	{ "leave", FALSE, NONE,  0,           0 },
+/*ca*/	{ "lret",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Iw),     0 },
+/*cb*/	{ "lret",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*cc*/	{ "int",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(o3),     0 },
+/*cd*/	{ "int",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Ib),     0 },
+/*ce*/	{ "into",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*cf*/	{ "iret",  FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*d0*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(o1, E),  (char *)db_Grp2 },
+/*d1*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(o1, E),  (char *)db_Grp2 },
+/*d2*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  BYTE,  op2(CL, E),  (char *)db_Grp2 },
+/*d3*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  LONG,  op2(CL, E),  (char *)db_Grp2 },
+/*d4*/	{ "aam",   TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*d5*/	{ "aad",   TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*d6*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 },
+/*d7*/	{ "xlat",  FALSE, BYTE,  op1(BX),     0 },
+/*d8*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Esc8 },
+/*d9*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Esc9 },
+/*da*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Esca },
+/*db*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Escb },
+/*dc*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Escc },
+/*dd*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Escd },
+/*de*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Esce },
+/*df*/  { "",      TRUE,  NONE,  0,	      (char *)db_Escf },
+/*e0*/	{ "loopne",FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*e1*/	{ "loope", FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*e2*/	{ "loop",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*e3*/	{ "jcxz",  FALSE, SDEP,  op1(Db),     "jecxz" },
+/*e4*/	{ "in",    FALSE, BYTE,  op2(Ib, A),  0 },
+/*e5*/	{ "in",    FALSE, LONG,  op2(Ib, A) , 0 },
+/*e6*/	{ "out",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(A, Ib),  0 },
+/*e7*/	{ "out",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, Ib) , 0 },
+/*e8*/	{ "call",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*e9*/	{ "jmp",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Dl),     0 },
+/*ea*/	{ "ljmp",  FALSE, NONE,  op1(OS),     0 },
+/*eb*/	{ "jmp",   FALSE, NONE,  op1(Db),     0 },
+/*ec*/	{ "in",    FALSE, BYTE,  op2(DX, A),  0 },
+/*ed*/	{ "in",    FALSE, LONG,  op2(DX, A) , 0 },
+/*ee*/	{ "out",   FALSE, BYTE,  op2(A, DX),  0 },
+/*ef*/	{ "out",   FALSE, LONG,  op2(A, DX) , 0 },
+/*f0*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f1*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f2*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f3*/	{ "",      FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f4*/	{ "hlt",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f5*/	{ "cmc",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f6*/	{ "",      TRUE,  BYTE,  0,	     (char *)db_Grp3 },
+/*f7*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  LONG,  0,	     (char *)db_Grp3 },
+/*f8*/	{ "clc",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*f9*/	{ "stc",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*fa*/	{ "cli",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*fb*/	{ "sti",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*fc*/	{ "cld",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*fd*/	{ "std",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	     0 },
+/*fe*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  NONE,  0,	     (char *)db_Grp4 },
+/*ff*/	{ "",	   TRUE,  NONE,  0,	     (char *)db_Grp5 },
+static struct inst	db_bad_inst =
+	{ "???",   FALSE, NONE,  0,	      0 }
+#define	f_mod(byte)	((byte)>>6)
+#define	f_reg(byte)	(((byte)>>3)&0x7)
+#define	f_rm(byte)	((byte)&0x7)
+#define	sib_ss(byte)	((byte)>>6)
+#define	sib_index(byte)	(((byte)>>3)&0x7)
+#define	sib_base(byte)	((byte)&0x7)
+struct i_addr {
+	int		is_reg;	/* if reg, reg number is in 'disp' */
+	int		disp;
+	char *		base;
+	char *		index;
+	int		ss;
+static char *	db_index_reg_16[8] = {
+	"%bx,%si",
+	"%bx,%di",
+	"%bp,%si",
+	"%bp,%di",
+	"%si",
+	"%di",
+	"%bp",
+	"%bx"
+static char *	db_reg[3][8] = {
+	{ "%al",  "%cl",  "%dl",  "%bl",  "%ah",  "%ch",  "%dh",  "%bh" },
+	{ "%ax",  "%cx",  "%dx",  "%bx",  "%sp",  "%bp",  "%si",  "%di" },
+	{ "%eax", "%ecx", "%edx", "%ebx", "%esp", "%ebp", "%esi", "%edi" }
+static char *	db_seg_reg[8] = {
+	"%es", "%cs", "%ss", "%ds", "%fs", "%gs", "", ""
+ * lengths for size attributes
+ */
+static int db_lengths[] = {
+	1,	/* BYTE */
+	2,	/* WORD */
+	4,	/* LONG */
+	8,	/* QUAD */
+	4,	/* SNGL */
+	8,	/* DBLR */
+	10,	/* EXTR */
+unsigned int db_get_task_value(unsigned int loc, int size, int is_signed)
+  unsigned int result;
+  switch(size)
+    {
+    case 4:
+      if (is_signed)
+	result = (unsigned int) *((int *) loc);
+      else
+	result = (unsigned int) *((unsigned int *) loc);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      if (is_signed)
+	result = (unsigned int) *((short int *) loc);
+      else
+	result = *((unsigned short int *) loc);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      if (is_signed)
+	result = (unsigned int) *((char *) loc);
+      else
+	result = *((unsigned char *) loc);
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr, "Illegal size specified\n");
+      result = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+  return result;
+#define	get_value_inc(result, loc, size, is_signed) \
+	result = db_get_task_value((loc), (size), (is_signed)); \
+	(loc) += (size);
+ * Read address at location and return updated location.
+ */
+db_read_address(loc, short_addr, regmodrm, addrp)
+	db_addr_t	loc;
+	int		short_addr;
+	int		regmodrm;
+	struct i_addr	*addrp;		/* out */
+	int		mod, rm, sib, index, disp;
+	mod = f_mod(regmodrm);
+	rm  = f_rm(regmodrm);
+	if (mod == 3) {
+	    addrp->is_reg = TRUE;
+	    addrp->disp = rm;
+	    return (loc);
+	}
+	addrp->is_reg = FALSE;
+	addrp->index = 0;
+	if (short_addr) {
+	    addrp->index = 0;
+	    addrp->ss = 0;
+	    switch (mod) {
+		case 0:
+		    if (rm == 6) {
+			get_value_inc(disp, loc, 2, TRUE);
+			addrp->disp = disp;
+			addrp->base = 0;
+		    }
+		    else {
+			addrp->disp = 0;
+			addrp->base = db_index_reg_16[rm];
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case 1:
+		    get_value_inc(disp, loc, 1, TRUE);
+		    addrp->disp = disp;
+		    addrp->base = db_index_reg_16[rm];
+		    break;
+		case 2:
+		    get_value_inc(disp, loc, 2, TRUE);
+		    addrp->disp = disp;
+		    addrp->base = db_index_reg_16[rm];
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    if (mod != 3 && rm == 4) {
+		get_value_inc(sib, loc, 1, FALSE);
+		rm = sib_base(sib);
+		index = sib_index(sib);
+		if (index != 4)
+		    addrp->index = db_reg[LONG][index];
+		addrp->ss = sib_ss(sib);
+	    }
+	    switch (mod) {
+		case 0:
+		    if (rm == 5) {
+			get_value_inc(addrp->disp, loc, 4, FALSE);
+			addrp->base = 0;
+		    }
+		    else {
+			addrp->disp = 0;
+			addrp->base = db_reg[LONG][rm];
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case 1:
+		    get_value_inc(disp, loc, 1, TRUE);
+		    addrp->disp = disp;
+		    addrp->base = db_reg[LONG][rm];
+		    break;
+		case 2:
+		    get_value_inc(disp, loc, 4, FALSE);
+		    addrp->disp = disp;
+		    addrp->base = db_reg[LONG][rm];
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	return (loc);
+db_print_address(seg, size, addrp)
+	char *		seg;
+	int		size;
+	struct i_addr	*addrp;
+	if (addrp->is_reg) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_reg[size][addrp->disp]);
+	    return;
+	}
+	if (seg) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"%s:", seg);
+	}
+	if (addrp->base != 0 || addrp->index != 0) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"0x%x", addrp->disp);
+	    fprintf(stderr,"(");
+	    if (addrp->base)
+		fprintf(stderr,"%s", addrp->base);
+	    if (addrp->index)
+		fprintf(stderr,",%s,%d", addrp->index, 1<<addrp->ss);
+	    fprintf(stderr,")");
+	} else
+	    db_task_printsym((db_addr_t)addrp->disp);
+ * Disassemble floating-point ("escape") instruction
+ * and return updated location.
+ */
+db_disasm_esc(loc, inst, short_addr, size, seg)
+	db_addr_t	loc;
+	int		inst;
+	int		short_addr;
+	int		size;
+	char *		seg;
+	int		regmodrm;
+	struct finst	*fp;
+	int		mod;
+	struct i_addr	address;
+	char *		name;
+	get_value_inc(regmodrm, loc, 1, FALSE);
+	fp = &db_Esc_inst[inst - 0xd8][f_reg(regmodrm)];
+	mod = f_mod(regmodrm);
+	if (mod != 3) {
+	    /*
+	     * Normal address modes.
+	     */
+	    loc = db_read_address(loc, short_addr, regmodrm, &address);
+	    fprintf(stderr,fp->f_name);
+	    switch(fp->f_size) {
+		case SNGL:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"s");
+		    break;
+		case DBLR:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"l");
+		    break;
+		case EXTR:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"t");
+		    break;
+		case WORD:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"s");
+		    break;
+		case LONG:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"l");
+		    break;
+		case QUAD:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"q");
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    fprintf(stderr,"\t");
+	    db_print_address(seg, BYTE, &address);
+	}
+	else {
+	    /*
+	     * 'reg-reg' - special formats
+	     */
+	    switch (fp->f_rrmode) {
+		case op2(ST,STI):
+		    name = (fp->f_rrname) ? fp->f_rrname : fp->f_name;
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s\t%%st,%%st(%d)",name,f_rm(regmodrm));
+		    break;
+		case op2(STI,ST):
+		    name = (fp->f_rrname) ? fp->f_rrname : fp->f_name;
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s\t%%st(%d),%%st",name, f_rm(regmodrm));
+		    break;
+		case op1(STI):
+		    name = (fp->f_rrname) ? fp->f_rrname : fp->f_name;
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s\t%%st(%d)",name, f_rm(regmodrm));
+		    break;
+		case op1(X):
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", ((char **)fp->f_rrname)[f_rm(regmodrm)]);
+		    break;
+		case op1(XA):
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s\t%%ax",
+				 ((char **)fp->f_rrname)[f_rm(regmodrm)]);
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"<bad instruction>");
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	return (loc);
+ * Disassemble instruction at 'loc'.  'altfmt' specifies an
+ * (optional) alternate format.  Return address of start of
+ * next instruction.
+ */
+db_disasm(loc, altfmt, flag16)
+	db_addr_t	loc;
+	boolean_t	altfmt;
+        boolean_t       flag16;
+	int	inst;
+	int	size;
+	int	short_addr;
+	char *	seg;
+	struct inst *	ip;
+	char *	i_name;
+	int	i_size;
+	int	i_mode;
+	int	regmodrm;
+	boolean_t	first;
+	int	displ;
+	int	prefix;
+	int	imm;
+	int	imm2;
+	int	len;
+	struct i_addr	address;
+	db_disasm_16 = flag16;
+	get_value_inc(inst, loc, 1, FALSE);
+	if (db_disasm_16) {
+	    short_addr = TRUE;
+	    size = WORD;
+	}
+	else {
+	    short_addr = FALSE;
+	    size = LONG;
+	}
+	seg = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Get prefixes
+	 */
+	prefix = TRUE;
+	do {
+	    switch (inst) {
+		case 0x66:		/* data16 */
+		    if (size == LONG)
+			size = WORD;
+		    else
+			size = LONG;
+		    break;
+		case 0x67:
+		    short_addr = !short_addr;
+		    break;
+		case 0x26:
+		    seg = "%es";
+		    break;
+		case 0x36:
+		    seg = "%ss";
+		    break;
+		case 0x2e:
+		    seg = "%cs";
+		    break;
+		case 0x3e:
+		    seg = "%ds";
+		    break;
+		case 0x64:
+		    seg = "%fs";
+		    break;
+		case 0x65:
+		    seg = "%gs";
+		    break;
+		case 0xf0:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"lock ");
+		    break;
+		case 0xf2:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"repne ");
+		    break;
+		case 0xf3:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"repe ");	/* XXX repe VS rep */
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    prefix = FALSE;
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    if (prefix) {
+		get_value_inc(inst, loc, 1, FALSE);
+	    }
+	} while (prefix);
+	if (inst >= 0xd8 && inst <= 0xdf) {
+	    loc = db_disasm_esc(loc, inst, short_addr, size, seg);
+	    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+	    return (loc);
+	}
+	if (inst == 0x0f) {
+	    get_value_inc(inst, loc, 1, FALSE);
+	    ip = db_inst_0f[inst>>4];
+	    if (ip == 0) {
+		ip = &db_bad_inst;
+	    }
+	    else {
+		ip = &ip[inst&0xf];
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	    ip = &db_inst_table[inst];
+	if (ip->i_has_modrm) {
+	    get_value_inc(regmodrm, loc, 1, FALSE);
+	    loc = db_read_address(loc, short_addr, regmodrm, &address);
+	}
+	i_name = ip->i_name;
+	i_size = ip->i_size;
+	i_mode = ip->i_mode;
+	if (ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp1 ||
+	    ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp2 ||
+	    ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp6 ||
+	    ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp7 ||
+	    ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp8) {
+	    i_name = ((char **)ip->i_extra)[f_reg(regmodrm)];
+	}
+	else if (ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp3) {
+	    ip = (struct inst *)ip->i_extra;
+	    ip = &ip[f_reg(regmodrm)];
+	    i_name = ip->i_name;
+	    i_mode = ip->i_mode;
+	}
+	else if (ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp4 ||
+		 ip->i_extra == (char *)db_Grp5) {
+	    ip = (struct inst *)ip->i_extra;
+	    ip = &ip[f_reg(regmodrm)];
+	    i_name = ip->i_name;
+	    i_mode = ip->i_mode;
+	    i_size = ip->i_size;
+	}
+	if (i_size == SDEP) {
+	    if (size == WORD)
+		fprintf(stderr,i_name);
+	    else
+		fprintf(stderr,ip->i_extra);
+	}
+	else {
+	    fprintf(stderr,i_name);
+	    if (i_size != NONE) {
+		if (i_size == BYTE) {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"b");
+		    size = BYTE;
+		}
+		else if (i_size == WORD) {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"w");
+		    size = WORD;
+		}
+		else if (size == WORD)
+		    fprintf(stderr,"w");
+		else
+		    fprintf(stderr,"l");
+	    }
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr,"\t");
+	for (first = TRUE;
+	     i_mode != 0;
+	     i_mode >>= 8, first = FALSE)
+	{
+	    if (!first)
+		fprintf(stderr,",");
+	    switch (i_mode & 0xFF) {
+		case E:
+		    db_print_address(seg, size, &address);
+		    break;
+		case Eind:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"*");
+		    db_print_address(seg, size, &address);
+		    break;
+		case Ew:
+		    db_print_address(seg, WORD, &address);
+		    break;
+		case Eb:
+		    db_print_address(seg, BYTE, &address);
+		    break;
+		case R:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_reg[size][f_reg(regmodrm)]);
+		    break;
+		case Rw:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_reg[WORD][f_reg(regmodrm)]);
+		    break;
+		case Ri:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_reg[size][f_rm(inst)]);
+		    break;
+		case S:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_seg_reg[f_reg(regmodrm)]);
+		    break;
+		case Si:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_seg_reg[f_reg(inst)]);
+		    break;
+		case A:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s", db_reg[size][0]);	/* acc */
+		    break;
+		case BX:
+		    if (seg)
+			fprintf(stderr,"%s:", seg);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"(%s)", short_addr ? "%bx" : "%ebx");
+		    break;
+		case CL:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%%cl");
+		    break;
+		case DX:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%%dx");
+		    break;
+		case SI:
+		    if (seg)
+			fprintf(stderr,"%s:", seg);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"(%s)", short_addr ? "%si" : "%esi");
+		    break;
+		case DI:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%%es:(%s)", short_addr ? "%di" : "%edi");
+		    break;
+		case CR:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%%cr%d", f_reg(regmodrm));
+		    break;
+		case DR:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%%dr%d", f_reg(regmodrm));
+		    break;
+		case TR:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%%tr%d", f_reg(regmodrm));
+		    break;
+		case I:
+		    len = db_lengths[size];
+		    get_value_inc(imm, loc, len, FALSE);/* unsigned */
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$0x%x", imm);
+		    break;
+		case Is:
+		    len = db_lengths[size];
+		    get_value_inc(imm, loc, len, TRUE);	/* signed */
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$%d", imm);
+		    break;
+		case Ib:
+		    get_value_inc(imm, loc, 1, FALSE);	/* unsigned */
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$0x%x", imm);
+		    break;
+		case Ibs:
+		    get_value_inc(imm, loc, 1, TRUE);	/* signed */
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$%d", imm);
+		    break;
+		case Iw:
+		    get_value_inc(imm, loc, 2, FALSE);	/* unsigned */
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$0x%x", imm);
+		    break;
+		case Il:
+		    get_value_inc(imm, loc, 4, FALSE);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$0x%x", imm);
+		    break;
+		case O:
+		    if (short_addr) {
+			get_value_inc(displ, loc, 2, TRUE);
+		    }
+		    else {
+			get_value_inc(displ, loc, 4, TRUE);
+		    }
+		    if (seg)
+			fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d",seg, displ);
+		    else
+			db_task_printsym((db_addr_t)displ);
+		    break;
+		case Db:
+		    get_value_inc(displ, loc, 1, TRUE);
+		    if (short_addr) {
+			/* offset only affects low 16 bits */
+		        displ = (loc & 0xffff0000)
+			      | ((loc + displ) & 0xffff);
+		    }
+		    else
+			displ = displ + loc;
+		    db_task_printsym((db_addr_t)displ);
+		    break;
+		case Dl:
+		    if (short_addr) {
+			get_value_inc(displ, loc, 2, TRUE);
+			/* offset only affects low 16 bits */
+		        displ = (loc & 0xffff0000)
+			      | ((loc + displ) & 0xffff);
+		    }
+		    else {
+			get_value_inc(displ, loc, 4, TRUE);
+			displ = displ + loc;
+		    }
+		    db_task_printsym((db_addr_t)displ);
+		    break;
+		case o1:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$1");
+		    break;
+		case o3:
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$3");
+		    break;
+		case OS:
+		    if (short_addr) {
+			get_value_inc(imm, loc, 2, FALSE); /* offset */
+		    }
+		    else {
+			get_value_inc(imm, loc, 4, FALSE); /* offset */
+		    }
+		    get_value_inc(imm2, loc, 2, FALSE);	/* segment */
+		    fprintf(stderr,"$%d,%d", imm2, imm);
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (altfmt == 0 && !db_disasm_16) {
+	    if (inst == 0xe9 || inst == 0xeb) {
+		/*
+		 * GAS pads to longword boundary after unconditional jumps.
+		 */
+#if 0
+		loc = (loc + (4-1)) & ~(4-1);
+	    }
+	}
+	return (loc);
diff --git a/debugger/db_disasm.h b/debugger/db_disasm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8192e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debugger/db_disasm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+typedef unsigned char boolean_t;
+typedef unsigned long db_addr_t;
+extern db_addr_t db_disasm(db_addr_t loc, boolean_t altfmt, boolean_t flag16);
diff --git a/debugger/dbg.y b/debugger/dbg.y
index b2d2ab8..3ac7b7e 100644
--- a/debugger/dbg.y
+++ b/debugger/dbg.y
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 	| QUIT  '\n'       { exit(0); }
 	| 'q' '\n'         { exit(0); }
 	| HELP  '\n'       { dbg_help(); }
-	| CONT '\n'        { return; }
-	| 'c' '\n'         { return; }
+	| CONT '\n'        { return 0; }
+	| 'c' '\n'         { return 0; }
 	| ABORT '\n'       { kill(getpid(), SIGABRT); }
 	| SYMBOLFILE IDENTIFIER '\n' { read_symboltable($2); }
 	| DEFINE IDENTIFIER expr '\n'  { add_hash($2, $3); }
@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@
 wine_debug(int signal, int * regs)
 	static int dummy_regs[32];
-	int i;
 #ifdef YYDEBUG
 	yydebug = 0;
@@ -223,7 +222,9 @@
-yyerror(char * s){
+int yyerror(char * s)
 	fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", s);
+        return 0;
diff --git a/debugger/debug.l b/debugger/debug.l
index fb5c4fb..3a1a92e 100644
--- a/debugger/debug.l
+++ b/debugger/debug.l
@@ -142,6 +142,25 @@
 #include "readline/chardefs.h"
+/* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING. */
+static void stripwhite (char *string)
+  register int i = 0;
+  while (whitespace (string[i]))
+    i++;
+  if (i)
+    strcpy (string, string + i);
+  i = strlen (string) - 1;
+  while (i > 0 && whitespace (string[i]))
+    i--;
+  string[++i] = '\0';
 dbg_read(char * buf, int size){
 	char * line;
 	int len;
@@ -180,25 +199,6 @@
 	} while (1==1);
-/* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING. */
-void stripwhite (char *string)
-  register int i = 0;
-  while (whitespace (string[i]))
-    i++;
-  if (i)
-    strcpy (string, string + i);
-  i = strlen (string) - 1;
-  while (i > 0 && whitespace (string[i]))
-    i--;
-  string[++i] = '\0';
 static char *local_symbols[10];
 static int next_symbol;
diff --git a/debugger/info.c b/debugger/info.c
index e4e4432..3f640da 100644
--- a/debugger/info.c
+++ b/debugger/info.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "opcodes/dis-asm.h"
+#include "db_disasm.h"
 #include "regpos.h"
 extern int * regval;
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+#ifdef GNU_DISASM
 void print_address_info(bfd_vma addr, disassemble_info * info){
 	print_address((unsigned int) addr, info->stream);
@@ -54,6 +55,23 @@
 	fprintf(stderr, "invalid address length %d.\n", addrlen);
 	return 0;
+void db_task_printsym(unsigned int addr){
+  print_address(addr, stderr);
+int print_insn(char *realmemaddr, char *memaddr, FILE *stream, int addrlen)
+	if (addrlen == 16)
+		return db_disasm((unsigned int) realmemaddr, 0, 1) - 
+			((unsigned int) realmemaddr);
+	if (addrlen == 32)
+	    return db_disasm((unsigned int) realmemaddr, 0, 0) -
+	      ((unsigned int) realmemaddr);
+	fprintf(stderr, "invalid address length %d.\n", addrlen);
+	return 0;
 void info_reg(){
@@ -191,7 +209,7 @@
 				fprintf(stderr," %c", *pnt++);
 			if ((i % 32) == 7) {
-				print_address((unsigned int) dump, stderr);
+				print_address((unsigned int) pnt, stderr);
 				fprintf(stderr,":  ");
@@ -222,21 +240,14 @@
 "The commands accepted by the Wine debugger are a small subset",
 "of the commands that gdb would accept.  The commands currently",
-"  info [reg,stack,break]",
-"  break *<addr>",
-"  enable bpnum",
-"  disable bpnum",
-"  help",
-"  quit",
-"  print <expr>",
-"  bt",
-"  mode [16,32]",
-"  symbolfile <filename>",
+"  break *<addr>                        bt",
+"  disable bpnum                        enable bpnum",
+"  help                                 quit",
+"  x <expr>                             cont",
+"  mode [16,32]                         print <expr>",
+"  set <reg> = <expr>                   set *<expr> = <expr>",
+"  info [reg,stack,break,segments]      symbolfile <filename>",
 "  define <identifier> <expr>",
-"  x <expr>",
-"  cont",
-"  set <reg> = <expr>",
-"  set *<expr> = <expr>",
 "The 'x' command accepts repeat counts and formats (including 'i') in the",
 "same way that gdb does.",
@@ -282,19 +293,19 @@
+  frame = (struct frame *) ((SC_EBP(dbg_mask) & ~1) | (SC_SS << 16));
   fprintf(stderr,"%d ",frameno);
   cs = SC_CS;
-  frame = (struct frame *) ((SC_EBP(dbg_mask) & ~1) | (SC_SS << 16));
   while((cs & 3) == 3) {
     /* See if in 32 bit mode or not.  Assume GDT means 32 bit. */
     if ((cs & 7) != 7) {
       void CallTo32();
       fprintf(stderr,"\n%d ",frameno++);
-      if(frame->u.win32.saved_ip<((char*)CallTo32+1000))break;
+      if(frame->u.win32.saved_ip<((unsigned long)CallTo32+1000))break;
       frame = (struct frame *) frame->u.win32.saved_bp;
     } else {
       cs = frame->u.win16.saved_cs;
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/Imakefile b/debugger/opcodes/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d94d3f..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "../../Wine.tmpl"
-MODULE = opcodes
-#ifdef i386
-#define xi386 1
-#undef i386
-SRCS = \
-	dis-buf.c \
-	i386-dis.c
-OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
-#ifdef xi386
-#define i386 1
-#undef xi386
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/ansidecl.h b/debugger/opcodes/ansidecl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c0dcb3..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/ansidecl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* ANSI and traditional C compatability macros
-   Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
-/* ANSI and traditional C compatibility macros
-   ANSI C is assumed if __STDC__ is #defined.
-   Macro	ANSI C definition	Traditional C definition
-   -----	---- - ----------	----------- - ----------
-   PTR		`void *'		`char *'
-   LONG_DOUBLE	`long double'		`double'
-   VOLATILE	`volatile'		`'
-   SIGNED	`signed'		`'
-   PTRCONST	`void *const'		`char *'
-   ANSI_PROTOTYPES  1			not defined
-   CONST is also defined, but is obsolete.  Just use const.
-   DEFUN (name, arglist, args)
-	Defines function NAME.
-	ARGLIST lists the arguments, separated by commas and enclosed in
-	parentheses.  ARGLIST becomes the argument list in traditional C.
-	ARGS list the arguments with their types.  It becomes a prototype in
-	ANSI C, and the type declarations in traditional C.  Arguments should
-	be separated with `AND'.  For functions with a variable number of
-	arguments, the last thing listed should be `DOTS'.
-   DEFUN_VOID (name)
-	Defines a function NAME, which takes no arguments.
-   obsolete --     EXFUN (name, (prototype))	-- obsolete.
-	Replaced by PARAMS.  Do not use; will disappear someday soon.
-	Was used in external function declarations.
-	In ANSI C it is `NAME PROTOTYPE' (so PROTOTYPE should be enclosed in
-	parentheses).  In traditional C it is `NAME()'.
-	For a function that takes no arguments, PROTOTYPE should be `(void)'.
-    PARAMS ((args))
-	We could use the EXFUN macro to handle prototype declarations, but
-	the name is misleading and the result is ugly.  So we just define a
-	simple macro to handle the parameter lists, as in:
-	      static int foo PARAMS ((int, char));
-	This produces:  `static int foo();' or `static int foo (int, char);'
-	EXFUN would have done it like this:
-	      static int EXFUN (foo, (int, char));
-	but the function is not external...and it's hard to visually parse
-	the function name out of the mess.   EXFUN should be considered
-	obsolete; new code should be written to use PARAMS.
-    For example:
-	extern int printf PARAMS ((CONST char *format DOTS));
-	int DEFUN(fprintf, (stream, format),
-		  FILE *stream AND CONST char *format DOTS) { ... }
-	void DEFUN_VOID(abort) { ... }
-#ifndef	_ANSIDECL_H
-#define	_ANSIDECL_H	1
-/* Every source file includes this file,
-   so they will all get the switch for lint.  */
-#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_AIX) || (defined (__mips) && defined (_SYSTYPE_SVR4))
-/* All known AIX compilers implement these things (but don't always
-   define __STDC__).  The RISC/OS MIPS compiler defines these things
-   in SVR4 mode, but does not define __STDC__.  */
-#define	PTR		void *
-#define	PTRCONST	void *CONST
-#define	LONG_DOUBLE	long double
-#define	AND		,
-#define	NOARGS		void
-#define	CONST		const
-#define	VOLATILE	volatile
-#define	SIGNED		signed
-#define	DOTS		, ...
-#define	EXFUN(name, proto)		name proto
-#define	DEFUN(name, arglist, args)	name(args)
-#define	DEFUN_VOID(name)		name(void)
-#define PROTO(type, name, arglist)	type name arglist
-#define PARAMS(paramlist)		paramlist
-#define ANSI_PROTOTYPES			1
-#else	/* Not ANSI C.  */
-#define	PTR		char *
-#define	LONG_DOUBLE	double
-#define	AND		;
-#define	NOARGS
-#define	CONST
-#ifndef const /* some systems define it in header files for non-ansi mode */
-#define	const
-#define	VOLATILE
-#define	SIGNED
-#define	DOTS
-#define	EXFUN(name, proto)		name()
-#define	DEFUN(name, arglist, args)	name arglist args;
-#define	DEFUN_VOID(name)		name()
-#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name ()
-#define PARAMS(paramlist)		()
-#endif	/* ANSI C.  */
-#endif	/* ansidecl.h	*/
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/bfd.h b/debugger/opcodes/bfd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed068d9..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/bfd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2171 +0,0 @@
-/* Main header file for the bfd library -- portable access to object files.
-   Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   Contributed by Cygnus Support.
-** NOTE: bfd.h and bfd-in2.h are GENERATED files.  Don't change them;
-** instead, change bfd-in.h or the other BFD source files processed to
-** generate these files.
-This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
-/* bfd.h -- The only header file required by users of the bfd library 
-The bfd.h file is generated from bfd-in.h and various .c files; if you
-change it, your changes will probably be lost.
-All the prototypes and definitions following the comment "THE FOLLOWING
-IS EXTRACTED FROM THE SOURCE" are extracted from the source files for
-BFD.  If you change it, someone oneday will extract it from the source
-again, and your changes will be lost.  To save yourself from this bind,
-change the definitions in the source in the bfd directory.  Type "make
-docs" and then "make headers" in that directory, and magically this file
-will change to reflect your changes.
-If you don't have the tools to perform the extraction, then you are
-safe from someone on your system trampling over your header files.
-You should still maintain the equivalence between the source and this
-file though; every change you make to the .c file should be reflected
-here.  */
-#ifndef __BFD_H_SEEN__
-#define __BFD_H_SEEN__
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "obstack.h"
-/* These two lines get substitutions done by commands in  */
-#define BFD_VERSION   "cygnus-2.3"
-#define BFD_ARCH_SIZE 32
-#if BFD_ARCH_SIZE >= 64
-#define BFD64
-#ifndef INLINE
-#if __GNUC__ >= 2
-#define INLINE __inline__
-#define INLINE
-/* 64-bit type definition (if any) from bfd's sysdep.h goes here */
-/* forward declaration */
-typedef struct _bfd bfd;
-/* To squelch erroneous compiler warnings ("illegal pointer
-   combination") from the SVR3 compiler, we would like to typedef
-   boolean to int (it doesn't like functions which return boolean.
-   Making sure they are never implicitly declared to return int
-   doesn't seem to help).  But this file is not configured based on
-   the host.  */
-/* General rules: functions which are boolean return true on success
-   and false on failure (unless they're a predicate).   -- bfd.doc */
-/* I'm sure this is going to break something and someone is going to
-   force me to change it. */
-/* typedef enum boolean {false, true} boolean; */
-/* Yup, SVR4 has a "typedef enum boolean" in <sys/types.h>  -fnf */
-/* It gets worse if the host also defines a true/false enum... -sts */
-typedef enum bfd_boolean {false, true} boolean;
-typedef enum bfd_boolean {bfd_false, bfd_true} boolean;
-/* A pointer to a position in a file.  */
-/* FIXME:  This should be using off_t from <sys/types.h>.
-   For now, try to avoid breaking stuff by not including <sys/types.h> here.
-   This will break on systems with 64-bit file offsets (e.g. 4.4BSD).
-   Probably the best long-term answer is to avoid using file_ptr AND off_t 
-   in this header file, and to handle this in the BFD implementation
-   rather than in its interface.  */
-/* typedef off_t	file_ptr; */
-typedef long int file_ptr;
-/* Support for different sizes of target format ints and addresses.  If the
-   host implements 64-bit values, it defines BFD_HOST_64_BIT to be the appropriate
-   type.  Otherwise, this code will fall back on gcc's "long long" type if gcc
-   is being used.  BFD_HOST_64_BIT must be defined in such a way as to be a valid
-   type name by itself or with "unsigned" prefixed.  It should be a signed
-   type by itself.
-   If neither is the case, then compilation will fail if 64-bit targets are
-   requested.  If you don't request any 64-bit targets, you should be safe. */
-#ifdef	BFD64
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (BFD_HOST_64_BIT)
-#define BFD_HOST_64_BIT long long
-typedef BFD_HOST_64_BIT int64_type;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT uint64_type;
-#if !defined (uint64_type) && defined (__GNUC__)
-#define uint64_type unsigned long long
-#define int64_type long long
-#ifndef uint64_typeLOW
-#define uint64_typeLOW(x) ((unsigned long)(((x) & 0xffffffff)))
-#define uint64_typeHIGH(x) ((unsigned long)(((x) >> 32) & 0xffffffff))
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_vma;
-typedef BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_signed_vma;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT bfd_size_type;
-typedef unsigned BFD_HOST_64_BIT symvalue;
-#ifndef fprintf_vma
-#define fprintf_vma(s,x) \
-		fprintf(s,"%08lx%08lx", uint64_typeHIGH(x), uint64_typeLOW(x))
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) \
-		sprintf(s,"%08lx%08lx", uint64_typeHIGH(x), uint64_typeLOW(x))
-#else /* not BFD64  */
-/* Represent a target address.  Also used as a generic unsigned type
-   which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any arithmetic types
-   we need to deal with.  */
-typedef unsigned long bfd_vma;
-/* A generic signed type which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any
-   arithmetic types we need to deal with.  Can be assumed to be compatible
-   with bfd_vma in the same way that signed and unsigned ints are compatible
-   (as parameters, in assignment, etc).  */
-typedef long bfd_signed_vma;
-typedef unsigned long symvalue;
-typedef unsigned long bfd_size_type;
-/* Print a bfd_vma x on stream s.  */
-#define fprintf_vma(s,x) fprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
-#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
-#endif /* not BFD64  */
-#define printf_vma(x) fprintf_vma(stdout,x)
-typedef unsigned int flagword;	/* 32 bits of flags */
-/** File formats */
-typedef enum bfd_format {
-	      bfd_unknown = 0,	/* file format is unknown */
-	      bfd_object,	/* linker/assember/compiler output */
-	      bfd_archive,	/* object archive file */
-	      bfd_core,		/* core dump */
-	      bfd_type_end}	/* marks the end; don't use it! */
-         bfd_format;
-/* Values that may appear in the flags field of a BFD.  These also
-   appear in the object_flags field of the bfd_target structure, where
-   they indicate the set of flags used by that backend (not all flags
-   are meaningful for all object file formats) (FIXME: at the moment,
-   the object_flags values have mostly just been copied from backend
-   to another, and are not necessarily correct).  */
-/* No flags.  */
-#define NO_FLAGS    	0x00
-/* BFD contains relocation entries.  */
-#define HAS_RELOC   	0x01
-/* BFD is directly executable.  */
-#define EXEC_P      	0x02
-/* BFD has line number information (basically used for F_LNNO in a
-   COFF header).  */
-#define HAS_LINENO  	0x04
-/* BFD has debugging information.  */
-#define HAS_DEBUG   	0x08
-/* BFD has symbols.  */
-#define HAS_SYMS    	0x10
-/* BFD has local symbols (basically used for F_LSYMS in a COFF
-   header).  */
-#define HAS_LOCALS  	0x20
-/* BFD is a dynamic object.  */
-#define DYNAMIC     	0x40
-/* Text section is write protected (if D_PAGED is not set, this is
-   like an a.out NMAGIC file) (the linker sets this by default, but
-   clears it for -r or -N).  */
-#define WP_TEXT     	0x80
-/* BFD is dynamically paged (this is like an a.out ZMAGIC file) (the
-   linker sets this by default, but clears it for -r or -n or -N).  */
-#define D_PAGED     	0x100
-/* BFD is relaxable (this means that bfd_relax_section may be able to
-   do something).  */
-#define BFD_IS_RELAXABLE 0x200
-/* symbols and relocation */
-/* A count of carsyms (canonical archive symbols).  */
-typedef unsigned long symindex;
-#define BFD_NO_MORE_SYMBOLS ((symindex) ~0)
-/* General purpose part of a symbol X;
-   target specific parts are in libcoff.h, libaout.h, etc.  */
-#define bfd_get_section(x) ((x)->section)
-#define bfd_get_output_section(x) ((x)->section->output_section)
-#define bfd_set_section(x,y) ((x)->section) = (y)
-#define bfd_asymbol_base(x) ((x)->section->vma)
-#define bfd_asymbol_value(x) (bfd_asymbol_base(x) + (x)->value)
-#define bfd_asymbol_name(x) ((x)->name)
-/*Perhaps future: #define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->section->owner)*/
-#define bfd_asymbol_bfd(x) ((x)->the_bfd)
-#define bfd_asymbol_flavour(x) (bfd_asymbol_bfd(x)->xvec->flavour)
-/* A canonical archive symbol.  */
-/* This is a type pun with struct ranlib on purpose! */
-typedef struct carsym {
-  char *name;
-  file_ptr file_offset;		/* look here to find the file */
-} carsym;			/* to make these you call a carsymogen */
-/* Used in generating armaps (archive tables of contents).
-   Perhaps just a forward definition would do? */
-struct orl {			/* output ranlib */
-  char **name;			/* symbol name */ 
-  file_ptr pos;			/* bfd* or file position */
-  int namidx;			/* index into string table */
-/* Linenumber stuff */
-typedef struct lineno_cache_entry {
-  unsigned int line_number;	/* Linenumber from start of function*/  
-  union {
-    struct symbol_cache_entry *sym; /* Function name */
-    unsigned long offset;	/* Offset into section */
-  } u;
-} alent;
-/* object and core file sections */
-#define	align_power(addr, align)	\
-	( ((addr) + ((1<<(align))-1)) & (-1 << (align)))
-typedef struct sec *sec_ptr;
-#define bfd_get_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power + 0)
-#define bfd_section_name(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->name)
-#define bfd_section_size(bfd, ptr) (bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(ptr))
-#define bfd_section_vma(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->vma)
-#define bfd_section_alignment(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->alignment_power)
-#define bfd_get_section_flags(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->flags + 0)
-#define bfd_get_section_userdata(bfd, ptr) ((ptr)->userdata)
-#define bfd_is_com_section(ptr) (((ptr)->flags & SEC_IS_COMMON) != 0)
-#define bfd_set_section_vma(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->vma = (ptr)->lma= (val)), ((ptr)->user_set_vma = true), true)
-#define bfd_set_section_alignment(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->alignment_power = (val)),true)
-#define bfd_set_section_userdata(bfd, ptr, val) (((ptr)->userdata = (val)),true)
-typedef struct stat stat_type; 
-typedef enum bfd_print_symbol
-  bfd_print_symbol_name,
-  bfd_print_symbol_more,
-  bfd_print_symbol_all
-} bfd_print_symbol_type;
-/* Information about a symbol that nm needs.  */
-typedef struct _symbol_info
-  symvalue value;
-  char type;
-  CONST char *name;            /* Symbol name.  */
-  char stab_other;             /* Unused. */
-  short stab_desc;             /* Info for N_TYPE.  */
-  CONST char *stab_name;
-} symbol_info;
-/* Hash table routines.  There is no way to free up a hash table.  */
-/* An element in the hash table.  Most uses will actually use a larger
-   structure, and an instance of this will be the first field.  */
-struct bfd_hash_entry
-  /* Next entry for this hash code.  */
-  struct bfd_hash_entry *next;
-  /* String being hashed.  */
-  const char *string;
-  /* Hash code.  This is the full hash code, not the index into the
-     table.  */
-  unsigned long hash;
-/* A hash table.  */
-struct bfd_hash_table
-  /* The hash array.  */
-  struct bfd_hash_entry **table;
-  /* The number of slots in the hash table.  */
-  unsigned int size;
-  /* A function used to create new elements in the hash table.  The
-     first entry is itself a pointer to an element.  When this
-     function is first invoked, this pointer will be NULL.  However,
-     having the pointer permits a hierarchy of method functions to be
-     built each of which calls the function in the superclass.  Thus
-     each function should be written to allocate a new block of memory
-     only if the argument is NULL.  */
-  struct bfd_hash_entry *(*newfunc) PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *,
-					     struct bfd_hash_table *,
-					     const char *));
-  /* An obstack for this hash table.  */
-  struct obstack memory;
-/* Initialize a hash table.  */
-extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init
-  PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
-	   struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
-				       struct bfd_hash_table *,
-				       const char *)));
-/* Initialize a hash table specifying a size.  */
-extern boolean bfd_hash_table_init_n
-  PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
-	   struct bfd_hash_entry *(*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
-				       struct bfd_hash_table *,
-				       const char *),
-	   unsigned int size));
-/* Free up a hash table.  */
-extern void bfd_hash_table_free PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *));
-/* Look up a string in a hash table.  If CREATE is true, a new entry
-   will be created for this string if one does not already exist.  The
-   COPY argument must be true if this routine should copy the string
-   into newly allocated memory when adding an entry.  */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_lookup
-  PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *, const char *, boolean create,
-	   boolean copy));
-/* Base method for creating a hash table entry.  */
-extern struct bfd_hash_entry *bfd_hash_newfunc
-  PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_entry *, struct bfd_hash_table *,
-	   const char *));
-/* Grab some space for a hash table entry.  */
-extern PTR bfd_hash_allocate PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
-				      unsigned int));
-/* Traverse a hash table in a random order, calling a function on each
-   element.  If the function returns false, the traversal stops.  The
-   INFO argument is passed to the function.  */
-extern void bfd_hash_traverse PARAMS ((struct bfd_hash_table *,
-				       boolean (*) (struct bfd_hash_entry *,
-						    PTR),
-				       PTR info));
-/* Semi-portable string concatenation in cpp.
-   The CAT4 hack is to avoid a problem with some strict ANSI C preprocessors.
-   The problem is, "32_" is not a valid preprocessing token, and we don't
-   want extra underscores (e.g., "nlm_32_").  The XCAT2 macro will cause the
-   inner CAT macros to be evaluated first, producing still-valid pp-tokens.
-   Then the final concatenation can be done.  (Sigh.)  */
-#ifndef CAT
-#ifdef SABER
-#define CAT(a,b)	a##b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c)	a##b##c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)	a##b##c##d
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-#define CAT(a,b) a##b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
-#define XCAT2(a,b)	CAT(a,b)
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)	XCAT2(CAT(a,b),CAT(c,d))
-#define CAT(a,b) a/**/b
-#define CAT3(a,b,c) a/**/b/**/c
-#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)	a/**/b/**/c/**/d
-#define COFF_SWAP_TABLE (PTR) &bfd_coff_std_swap_table
-/* User program access to BFD facilities */
-/* Cast from const char * to char * so that caller can assign to
-   a char * without a warning.  */
-#define bfd_get_filename(abfd) ((char *) (abfd)->filename)
-#define bfd_get_cacheable(abfd) ((abfd)->cacheable)
-#define bfd_get_format(abfd) ((abfd)->format)
-#define bfd_get_target(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->name)
-#define bfd_get_flavour(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->flavour)
-#define bfd_get_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->flags)
-#define bfd_applicable_file_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->object_flags)
-#define bfd_applicable_section_flags(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->section_flags)
-#define bfd_my_archive(abfd) ((abfd)->my_archive)
-#define bfd_has_map(abfd) ((abfd)->has_armap)
-#define bfd_valid_reloc_types(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->valid_reloc_types)
-#define bfd_usrdata(abfd) ((abfd)->usrdata)
-#define bfd_get_start_address(abfd) ((abfd)->start_address)
-#define bfd_get_symcount(abfd) ((abfd)->symcount)
-#define bfd_get_outsymbols(abfd) ((abfd)->outsymbols)
-#define bfd_count_sections(abfd) ((abfd)->section_count)
-#define bfd_get_symbol_leading_char(abfd) ((abfd)->xvec->symbol_leading_char)
-#define bfd_set_cacheable(abfd,bool) (((abfd)->cacheable = (bool)), true)
-/* Byte swapping routines.  */
-bfd_vma		bfd_getb64	   PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma 	bfd_getl64	   PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma	bfd_getb_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma	bfd_getl_signed_64 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma		bfd_getb32	   PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma		bfd_getl32	   PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma	bfd_getb_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma	bfd_getl_signed_32 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma		bfd_getb16	   PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_vma		bfd_getl16	   PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma	bfd_getb_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-bfd_signed_vma	bfd_getl_signed_16 PARAMS ((const unsigned char *));
-void		bfd_putb64	   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void		bfd_putl64	   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void		bfd_putb32	   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void		bfd_putl32	   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void		bfd_putb16	   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-void		bfd_putl16	   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, unsigned char *));
-/* Externally visible ECOFF routines.  */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ALMOST_STDC)
-struct ecoff_debug_info;
-struct ecoff_debug_swap;
-struct ecoff_extr;
-struct symbol_cache_entry;
-struct bfd_link_info;
-extern bfd_vma bfd_ecoff_get_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd * abfd));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_gp_value PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_vma gp_value));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_set_regmasks
-  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, unsigned long gprmask, unsigned long fprmask,
-	   unsigned long *cprmask));
-extern PTR bfd_ecoff_debug_init
-  PARAMS ((bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
-	   struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern void bfd_ecoff_debug_free
-  PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
-	   struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate
-  PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap,
-	   bfd *input_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *input_debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *input_swap,
-	   struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_accumulate_other
-  PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *output_bfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *output_debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *output_swap, bfd *input_bfd,
-	   struct bfd_link_info *));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_externals
-  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
-	   boolean relocateable,
-	   boolean (*get_extr) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
-				struct ecoff_extr *),
-	   void (*set_index) (struct symbol_cache_entry *,
-			      bfd_size_type)));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_debug_one_external
-  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
-	   const char *name, struct ecoff_extr *esym));
-extern bfd_size_type bfd_ecoff_debug_size
-  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_debug
-  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap, file_ptr where));
-extern boolean bfd_ecoff_write_accumulated_debug
-  PARAMS ((PTR handle, bfd *abfd, struct ecoff_debug_info *debug,
-	   const struct ecoff_debug_swap *swap,
-	   struct bfd_link_info *info, file_ptr where));
-/* And more from the source.  */
-bfd_init PARAMS ((void));
-bfd *
-bfd_openr PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, CONST char *target));
-bfd *
-bfd_fdopenr PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, CONST char *target, int fd));
-bfd *
-bfd_openw PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, CONST char *target));
-bfd_close PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_close_all_done PARAMS ((bfd *));
-bfd_alloc_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd *
-bfd_create PARAMS ((CONST char *filename, bfd *templ));
- /* Byte swapping macros for user section data.  */
-#define bfd_put_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                (*((unsigned char *)(ptr)) = (unsigned char)(val))
-#define bfd_put_signed_8 \
-		bfd_put_8
-#define bfd_get_8(abfd, ptr) \
-                (*(unsigned char *)(ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_8(abfd, ptr) \
-		((*(unsigned char *)(ptr) ^ 0x80) - 0x80)
-#define bfd_put_16(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx16, ((val),(ptr)))
-#define bfd_put_signed_16 \
-		 bfd_put_16
-#define bfd_get_16(abfd, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx16, (ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_16(abfd, ptr) \
-         	 BFD_SEND (abfd, bfd_getx_signed_16, (ptr))
-#define bfd_put_32(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx32, ((val),(ptr)))
-#define bfd_put_signed_32 \
-		 bfd_put_32
-#define bfd_get_32(abfd, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx32, (ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_32(abfd, ptr) \
-		 BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx_signed_32, (ptr))
-#define bfd_put_64(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_putx64, ((val), (ptr)))
-#define bfd_put_signed_64 \
-		 bfd_put_64
-#define bfd_get_64(abfd, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx64, (ptr))
-#define bfd_get_signed_64(abfd, ptr) \
-		 BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_getx_signed_64, (ptr))
- /* Byte swapping macros for file header data.  */
-#define bfd_h_put_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
-		bfd_put_8 (abfd, val, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_8(abfd, val, ptr) \
-		bfd_put_8 (abfd, val, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_get_8(abfd, ptr) \
-		bfd_get_8 (abfd, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_8(abfd, ptr) \
-		bfd_get_signed_8 (abfd, ptr)
-#define bfd_h_put_16(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx16,(val,ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_16 \
-		 bfd_h_put_16
-#define bfd_h_get_16(abfd, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx16,(ptr))
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_16(abfd, ptr) \
-		 BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_16, (ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_32(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx32,(val,ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_32 \
-		 bfd_h_put_32
-#define bfd_h_get_32(abfd, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx32,(ptr))
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_32(abfd, ptr) \
-		 BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_32, (ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_64(abfd, val, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_putx64,(val, ptr))
-#define bfd_h_put_signed_64 \
-		 bfd_h_put_64
-#define bfd_h_get_64(abfd, ptr) \
-                BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx64,(ptr))
-#define bfd_h_get_signed_64(abfd, ptr) \
-		 BFD_SEND(abfd, bfd_h_getx_signed_64, (ptr))
-typedef struct sec
-         /* The name of the section; the name isn't a copy, the pointer is
-        the same as that passed to bfd_make_section. */
-    CONST char *name;
-         /* Which section is it; 0..nth.      */
-   int index;
-         /* The next section in the list belonging to the BFD, or NULL. */
-    struct sec *next;
-         /* The field flags contains attributes of the section. Some
-           flags are read in from the object file, and some are
-           synthesized from other information.  */
-    flagword flags;
-#define SEC_NO_FLAGS   0x000
-         /* Tells the OS to allocate space for this section when loading.
-           This is clear for a section containing debug information
-           only. */
-#define SEC_ALLOC      0x001
-         /* Tells the OS to load the section from the file when loading.
-           This is clear for a .bss section. */
-#define SEC_LOAD       0x002
-         /* The section contains data still to be relocated, so there is
-           some relocation information too. */
-#define SEC_RELOC      0x004
-#if 0    /* Obsolete ? */
-#define SEC_BALIGN     0x008
-         /* A signal to the OS that the section contains read only
-          data. */
-#define SEC_READONLY   0x010
-         /* The section contains code only. */
-#define SEC_CODE       0x020
-         /* The section contains data only. */
-#define SEC_DATA       0x040
-         /* The section will reside in ROM. */
-#define SEC_ROM        0x080
-         /* The section contains constructor information. This section
-           type is used by the linker to create lists of constructors and
-           destructors used by <<g++>>. When a back end sees a symbol
-           which should be used in a constructor list, it creates a new
-           section for the type of name (e.g., <<__CTOR_LIST__>>), attaches
-           the symbol to it, and builds a relocation. To build the lists
-           of constructors, all the linker has to do is catenate all the
-           sections called <<__CTOR_LIST__>> and relocate the data
-           contained within - exactly the operations it would peform on
-           standard data. */
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR 0x100
-         /* The section is a constuctor, and should be placed at the
-          end of the text, data, or bss section(?). */
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_TEXT 0x1100
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_DATA 0x2100
-#define SEC_CONSTRUCTOR_BSS  0x3100
-         /* The section has contents - a data section could be
-           <<SEC_ALLOC>> | <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>>; a debug section could be
-           <<SEC_HAS_CONTENTS>> */
-#define SEC_HAS_CONTENTS 0x200
-         /* An instruction to the linker to not output the section
-          even if it has information which would normally be written. */
-#define SEC_NEVER_LOAD 0x400
-         /* The section is a shared library section.  The linker must leave
-           these completely alone, as the vma and size are used when
-           the executable is loaded. */
-#define SEC_SHARED_LIBRARY 0x800
-         /* The section is a common section (symbols may be defined
-           multiple times, the value of a symbol is the amount of
-           space it requires, and the largest symbol value is the one
-           used).  Most targets have exactly one of these (which we
-	    translate to bfd_com_section), but ECOFF has two. */
-#define SEC_IS_COMMON 0x8000
-         /* The section contains only debugging information.  For
-           example, this is set for ELF .debug and .stab sections.
-           strip tests this flag to see if a section can be
-           discarded. */
-#define SEC_DEBUGGING 0x10000
-         /* The contents of this section are held in memory pointed to
-           by the contents field.  This is checked by
-           bfd_get_section_contents, and the data is retrieved from
-           memory if appropriate.  */
-#define SEC_IN_MEMORY 0x20000
-	 /*  End of section flags.  */
-        /*  The virtual memory address of the section - where it will be
-           at run time.  The symbols are relocated against this.  The
-	    user_set_vma flag is maintained by bfd; if it's not set, the
-	    backend can assign addresses (for example, in <<a.out>>, where
-	    the default address for <<.data>> is dependent on the specific
-	    target and various flags).  */
-   bfd_vma vma;
-   boolean user_set_vma;
-        /*  The load address of the section - where it would be in a
-           rom image; really only used for writing section header
-	    information. */
-   bfd_vma lma;
-         /* The size of the section in bytes, as it will be output.
-           contains a value even if the section has no contents (e.g., the
-           size of <<.bss>>). This will be filled in after relocation */
-   bfd_size_type _cooked_size;
-         /* The original size on disk of the section, in bytes.  Normally this
-	    value is the same as the size, but if some relaxing has
-	    been done, then this value will be bigger.  */
-   bfd_size_type _raw_size;
-         /* If this section is going to be output, then this value is the
-           offset into the output section of the first byte in the input
-           section. E.g., if this was going to start at the 100th byte in
-           the output section, this value would be 100. */
-   bfd_vma output_offset;
-         /* The output section through which to map on output. */
-   struct sec *output_section;
-         /* The alignment requirement of the section, as an exponent of 2 -
-           e.g., 3 aligns to 2^3 (or 8). */
-   unsigned int alignment_power;
-         /* If an input section, a pointer to a vector of relocation
-           records for the data in this section. */
-   struct reloc_cache_entry *relocation;
-         /* If an output section, a pointer to a vector of pointers to
-           relocation records for the data in this section. */
-   struct reloc_cache_entry **orelocation;
-         /* The number of relocation records in one of the above  */
-   unsigned reloc_count;
-         /* Information below is back end specific - and not always used
-           or updated.  */
-         /* File position of section data    */
-   file_ptr filepos;
-         /* File position of relocation info */
-   file_ptr rel_filepos;
-         /* File position of line data       */
-   file_ptr line_filepos;
-         /* Pointer to data for applications */
-   PTR userdata;
-         /* If the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag is set, this points to the actual
-           contents.  */
-   unsigned char *contents;
-         /* Attached line number information */
-   alent *lineno;
-         /* Number of line number records   */
-   unsigned int lineno_count;
-         /* When a section is being output, this value changes as more
-           linenumbers are written out */
-   file_ptr moving_line_filepos;
-         /* What the section number is in the target world  */
-   int target_index;
-   PTR used_by_bfd;
-         /* If this is a constructor section then here is a list of the
-           relocations created to relocate items within it. */
-   struct relent_chain *constructor_chain;
-         /* The BFD which owns the section. */
-   bfd *owner;
-   boolean reloc_done;
-	  /* A symbol which points at this section only */
-   struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol;
-   struct symbol_cache_entry **symbol_ptr_ptr;
-   struct bfd_link_order *link_order_head;
-   struct bfd_link_order *link_order_tail;
-} asection ;
-     /* These sections are global, and are managed by BFD.  The application
-       and target back end are not permitted to change the values in
-	these sections.  */
-     /* the absolute section */
-extern asection bfd_abs_section;
-     /* Pointer to the undefined section */
-extern asection bfd_und_section;
-     /* Pointer to the common section */
-extern asection bfd_com_section;
-     /* Pointer to the indirect section */
-extern asection bfd_ind_section;
-extern struct symbol_cache_entry *bfd_abs_symbol;
-extern struct symbol_cache_entry *bfd_com_symbol;
-extern struct symbol_cache_entry *bfd_und_symbol;
-extern struct symbol_cache_entry *bfd_ind_symbol;
-#define bfd_get_section_size_before_reloc(section) \
-     (section->reloc_done ? (abort(),1): (section)->_raw_size)
-#define bfd_get_section_size_after_reloc(section) \
-     ((section->reloc_done) ? (section)->_cooked_size: (abort(),1))
-asection *
-bfd_get_section_by_name PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *name));
-asection *
-bfd_make_section_old_way PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *name));
-asection *
-bfd_make_section_anyway PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, CONST char *name));
-asection *
-bfd_make_section PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *name));
-bfd_set_section_flags PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sec, flagword flags));
-bfd_map_over_sections PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-    void (*func)(bfd *abfd,
-    asection *sect,
-    PTR obj),
-    PTR obj));
-bfd_set_section_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_size_type val));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-    asection *section,
-    PTR data,
-    file_ptr offset,
-    bfd_size_type count));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *section, PTR location,
-    file_ptr offset, bfd_size_type count));
-bfd_copy_private_section_data PARAMS ((bfd *ibfd, asection *isec, bfd *obfd, asection *osec));
-#define bfd_copy_private_section_data(ibfd, isection, obfd, osection) \
-     BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_section_data, \
-		(ibfd, isection, obfd, osection))
-enum bfd_architecture 
-  bfd_arch_unknown,    /* File arch not known */
-  bfd_arch_obscure,    /* Arch known, not one of these */
-  bfd_arch_m68k,       /* Motorola 68xxx */
-  bfd_arch_vax,        /* DEC Vax */   
-  bfd_arch_i960,       /* Intel 960 */
-     /* The order of the following is important.
-       lower number indicates a machine type that 
-       only accepts a subset of the instructions
-       available to machines with higher numbers.
-       The exception is the "ca", which is
-       incompatible with all other machines except 
-       "core". */
-#define bfd_mach_i960_core      1
-#define bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa     2
-#define bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb     3
-#define bfd_mach_i960_mc        4
-#define bfd_mach_i960_xa        5
-#define bfd_mach_i960_ca        6
-  bfd_arch_a29k,       /* AMD 29000 */
-  bfd_arch_sparc,      /* SPARC */
-  bfd_arch_mips,       /* MIPS Rxxxx */
-  bfd_arch_i386,       /* Intel 386 */
-  bfd_arch_we32k,      /* AT&T WE32xxx */
-  bfd_arch_tahoe,      /* CCI/Harris Tahoe */
-  bfd_arch_i860,       /* Intel 860 */
-  bfd_arch_romp,       /* IBM ROMP PC/RT */
-  bfd_arch_alliant,    /* Alliant */
-  bfd_arch_convex,     /* Convex */
-  bfd_arch_m88k,       /* Motorola 88xxx */
-  bfd_arch_pyramid,    /* Pyramid Technology */
-  bfd_arch_h8300,      /* Hitachi H8/300 */
-#define bfd_mach_h8300   1
-#define bfd_mach_h8300h  2
-  bfd_arch_powerpc,    /* PowerPC */
-  bfd_arch_rs6000,     /* IBM RS/6000 */
-  bfd_arch_hppa,       /* HP PA RISC */
-  bfd_arch_z8k,        /* Zilog Z8000 */
-#define bfd_mach_z8001		1
-#define bfd_mach_z8002		2
-  bfd_arch_h8500,      /* Hitachi H8/500 */
-  bfd_arch_sh,         /* Hitachi SH */
-  bfd_arch_alpha,      /* Dec Alpha */
-  bfd_arch_last
-  };
-typedef struct bfd_arch_info 
-  int bits_per_word;
-  int bits_per_address;
-  int bits_per_byte;
-  enum bfd_architecture arch;
-  long mach;
-  char *arch_name;
-  CONST  char *printable_name;
-  unsigned int section_align_power;
-  /* true if this is the default machine for the architecture */
-  boolean the_default;	
-  CONST struct bfd_arch_info * (*compatible)
-	PARAMS ((CONST struct bfd_arch_info *a,
-	         CONST struct bfd_arch_info *b));
-  boolean (*scan) PARAMS ((CONST struct bfd_arch_info *, CONST char *));
-   /* How to disassemble an instruction, producing a printable
-     representation on a specified stdio stream.  This isn't
-     defined for most processors at present, because of the size
-     of the additional tables it would drag in, and because gdb
-     wants to use a different interface.  */
-  unsigned int (*disassemble) PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, CONST char *data,
-				        PTR stream));
-  struct bfd_arch_info *next;
-} bfd_arch_info_type;
-CONST char *
-bfd_printable_name PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_scan_arch PARAMS ((CONST char *string));
-CONST bfd_arch_info_type *
-bfd_arch_get_compatible PARAMS ((
-    CONST bfd *abfd,
-    CONST bfd *bbfd));
-bfd_set_arch_info PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_arch_info_type *arg));
-enum bfd_architecture 
-bfd_get_arch PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-unsigned long 
-bfd_get_mach PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-unsigned int 
-bfd_arch_bits_per_byte PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-unsigned int 
-bfd_arch_bits_per_address PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_arch_info_type * 
-bfd_get_arch_info PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_arch_info_type *
- PARAMS ((enum bfd_architecture
-    arch,
-    long machine));
-CONST char *
- PARAMS ((enum bfd_architecture arch, unsigned long machine));
-typedef enum bfd_reloc_status
-        /* No errors detected */
-  bfd_reloc_ok,
-        /* The relocation was performed, but there was an overflow. */
-  bfd_reloc_overflow,
-        /* The address to relocate was not within the section supplied. */
-  bfd_reloc_outofrange,
-        /* Used by special functions */
-  bfd_reloc_continue,
-        /* Unsupported relocation size requested. */
-  bfd_reloc_notsupported,
-        /* Unused */
-  bfd_reloc_other,
-        /* The symbol to relocate against was undefined. */
-  bfd_reloc_undefined,
-        /* The relocation was performed, but may not be ok - presently
-          generated only when linking i960 coff files with i960 b.out
-          symbols.  If this type is returned, the error_message argument
-          to bfd_perform_relocation will be set.  */
-  bfd_reloc_dangerous
- }
- bfd_reloc_status_type;
-typedef struct reloc_cache_entry
-        /* A pointer into the canonical table of pointers  */
-  struct symbol_cache_entry **sym_ptr_ptr;
-        /* offset in section */
-  bfd_size_type address;
-        /* addend for relocation value */
-  bfd_vma addend;
-        /* Pointer to how to perform the required relocation */
-  const struct reloc_howto_struct *howto;
-} arelent;
-enum complain_overflow
-	 /* Do not complain on overflow. */
-  complain_overflow_dont,
-	 /* Complain if the bitfield overflows, whether it is considered
-	   as signed or unsigned. */
-  complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 /* Complain if the value overflows when considered as signed
-	   number. */
-  complain_overflow_signed,
-	 /* Complain if the value overflows when considered as an
-	   unsigned number. */
-  complain_overflow_unsigned
-typedef struct reloc_howto_struct
-        /*  The type field has mainly a documetary use - the back end can
-           do what it wants with it, though normally the back end's
-           external idea of what a reloc number is stored
-           in this field. For example, a PC relative word relocation
-           in a coff environment has the type 023 - because that's
-           what the outside world calls a R_PCRWORD reloc. */
-  unsigned int type;
-        /*  The value the final relocation is shifted right by. This drops
-           unwanted data from the relocation.  */
-  unsigned int rightshift;
-	 /*  The size of the item to be relocated.  This is *not* a
-	    power-of-two measure.  To get the number of bytes operated
-	    on by a type of relocation, use bfd_get_reloc_size.  */
-  int size;
-        /*  The number of bits in the item to be relocated.  This is used
-	    when doing overflow checking.  */
-  unsigned int bitsize;
-        /*  Notes that the relocation is relative to the location in the
-           data section of the addend. The relocation function will
-           subtract from the relocation value the address of the location
-           being relocated. */
-  boolean pc_relative;
-	 /*  The bit position of the reloc value in the destination.
-	    The relocated value is left shifted by this amount. */
-  unsigned int bitpos;
-	 /* What type of overflow error should be checked for when
-	   relocating. */
-  enum complain_overflow complain_on_overflow;
-        /* If this field is non null, then the supplied function is
-          called rather than the normal function. This allows really
-          strange relocation methods to be accomodated (e.g., i960 callj
-          instructions). */
-  bfd_reloc_status_type (*special_function)
-				    PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-					     arelent *reloc_entry,
-                                            struct symbol_cache_entry *symbol,
-                                            PTR data,
-                                            asection *input_section,
-                                            bfd *output_bfd,
-                                            char **error_message));
-        /* The textual name of the relocation type. */
-  char *name;
-        /* When performing a partial link, some formats must modify the
-          relocations rather than the data - this flag signals this.*/
-  boolean partial_inplace;
-        /* The src_mask selects which parts of the read in data
-          are to be used in the relocation sum.  E.g., if this was an 8 bit
-          bit of data which we read and relocated, this would be
-          0x000000ff. When we have relocs which have an addend, such as
-          sun4 extended relocs, the value in the offset part of a
-          relocating field is garbage so we never use it. In this case
-          the mask would be 0x00000000. */
-  bfd_vma src_mask;
-        /* The dst_mask selects which parts of the instruction are replaced
-          into the instruction. In most cases src_mask == dst_mask,
-          except in the above special case, where dst_mask would be
-          0x000000ff, and src_mask would be 0x00000000.   */
-  bfd_vma dst_mask;
-        /* When some formats create PC relative instructions, they leave
-          the value of the pc of the place being relocated in the offset
-          slot of the instruction, so that a PC relative relocation can
-          be made just by adding in an ordinary offset (e.g., sun3 a.out).
-          Some formats leave the displacement part of an instruction
-          empty (e.g., m88k bcs); this flag signals the fact.*/
-  boolean pcrel_offset;
-} reloc_howto_type;
-#define NEWHOWTO( FUNCTION, NAME,SIZE,REL,IN) HOWTO(0,0,SIZE,0,REL,0,complain_overflow_dont,FUNCTION, NAME,false,0,0,IN)
-#define HOWTO_PREPARE(relocation, symbol)      \
-  {                                            \
-  if (symbol != (asymbol *)NULL) {             \
-    if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section)) { \
-      relocation = 0;                          \
-    }                                          \
-    else {                                     \
-      relocation = symbol->value;              \
-    }                                          \
-  }                                            \
-bfd_get_reloc_size  PARAMS ((const reloc_howto_type *));
-typedef unsigned char bfd_byte;
-typedef struct relent_chain {
-  arelent relent;
-  struct   relent_chain *next;
-} arelent_chain;
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-    arelent *reloc_entry,
-    PTR data,
-    asection *input_section,
-    bfd *output_bfd,
-    char **error_message));
-typedef enum bfd_reloc_code_real
-   /* Basic absolute relocations */
-  BFD_RELOC_64,
-  BFD_RELOC_32,
-  BFD_RELOC_26,
-  BFD_RELOC_16,
-  BFD_RELOC_14,
-   /* PC-relative relocations */
-  BFD_RELOC_24_PCREL,     /* used by i960 */
-   /* Linkage-table relative */
-   /* The type of reloc used to build a contructor table - at the moment
-     probably a 32 bit wide abs address, but the cpu can choose. */
-   /* 8 bits wide, but used to form an address like 0xffnn */
-  BFD_RELOC_8_FFnn,
-   /* 32-bit pc-relative, shifted right 2 bits (i.e., 30-bit
-     word displacement, e.g. for SPARC) */
-   /* signed 16-bit pc-relative, shifted right 2 bits (e.g. for MIPS) */
-   /* this is used on the Alpha */
-   /* High 22 bits of 32-bit value, placed into lower 22 bits of
-     target word; simple reloc.  */
-   /* Low 10 bits.  */
-   /* For systems that allocate a Global Pointer register, these are
-     displacements off that register.  These relocation types are
-     handled specially, because the value the register will have is
-     decided relatively late.  */
-   /* Reloc types used for i960/b.out.  */
-   /* now for the sparc/elf codes */
-  BFD_RELOC_NONE,		 /* actually used */
-   /* these are a.out specific? */
-   /* Alpha ECOFF relocations.  Some of these treat the symbol or "addend"
-     in some special way.  */
-   /* For GPDISP_HI16 ("gpdisp") relocations, the symbol is ignored when
-     writing; when reading, it will be the absolute section symbol.  The
-     addend is the displacement in bytes of the "lda" instruction from
-     the "ldah" instruction (which is at the address of this reloc).  */
-   /* For GPDISP_LO16 ("ignore") relocations, the symbol is handled as
-     with GPDISP_HI16 relocs.  The addend is ignored when writing the
-     relocations out, and is filled in with the file's GP value on
-     reading, for convenience.  */
-   /* The Alpha LITERAL/LITUSE relocs are produced by a symbol reference;
-     the assembler turns it into a LDQ instruction to load the address of
-     the symbol, and then fills in a register in the real instruction.
-     The LITERAL reloc, at the LDQ instruction, refers to the .lita
-     section symbol.  The addend is ignored when writing, but is filled
-     in with the file's GP value on reading, for convenience, as with the
-     GPDISP_LO16 reloc.
-     The LITUSE reloc, on the instruction using the loaded address, gives
-     information to the linker that it might be able to use to optimize
-     away some literal section references.  The symbol is ignored (read
-     as the absolute section symbol), and the "addend" indicates the type
-     of instruction using the register:
-              1 - "memory" fmt insn
-              2 - byte-manipulation (byte offset reg)
-              3 - jsr (target of branch)
-     The GNU linker currently doesn't do any of this optimizing.  */
-   /* The HINT relocation indicates a value that should be filled into the
-     "hint" field of a jmp/jsr/ret instruction, for possible branch-
-     prediction logic which may be provided on some processors.  */
-   /* Bits 27..2 of the relocation address shifted right 2 bits;
-     simple reloc otherwise.  */
-   /* High 16 bits of 32-bit value; simple reloc.  */
-   /* High 16 bits of 32-bit value but the low 16 bits will be sign
-     extended and added to form the final result.  If the low 16
-     bits form a negative number, we need to add one to the high value
-     to compensate for the borrow when the low bits are added.  */
-   /* Low 16 bits.  */
-   /* Like BFD_RELOC_HI16_S, but PC relative.  */
-   /* Like BFD_RELOC_LO16, but PC relative.  */
-   /* relocation relative to the global pointer.  */
-   /* Relocation against a MIPS literal section.  */
-   /* MIPS ELF relocations.  */
-   /* These are, so far, specific to HPPA processors.  I'm not sure that some
-     don't duplicate other reloc types, such as BFD_RELOC_32 and _32_PCREL.
-     Also, many more were in the list I got that don't fit in well in the
-     model BFD uses, so I've omitted them for now.  If we do make this reloc
-     type get used for code that really does implement the funky reloc types,
-     they'll have to be added to this list.  */
-   /* i386/elf relocations */
-  BFD_RELOC_386_GOT32,
-  BFD_RELOC_386_PLT32,
-   /* PowerPC/POWER (RS/6000) relocs.  */
-   /* 26 bit relative branch.  Low two bits must be zero.  High 24
-     bits installed in bits 6 through 29 of instruction.  */
-   /* 26 bit absolute branch, like BFD_RELOC_PPC_B26 but absolute.  */
-   /* 16 bit TOC relative reference.  */
-   /* this must be the highest numeric value */
- } bfd_reloc_code_real_type;
-const struct reloc_howto_struct *
-bfd_reloc_type_lookup  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-typedef struct symbol_cache_entry
-	 /* A pointer to the BFD which owns the symbol. This information
-	   is necessary so that a back end can work out what additional
-   	   information (invisible to the application writer) is carried
-	   with the symbol.
-	   This field is *almost* redundant, since you can use section->owner
-	   instead, except that some symbols point to the global sections
-	   bfd_{abs,com,und}_section.  This could be fixed by making
-	   these globals be per-bfd (or per-target-flavor).  FIXME. */
-  struct _bfd *the_bfd;  /* Use bfd_asymbol_bfd(sym) to access this field. */
-	 /* The text of the symbol. The name is left alone, and not copied; the
-	   application may not alter it. */
-  CONST char *name;
-	 /* The value of the symbol.  This really should be a union of a
-          numeric value with a pointer, since some flags indicate that
-          a pointer to another symbol is stored here.  */
-  symvalue value;
-	 /* Attributes of a symbol: */
-#define BSF_NO_FLAGS    0x00
-	 /* The symbol has local scope; <<static>> in <<C>>. The value
- 	   is the offset into the section of the data. */
-#define BSF_LOCAL	0x01
-	 /* The symbol has global scope; initialized data in <<C>>. The
-	   value is the offset into the section of the data. */
-#define BSF_GLOBAL	0x02
-	 /* The symbol has global scope and is exported. The value is
-	   the offset into the section of the data. */
-#define BSF_EXPORT	BSF_GLOBAL  /* no real difference */
-	 /* A normal C symbol would be one of:
-	   <<BSF_GLOBAL>> */
-	 /* The symbol is a debugging record. The value has an arbitary
-	   meaning. */
-#define BSF_DEBUGGING	0x08
-	 /* The symbol denotes a function entry point.  Used in ELF,
-	   perhaps others someday.  */
-#define BSF_FUNCTION    0x10
-	 /* Used by the linker. */
-#define BSF_KEEP        0x20
-#define BSF_KEEP_G      0x40
-	 /* A weak global symbol, overridable without warnings by
-	   a regular global symbol of the same name.  */
-#define BSF_WEAK        0x80
-        /* This symbol was created to point to a section, e.g. ELF's
-	   STT_SECTION symbols.  */
-#define BSF_SECTION_SYM 0x100
-	 /* The symbol used to be a common symbol, but now it is
-	   allocated. */
-#define BSF_OLD_COMMON  0x200
-	 /* The default value for common data. */
-	 /* In some files the type of a symbol sometimes alters its
-	   location in an output file - ie in coff a <<ISFCN>> symbol
-	   which is also <<C_EXT>> symbol appears where it was
-	   declared and not at the end of a section.  This bit is set
-  	   by the target BFD part to convey this information. */
-#define BSF_NOT_AT_END    0x400
-	 /* Signal that the symbol is the label of constructor section. */
-#define BSF_CONSTRUCTOR   0x800
-	 /* Signal that the symbol is a warning symbol. If the symbol
-	   is a warning symbol, then the value field (I know this is
-	   tacky) will point to the asymbol which when referenced will
-	   cause the warning. */
-#define BSF_WARNING       0x1000
-	 /* Signal that the symbol is indirect. The value of the symbol
-	   is a pointer to an undefined asymbol which contains the
-	   name to use instead. */
-#define BSF_INDIRECT      0x2000
-	 /* BSF_FILE marks symbols that contain a file name.  This is used
-	   for ELF STT_FILE symbols.  */
-#define BSF_FILE          0x4000
-	 /* Symbol is from dynamic linking information.  */
-#define BSF_DYNAMIC	   0x8000
-  flagword flags;
-	 /* A pointer to the section to which this symbol is
-	   relative.  This will always be non NULL, there are special
-          sections for undefined and absolute symbols */
-  struct sec *section;
-	 /* Back end special data. This is being phased out in favour
-	   of making this a union. */
-  PTR udata;
-} asymbol;
-#define bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(abfd) \
-     BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound, (abfd))
-bfd_is_local_label PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol *sym));
-#define bfd_is_local_label(abfd, sym) \
-     BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_is_local_label,(abfd, sym))
-#define bfd_canonicalize_symtab(abfd, location) \
-     BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_symtab,\
-                  (abfd, location))
-bfd_set_symtab  PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asymbol **location, unsigned int count));
-bfd_print_symbol_vandf PARAMS ((PTR file, asymbol *symbol));
-#define bfd_make_empty_symbol(abfd) \
-     BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_make_empty_symbol, (abfd))
-#define bfd_make_debug_symbol(abfd,ptr,size) \
-        BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_make_debug_symbol, (abfd, ptr, size))
-bfd_decode_symclass PARAMS ((asymbol *symbol));
-bfd_symbol_info PARAMS ((asymbol *symbol, symbol_info *ret));
-struct _bfd 
-     /* The filename the application opened the BFD with.  */
-    CONST char *filename;                
-     /* A pointer to the target jump table.             */
-    struct bfd_target *xvec;
-     /* To avoid dragging too many header files into every file that
-       includes `<<bfd.h>>', IOSTREAM has been declared as a "char
-       *", and MTIME as a "long".  Their correct types, to which they
-       are cast when used, are "FILE *" and "time_t".    The iostream
-       is the result of an fopen on the filename. */
-    char *iostream;
-     /* Is the file descriptor being cached?  That is, can it be closed as
-       needed, and re-opened when accessed later?  */
-    boolean cacheable;
-     /* Marks whether there was a default target specified when the
-       BFD was opened. This is used to select which matching algorithm
-       to use to choose the back end. */
-    boolean target_defaulted;
-     /* The caching routines use these to maintain a
-       least-recently-used list of BFDs */
-    struct _bfd *lru_prev, *lru_next;
-     /* When a file is closed by the caching routines, BFD retains
-       state information on the file here: */
-    file_ptr where;              
-     /* and here: (``once'' means at least once) */
-    boolean opened_once;
-     /* Set if we have a locally maintained mtime value, rather than
-       getting it from the file each time: */
-    boolean mtime_set;
-     /* File modified time, if mtime_set is true: */
-    long mtime;          
-     /* Reserved for an unimplemented file locking extension.*/
-    int ifd;
-     /* The format which belongs to the BFD. (object, core, etc.) */
-    bfd_format format;
-     /* The direction the BFD was opened with*/
-    enum bfd_direction {no_direction = 0,
-                        read_direction = 1,
-                        write_direction = 2,
-                        both_direction = 3} direction;
-     /* Format_specific flags*/
-    flagword flags;              
-     /* Currently my_archive is tested before adding origin to
-       anything. I believe that this can become always an add of
-       origin, with origin set to 0 for non archive files.   */
-    file_ptr origin;             
-     /* Remember when output has begun, to stop strange things
-       from happening. */
-    boolean output_has_begun;
-     /* Pointer to linked list of sections*/
-    struct sec  *sections;
-     /* The number of sections */
-    unsigned int section_count;
-     /* Stuff only useful for object files: 
-       The start address. */
-    bfd_vma start_address;
-     /* Used for input and output*/
-    unsigned int symcount;
-     /* Symbol table for output BFD (with symcount entries) */
-    struct symbol_cache_entry  **outsymbols;             
-     /* Pointer to structure which contains architecture information*/
-    struct bfd_arch_info *arch_info;
-     /* Stuff only useful for archives:*/
-    PTR arelt_data;              
-    struct _bfd *my_archive;      /* The containing archive BFD.  */
-    struct _bfd *next;            /* The next BFD in the archive.  */
-    struct _bfd *archive_head;    /* The first BFD in the archive.  */
-    boolean has_armap;           
-     /* A chain of BFD structures involved in a link.  */
-    struct _bfd *link_next;
-     /* A field used by _bfd_generic_link_add_archive_symbols.  This will
-       be used only for archive elements.  */
-    int archive_pass;
-     /* Used by the back end to hold private data. */
-    union 
-      {
-      struct aout_data_struct *aout_data;
-      struct artdata *aout_ar_data;
-      struct _oasys_data *oasys_obj_data;
-      struct _oasys_ar_data *oasys_ar_data;
-      struct coff_tdata *coff_obj_data;
-      struct ecoff_tdata *ecoff_obj_data;
-      struct ieee_data_struct *ieee_data;
-      struct ieee_ar_data_struct *ieee_ar_data;
-      struct srec_data_struct *srec_data;
-      struct tekhex_data_struct *tekhex_data;
-      struct elf_obj_tdata *elf_obj_data;
-      struct nlm_obj_tdata *nlm_obj_data;
-      struct bout_data_struct *bout_data;
-      struct sun_core_struct *sun_core_data;
-      struct trad_core_struct *trad_core_data;
-      struct som_data_struct *som_data;
-      struct hpux_core_struct *hpux_core_data;
-      struct hppabsd_core_struct *hppabsd_core_data;
-      struct sgi_core_struct *sgi_core_data;
-      struct lynx_core_struct *lynx_core_data;
-      struct osf_core_struct *osf_core_data;
-      struct cisco_core_struct *cisco_core_data;
-      PTR any;
-      } tdata;
-     /* Used by the application to hold private data*/
-    PTR usrdata;
-     /* Where all the allocated stuff under this BFD goes */
-    struct obstack memory;
-typedef enum bfd_error
-  bfd_error_no_error = 0,
-  bfd_error_system_call,
-  bfd_error_invalid_target,
-  bfd_error_wrong_format,
-  bfd_error_invalid_operation,
-  bfd_error_no_memory,
-  bfd_error_no_symbols,
-  bfd_error_no_more_archived_files,
-  bfd_error_malformed_archive,
-  bfd_error_file_not_recognized,
-  bfd_error_file_ambiguously_recognized,
-  bfd_error_no_contents,
-  bfd_error_nonrepresentable_section,
-  bfd_error_no_debug_section,
-  bfd_error_bad_value,
-  bfd_error_file_truncated,
-  bfd_error_invalid_error_code
-} bfd_error_type;
-bfd_get_error  PARAMS ((void));
-bfd_set_error  PARAMS ((bfd_error_type error_tag));
-CONST char *
-bfd_errmsg  PARAMS ((bfd_error_type error_tag));
-bfd_perror  PARAMS ((CONST char *message));
-bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sect));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-    asection *sec,
-    arelent **loc,
-    asymbol	**syms));
- PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, asection *sec, arelent **rel, unsigned int count)
-    );
-bfd_set_file_flags PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, flagword flags));
-bfd_set_start_address PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_vma vma));
-bfd_get_mtime PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_get_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_get_gp_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_set_gp_size PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, int i));
-bfd_scan_vma PARAMS ((CONST char *string, CONST char **end, int base));
-bfd_copy_private_bfd_data PARAMS ((bfd *ibfd, bfd *obfd));
-#define bfd_copy_private_bfd_data(ibfd, obfd) \
-     BFD_SEND (ibfd, _bfd_copy_private_bfd_data, \
-		(ibfd, obfd))
-#define bfd_sizeof_headers(abfd, reloc) \
-     BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_sizeof_headers, (abfd, reloc))
-#define bfd_find_nearest_line(abfd, sec, syms, off, file, func, line) \
-     BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_find_nearest_line,  (abfd, sec, syms, off, file, func, line))
-        /* Do these three do anything useful at all, for any back end?  */
-#define bfd_debug_info_start(abfd) \
-        BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_start, (abfd))
-#define bfd_debug_info_end(abfd) \
-        BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_end, (abfd))
-#define bfd_debug_info_accumulate(abfd, section) \
-        BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_debug_info_accumulate, (abfd, section))
-#define bfd_stat_arch_elt(abfd, stat) \
-        BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_stat_arch_elt,(abfd, stat))
-#define bfd_set_arch_mach(abfd, arch, mach)\
-        BFD_SEND ( abfd, _bfd_set_arch_mach, (abfd, arch, mach))
-#define bfd_get_relocated_section_contents(abfd, link_info, link_order, data, relocateable, symbols) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_relocated_section_contents, \
-                 (abfd, link_info, link_order, data, relocateable, symbols))
-#define bfd_relax_section(abfd, section, link_info, again) \
-       BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_relax_section, (abfd, section, link_info, again))
-#define bfd_link_hash_table_create(abfd) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_hash_table_create, (abfd))
-#define bfd_link_add_symbols(abfd, info) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_link_add_symbols, (abfd, info))
-#define bfd_final_link(abfd, info) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_final_link, (abfd, info))
-#define bfd_free_cached_info(abfd) \
-       BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_free_cached_info, (abfd))
-#define bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound(abfd) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound, (abfd))
-#define bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab(abfd, asymbols) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab, (abfd, asymbols))
-#define bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound(abfd) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound, (abfd))
-#define bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc(abfd, arels, asyms) \
-	BFD_SEND (abfd, _bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc, (abfd, arels, asyms))
-bfd_get_next_mapent PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, symindex previous, carsym **sym));
-bfd_set_archive_head PARAMS ((bfd *output, bfd *new_head));
-bfd *
-bfd_get_elt_at_index PARAMS ((bfd *archive, int index));
-bfd *
-bfd_openr_next_archived_file PARAMS ((bfd *archive, bfd *previous));
-CONST char *
-bfd_core_file_failing_command PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
-bfd_core_file_failing_signal PARAMS ((bfd *abfd));
- PARAMS ((bfd *core_bfd, bfd *exec_bfd));
-#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
-               ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist)
-#undef BFD_SEND
-#define BFD_SEND(bfd, message, arglist) \
-  (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
-    ((*((bfd)->xvec->message)) arglist) : \
-    (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
-#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
-            (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist)
-#undef BFD_SEND_FMT
-#define BFD_SEND_FMT(bfd, message, arglist) \
-  (((bfd) && (bfd)->xvec && (bfd)->xvec->message) ? \
-   (((bfd)->xvec->message[(int)((bfd)->format)]) arglist) : \
-   (bfd_assert (__FILE__,__LINE__), NULL))
-enum bfd_flavour {
-  bfd_target_unknown_flavour,
-  bfd_target_aout_flavour,
-  bfd_target_coff_flavour,
-  bfd_target_ecoff_flavour,
-  bfd_target_elf_flavour,
-  bfd_target_ieee_flavour,
-  bfd_target_nlm_flavour,
-  bfd_target_oasys_flavour,
-  bfd_target_tekhex_flavour,
-  bfd_target_srec_flavour,
-  bfd_target_som_flavour,
-  bfd_target_os9k_flavour};
- /* Forward declaration.  */
-typedef struct bfd_link_info _bfd_link_info;
-typedef struct bfd_target
-  char *name;
-  enum bfd_flavour flavour;
-  boolean byteorder_big_p;
-  boolean header_byteorder_big_p;
-  flagword object_flags;       
-  flagword section_flags;
-  char symbol_leading_char;
-  char ar_pad_char;            
-  unsigned short ar_max_namelen;
-  unsigned int align_power_min;
-  bfd_vma      (*bfd_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  void         (*bfd_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_vma      (*bfd_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  void         (*bfd_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_vma      (*bfd_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  void         (*bfd_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_vma      (*bfd_h_getx64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_64) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  void         (*bfd_h_putx64) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_vma      (*bfd_h_getx32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_32) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  void         (*bfd_h_putx32) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_vma      (*bfd_h_getx16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  bfd_signed_vma (*bfd_h_getx_signed_16) PARAMS ((const bfd_byte *));
-  void         (*bfd_h_putx16) PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *));
-  struct bfd_target * (*_bfd_check_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  boolean             (*_bfd_set_format[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  boolean             (*_bfd_write_contents[bfd_type_end]) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-   /* Generic entry points.  */
-   /* Called when the BFD is being closed to do any necessary cleanup.  */
-  boolean       (*_close_and_cleanup) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-   /* Ask the BFD to free all cached information.  */
-  boolean (*_bfd_free_cached_info) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-   /* Called when a new section is created.  */
-  boolean       (*_new_section_hook) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-   /* Read the contents of a section.  */
-  boolean       (*_bfd_get_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR, 
-                                            file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-   /* Entry points to copy private data.  */
-   /* Called to copy BFD general private data from one object file
-     to another.  */
-  boolean	 (*_bfd_copy_private_bfd_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-   /* Called to copy BFD private section data from one object file
-     to another.  */
-  boolean       (*_bfd_copy_private_section_data) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr,
-                                                       bfd *, sec_ptr));
-   /* Core file entry points.  */
-  char *   (*_core_file_failing_command) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  int      (*_core_file_failing_signal) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  boolean  (*_core_file_matches_executable_p) PARAMS ((bfd *, bfd *));
-   /* Archive entry points.  */
-  boolean  (*_bfd_slurp_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  boolean  (*_bfd_slurp_extended_name_table) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  void     (*_bfd_truncate_arname) PARAMS ((bfd *, CONST char *, char *));
-  boolean  (*write_armap) PARAMS ((bfd *arch, 
-                              unsigned int elength,
-                              struct orl *map,
-                              unsigned int orl_count, 
-                              int stridx));
-  bfd *      (*openr_next_archived_file) PARAMS ((bfd *arch, bfd *prev));
-  int        (*_bfd_stat_arch_elt) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct stat *));
-   /* Entry points used for symbols.  */
-  long  (*_bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  long  (*_bfd_canonicalize_symtab) PARAMS ((bfd *,
-                                             struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-  struct symbol_cache_entry  *
-                (*_bfd_make_empty_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-  void          (*_bfd_print_symbol) PARAMS ((bfd *, PTR,
-                                      struct symbol_cache_entry *,
-                                      bfd_print_symbol_type));
-#define bfd_print_symbol(b,p,s,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_print_symbol, (b,p,s,e))
-  void          (*_bfd_get_symbol_info) PARAMS ((bfd *,
-                                      struct symbol_cache_entry *,
-                                      symbol_info *));
-#define bfd_get_symbol_info(b,p,e) BFD_SEND(b, _bfd_get_symbol_info, (b,p,e))
-  boolean	 (*_bfd_is_local_label) PARAMS ((bfd *, asymbol *));
-  alent *    (*_get_lineno) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry *));
-  boolean    (*_bfd_find_nearest_line) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-                    struct sec *section, struct symbol_cache_entry **symbols,
-                    bfd_vma offset, CONST char **file, CONST char **func,
-                    unsigned int *line));
-  /* Back-door to allow format-aware applications to create debug symbols
-    while using BFD for everything else.  Currently used by the assembler
-    when creating COFF files.  */
- asymbol *  (*_bfd_make_debug_symbol) PARAMS ((
-       bfd *abfd,
-       void *ptr,
-       unsigned long size));
-   /* Routines for relocs.  */
-  long  (*_get_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr));
-  long  (*_bfd_canonicalize_reloc) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, arelent **,
-                                            struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-   /* See documentation on reloc types.  */
-  CONST struct reloc_howto_struct *
-       (*reloc_type_lookup) PARAMS ((bfd *abfd,
-                                     bfd_reloc_code_real_type code));
-   /* Routines used when writing an object file.  */
-  boolean    (*_bfd_set_arch_mach) PARAMS ((bfd *, enum bfd_architecture,
-                    unsigned long));
-  boolean       (*_bfd_set_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *, sec_ptr, PTR,
-                                            file_ptr, bfd_size_type));
-   /* Routines used by the linker.  */
-  int        (*_bfd_sizeof_headers) PARAMS ((bfd *, boolean));
-  bfd_byte * (*_bfd_get_relocated_section_contents) PARAMS ((bfd *,
-                    struct bfd_link_info *, struct bfd_link_order *,
-                    bfd_byte *data, boolean relocateable,
-                    struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-  boolean    (*_bfd_relax_section) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct sec *,
-                    struct bfd_link_info *, boolean *again));
-   /* Create a hash table for the linker.  Different backends store
-     different information in this table.  */
-  struct bfd_link_hash_table *(*_bfd_link_hash_table_create) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-   /* Add symbols from this object file into the hash table.  */
-  boolean (*_bfd_link_add_symbols) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-   /* Do a link based on the link_order structures attached to each
-     section of the BFD.  */
-  boolean (*_bfd_final_link) PARAMS ((bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *));
-  /* Routines to handle dynamic symbols and relocs.  */
-   /* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic symbols. */
-  long  (*_bfd_get_dynamic_symtab_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-   /* Read in the dynamic symbols.  */
-  long  (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_symtab)
-    PARAMS ((bfd *, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
-   /* Get the amount of memory required to hold the dynamic relocs.  */
-  long  (*_bfd_get_dynamic_reloc_upper_bound) PARAMS ((bfd *));
-   /* Read in the dynamic relocs.  */
-  long  (*_bfd_canonicalize_dynamic_reloc)
-    PARAMS ((bfd *, arelent **, struct symbol_cache_entry **));
- PTR backend_data;
-} bfd_target;
-bfd_target *
-bfd_find_target PARAMS ((CONST char *target_name, bfd *abfd));
-CONST char **
-bfd_target_list PARAMS ((void));
-bfd_check_format PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_format format));
-bfd_check_format_matches PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_format format, char ***matching));
-bfd_set_format PARAMS ((bfd *abfd, bfd_format format));
-CONST char *
-bfd_format_string PARAMS ((bfd_format format));
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/dis-asm.h b/debugger/opcodes/dis-asm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e38f5fd..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/dis-asm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* Interface between the opcode library and its callers.
-   Written by Cygnus Support, 1993.
-   The opcode library (libopcodes.a) provides instruction decoders for
-   a large variety of instruction sets, callable with an identical
-   interface, for making instruction-processing programs more independent
-   of the instruction set being processed.  */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "bfd.h"
-typedef int (*fprintf_ftype) PARAMS((FILE*, const char*, ...));
-enum dis_insn_type {
-  dis_noninsn,			/* Not a valid instruction */
-  dis_nonbranch,		/* Not a branch instruction */
-  dis_branch,			/* Unconditional branch */
-  dis_condbranch,		/* Conditional branch */
-  dis_jsr,			/* Jump to subroutine */
-  dis_condjsr,			/* Conditional jump to subroutine */
-  dis_dref,			/* Data reference instruction */
-  dis_dref2			/* Two data references in instruction */
-/* This struct is passed into the instruction decoding routine, 
-   and is passed back out into each callback.  The various fields are used
-   for conveying information from your main routine into your callbacks,
-   for passing information into the instruction decoders (such as the
-   addresses of the callback functions), or for passing information
-   back from the instruction decoders to their callers.
-   It must be initialized before it is first passed; this can be done
-   by hand, or using one of the initialization macros below.  */
-typedef struct disassemble_info {
-  fprintf_ftype fprintf_func;
-  FILE *stream;
-  PTR application_data;
-  /* For use by the disassembler.  */
-  int flags;
-  PTR private_data;
-  /* Function used to get bytes to disassemble.  MEMADDR is the
-     address of the stuff to be disassembled, MYADDR is the address to
-     put the bytes in, and LENGTH is the number of bytes to read.
-     INFO is a pointer to this struct.
-     Returns an errno value or 0 for success.  */
-  int (*read_memory_func)
-    PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int length,
-	     struct disassemble_info *info));
-  /* Function which should be called if we get an error that we can't
-     recover from.  STATUS is the errno value from read_memory_func and
-     MEMADDR is the address that we were trying to read.  INFO is a
-     pointer to this struct.  */
-  void (*memory_error_func)
-    PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info));
-  /* Function called to print ADDR.  */
-  void (*print_address_func)
-    PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info *info));
-  /* These are for buffer_read_memory.  */
-  bfd_byte *buffer;
-  bfd_vma buffer_vma;
-  int buffer_length;
-  /* Results from instruction decoders.  Not all decoders yet support
-     this information.  This info is set each time an instruction is
-     decoded, and is only valid for the last such instruction.
-     To determine whether this decoder supports this information, set
-     insn_info_valid to 0, decode an instruction, then check it.  */
-  char insn_info_valid;		/* Branch info has been set. */
-  char branch_delay_insns;	/* How many sequential insn's will run before
-				   a branch takes effect.  (0 = normal) */
-  char data_size;		/* Size of data reference in insn, in bytes */
-  enum dis_insn_type insn_type;	/* Type of instruction */
-  bfd_vma target;		/* Target address of branch or dref, if known;
-				   zero if unknown.  */
-  bfd_vma target2;		/* Second target address for dref2 */
-} disassemble_info;
-/* Standard disassemblers.  Disassemble one instruction at the given
-   target address.  Return number of bytes processed.  */
-typedef int (*disassembler_ftype)
-     PARAMS((bfd_vma, disassemble_info *));
-extern int print_insn_big_mips		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_mips	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i286		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i386		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_m68k		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_z8001		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_z8002		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8300		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8300h		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8500		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_alpha		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sparc		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_a29k		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_a29k	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i960		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sh		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_hppa		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_m88k		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_powerpc	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_powerpc	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_rs6000		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-/* Fetch the disassembler for a given BFD, if that support is available.  */
-extern disassembler_ftype disassembler	PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* This block of definitions is for particular callers who read instructions
-   into a buffer before calling the instruction decoder.  */
-/* Here is a function which callers may wish to use for read_memory_func.
-   It gets bytes from a buffer.  */
-extern int buffer_read_memory
-  PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *, int, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* This function goes with buffer_read_memory.
-   It prints a message using info->fprintf_func and info->stream.  */
-extern void perror_memory PARAMS ((int, bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* Just print the address is hex.  This is included for completeness even
-   though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
-   addresses).  */
-extern void generic_print_address
-  PARAMS ((bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
-  (INFO).fprintf_func = (fprintf_ftype)fprintf, \
-  (INFO).stream = (STREAM), \
-  (INFO).buffer = NULL, \
-  (INFO).buffer_vma = 0, \
-  (INFO).buffer_length = 0, \
-  (INFO).read_memory_func = buffer_read_memory, \
-  (INFO).memory_error_func = perror_memory, \
-  (INFO).print_address_func = generic_print_address, \
-  (INFO).insn_info_valid = 0
-/* This block of definitions is for calling the instruction decoders
-   from GDB.  */
-/* GDB--Like target_read_memory, but slightly different parameters.  */
-extern int
-dis_asm_read_memory PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int len,
-			     disassemble_info *info));
-/* GDB--Like memory_error with slightly different parameters.  */
-extern void
-  PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, disassemble_info *info));
-/* GDB--Like print_address with slightly different parameters.  */
-extern void
-dis_asm_print_address PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, disassemble_info *info));
-  (INFO).fprintf_func = (fprintf_ftype)fprintf_filtered, \
-  (INFO).stream = (STREAM), \
-  (INFO).read_memory_func = dis_asm_read_memory, \
-  (INFO).memory_error_func = dis_asm_memory_error, \
-  (INFO).print_address_func = dis_asm_print_address, \
-  (INFO).insn_info_valid = 0
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/dis-asm.h-fsf b/debugger/opcodes/dis-asm.h-fsf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e02a7e..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/dis-asm.h-fsf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-/* Interface between the opcode library and its callers.
-   Written by Cygnus Support, 1993.
-   The opcode library (libopcodes.a) provides instruction decoders for
-   a large variety of instruction sets, callable with an identical
-   interface, for making instruction-processing programs more independent
-   of the instruction set being processed.  */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "bfd.h"
-typedef int (*fprintf_ftype) PARAMS((FILE*, const char*, ...));
-enum dis_insn_type {
-  dis_noninsn,			/* Not a valid instruction */
-  dis_nonbranch,		/* Not a branch instruction */
-  dis_branch,			/* Unconditional branch */
-  dis_condbranch,		/* Conditional branch */
-  dis_jsr,			/* Jump to subroutine */
-  dis_condjsr,			/* Conditional jump to subroutine */
-  dis_dref,			/* Data reference instruction */
-  dis_dref2			/* Two data references in instruction */
-/* This struct is passed into the instruction decoding routine, 
-   and is passed back out into each callback.  The various fields are used
-   for conveying information from your main routine into your callbacks,
-   for passing information into the instruction decoders (such as the
-   addresses of the callback functions), or for passing information
-   back from the instruction decoders to their callers.
-   It must be initialized before it is first passed; this can be done
-   by hand, or using one of the initialization macros below.  */
-typedef struct disassemble_info {
-  fprintf_ftype fprintf_func;
-  FILE *stream;
-  PTR application_data;
-  /* For use by the disassembler.  */
-  int flags;
-  PTR private_data;
-  /* Function used to get bytes to disassemble.  MEMADDR is the
-     address of the stuff to be disassembled, MYADDR is the address to
-     put the bytes in, and LENGTH is the number of bytes to read.
-     INFO is a pointer to this struct.
-     Returns an errno value or 0 for success.  */
-  int (*read_memory_func)
-    PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int length,
-	     struct disassemble_info *info));
-  /* Function which should be called if we get an error that we can't
-     recover from.  STATUS is the errno value from read_memory_func and
-     MEMADDR is the address that we were trying to read.  INFO is a
-     pointer to this struct.  */
-  void (*memory_error_func)
-    PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info));
-  /* Function called to print ADDR.  */
-  void (*print_address_func)
-    PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info *info));
-  /* These are for buffer_read_memory.  */
-  bfd_byte *buffer;
-  bfd_vma buffer_vma;
-  int buffer_length;
-  /* Results from instruction decoders.  Not all decoders yet support
-     this information.  This info is set each time an instruction is
-     decoded, and is only valid for the last such instruction.
-     To determine whether this decoder supports this information, set
-     insn_info_valid to 0, decode an instruction, then check it.  */
-  char insn_info_valid;		/* Branch info has been set. */
-  char branch_delay_insns;	/* How many sequential insn's will run before
-				   a branch takes effect.  (0 = normal) */
-  char data_size;		/* Size of data reference in insn, in bytes */
-  enum dis_insn_type insn_type;	/* Type of instruction */
-  bfd_vma target;		/* Target address of branch or dref, if known;
-				   zero if unknown.  */
-  bfd_vma target2;		/* Second target address for dref2 */
-} disassemble_info;
-/* Standard disassemblers.  Disassemble one instruction at the given
-   target address.  Return number of bytes processed.  */
-typedef int (*disassembler_ftype)
-     PARAMS((bfd_vma, disassemble_info *));
-extern int print_insn_big_mips		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_mips	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i386		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_m68k		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_z8001		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_z8002		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8300		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8300h		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_h8500		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_alpha		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sparc		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_a29k		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_a29k	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_i960		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_sh		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_hppa		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_m88k		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_big_powerpc	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_little_powerpc	PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-extern int print_insn_rs6000		PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
-/* Fetch the disassembler for a given BFD, if that support is available.  */
-extern disassembler_ftype disassembler	PARAMS ((bfd *));
-/* This block of definitions is for particular callers who read instructions
-   into a buffer before calling the instruction decoder.  */
-/* Here is a function which callers may wish to use for read_memory_func.
-   It gets bytes from a buffer.  */
-extern int buffer_read_memory
-  PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *, int, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* This function goes with buffer_read_memory.
-   It prints a message using info->fprintf_func and info->stream.  */
-extern void perror_memory PARAMS ((int, bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
-/* Just print the address is hex.  This is included for completeness even
-   though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
-   addresses).  */
-extern void generic_print_address
-  PARAMS ((bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
-  (INFO).fprintf_func = (fprintf_ftype)fprintf, \
-  (INFO).stream = (STREAM), \
-  (INFO).buffer = NULL, \
-  (INFO).buffer_vma = 0, \
-  (INFO).buffer_length = 0, \
-  (INFO).read_memory_func = buffer_read_memory, \
-  (INFO).memory_error_func = perror_memory, \
-  (INFO).print_address_func = generic_print_address, \
-  (INFO).insn_info_valid = 0
-/* This block of definitions is for calling the instruction decoders
-   from GDB.  */
-/* GDB--Like target_read_memory, but slightly different parameters.  */
-extern int
-dis_asm_read_memory PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int len,
-			     disassemble_info *info));
-/* GDB--Like memory_error with slightly different parameters.  */
-extern void
-  PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, disassemble_info *info));
-/* GDB--Like print_address with slightly different parameters.  */
-extern void
-dis_asm_print_address PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, disassemble_info *info));
-  (INFO).fprintf_func = (fprintf_ftype)fprintf_filtered, \
-  (INFO).stream = (STREAM), \
-  (INFO).read_memory_func = dis_asm_read_memory, \
-  (INFO).memory_error_func = dis_asm_memory_error, \
-  (INFO).print_address_func = dis_asm_print_address, \
-  (INFO).insn_info_valid = 0
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/dis-buf.c b/debugger/opcodes/dis-buf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d184b28..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/dis-buf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* Disassemble from a buffer, for GNU.
-   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-/* Get LENGTH bytes from info's buffer, at target address memaddr.
-   Transfer them to myaddr.  */
-buffer_read_memory (memaddr, myaddr, length, info)
-     bfd_vma memaddr;
-     bfd_byte *myaddr;
-     int length;
-     struct disassemble_info *info;
-  if (memaddr < info->buffer_vma
-      || memaddr + length > info->buffer_vma + info->buffer_length)
-    /* Out of bounds.  Use EIO because GDB uses it.  */
-    return EIO;
-  memcpy (myaddr, info->buffer + (memaddr - info->buffer_vma), length);
-  return 0;
-/* Print an error message.  We can assume that this is in response to
-   an error return from buffer_read_memory.  */
-perror_memory (status, memaddr, info)
-     int status;
-     bfd_vma memaddr;
-     struct disassemble_info *info;
-  if (status != EIO)
-    /* Can't happen.  */
-    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "Unknown error %d\n", status);
-  else
-    /* Actually, address between memaddr and memaddr + len was
-       out of bounds.  */
-    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream,
-			   "Address 0x%x is out of bounds.\n", memaddr);
-/* This could be in a separate file, to save miniscule amounts of space
-   in statically linked executables.  */
-/* Just print the address is hex.  This is included for completeness even
-   though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
-   addresses).  */
-generic_print_address (addr, info)
-     bfd_vma addr;
-     struct disassemble_info *info;
-  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "0x%x", addr);
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/i386-dis.c b/debugger/opcodes/i386-dis.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d18311..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/i386-dis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2010 +0,0 @@
-/* Print i386 instructions for GDB, the GNU debugger.
-   Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
- * 80386 instruction printer by Pace Willisson (
- * July 1988
- *  modified by John Hassey (
- */
- * The main tables describing the instructions is essentially a copy
- * of the "Opcode Map" chapter (Appendix A) of the Intel 80386
- * Programmers Manual.  Usually, there is a capital letter, followed
- * by a small letter.  The capital letter tell the addressing mode,
- * and the small letter tells about the operand size.  Refer to 
- * the Intel manual for details.
- */
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define MAXLEN 20
-#include <setjmp.h>
-struct dis_private
-  /* Points to first byte not fetched.  */
-  bfd_byte *max_fetched;
-  bfd_byte the_buffer[MAXLEN];
-  bfd_vma insn_start;
-  jmp_buf bailout;
-/* Make sure that bytes from INFO->PRIVATE_DATA->BUFFER (inclusive)
-   to ADDR (exclusive) are valid.  Returns 1 for success, longjmps
-   on error.  */
-#define FETCH_DATA(info, addr) \
-  ((addr) <= ((struct dis_private *)(info->private_data))->max_fetched \
-   ? 1 : fetch_data ((info), (addr)))
-static int
-fetch_data (info, addr)
-     struct disassemble_info *info;
-     bfd_byte *addr;
-  int status;
-  struct dis_private *priv = (struct dis_private *)info->private_data;
-  bfd_vma start = priv->insn_start + (priv->max_fetched - priv->the_buffer);
-  status = (*info->read_memory_func) (start,
-				      priv->max_fetched,
-				      addr - priv->max_fetched,
-				      info);
-  if (status != 0)
-    {
-      (*info->memory_error_func) (status, start, info);
-      longjmp (priv->bailout, 1);
-    }
-  else
-    priv->max_fetched = addr;
-  return 1;
-#define Eb OP_E, b_mode
-#define indirEb OP_indirE, b_mode
-#define Gb OP_G, b_mode
-#define Ev OP_E, v_mode
-#define indirEv OP_indirE, v_mode
-#define Ew OP_E, w_mode
-#define Ma OP_E, v_mode
-#define M OP_E, 0
-#define Mp OP_E, 0		/* ? */
-#define Gv OP_G, v_mode
-#define Gw OP_G, w_mode
-#define Rw OP_rm, w_mode
-#define Rd OP_rm, d_mode
-#define Ib OP_I, b_mode
-#define sIb OP_sI, b_mode	/* sign extened byte */
-#define Iv OP_I, v_mode
-#define Iw OP_I, w_mode
-#define Jb OP_J, b_mode
-#define Jv OP_J, v_mode
-#define ONE OP_ONE, 0
-#define Cd OP_C, d_mode
-#define Dd OP_D, d_mode
-#define Td OP_T, d_mode
-#define eAX OP_REG, eAX_reg
-#define eBX OP_REG, eBX_reg
-#define eCX OP_REG, eCX_reg
-#define eDX OP_REG, eDX_reg
-#define eSP OP_REG, eSP_reg
-#define eBP OP_REG, eBP_reg
-#define eSI OP_REG, eSI_reg
-#define eDI OP_REG, eDI_reg
-#define AL OP_REG, al_reg
-#define CL OP_REG, cl_reg
-#define DL OP_REG, dl_reg
-#define BL OP_REG, bl_reg
-#define AH OP_REG, ah_reg
-#define CH OP_REG, ch_reg
-#define DH OP_REG, dh_reg
-#define BH OP_REG, bh_reg
-#define AX OP_REG, ax_reg
-#define DX OP_REG, dx_reg
-#define indirDX OP_REG, indir_dx_reg
-#define Sw OP_SEG, w_mode
-#define Ap OP_DIR, lptr
-#define Av OP_DIR, v_mode
-#define Ob OP_OFF, b_mode
-#define Ov OP_OFF, v_mode
-#define Xb OP_DSSI, b_mode
-#define Xv OP_DSSI, v_mode
-#define Yb OP_ESDI, b_mode
-#define Yv OP_ESDI, v_mode
-#define es OP_REG, es_reg
-#define ss OP_REG, ss_reg
-#define cs OP_REG, cs_reg
-#define ds OP_REG, ds_reg
-#define fs OP_REG, fs_reg
-#define gs OP_REG, gs_reg
-int OP_E(), OP_indirE(), OP_G(), OP_I(), OP_sI(), OP_REG();
-int OP_J(), OP_SEG();
-int OP_DIR(), OP_OFF(), OP_DSSI(), OP_ESDI(), OP_ONE(), OP_C();
-int OP_D(), OP_T(), OP_rm();
-static void dofloat (), putop (), append_prefix (), set_op ();
-static int get16 (), get32 ();
-#define b_mode 1
-#define v_mode 2
-#define w_mode 3
-#define d_mode 4
-#define es_reg 100
-#define cs_reg 101
-#define ss_reg 102
-#define ds_reg 103
-#define fs_reg 104
-#define gs_reg 105
-#define eAX_reg 107
-#define eCX_reg 108
-#define eDX_reg 109
-#define eBX_reg 110
-#define eSP_reg 111
-#define eBP_reg 112
-#define eSI_reg 113
-#define eDI_reg 114
-#define lptr 115
-#define al_reg 116
-#define cl_reg 117
-#define dl_reg 118
-#define bl_reg 119
-#define ah_reg 120
-#define ch_reg 121
-#define dh_reg 122
-#define bh_reg 123
-#define ax_reg 124
-#define cx_reg 125
-#define dx_reg 126
-#define bx_reg 127
-#define sp_reg 128
-#define bp_reg 129
-#define si_reg 130
-#define di_reg 131
-#define indir_dx_reg 150
-#define GRP1b NULL, NULL, 0
-#define GRP1S NULL, NULL, 1
-#define GRP1Ss NULL, NULL, 2
-#define GRP2b NULL, NULL, 3
-#define GRP2S NULL, NULL, 4
-#define GRP2b_one NULL, NULL, 5
-#define GRP2S_one NULL, NULL, 6
-#define GRP2b_cl NULL, NULL, 7
-#define GRP2S_cl NULL, NULL, 8
-#define GRP3b NULL, NULL, 9
-#define GRP3S NULL, NULL, 10
-#define GRP4  NULL, NULL, 11
-#define GRP5  NULL, NULL, 12
-#define GRP6  NULL, NULL, 13
-#define GRP7 NULL, NULL, 14
-#define GRP8 NULL, NULL, 15
-#define FLOATCODE 50
-struct dis386 {
-  char *name;
-  int (*op1)();
-  int bytemode1;
-  int (*op2)();
-  int bytemode2;
-  int (*op3)();
-  int bytemode3;
-struct dis386 dis386[] = {
-  /* 00 */
-  { "addb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "addS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "addb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "addS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "addb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "addS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	es },
-  { "popl",	es },
-  /* 08 */
-  { "orb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "orS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "orb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "orS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "orb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "orS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	cs },
-  { "(bad)" },	/* 0x0f extended opcode escape */
-  /* 10 */
-  { "adcb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "adcS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "adcb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "adcS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "adcb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "adcS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	ss },
-  { "popl",	ss },
-  /* 18 */
-  { "sbbb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "sbbS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "sbbb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "sbbS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "sbbb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "sbbS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	ds },
-  { "popl",	ds },
-  /* 20 */
-  { "andb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "andS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "andb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "andS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "andb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "andS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG ES prefix */
-  { "daa" },
-  /* 28 */
-  { "subb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "subS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "subb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "subS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "subb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "subS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG CS prefix */
-  { "das" },
-  /* 30 */
-  { "xorb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "xorS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "xorb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "xorS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "xorb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "xorS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG SS prefix */
-  { "aaa" },
-  /* 38 */
-  { "cmpb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "cmpS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "cmpb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "cmpS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "cmpb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "cmpS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG DS prefix */
-  { "aas" },
-  /* 40 */
-  { "incS",	eAX },
-  { "incS",	eCX },
-  { "incS",	eDX },
-  { "incS",	eBX },
-  { "incS",	eSP },
-  { "incS",	eBP },
-  { "incS",	eSI },
-  { "incS",	eDI },
-  /* 48 */
-  { "decS",	eAX },
-  { "decS",	eCX },
-  { "decS",	eDX },
-  { "decS",	eBX },
-  { "decS",	eSP },
-  { "decS",	eBP },
-  { "decS",	eSI },
-  { "decS",	eDI },
-  /* 50 */
-  { "pushS",	eAX },
-  { "pushS",	eCX },
-  { "pushS",	eDX },
-  { "pushS",	eBX },
-  { "pushS",	eSP },
-  { "pushS",	eBP },
-  { "pushS",	eSI },
-  { "pushS",	eDI },
-  /* 58 */
-  { "popS",	eAX },
-  { "popS",	eCX },
-  { "popS",	eDX },
-  { "popS",	eBX },
-  { "popS",	eSP },
-  { "popS",	eBP },
-  { "popS",	eSI },
-  { "popS",	eDI },
-  /* 60 */
-  { "pusha" },
-  { "popa" },
-  { "boundS",	Gv, Ma },
-  { "arpl",	Ew, Gw },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* seg fs */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* seg gs */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* op size prefix */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* adr size prefix */
-  /* 68 */
-  { "pushS",	Iv },		/* 386 book wrong */
-  { "imulS",	Gv, Ev, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	sIb },		/* push of byte really pushes 4 bytes */
-  { "imulS",	Gv, Ev, Ib },
-  { "insb",	Yb, indirDX },
-  { "insS",	Yv, indirDX },
-  { "outsb",	indirDX, Xb },
-  { "outsS",	indirDX, Xv },
-  /* 70 */
-  { "jo",		Jb },
-  { "jno",	Jb },
-  { "jb",		Jb },
-  { "jae",	Jb },
-  { "je",		Jb },
-  { "jne",	Jb },
-  { "jbe",	Jb },
-  { "ja",		Jb },
-  /* 78 */
-  { "js",		Jb },
-  { "jns",	Jb },
-  { "jp",		Jb },
-  { "jnp",	Jb },
-  { "jl",		Jb },
-  { "jnl",	Jb },
-  { "jle",	Jb },
-  { "jg",		Jb },
-  /* 80 */
-  { GRP1b },
-  { GRP1S },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { GRP1Ss },
-  { "testb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "testS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "xchgb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "xchgS",	Ev, Gv },
-  /* 88 */
-  { "movb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "movS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "movb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "movS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "movw",	Ew, Sw },
-  { "leaS",	Gv, M },
-  { "movw",	Sw, Ew },
-  { "popS",	Ev },
-  /* 90 */
-  { "nop" },
-  { "xchgS",	eCX, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eDX, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eBX, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eSP, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eBP, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eSI, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eDI, eAX },
-  /* 98 */
-  { "cwtl" },
-  { "cltd" },
-  { "lcall",	Ap },
-  { "(bad)" },		/* fwait */
-  { "pushf" },
-  { "popf" },
-  { "sahf" },
-  { "lahf" },
-  /* a0 */
-  { "movb",	AL, Ob },
-  { "movS",	eAX, Ov },
-  { "movb",	Ob, AL },
-  { "movS",	Ov, eAX },
-  { "movsb",	Yb, Xb },
-  { "movsS",	Yv, Xv },
-  { "cmpsb",	Yb, Xb },
-  { "cmpsS",	Yv, Xv },
-  /* a8 */
-  { "testb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "testS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "stosb",	Yb, AL },
-  { "stosS",	Yv, eAX },
-  { "lodsb",	AL, Xb },
-  { "lodsS",	eAX, Xv },
-  { "scasb",	AL, Yb },
-  { "scasS",	eAX, Yv },
-  /* b0 */
-  { "movb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	CL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	DL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	BL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	AH, Ib },
-  { "movb",	CH, Ib },
-  { "movb",	DH, Ib },
-  { "movb",	BH, Ib },
-  /* b8 */
-  { "movS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eCX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eDX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eBX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eSP, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eBP, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eSI, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eDI, Iv },
-  /* c0 */
-  { GRP2b },
-  { GRP2S },
-  { "ret",	Iw },
-  { "ret" },
-  { "lesS",	Gv, Mp },
-  { "ldsS",	Gv, Mp },
-  { "movb",	Eb, Ib },
-  { "movS",	Ev, Iv },
-  /* c8 */
-  { "enter",	Iw, Ib },
-  { "leave" },
-  { "lret",	Iw },
-  { "lret" },
-  { "int3" },
-  { "int",	Ib },
-  { "into" },
-  { "iret" },
-  /* d0 */
-  { GRP2b_one },
-  { GRP2S_one },
-  { GRP2b_cl },
-  { GRP2S_cl },
-  { "aam",	Ib },
-  { "aad",	Ib },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "xlat" },
-  /* d8 */
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  /* e0 */
-  { "loopne",	Jb },
-  { "loope",	Jb },
-  { "loop",	Jb },
-  { "jCcxz",	Jb },
-  { "inb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "inS",	eAX, Ib },
-  { "outb",	Ib, AL },
-  { "outS",	Ib, eAX },
-  /* e8 */
-  { "call",	Av },
-  { "jmp",	Jv },
-  { "ljmp",	Ap },
-  { "jmp",	Jb },
-  { "inb",	AL, indirDX },
-  { "inS",	eAX, indirDX },
-  { "outb",	indirDX, AL },
-  { "outS",	indirDX, eAX },
-  /* f0 */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* lock prefix */
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* repne */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* repz */
-  { "hlt" },
-  { "cmc" },
-  { GRP3b },
-  { GRP3S },
-  /* f8 */
-  { "clc" },
-  { "stc" },
-  { "cli" },
-  { "sti" },
-  { "cld" },
-  { "std" },
-  { GRP4 },
-  { GRP5 },
-struct dis386 dis386_twobyte[] = {
-  /* 00 */
-  { GRP6 },
-  { GRP7 },
-  { "larS", Gv, Ew },
-  { "lslS", Gv, Ew },  
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "clts" },
-  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 08 */
-  { "invd" },
-  { "wbinvd" },
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 10 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 18 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 20 */
-  /* these are all backward in appendix A of the intel book */
-  { "movl", Rd, Cd },
-  { "movl", Rd, Dd },
-  { "movl", Cd, Rd },
-  { "movl", Dd, Rd },  
-  { "movl", Rd, Td },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "movl", Td, Rd },
-  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 28 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 30 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 38 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 40 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 48 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 50 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 58 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 60 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 68 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 70 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 78 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 80 */
-  { "jo", Jv },
-  { "jno", Jv },
-  { "jb", Jv },
-  { "jae", Jv },  
-  { "je", Jv },
-  { "jne", Jv },
-  { "jbe", Jv },
-  { "ja", Jv },  
-  /* 88 */
-  { "js", Jv },
-  { "jns", Jv },
-  { "jp", Jv },
-  { "jnp", Jv },  
-  { "jl", Jv },
-  { "jge", Jv },
-  { "jle", Jv },
-  { "jg", Jv },  
-  /* 90 */
-  { "seto", Eb },
-  { "setno", Eb },
-  { "setb", Eb },
-  { "setae", Eb },
-  { "sete", Eb },
-  { "setne", Eb },
-  { "setbe", Eb },
-  { "seta", Eb },
-  /* 98 */
-  { "sets", Eb },
-  { "setns", Eb },
-  { "setp", Eb },
-  { "setnp", Eb },
-  { "setl", Eb },
-  { "setge", Eb },
-  { "setle", Eb },
-  { "setg", Eb },  
-  /* a0 */
-  { "pushl", fs },
-  { "popl", fs },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "btS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "shldS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
-  { "shldS", Ev, Gv, CL },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* a8 */
-  { "pushl", gs },
-  { "popl", gs },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "btsS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
-  { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, CL },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "imulS", Gv, Ev },  
-  /* b0 */
-  { "cmpxchgb", Eb, Gb },
-  { "cmpxchgS", Ev, Gv },
-  { "lssS", Gv, Mp },	/* 386 lists only Mp */
-  { "btrS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "lfsS", Gv, Mp },	/* 386 lists only Mp */
-  { "lgsS", Gv, Mp },	/* 386 lists only Mp */
-  { "movzbS", Gv, Eb },
-  { "movzwS", Gv, Ew },  
-  /* b8 */
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { GRP8 },
-  { "btcS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "bsfS", Gv, Ev },
-  { "bsrS", Gv, Ev },
-  { "movsbS", Gv, Eb },
-  { "movswS", Gv, Ew },  
-  /* c0 */
-  { "xaddb", Eb, Gb },
-  { "xaddS", Ev, Gv },
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* c8 */
-  { "bswap", eAX },
-  { "bswap", eCX },
-  { "bswap", eDX },
-  { "bswap", eBX },
-  { "bswap", eSP },
-  { "bswap", eBP },
-  { "bswap", eSI },
-  { "bswap", eDI },
-  /* d0 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* d8 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* e0 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* e8 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* f0 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* f8 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-static char obuf[100];
-static char *obufp;
-static char scratchbuf[100];
-static unsigned char *start_codep;
-static unsigned char *codep;
-static disassemble_info *the_info;
-static int mod;
-static int rm;
-static int reg;
-static void oappend ();
-static char *names32[]={
-  "%eax","%ecx","%edx","%ebx", "%esp","%ebp","%esi","%edi",
-static char *names16[] = {
-  "%ax","%cx","%dx","%bx","%sp","%bp","%si","%di",
-static char *names8[] = {
-  "%al","%cl","%dl","%bl","%ah","%ch","%dh","%bh",
-static char *names_seg[] = {
-  "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
-static char *names_rmw[] = {
-  "%bx,%si","%bx,%di","%bp,%si","%bp,%di","%si","%di","%bp","%bx", 
-struct dis386 grps[][8] = {
-  /* GRP1b */
-  {
-    { "addb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "orb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "adcb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "sbbb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "andb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "subb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "xorb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "cmpb",	Eb, Ib }
-  },
-  /* GRP1S */
-  {
-    { "addS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "orS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "adcS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "sbbS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "andS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "subS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "xorS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "cmpS",	Ev, Iv }
-  },
-  /* GRP1Ss */
-  {
-    { "addS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "orS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "adcS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "sbbS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "andS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "subS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "xorS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "cmpS",	Ev, sIb }
-  },
-  /* GRP2b */
-  {
-    { "rolb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "rorb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "rclb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "rcrb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "shlb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "shrb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarb",	Eb, Ib },
-  },
-  /* GRP2S */
-  {
-    { "rolS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "rorS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "rclS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "rcrS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "shlS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "shrS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarS",	Ev, Ib },
-  },
-  /* GRP2b_one */
-  {
-    { "rolb",	Eb },
-    { "rorb",	Eb },
-    { "rclb",	Eb },
-    { "rcrb",	Eb },
-    { "shlb",	Eb },
-    { "shrb",	Eb },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarb",	Eb },
-  },
-  /* GRP2S_one */
-  {
-    { "rolS",	Ev },
-    { "rorS",	Ev },
-    { "rclS",	Ev },
-    { "rcrS",	Ev },
-    { "shlS",	Ev },
-    { "shrS",	Ev },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarS",	Ev },
-  },
-  /* GRP2b_cl */
-  {
-    { "rolb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "rorb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "rclb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "rcrb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "shlb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "shrb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarb",	Eb, CL },
-  },
-  /* GRP2S_cl */
-  {
-    { "rolS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "rorS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "rclS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "rcrS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "shlS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "shrS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarS",	Ev, CL }
-  },
-  /* GRP3b */
-  {
-    { "testb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "(bad)",	Eb },
-    { "notb",	Eb },
-    { "negb",	Eb },
-    { "mulb",	AL, Eb },
-    { "imulb",	AL, Eb },
-    { "divb",	AL, Eb },
-    { "idivb",	AL, Eb }
-  },
-  /* GRP3S */
-  {
-    { "testS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "notS",	Ev },
-    { "negS",	Ev },
-    { "mulS",	eAX, Ev },
-    { "imulS",	eAX, Ev },
-    { "divS",	eAX, Ev },
-    { "idivS",	eAX, Ev },
-  },
-  /* GRP4 */
-  {
-    { "incb", Eb },
-    { "decb", Eb },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* GRP5 */
-  {
-    { "incS",	Ev },
-    { "decS",	Ev },
-    { "call",	indirEv },
-    { "lcall",	indirEv },
-    { "jmp",	indirEv },
-    { "ljmp",	indirEv },
-    { "pushS",	Ev },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* GRP6 */
-  {
-    { "sldt",	Ew },
-    { "str",	Ew },
-    { "lldt",	Ew },
-    { "ltr",	Ew },
-    { "verr",	Ew },
-    { "verw",	Ew },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" }
-  },
-  /* GRP7 */
-  {
-    { "sgdt", Ew },
-    { "sidt", Ew },
-    { "lgdt", Ew },
-    { "lidt", Ew },
-    { "smsw", Ew },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "lmsw", Ew },
-    { "invlpg", Ew },
-  },
-  /* GRP8 */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "btS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "btsS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "btrS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "btcS",	Ev, Ib },
-  }
-#define PREFIX_REPZ 1
-#define PREFIX_REPNZ 2
-#define PREFIX_LOCK 4
-#define PREFIX_CS 8
-#define PREFIX_SS 0x10
-#define PREFIX_DS 0x20
-#define PREFIX_ES 0x40
-#define PREFIX_FS 0x80
-#define PREFIX_GS 0x100
-#define PREFIX_DATA 0x200
-#define PREFIX_ADR 0x400
-#define PREFIX_FWAIT 0x800
-static int prefixes;
-static void
-ckprefix ()
-  prefixes = 0;
-  while (1)
-    {
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      switch (*codep)
-	{
-	case 0xf3:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_REPZ;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf2:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_REPNZ;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf0:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_LOCK;
-	  break;
-	case 0x2e:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_CS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x36:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_SS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x3e:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_DS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x26:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_ES;
-	  break;
-	case 0x64:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_FS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x65:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_GS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x66:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_DATA;
-	  break;
-	case 0x67:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_ADR;
-	  break;
-	case 0x9b:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_FWAIT;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  return;
-	}
-      codep++;
-    }
-static int machine;
-static int dflag;
-static int aflag;
-static char op1out[100], op2out[100], op3out[100];
-static int op_address[3], op_ad, op_index[3];
-static int start_pc;
- *   On the 386's of 1988, the maximum length of an instruction is 15 bytes.
- *   (see topic "Redundant prefixes" in the "Differences from 8086"
- *   section of the "Virtual 8086 Mode" chapter.)
- * 'pc' should be the address of this instruction, it will
- *   be used to print the target address if this is a relative jump or call
- * The function returns the length of this instruction in bytes.
- */
-static int
-print_insn_i286_or_i386 (pc, info)
-     bfd_vma pc;
-     disassemble_info *info;
-  struct dis386 *dp;
-  int i;
-  int enter_instruction;
-  char *first, *second, *third;
-  int needcomma;
-  struct dis_private priv;
-  bfd_byte *inbuf = priv.the_buffer;
-  info->private_data = (PTR) &priv;
-  priv.max_fetched = priv.the_buffer;
-  priv.insn_start = pc;
-  if (setjmp (priv.bailout) != 0)
-    /* Error return.  */
-    return -1;
-  obuf[0] = 0;
-  op1out[0] = 0;
-  op2out[0] = 0;
-  op3out[0] = 0;
-  op_index[0] = op_index[1] = op_index[2] = -1;
-  the_info = info;
-  start_pc = pc;
-  start_codep = inbuf;
-  codep = inbuf;
-  ckprefix ();
-  FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
-  if (*codep == 0xc8)
-    enter_instruction = 1;
-  else
-    enter_instruction = 0;
-  obufp = obuf;
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPZ)
-    oappend ("repz ");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPNZ)
-    oappend ("repnz ");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_LOCK)
-    oappend ("lock ");
-  if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT)
-      && ((*codep < 0xd8) || (*codep > 0xdf)))
-    {
-      /* fwait not followed by floating point instruction */
-      (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "fwait");
-      return (1);
-    }
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_DATA)
-    dflag ^= 1;
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_ADR)
-    {
-      aflag ^= 1;
-      oappend ("addr16 ");
-    }
-  if (*codep == 0x0f)
-    {
-      FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 2);
-      dp = &dis386_twobyte[*++codep];
-    }
-  else
-    dp = &dis386[*codep];
-  codep++;
-  /* Fetch the mod/reg/rm byte.  FIXME: We should be only fetching
-     this if we need it.  As it is, this code loses if there is a
-     one-byte instruction (without a mod/reg/rm byte) at the end of
-     the address space.  */
-  FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
-  mod = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
-  reg = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
-  rm = *codep & 7;
-  if (dp->name == NULL && dp->bytemode1 == FLOATCODE)
-    {
-      dofloat ();
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (dp->name == NULL)
-	dp = &grps[dp->bytemode1][reg];
-      putop (dp->name);
-      obufp = op1out;
-      op_ad = 2;
-      if (dp->op1)
-	(*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
-      obufp = op2out;
-      op_ad = 1;
-      if (dp->op2)
-	(*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
-      obufp = op3out;
-      op_ad = 0;
-      if (dp->op3)
-	(*dp->op3)(dp->bytemode3);
-    }
-  obufp = obuf + strlen (obuf);
-  for (i = strlen (obuf); i < 6; i++)
-    oappend (" ");
-  oappend (" ");
-  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", obuf);
-  /* enter instruction is printed with operands in the
-   * same order as the intel book; everything else
-   * is printed in reverse order 
-   */
-  if (enter_instruction)
-    {
-      first = op1out;
-      second = op2out;
-      third = op3out;
-      op_ad = op_index[0];
-      op_index[0] = op_index[2];
-      op_index[2] = op_ad;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      first = op3out;
-      second = op2out;
-      third = op1out;
-    }
-  needcomma = 0;
-  if (*first)
-    {
-      if (op_index[0] != -1)
-	(*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[0]], info);
-      else
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", first);
-      needcomma = 1;
-    }
-  if (*second)
-    {
-      if (needcomma)
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
-      if (op_index[1] != -1)
-	(*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[1]], info);
-      else
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", second);
-      needcomma = 1;
-    }
-  if (*third)
-    {
-      if (needcomma)
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
-      if (op_index[2] != -1)
-	(*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[2]], info);
-      else
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", third);
-    }
-  return (codep - inbuf);
-print_insn_i286 (pc, info)
-     bfd_vma pc;
-     disassemble_info *info;
-  machine = 286;
-  dflag = 0;
-  aflag = 0;
-  return print_insn_i286_or_i386 (pc, info);
-print_insn_i386 (pc, info)
-     bfd_vma pc;
-     disassemble_info *info;
-  machine = 386;
-  dflag = 1;
-  aflag = 1;
-  return print_insn_i286_or_i386 (pc, info, 36);
-char *float_mem[] = {
-  /* d8 */
-  "fadds",
-  "fmuls",
-  "fcoms",
-  "fcomps",
-  "fsubs",
-  "fsubrs",
-  "fdivs",
-  "fdivrs",
-  /*  d9 */
-  "flds",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fsts",
-  "fstps",
-  "fldenv",
-  "fldcw",
-  "fNstenv",
-  "fNstcw",
-  /* da */
-  "fiaddl",
-  "fimull",
-  "ficoml",
-  "ficompl",
-  "fisubl",
-  "fisubrl",
-  "fidivl",
-  "fidivrl",
-  /* db */
-  "fildl",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fistl",
-  "fistpl",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fldt",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fstpt",
-  /* dc */
-  "faddl",
-  "fmull",
-  "fcoml",
-  "fcompl",
-  "fsubl",
-  "fsubrl",
-  "fdivl",
-  "fdivrl",
-  /* dd */
-  "fldl",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fstl",
-  "fstpl",
-  "frstor",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fNsave",
-  "fNstsw",
-  /* de */
-  "fiadd",
-  "fimul",
-  "ficom",
-  "ficomp",
-  "fisub",
-  "fisubr",
-  "fidiv",
-  "fidivr",
-  /* df */
-  "fild",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fist",
-  "fistp",
-  "fbld",
-  "fildll",
-  "fbstp",
-  "fistpll",
-#define ST OP_ST, 0
-#define STi OP_STi, 0
-int OP_ST(), OP_STi();
-#define FGRPd9_2 NULL, NULL, 0
-#define FGRPd9_4 NULL, NULL, 1
-#define FGRPd9_5 NULL, NULL, 2
-#define FGRPd9_6 NULL, NULL, 3
-#define FGRPd9_7 NULL, NULL, 4
-#define FGRPda_5 NULL, NULL, 5
-#define FGRPdb_4 NULL, NULL, 6
-#define FGRPde_3 NULL, NULL, 7
-#define FGRPdf_4 NULL, NULL, 8
-struct dis386 float_reg[][8] = {
-  /* d8 */
-  {
-    { "fadd",	ST, STi },
-    { "fmul",	ST, STi },
-    { "fcom",	STi },
-    { "fcomp",	STi },
-    { "fsub",	ST, STi },
-    { "fsubr",	ST, STi },
-    { "fdiv",	ST, STi },
-    { "fdivr",	ST, STi },
-  },
-  /* d9 */
-  {
-    { "fld",	STi },
-    { "fxch",	STi },
-    { FGRPd9_2 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPd9_4 },
-    { FGRPd9_5 },
-    { FGRPd9_6 },
-    { FGRPd9_7 },
-  },
-  /* da */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPda_5 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* db */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPdb_4 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* dc */
-  {
-    { "fadd",	STi, ST },
-    { "fmul",	STi, ST },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "fsub",	STi, ST },
-    { "fsubr",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdiv",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdivr",	STi, ST },
-  },
-  /* dd */
-  {
-    { "ffree",	STi },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "fst",	STi },
-    { "fstp",	STi },
-    { "fucom",	STi },
-    { "fucomp",	STi },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* de */
-  {
-    { "faddp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fmulp",	STi, ST },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPde_3 },
-    { "fsubp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fsubrp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdivp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdivrp",	STi, ST },
-  },
-  /* df */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPdf_4 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-char *fgrps[][8] = {
-  /* d9_2  0 */
-  {
-    "fnop","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* d9_4  1 */
-  {
-    "fchs","fabs","(bad)","(bad)","ftst","fxam","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* d9_5  2 */
-  {
-    "fld1","fldl2t","fldl2e","fldpi","fldlg2","fldln2","fldz","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* d9_6  3 */
-  {
-    "f2xm1","fyl2x","fptan","fpatan","fxtract","fprem1","fdecstp","fincstp",
-  },
-  /* d9_7  4 */
-  {
-    "fprem","fyl2xp1","fsqrt","fsincos","frndint","fscale","fsin","fcos",
-  },
-  /* da_5  5 */
-  {
-    "(bad)","fucompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* db_4  6 */
-  {
-    "feni(287 only)","fdisi(287 only)","fNclex","fNinit",
-    "fNsetpm(287 only)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* de_3  7 */
-  {
-    "(bad)","fcompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* df_4  8 */
-  {
-    "fNstsw","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-static void
-dofloat ()
-  struct dis386 *dp;
-  unsigned char floatop;
-  floatop = codep[-1];
-  if (mod != 3)
-    {
-      putop (float_mem[(floatop - 0xd8) * 8 + reg]);
-      obufp = op1out;
-      OP_E (v_mode);
-      return;
-    }
-  codep++;
-  dp = &float_reg[floatop - 0xd8][reg];
-  if (dp->name == NULL)
-    {
-      putop (fgrps[dp->bytemode1][rm]);
-      /* instruction fnstsw is only one with strange arg */
-      if (floatop == 0xdf
-	  && FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1)
-	  && *codep == 0xe0)
-	strcpy (op1out, "%eax");
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      putop (dp->name);
-      obufp = op1out;
-      if (dp->op1)
-	(*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
-      obufp = op2out;
-      if (dp->op2)
-	(*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
-    }
-OP_ST (ignore)
-     int ignore;
-  oappend ("%st");
-  return (0);
-OP_STi (ignore)
-     int ignore;
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%st(%d)", rm);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-/* capital letters in template are macros */
-static void
-putop (template)
-     char *template;
-  char *p;
-  for (p = template; *p; p++)
-    {
-      switch (*p)
-	{
-	default:
-	  *obufp++ = *p;
-	  break;
-	case 'C':		/* For jcxz/jecxz */
-	  if (aflag == 0)
-	    *obufp++ = 'e';
-	  break;
-	case 'N':
-	  if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT) == 0)
-	    *obufp++ = 'n';
-	  break;
-	case 'S':
-	  /* operand size flag */
-	  if (dflag)
-	    *obufp++ = 'l';
-	  else
-	    *obufp++ = 'w';
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
-  *obufp = 0;
-static void
-oappend (s)
-     char *s;
-  strcpy (obufp, s);
-  obufp += strlen (s);
-  *obufp = 0;
-static void
-append_prefix ()
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_CS)
-    oappend ("%cs:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_DS)
-    oappend ("%ds:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_SS)
-    oappend ("%ss:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_ES)
-    oappend ("%es:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_FS)
-    oappend ("%fs:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_GS)
-    oappend ("%gs:");
-OP_indirE (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  oappend ("*");
-  OP_E (bytemode);
-  return (0);
-OP_E (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int disp;
-  int havesib;
-  int base;
-  int index;
-  int scale;
-  int havebase;
-  /* skip mod/rm byte */
-  codep++;
-  havesib = 0;
-  havebase = 0;
-  disp = 0;
-  if (mod == 3)
-    {
-      switch (bytemode)
-	{
-	case b_mode:
-	  oappend (names8[rm]);
-	  break;
-	case w_mode:
-	  oappend (names16[rm]);
-	  break;
-	case v_mode:
-	  if (dflag)
-	    oappend (names32[rm]);
-	  else
-	    oappend (names16[rm]);
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  oappend ("<bad dis table>");
-	  break;
-	}
-      return (0);
-    }
-  append_prefix ();
-  if (machine == 286)
-    {
-      if (mod == 0 && rm == 6)
-	{
-	  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%04x", get16 ());
-	  oappend (scratchbuf);
-	  return 0;
-	}
-      if (mod == 1)
-	{
-	  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-	  disp = *(char *)codep++;
-	}
-      else if (mod == 2)
-	disp = get16 ();
-      else
-	disp = 0;
-      if (disp != 0)
-	{
-	  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp & 0xffff);
-	  oappend (scratchbuf);
-	}
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "(%s)", names_rmw[rm]);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  if (rm == 4)
-    {
-      havesib = 1;
-      havebase = 1;
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      scale = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
-      index = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
-      base = *codep & 7;
-      codep++;
-    }
-  switch (mod)
-    {
-    case 0:
-      switch (rm)
-	{
-	case 4:
-	  /* implies havesib and havebase */
-	  if (base == 5) {
-	    havebase = 0;
-	    disp = get32 ();
-	  }
-	  break;
-	case 5:
-	  disp = get32 ();
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  havebase = 1;
-	  base = rm;
-	  break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      disp = *(char *)codep++;
-      if (rm != 4)
-	{
-	  havebase = 1;
-	  base = rm;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      disp = get32 ();
-      if (rm != 4)
-	{
-	  havebase = 1;
-	  base = rm;
-	}
-      break;
-    }
-  if (mod != 0 || rm == 5 || (havesib && base == 5))
-    {
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-    }
-  if (havebase || havesib) 
-    {
-      oappend ("(");
-      if (havebase)
-	oappend (names32[base]);
-      if (havesib) 
-	{
-	  if (index != 4) 
-	    {
-	      sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%s", names32[index]);
-	      oappend (scratchbuf);
-	    }
-	  sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%d", 1 << scale);
-	  oappend (scratchbuf);
-	}
-      oappend (")");
-    }
-  return (0);
-OP_G (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      oappend (names8[reg]);
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      oappend (names16[reg]);
-      break;
-    case d_mode:
-      oappend (names32[reg]);
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	oappend (names32[reg]);
-      else
-	oappend (names16[reg]);
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      break;
-    }
-  return (0);
-static int
-get32 ()
-  int x = 0;
-  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 4);
-  x = *codep++ & 0xff;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 16;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 24;
-  return (x);
-static int
-get16 ()
-  int x = 0;
-  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 2);
-  x = *codep++ & 0xff;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
-  return (x);
-static void
-set_op (op)
-     int op;
-  op_index[op_ad] = op_ad;
-  op_address[op_ad] = op;
-OP_REG (code)
-     int code;
-  char *s;
-  switch (code) 
-    {
-    case indir_dx_reg: s = "(%dx)"; break;
-	case ax_reg: case cx_reg: case dx_reg: case bx_reg:
-	case sp_reg: case bp_reg: case si_reg: case di_reg:
-		s = names16[code - ax_reg];
-		break;
-	case es_reg: case ss_reg: case cs_reg:
-	case ds_reg: case fs_reg: case gs_reg:
-		s = names_seg[code - es_reg];
-		break;
-	case al_reg: case ah_reg: case cl_reg: case ch_reg:
-	case dl_reg: case dh_reg: case bl_reg: case bh_reg:
-		s = names8[code - al_reg];
-		break;
-	case eAX_reg: case eCX_reg: case eDX_reg: case eBX_reg:
-	case eSP_reg: case eBP_reg: case eSI_reg: case eDI_reg:
-      if (dflag)
-	s = names32[code - eAX_reg];
-      else
-	s = names16[code - eAX_reg];
-      break;
-    default:
-      s = "<internal disassembler error>";
-      break;
-    }
-  oappend (s);
-  return (0);
-OP_I (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int op;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      op = *codep++ & 0xff;
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	op = get32 ();
-      else
-	op = get16 ();
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      op = get16 ();
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      return (0);
-    }
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_sI (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int op;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      op = *(char *)codep++;
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	op = get32 ();
-      else
-	op = (short)get16();
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      op = (short)get16 ();
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      return (0);
-    }
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_J (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int disp;
-  int mask = -1;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      disp = *(char *)codep++;
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	disp = get32 ();
-      else
-	{
-	  disp = (short)get16 ();
-	  /* for some reason, a data16 prefix on a jump instruction
-	     means that the pc is masked to 16 bits after the
-	     displacement is added!  */
-	  mask = 0xffff;
-	}
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      return (0);
-    }
-  disp = (start_pc + codep - start_codep + disp) & mask;
-  set_op (disp);
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_SEG (dummy)
-     int dummy;
-  static char *sreg[] = {
-    "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
-  };
-  oappend (sreg[reg]);
-  return (0);
-OP_DIR (size)
-     int size;
-  int seg, offset;
-  switch (size) 
-    {
-    case lptr:
-      if (aflag) 
-	{
-	  offset = get32 ();
-	  seg = get16 ();
-	} 
-      else 
-	{
-	  offset = get16 ();
-	  seg = get16 ();
-	}
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x,0x%x", seg, offset);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (aflag)
-	offset = get32 ();
-      else
-	offset = (short)get16 ();
-      offset = start_pc + codep - start_codep + offset;
-      set_op (offset);
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", offset);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      break;
-    }
-  return (0);
-OP_OFF (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int off;
-  if (aflag)
-    off = get32 ();
-  else
-    off = get16 ();
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", off);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_ESDI (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  oappend ("%es:(");
-  oappend (aflag ? "%edi" : "%di");
-  oappend (")");
-  return (0);
-OP_DSSI (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  oappend ("%ds:(");
-  oappend (aflag ? "%esi" : "%si");
-  oappend (")");
-  return (0);
-OP_ONE (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  oappend ("1");
-  return (0);
-OP_C (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%cr%d", reg);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_D (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%db%d", reg);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_T (dummy)
-     int dummy;
-  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%tr%d", reg);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_rm (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case d_mode:
-      oappend (names32[rm]);
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      oappend (names16[rm]);
-      break;
-    }
-  return (0);
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/i386-dis.c-fsf b/debugger/opcodes/i386-dis.c-fsf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9641d..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/i386-dis.c-fsf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1959 +0,0 @@
-/* Print i386 instructions for GDB, the GNU debugger.
-   Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
- * 80386 instruction printer by Pace Willisson (
- * July 1988
- *  modified by John Hassey (
- */
- * The main tables describing the instructions is essentially a copy
- * of the "Opcode Map" chapter (Appendix A) of the Intel 80386
- * Programmers Manual.  Usually, there is a capital letter, followed
- * by a small letter.  The capital letter tell the addressing mode,
- * and the small letter tells about the operand size.  Refer to 
- * the Intel manual for details.
- */
-#include "dis-asm.h"
-#include "sysdep.h"
-#define MAXLEN 20
-#include <setjmp.h>
-struct dis_private
-  /* Points to first byte not fetched.  */
-  bfd_byte *max_fetched;
-  bfd_byte the_buffer[MAXLEN];
-  bfd_vma insn_start;
-  jmp_buf bailout;
-/* Make sure that bytes from INFO->PRIVATE_DATA->BUFFER (inclusive)
-   to ADDR (exclusive) are valid.  Returns 1 for success, longjmps
-   on error.  */
-#define FETCH_DATA(info, addr) \
-  ((addr) <= ((struct dis_private *)(info->private_data))->max_fetched \
-   ? 1 : fetch_data ((info), (addr)))
-static int
-fetch_data (info, addr)
-     struct disassemble_info *info;
-     bfd_byte *addr;
-  int status;
-  struct dis_private *priv = (struct dis_private *)info->private_data;
-  bfd_vma start = priv->insn_start + (priv->max_fetched - priv->the_buffer);
-  status = (*info->read_memory_func) (start,
-				      priv->max_fetched,
-				      addr - priv->max_fetched,
-				      info);
-  if (status != 0)
-    {
-      (*info->memory_error_func) (status, start, info);
-      longjmp (priv->bailout, 1);
-    }
-  else
-    priv->max_fetched = addr;
-  return 1;
-#define Eb OP_E, b_mode
-#define indirEb OP_indirE, b_mode
-#define Gb OP_G, b_mode
-#define Ev OP_E, v_mode
-#define indirEv OP_indirE, v_mode
-#define Ew OP_E, w_mode
-#define Ma OP_E, v_mode
-#define M OP_E, 0
-#define Mp OP_E, 0		/* ? */
-#define Gv OP_G, v_mode
-#define Gw OP_G, w_mode
-#define Rw OP_rm, w_mode
-#define Rd OP_rm, d_mode
-#define Ib OP_I, b_mode
-#define sIb OP_sI, b_mode	/* sign extened byte */
-#define Iv OP_I, v_mode
-#define Iw OP_I, w_mode
-#define Jb OP_J, b_mode
-#define Jv OP_J, v_mode
-#define ONE OP_ONE, 0
-#define Cd OP_C, d_mode
-#define Dd OP_D, d_mode
-#define Td OP_T, d_mode
-#define eAX OP_REG, eAX_reg
-#define eBX OP_REG, eBX_reg
-#define eCX OP_REG, eCX_reg
-#define eDX OP_REG, eDX_reg
-#define eSP OP_REG, eSP_reg
-#define eBP OP_REG, eBP_reg
-#define eSI OP_REG, eSI_reg
-#define eDI OP_REG, eDI_reg
-#define AL OP_REG, al_reg
-#define CL OP_REG, cl_reg
-#define DL OP_REG, dl_reg
-#define BL OP_REG, bl_reg
-#define AH OP_REG, ah_reg
-#define CH OP_REG, ch_reg
-#define DH OP_REG, dh_reg
-#define BH OP_REG, bh_reg
-#define AX OP_REG, ax_reg
-#define DX OP_REG, dx_reg
-#define indirDX OP_REG, indir_dx_reg
-#define Sw OP_SEG, w_mode
-#define Ap OP_DIR, lptr
-#define Av OP_DIR, v_mode
-#define Ob OP_OFF, b_mode
-#define Ov OP_OFF, v_mode
-#define Xb OP_DSSI, b_mode
-#define Xv OP_DSSI, v_mode
-#define Yb OP_ESDI, b_mode
-#define Yv OP_ESDI, v_mode
-#define es OP_REG, es_reg
-#define ss OP_REG, ss_reg
-#define cs OP_REG, cs_reg
-#define ds OP_REG, ds_reg
-#define fs OP_REG, fs_reg
-#define gs OP_REG, gs_reg
-int OP_E(), OP_indirE(), OP_G(), OP_I(), OP_sI(), OP_REG();
-int OP_J(), OP_SEG();
-int OP_DIR(), OP_OFF(), OP_DSSI(), OP_ESDI(), OP_ONE(), OP_C();
-int OP_D(), OP_T(), OP_rm();
-static void dofloat (), putop (), append_prefix (), set_op ();
-static int get16 (), get32 ();
-#define b_mode 1
-#define v_mode 2
-#define w_mode 3
-#define d_mode 4
-#define es_reg 100
-#define cs_reg 101
-#define ss_reg 102
-#define ds_reg 103
-#define fs_reg 104
-#define gs_reg 105
-#define eAX_reg 107
-#define eCX_reg 108
-#define eDX_reg 109
-#define eBX_reg 110
-#define eSP_reg 111
-#define eBP_reg 112
-#define eSI_reg 113
-#define eDI_reg 114
-#define lptr 115
-#define al_reg 116
-#define cl_reg 117
-#define dl_reg 118
-#define bl_reg 119
-#define ah_reg 120
-#define ch_reg 121
-#define dh_reg 122
-#define bh_reg 123
-#define ax_reg 124
-#define cx_reg 125
-#define dx_reg 126
-#define bx_reg 127
-#define sp_reg 128
-#define bp_reg 129
-#define si_reg 130
-#define di_reg 131
-#define indir_dx_reg 150
-#define GRP1b NULL, NULL, 0
-#define GRP1S NULL, NULL, 1
-#define GRP1Ss NULL, NULL, 2
-#define GRP2b NULL, NULL, 3
-#define GRP2S NULL, NULL, 4
-#define GRP2b_one NULL, NULL, 5
-#define GRP2S_one NULL, NULL, 6
-#define GRP2b_cl NULL, NULL, 7
-#define GRP2S_cl NULL, NULL, 8
-#define GRP3b NULL, NULL, 9
-#define GRP3S NULL, NULL, 10
-#define GRP4  NULL, NULL, 11
-#define GRP5  NULL, NULL, 12
-#define GRP6  NULL, NULL, 13
-#define GRP7 NULL, NULL, 14
-#define GRP8 NULL, NULL, 15
-#define FLOATCODE 50
-struct dis386 {
-  char *name;
-  int (*op1)();
-  int bytemode1;
-  int (*op2)();
-  int bytemode2;
-  int (*op3)();
-  int bytemode3;
-struct dis386 dis386[] = {
-  /* 00 */
-  { "addb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "addS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "addb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "addS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "addb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "addS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	es },
-  { "popl",	es },
-  /* 08 */
-  { "orb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "orS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "orb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "orS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "orb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "orS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	cs },
-  { "(bad)" },	/* 0x0f extended opcode escape */
-  /* 10 */
-  { "adcb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "adcS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "adcb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "adcS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "adcb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "adcS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	ss },
-  { "popl",	ss },
-  /* 18 */
-  { "sbbb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "sbbS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "sbbb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "sbbS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "sbbb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "sbbS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	ds },
-  { "popl",	ds },
-  /* 20 */
-  { "andb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "andS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "andb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "andS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "andb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "andS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG ES prefix */
-  { "daa" },
-  /* 28 */
-  { "subb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "subS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "subb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "subS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "subb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "subS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG CS prefix */
-  { "das" },
-  /* 30 */
-  { "xorb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "xorS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "xorb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "xorS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "xorb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "xorS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG SS prefix */
-  { "aaa" },
-  /* 38 */
-  { "cmpb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "cmpS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "cmpb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "cmpS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "cmpb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "cmpS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* SEG DS prefix */
-  { "aas" },
-  /* 40 */
-  { "incS",	eAX },
-  { "incS",	eCX },
-  { "incS",	eDX },
-  { "incS",	eBX },
-  { "incS",	eSP },
-  { "incS",	eBP },
-  { "incS",	eSI },
-  { "incS",	eDI },
-  /* 48 */
-  { "decS",	eAX },
-  { "decS",	eCX },
-  { "decS",	eDX },
-  { "decS",	eBX },
-  { "decS",	eSP },
-  { "decS",	eBP },
-  { "decS",	eSI },
-  { "decS",	eDI },
-  /* 50 */
-  { "pushS",	eAX },
-  { "pushS",	eCX },
-  { "pushS",	eDX },
-  { "pushS",	eBX },
-  { "pushS",	eSP },
-  { "pushS",	eBP },
-  { "pushS",	eSI },
-  { "pushS",	eDI },
-  /* 58 */
-  { "popS",	eAX },
-  { "popS",	eCX },
-  { "popS",	eDX },
-  { "popS",	eBX },
-  { "popS",	eSP },
-  { "popS",	eBP },
-  { "popS",	eSI },
-  { "popS",	eDI },
-  /* 60 */
-  { "pusha" },
-  { "popa" },
-  { "boundS",	Gv, Ma },
-  { "arpl",	Ew, Gw },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* seg fs */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* seg gs */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* op size prefix */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* adr size prefix */
-  /* 68 */
-  { "pushS",	Iv },		/* 386 book wrong */
-  { "imulS",	Gv, Ev, Iv },
-  { "pushl",	sIb },		/* push of byte really pushes 4 bytes */
-  { "imulS",	Gv, Ev, Ib },
-  { "insb",	Yb, indirDX },
-  { "insS",	Yv, indirDX },
-  { "outsb",	indirDX, Xb },
-  { "outsS",	indirDX, Xv },
-  /* 70 */
-  { "jo",		Jb },
-  { "jno",	Jb },
-  { "jb",		Jb },
-  { "jae",	Jb },
-  { "je",		Jb },
-  { "jne",	Jb },
-  { "jbe",	Jb },
-  { "ja",		Jb },
-  /* 78 */
-  { "js",		Jb },
-  { "jns",	Jb },
-  { "jp",		Jb },
-  { "jnp",	Jb },
-  { "jl",		Jb },
-  { "jnl",	Jb },
-  { "jle",	Jb },
-  { "jg",		Jb },
-  /* 80 */
-  { GRP1b },
-  { GRP1S },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { GRP1Ss },
-  { "testb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "testS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "xchgb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "xchgS",	Ev, Gv },
-  /* 88 */
-  { "movb",	Eb, Gb },
-  { "movS",	Ev, Gv },
-  { "movb",	Gb, Eb },
-  { "movS",	Gv, Ev },
-  { "movw",	Ew, Sw },
-  { "leaS",	Gv, M },
-  { "movw",	Sw, Ew },
-  { "popS",	Ev },
-  /* 90 */
-  { "nop" },
-  { "xchgS",	eCX, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eDX, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eBX, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eSP, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eBP, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eSI, eAX },
-  { "xchgS",	eDI, eAX },
-  /* 98 */
-  { "cwtl" },
-  { "cltd" },
-  { "lcall",	Ap },
-  { "(bad)" },		/* fwait */
-  { "pushf" },
-  { "popf" },
-  { "sahf" },
-  { "lahf" },
-  /* a0 */
-  { "movb",	AL, Ob },
-  { "movS",	eAX, Ov },
-  { "movb",	Ob, AL },
-  { "movS",	Ov, eAX },
-  { "movsb",	Yb, Xb },
-  { "movsS",	Yv, Xv },
-  { "cmpsb",	Yb, Xb },
-  { "cmpsS",	Yv, Xv },
-  /* a8 */
-  { "testb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "testS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "stosb",	Yb, AL },
-  { "stosS",	Yv, eAX },
-  { "lodsb",	AL, Xb },
-  { "lodsS",	eAX, Xv },
-  { "scasb",	AL, Yb },
-  { "scasS",	eAX, Yv },
-  /* b0 */
-  { "movb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	CL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	DL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	BL, Ib },
-  { "movb",	AH, Ib },
-  { "movb",	CH, Ib },
-  { "movb",	DH, Ib },
-  { "movb",	BH, Ib },
-  /* b8 */
-  { "movS",	eAX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eCX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eDX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eBX, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eSP, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eBP, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eSI, Iv },
-  { "movS",	eDI, Iv },
-  /* c0 */
-  { GRP2b },
-  { GRP2S },
-  { "ret",	Iw },
-  { "ret" },
-  { "lesS",	Gv, Mp },
-  { "ldsS",	Gv, Mp },
-  { "movb",	Eb, Ib },
-  { "movS",	Ev, Iv },
-  /* c8 */
-  { "enter",	Iw, Ib },
-  { "leave" },
-  { "lret",	Iw },
-  { "lret" },
-  { "int3" },
-  { "int",	Ib },
-  { "into" },
-  { "iret" },
-  /* d0 */
-  { GRP2b_one },
-  { GRP2S_one },
-  { GRP2b_cl },
-  { GRP2S_cl },
-  { "aam",	Ib },
-  { "aad",	Ib },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "xlat" },
-  /* d8 */
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  { FLOAT },
-  /* e0 */
-  { "loopne",	Jb },
-  { "loope",	Jb },
-  { "loop",	Jb },
-  { "jCcxz",	Jb },
-  { "inb",	AL, Ib },
-  { "inS",	eAX, Ib },
-  { "outb",	Ib, AL },
-  { "outS",	Ib, eAX },
-  /* e8 */
-  { "call",	Av },
-  { "jmp",	Jv },
-  { "ljmp",	Ap },
-  { "jmp",	Jb },
-  { "inb",	AL, indirDX },
-  { "inS",	eAX, indirDX },
-  { "outb",	indirDX, AL },
-  { "outS",	indirDX, eAX },
-  /* f0 */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* lock prefix */
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },			/* repne */
-  { "(bad)" },			/* repz */
-  { "hlt" },
-  { "cmc" },
-  { GRP3b },
-  { GRP3S },
-  /* f8 */
-  { "clc" },
-  { "stc" },
-  { "cli" },
-  { "sti" },
-  { "cld" },
-  { "std" },
-  { GRP4 },
-  { GRP5 },
-struct dis386 dis386_twobyte[] = {
-  /* 00 */
-  { GRP6 },
-  { GRP7 },
-  { "larS", Gv, Ew },
-  { "lslS", Gv, Ew },  
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "clts" },
-  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 08 */
-  { "invd" },
-  { "wbinvd" },
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 10 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 18 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 20 */
-  /* these are all backward in appendix A of the intel book */
-  { "movl", Rd, Cd },
-  { "movl", Rd, Dd },
-  { "movl", Cd, Rd },
-  { "movl", Dd, Rd },  
-  { "movl", Rd, Td },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "movl", Td, Rd },
-  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 28 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 30 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 38 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 40 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 48 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 50 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 58 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 60 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 68 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 70 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 78 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* 80 */
-  { "jo", Jv },
-  { "jno", Jv },
-  { "jb", Jv },
-  { "jae", Jv },  
-  { "je", Jv },
-  { "jne", Jv },
-  { "jbe", Jv },
-  { "ja", Jv },  
-  /* 88 */
-  { "js", Jv },
-  { "jns", Jv },
-  { "jp", Jv },
-  { "jnp", Jv },  
-  { "jl", Jv },
-  { "jge", Jv },
-  { "jle", Jv },
-  { "jg", Jv },  
-  /* 90 */
-  { "seto", Eb },
-  { "setno", Eb },
-  { "setb", Eb },
-  { "setae", Eb },
-  { "sete", Eb },
-  { "setne", Eb },
-  { "setbe", Eb },
-  { "seta", Eb },
-  /* 98 */
-  { "sets", Eb },
-  { "setns", Eb },
-  { "setp", Eb },
-  { "setnp", Eb },
-  { "setl", Eb },
-  { "setge", Eb },
-  { "setle", Eb },
-  { "setg", Eb },  
-  /* a0 */
-  { "pushl", fs },
-  { "popl", fs },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "btS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "shldS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
-  { "shldS", Ev, Gv, CL },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* a8 */
-  { "pushl", gs },
-  { "popl", gs },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "btsS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
-  { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, CL },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "imulS", Gv, Ev },  
-  /* b0 */
-  { "cmpxchgb", Eb, Gb },
-  { "cmpxchgS", Ev, Gv },
-  { "lssS", Gv, Mp },	/* 386 lists only Mp */
-  { "btrS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "lfsS", Gv, Mp },	/* 386 lists only Mp */
-  { "lgsS", Gv, Mp },	/* 386 lists only Mp */
-  { "movzbS", Gv, Eb },
-  { "movzwS", Gv, Ew },  
-  /* b8 */
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { "(bad)" },
-  { GRP8 },
-  { "btcS", Ev, Gv },  
-  { "bsfS", Gv, Ev },
-  { "bsrS", Gv, Ev },
-  { "movsbS", Gv, Eb },
-  { "movswS", Gv, Ew },  
-  /* c0 */
-  { "xaddb", Eb, Gb },
-  { "xaddS", Ev, Gv },
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* c8 */
-  { "bswap", eAX },
-  { "bswap", eCX },
-  { "bswap", eDX },
-  { "bswap", eBX },
-  { "bswap", eSP },
-  { "bswap", eBP },
-  { "bswap", eSI },
-  { "bswap", eDI },
-  /* d0 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* d8 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* e0 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* e8 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* f0 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  /* f8 */
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
-static char obuf[100];
-static char *obufp;
-static char scratchbuf[100];
-static unsigned char *start_codep;
-static unsigned char *codep;
-static disassemble_info *the_info;
-static int mod;
-static int rm;
-static int reg;
-static void oappend ();
-static char *names32[]={
-  "%eax","%ecx","%edx","%ebx", "%esp","%ebp","%esi","%edi",
-static char *names16[] = {
-  "%ax","%cx","%dx","%bx","%sp","%bp","%si","%di",
-static char *names8[] = {
-  "%al","%cl","%dl","%bl","%ah","%ch","%dh","%bh",
-static char *names_seg[] = {
-  "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
-struct dis386 grps[][8] = {
-  /* GRP1b */
-  {
-    { "addb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "orb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "adcb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "sbbb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "andb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "subb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "xorb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "cmpb",	Eb, Ib }
-  },
-  /* GRP1S */
-  {
-    { "addS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "orS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "adcS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "sbbS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "andS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "subS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "xorS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "cmpS",	Ev, Iv }
-  },
-  /* GRP1Ss */
-  {
-    { "addS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "orS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "adcS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "sbbS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "andS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "subS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "xorS",	Ev, sIb },
-    { "cmpS",	Ev, sIb }
-  },
-  /* GRP2b */
-  {
-    { "rolb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "rorb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "rclb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "rcrb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "shlb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "shrb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarb",	Eb, Ib },
-  },
-  /* GRP2S */
-  {
-    { "rolS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "rorS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "rclS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "rcrS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "shlS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "shrS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarS",	Ev, Ib },
-  },
-  /* GRP2b_one */
-  {
-    { "rolb",	Eb },
-    { "rorb",	Eb },
-    { "rclb",	Eb },
-    { "rcrb",	Eb },
-    { "shlb",	Eb },
-    { "shrb",	Eb },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarb",	Eb },
-  },
-  /* GRP2S_one */
-  {
-    { "rolS",	Ev },
-    { "rorS",	Ev },
-    { "rclS",	Ev },
-    { "rcrS",	Ev },
-    { "shlS",	Ev },
-    { "shrS",	Ev },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarS",	Ev },
-  },
-  /* GRP2b_cl */
-  {
-    { "rolb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "rorb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "rclb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "rcrb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "shlb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "shrb",	Eb, CL },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarb",	Eb, CL },
-  },
-  /* GRP2S_cl */
-  {
-    { "rolS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "rorS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "rclS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "rcrS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "shlS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "shrS",	Ev, CL },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "sarS",	Ev, CL }
-  },
-  /* GRP3b */
-  {
-    { "testb",	Eb, Ib },
-    { "(bad)",	Eb },
-    { "notb",	Eb },
-    { "negb",	Eb },
-    { "mulb",	AL, Eb },
-    { "imulb",	AL, Eb },
-    { "divb",	AL, Eb },
-    { "idivb",	AL, Eb }
-  },
-  /* GRP3S */
-  {
-    { "testS",	Ev, Iv },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "notS",	Ev },
-    { "negS",	Ev },
-    { "mulS",	eAX, Ev },
-    { "imulS",	eAX, Ev },
-    { "divS",	eAX, Ev },
-    { "idivS",	eAX, Ev },
-  },
-  /* GRP4 */
-  {
-    { "incb", Eb },
-    { "decb", Eb },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* GRP5 */
-  {
-    { "incS",	Ev },
-    { "decS",	Ev },
-    { "call",	indirEv },
-    { "lcall",	indirEv },
-    { "jmp",	indirEv },
-    { "ljmp",	indirEv },
-    { "pushS",	Ev },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* GRP6 */
-  {
-    { "sldt",	Ew },
-    { "str",	Ew },
-    { "lldt",	Ew },
-    { "ltr",	Ew },
-    { "verr",	Ew },
-    { "verw",	Ew },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" }
-  },
-  /* GRP7 */
-  {
-    { "sgdt", Ew },
-    { "sidt", Ew },
-    { "lgdt", Ew },
-    { "lidt", Ew },
-    { "smsw", Ew },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "lmsw", Ew },
-    { "invlpg", Ew },
-  },
-  /* GRP8 */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "btS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "btsS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "btrS",	Ev, Ib },
-    { "btcS",	Ev, Ib },
-  }
-#define PREFIX_REPZ 1
-#define PREFIX_REPNZ 2
-#define PREFIX_LOCK 4
-#define PREFIX_CS 8
-#define PREFIX_SS 0x10
-#define PREFIX_DS 0x20
-#define PREFIX_ES 0x40
-#define PREFIX_FS 0x80
-#define PREFIX_GS 0x100
-#define PREFIX_DATA 0x200
-#define PREFIX_ADR 0x400
-#define PREFIX_FWAIT 0x800
-static int prefixes;
-static void
-ckprefix ()
-  prefixes = 0;
-  while (1)
-    {
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      switch (*codep)
-	{
-	case 0xf3:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_REPZ;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf2:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_REPNZ;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf0:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_LOCK;
-	  break;
-	case 0x2e:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_CS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x36:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_SS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x3e:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_DS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x26:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_ES;
-	  break;
-	case 0x64:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_FS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x65:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_GS;
-	  break;
-	case 0x66:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_DATA;
-	  break;
-	case 0x67:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_ADR;
-	  break;
-	case 0x9b:
-	  prefixes |= PREFIX_FWAIT;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  return;
-	}
-      codep++;
-    }
-static int dflag;
-static int aflag;		
-static char op1out[100], op2out[100], op3out[100];
-static int op_address[3], op_ad, op_index[3];
-static int start_pc;
- *   On the 386's of 1988, the maximum length of an instruction is 15 bytes.
- *   (see topic "Redundant prefixes" in the "Differences from 8086"
- *   section of the "Virtual 8086 Mode" chapter.)
- * 'pc' should be the address of this instruction, it will
- *   be used to print the target address if this is a relative jump or call
- * The function returns the length of this instruction in bytes.
- */
-print_insn_i386 (pc, info)
-     bfd_vma pc;
-     disassemble_info *info;
-  struct dis386 *dp;
-  int i;
-  int enter_instruction;
-  char *first, *second, *third;
-  int needcomma;
-  struct dis_private priv;
-  bfd_byte *inbuf = priv.the_buffer;
-  info->private_data = (PTR) &priv;
-  priv.max_fetched = priv.the_buffer;
-  priv.insn_start = pc;
-  if (setjmp (priv.bailout) != 0)
-    /* Error return.  */
-    return -1;
-  obuf[0] = 0;
-  op1out[0] = 0;
-  op2out[0] = 0;
-  op3out[0] = 0;
-  op_index[0] = op_index[1] = op_index[2] = -1;
-  the_info = info;
-  start_pc = pc;
-  start_codep = inbuf;
-  codep = inbuf;
-  ckprefix ();
-  FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
-  if (*codep == 0xc8)
-    enter_instruction = 1;
-  else
-    enter_instruction = 0;
-  obufp = obuf;
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPZ)
-    oappend ("repz ");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPNZ)
-    oappend ("repnz ");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_LOCK)
-    oappend ("lock ");
-  if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT)
-      && ((*codep < 0xd8) || (*codep > 0xdf)))
-    {
-      /* fwait not followed by floating point instruction */
-      (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "fwait");
-      return (1);
-    }
-  /* these would be initialized to 0 if disassembling for 8086 or 286 */
-  dflag = 1;
-  aflag = 1;
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_DATA)
-    dflag ^= 1;
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_ADR)
-    {
-      aflag ^= 1;
-      oappend ("addr16 ");
-    }
-  if (*codep == 0x0f)
-    {
-      FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 2);
-      dp = &dis386_twobyte[*++codep];
-    }
-  else
-    dp = &dis386[*codep];
-  codep++;
-  /* Fetch the mod/reg/rm byte.  FIXME: We should be only fetching
-     this if we need it.  As it is, this code loses if there is a
-     one-byte instruction (without a mod/reg/rm byte) at the end of
-     the address space.  */
-  FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
-  mod = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
-  reg = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
-  rm = *codep & 7;
-  if (dp->name == NULL && dp->bytemode1 == FLOATCODE)
-    {
-      dofloat ();
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (dp->name == NULL)
-	dp = &grps[dp->bytemode1][reg];
-      putop (dp->name);
-      obufp = op1out;
-      op_ad = 2;
-      if (dp->op1)
-	(*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
-      obufp = op2out;
-      op_ad = 1;
-      if (dp->op2)
-	(*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
-      obufp = op3out;
-      op_ad = 0;
-      if (dp->op3)
-	(*dp->op3)(dp->bytemode3);
-    }
-  obufp = obuf + strlen (obuf);
-  for (i = strlen (obuf); i < 6; i++)
-    oappend (" ");
-  oappend (" ");
-  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", obuf);
-  /* enter instruction is printed with operands in the
-   * same order as the intel book; everything else
-   * is printed in reverse order 
-   */
-  if (enter_instruction)
-    {
-      first = op1out;
-      second = op2out;
-      third = op3out;
-      op_ad = op_index[0];
-      op_index[0] = op_index[2];
-      op_index[2] = op_ad;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      first = op3out;
-      second = op2out;
-      third = op1out;
-    }
-  needcomma = 0;
-  if (*first)
-    {
-      if (op_index[0] != -1)
-	(*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[0]], info);
-      else
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", first);
-      needcomma = 1;
-    }
-  if (*second)
-    {
-      if (needcomma)
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
-      if (op_index[1] != -1)
-	(*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[1]], info);
-      else
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", second);
-      needcomma = 1;
-    }
-  if (*third)
-    {
-      if (needcomma)
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
-      if (op_index[2] != -1)
-	(*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[2]], info);
-      else
-	(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", third);
-    }
-  return (codep - inbuf);
-char *float_mem[] = {
-  /* d8 */
-  "fadds",
-  "fmuls",
-  "fcoms",
-  "fcomps",
-  "fsubs",
-  "fsubrs",
-  "fdivs",
-  "fdivrs",
-  /*  d9 */
-  "flds",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fsts",
-  "fstps",
-  "fldenv",
-  "fldcw",
-  "fNstenv",
-  "fNstcw",
-  /* da */
-  "fiaddl",
-  "fimull",
-  "ficoml",
-  "ficompl",
-  "fisubl",
-  "fisubrl",
-  "fidivl",
-  "fidivrl",
-  /* db */
-  "fildl",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fistl",
-  "fistpl",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fldt",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fstpt",
-  /* dc */
-  "faddl",
-  "fmull",
-  "fcoml",
-  "fcompl",
-  "fsubl",
-  "fsubrl",
-  "fdivl",
-  "fdivrl",
-  /* dd */
-  "fldl",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fstl",
-  "fstpl",
-  "frstor",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fNsave",
-  "fNstsw",
-  /* de */
-  "fiadd",
-  "fimul",
-  "ficom",
-  "ficomp",
-  "fisub",
-  "fisubr",
-  "fidiv",
-  "fidivr",
-  /* df */
-  "fild",
-  "(bad)",
-  "fist",
-  "fistp",
-  "fbld",
-  "fildll",
-  "fbstp",
-  "fistpll",
-#define ST OP_ST, 0
-#define STi OP_STi, 0
-int OP_ST(), OP_STi();
-#define FGRPd9_2 NULL, NULL, 0
-#define FGRPd9_4 NULL, NULL, 1
-#define FGRPd9_5 NULL, NULL, 2
-#define FGRPd9_6 NULL, NULL, 3
-#define FGRPd9_7 NULL, NULL, 4
-#define FGRPda_5 NULL, NULL, 5
-#define FGRPdb_4 NULL, NULL, 6
-#define FGRPde_3 NULL, NULL, 7
-#define FGRPdf_4 NULL, NULL, 8
-struct dis386 float_reg[][8] = {
-  /* d8 */
-  {
-    { "fadd",	ST, STi },
-    { "fmul",	ST, STi },
-    { "fcom",	STi },
-    { "fcomp",	STi },
-    { "fsub",	ST, STi },
-    { "fsubr",	ST, STi },
-    { "fdiv",	ST, STi },
-    { "fdivr",	ST, STi },
-  },
-  /* d9 */
-  {
-    { "fld",	STi },
-    { "fxch",	STi },
-    { FGRPd9_2 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPd9_4 },
-    { FGRPd9_5 },
-    { FGRPd9_6 },
-    { FGRPd9_7 },
-  },
-  /* da */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPda_5 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* db */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPdb_4 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* dc */
-  {
-    { "fadd",	STi, ST },
-    { "fmul",	STi, ST },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "fsub",	STi, ST },
-    { "fsubr",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdiv",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdivr",	STi, ST },
-  },
-  /* dd */
-  {
-    { "ffree",	STi },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "fst",	STi },
-    { "fstp",	STi },
-    { "fucom",	STi },
-    { "fucomp",	STi },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-  /* de */
-  {
-    { "faddp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fmulp",	STi, ST },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPde_3 },
-    { "fsubp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fsubrp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdivp",	STi, ST },
-    { "fdivrp",	STi, ST },
-  },
-  /* df */
-  {
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { FGRPdf_4 },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-    { "(bad)" },
-  },
-char *fgrps[][8] = {
-  /* d9_2  0 */
-  {
-    "fnop","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* d9_4  1 */
-  {
-    "fchs","fabs","(bad)","(bad)","ftst","fxam","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* d9_5  2 */
-  {
-    "fld1","fldl2t","fldl2e","fldpi","fldlg2","fldln2","fldz","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* d9_6  3 */
-  {
-    "f2xm1","fyl2x","fptan","fpatan","fxtract","fprem1","fdecstp","fincstp",
-  },
-  /* d9_7  4 */
-  {
-    "fprem","fyl2xp1","fsqrt","fsincos","frndint","fscale","fsin","fcos",
-  },
-  /* da_5  5 */
-  {
-    "(bad)","fucompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* db_4  6 */
-  {
-    "feni(287 only)","fdisi(287 only)","fNclex","fNinit",
-    "fNsetpm(287 only)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* de_3  7 */
-  {
-    "(bad)","fcompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-  /* df_4  8 */
-  {
-    "fNstsw","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
-  },
-static void
-dofloat ()
-  struct dis386 *dp;
-  unsigned char floatop;
-  floatop = codep[-1];
-  if (mod != 3)
-    {
-      putop (float_mem[(floatop - 0xd8) * 8 + reg]);
-      obufp = op1out;
-      OP_E (v_mode);
-      return;
-    }
-  codep++;
-  dp = &float_reg[floatop - 0xd8][reg];
-  if (dp->name == NULL)
-    {
-      putop (fgrps[dp->bytemode1][rm]);
-      /* instruction fnstsw is only one with strange arg */
-      if (floatop == 0xdf
-	  && FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1)
-	  && *codep == 0xe0)
-	strcpy (op1out, "%eax");
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      putop (dp->name);
-      obufp = op1out;
-      if (dp->op1)
-	(*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
-      obufp = op2out;
-      if (dp->op2)
-	(*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
-    }
-OP_ST (ignore)
-     int ignore;
-  oappend ("%st");
-  return (0);
-OP_STi (ignore)
-     int ignore;
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%st(%d)", rm);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-/* capital letters in template are macros */
-static void
-putop (template)
-     char *template;
-  char *p;
-  for (p = template; *p; p++)
-    {
-      switch (*p)
-	{
-	default:
-	  *obufp++ = *p;
-	  break;
-	case 'C':		/* For jcxz/jecxz */
-	  if (aflag == 0)
-	    *obufp++ = 'e';
-	  break;
-	case 'N':
-	  if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT) == 0)
-	    *obufp++ = 'n';
-	  break;
-	case 'S':
-	  /* operand size flag */
-	  if (dflag)
-	    *obufp++ = 'l';
-	  else
-	    *obufp++ = 'w';
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
-  *obufp = 0;
-static void
-oappend (s)
-     char *s;
-  strcpy (obufp, s);
-  obufp += strlen (s);
-  *obufp = 0;
-static void
-append_prefix ()
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_CS)
-    oappend ("%cs:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_DS)
-    oappend ("%ds:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_SS)
-    oappend ("%ss:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_ES)
-    oappend ("%es:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_FS)
-    oappend ("%fs:");
-  if (prefixes & PREFIX_GS)
-    oappend ("%gs:");
-OP_indirE (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  oappend ("*");
-  OP_E (bytemode);
-  return (0);
-OP_E (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int disp;
-  int havesib;
-  int base;
-  int index;
-  int scale;
-  int havebase;
-  /* skip mod/rm byte */
-  codep++;
-  havesib = 0;
-  havebase = 0;
-  disp = 0;
-  if (mod == 3)
-    {
-      switch (bytemode)
-	{
-	case b_mode:
-	  oappend (names8[rm]);
-	  break;
-	case w_mode:
-	  oappend (names16[rm]);
-	  break;
-	case v_mode:
-	  if (dflag)
-	    oappend (names32[rm]);
-	  else
-	    oappend (names16[rm]);
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  oappend ("<bad dis table>");
-	  break;
-	}
-      return (0);
-    }
-  append_prefix ();
-  if (rm == 4)
-    {
-      havesib = 1;
-      havebase = 1;
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      scale = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
-      index = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
-      base = *codep & 7;
-      codep++;
-    }
-  switch (mod)
-    {
-    case 0:
-      switch (rm)
-	{
-	case 4:
-	  /* implies havesib and havebase */
-	  if (base == 5) {
-	    havebase = 0;
-	    disp = get32 ();
-	  }
-	  break;
-	case 5:
-	  disp = get32 ();
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  havebase = 1;
-	  base = rm;
-	  break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      disp = *(char *)codep++;
-      if (rm != 4)
-	{
-	  havebase = 1;
-	  base = rm;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      disp = get32 ();
-      if (rm != 4)
-	{
-	  havebase = 1;
-	  base = rm;
-	}
-      break;
-    }
-  if (mod != 0 || rm == 5 || (havesib && base == 5))
-    {
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-    }
-  if (havebase || havesib) 
-    {
-      oappend ("(");
-      if (havebase)
-	oappend (names32[base]);
-      if (havesib) 
-	{
-	  if (index != 4) 
-	    {
-	      sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%s", names32[index]);
-	      oappend (scratchbuf);
-	    }
-	  sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%d", 1 << scale);
-	  oappend (scratchbuf);
-	}
-      oappend (")");
-    }
-  return (0);
-OP_G (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      oappend (names8[reg]);
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      oappend (names16[reg]);
-      break;
-    case d_mode:
-      oappend (names32[reg]);
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	oappend (names32[reg]);
-      else
-	oappend (names16[reg]);
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      break;
-    }
-  return (0);
-static int
-get32 ()
-  int x = 0;
-  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 4);
-  x = *codep++ & 0xff;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 16;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 24;
-  return (x);
-static int
-get16 ()
-  int x = 0;
-  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 2);
-  x = *codep++ & 0xff;
-  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
-  return (x);
-static void
-set_op (op)
-     int op;
-  op_index[op_ad] = op_ad;
-  op_address[op_ad] = op;
-OP_REG (code)
-     int code;
-  char *s;
-  switch (code) 
-    {
-    case indir_dx_reg: s = "(%dx)"; break;
-	case ax_reg: case cx_reg: case dx_reg: case bx_reg:
-	case sp_reg: case bp_reg: case si_reg: case di_reg:
-		s = names16[code - ax_reg];
-		break;
-	case es_reg: case ss_reg: case cs_reg:
-	case ds_reg: case fs_reg: case gs_reg:
-		s = names_seg[code - es_reg];
-		break;
-	case al_reg: case ah_reg: case cl_reg: case ch_reg:
-	case dl_reg: case dh_reg: case bl_reg: case bh_reg:
-		s = names8[code - al_reg];
-		break;
-	case eAX_reg: case eCX_reg: case eDX_reg: case eBX_reg:
-	case eSP_reg: case eBP_reg: case eSI_reg: case eDI_reg:
-      if (dflag)
-	s = names32[code - eAX_reg];
-      else
-	s = names16[code - eAX_reg];
-      break;
-    default:
-      s = "<internal disassembler error>";
-      break;
-    }
-  oappend (s);
-  return (0);
-OP_I (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int op;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      op = *codep++ & 0xff;
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	op = get32 ();
-      else
-	op = get16 ();
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      op = get16 ();
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      return (0);
-    }
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_sI (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int op;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      op = *(char *)codep++;
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	op = get32 ();
-      else
-	op = (short)get16();
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      op = (short)get16 ();
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      return (0);
-    }
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_J (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int disp;
-  int mask = -1;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case b_mode:
-      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
-      disp = *(char *)codep++;
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (dflag)
-	disp = get32 ();
-      else
-	{
-	  disp = (short)get16 ();
-	  /* for some reason, a data16 prefix on a jump instruction
-	     means that the pc is masked to 16 bits after the
-	     displacement is added!  */
-	  mask = 0xffff;
-	}
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      return (0);
-    }
-  disp = (start_pc + codep - start_codep + disp) & mask;
-  set_op (disp);
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_SEG (dummy)
-     int dummy;
-  static char *sreg[] = {
-    "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
-  };
-  oappend (sreg[reg]);
-  return (0);
-OP_DIR (size)
-     int size;
-  int seg, offset;
-  switch (size) 
-    {
-    case lptr:
-      if (aflag) 
-	{
-	  offset = get32 ();
-	  seg = get16 ();
-	} 
-      else 
-	{
-	  offset = get16 ();
-	  seg = get16 ();
-	}
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x,0x%x", seg, offset);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-      break;
-    case v_mode:
-      if (aflag)
-	offset = get32 ();
-      else
-	offset = (short)get16 ();
-      offset = start_pc + codep - start_codep + offset;
-      set_op (offset);
-      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", offset);
-      oappend (scratchbuf);
-      break;
-    default:
-      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
-      break;
-    }
-  return (0);
-OP_OFF (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  int off;
-  if (aflag)
-    off = get32 ();
-  else
-    off = get16 ();
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", off);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_ESDI (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  oappend ("%es:(");
-  oappend (aflag ? "%edi" : "%di");
-  oappend (")");
-  return (0);
-OP_DSSI (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  oappend ("%ds:(");
-  oappend (aflag ? "%esi" : "%si");
-  oappend (")");
-  return (0);
-OP_ONE (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  oappend ("1");
-  return (0);
-OP_C (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%cr%d", reg);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_D (dummy)
-    int dummy;
-  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%db%d", reg);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_T (dummy)
-     int dummy;
-  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
-  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%tr%d", reg);
-  oappend (scratchbuf);
-  return (0);
-OP_rm (bytemode)
-     int bytemode;
-  switch (bytemode) 
-    {
-    case d_mode:
-      oappend (names32[rm]);
-      break;
-    case w_mode:
-      oappend (names16[rm]);
-      break;
-    }
-  return (0);
diff --git a/debugger/opcodes/obstack.h b/debugger/opcodes/obstack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28061a0..0000000
--- a/debugger/opcodes/obstack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-/* obstack.h - object stack macros
-   Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
-/* Summary:
-All the apparent functions defined here are macros. The idea
-is that you would use these pre-tested macros to solve a
-very specific set of problems, and they would run fast.
-Caution: no side-effects in arguments please!! They may be
-evaluated MANY times!!
-These macros operate a stack of objects.  Each object starts life
-small, and may grow to maturity.  (Consider building a word syllable
-by syllable.)  An object can move while it is growing.  Once it has
-been "finished" it never changes address again.  So the "top of the
-stack" is typically an immature growing object, while the rest of the
-stack is of mature, fixed size and fixed address objects.
-These routines grab large chunks of memory, using a function you
-supply, called `obstack_chunk_alloc'.  On occasion, they free chunks,
-by calling `obstack_chunk_free'.  You must define them and declare
-them before using any obstack macros.
-Each independent stack is represented by a `struct obstack'.
-Each of the obstack macros expects a pointer to such a structure
-as the first argument.
-One motivation for this package is the problem of growing char strings
-in symbol tables.  Unless you are "fascist pig with a read-only mind"
---Gosper's immortal quote from HAKMEM item 154, out of context--you
-would not like to put any arbitrary upper limit on the length of your
-In practice this often means you will build many short symbols and a
-few long symbols.  At the time you are reading a symbol you don't know
-how long it is.  One traditional method is to read a symbol into a
-buffer, realloc()ating the buffer every time you try to read a symbol
-that is longer than the buffer.  This is beaut, but you still will
-want to copy the symbol from the buffer to a more permanent
-symbol-table entry say about half the time.
-With obstacks, you can work differently.  Use one obstack for all symbol
-names.  As you read a symbol, grow the name in the obstack gradually.
-When the name is complete, finalize it.  Then, if the symbol exists already,
-free the newly read name.
-The way we do this is to take a large chunk, allocating memory from
-low addresses.  When you want to build a symbol in the chunk you just
-add chars above the current "high water mark" in the chunk.  When you
-have finished adding chars, because you got to the end of the symbol,
-you know how long the chars are, and you can create a new object.
-Mostly the chars will not burst over the highest address of the chunk,
-because you would typically expect a chunk to be (say) 100 times as
-long as an average object.
-In case that isn't clear, when we have enough chars to make up
-so we just point to it where it lies.  No moving of chars is
-needed and this is the second win: potentially long strings need
-never be explicitly shuffled. Once an object is formed, it does not
-change its address during its lifetime.
-When the chars burst over a chunk boundary, we allocate a larger
-chunk, and then copy the partly formed object from the end of the old
-chunk to the beginning of the new larger chunk.  We then carry on
-accreting characters to the end of the object as we normally would.
-A special macro is provided to add a single char at a time to a
-growing object.  This allows the use of register variables, which
-break the ordinary 'growth' macro.
-	We allocate large chunks.
-	We carve out one object at a time from the current chunk.
-	Once carved, an object never moves.
-	We are free to append data of any size to the currently
-	  growing object.
-	Exactly one object is growing in an obstack at any one time.
-	You can run one obstack per control block.
-	You may have as many control blocks as you dare.
-	Because of the way we do it, you can `unwind' an obstack
-	  back to a previous state. (You may remove objects much
-	  as you would with a stack.)
-/* Don't do the contents of this file more than once.  */
-#ifndef __OBSTACK_H__
-#define __OBSTACK_H__
-/* We use subtraction of (char *)0 instead of casting to int
-   because on word-addressable machines a simple cast to int
-   may ignore the byte-within-word field of the pointer.  */
-#ifndef __PTR_TO_INT
-#define __PTR_TO_INT(P) ((P) - (char *)0)
-#ifndef __INT_TO_PTR
-#define __INT_TO_PTR(P) ((P) + (char *)0)
-/* We need the type of the resulting object.  In ANSI C it is ptrdiff_t
-   but in traditional C it is usually long.  If we are in ANSI C and
-   don't already have ptrdiff_t get it.  */
-#if defined (__STDC__) && ! defined (offsetof)
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (IN_GCC)
-/* On Next machine, the system's stddef.h screws up if included
-   after we have defined just ptrdiff_t, so include all of stddef.h.
-   Otherwise, define just ptrdiff_t, which is all we need.  */
-#ifndef __NeXT__
-#define __need_ptrdiff_t
-#include <stddef.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define PTR_INT_TYPE ptrdiff_t
-#define PTR_INT_TYPE long
-struct _obstack_chunk		/* Lives at front of each chunk. */
-  char  *limit;			/* 1 past end of this chunk */
-  struct _obstack_chunk *prev;	/* address of prior chunk or NULL */
-  char	contents[4];		/* objects begin here */
-struct obstack		/* control current object in current chunk */
-  long	chunk_size;		/* preferred size to allocate chunks in */
-  struct _obstack_chunk* chunk;	/* address of current struct obstack_chunk */
-  char	*object_base;		/* address of object we are building */
-  char	*next_free;		/* where to add next char to current object */
-  char	*chunk_limit;		/* address of char after current chunk */
-  PTR_INT_TYPE temp;		/* Temporary for some macros.  */
-  int   alignment_mask;		/* Mask of alignment for each object. */
-  struct _obstack_chunk *(*chunkfun) (); /* User's fcn to allocate a chunk.  */
-  void (*freefun) ();		/* User's function to free a chunk.  */
-  char *extra_arg;		/* first arg for chunk alloc/dealloc funcs */
-  unsigned use_extra_arg:1;	/* chunk alloc/dealloc funcs take extra arg */
-  unsigned maybe_empty_object:1;/* There is a possibility that the current
-				   chunk contains a zero-length object.  This
-				   prevents freeing the chunk if we allocate
-				   a bigger chunk to replace it. */
-  unsigned alloc_failed:1;	/* chunk alloc func returned 0 */
-/* Declare the external functions we use; they are in obstack.c.  */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-extern void _obstack_newchunk (struct obstack *, int);
-extern void _obstack_free (struct obstack *, void *);
-extern int _obstack_begin (struct obstack *, int, int,
-			    void *(*) (), void (*) ());
-extern int _obstack_begin_1 (struct obstack *, int, int,
-			      void *(*) (), void (*) (), void *);
-extern void _obstack_newchunk ();
-extern void _obstack_free ();
-extern int _obstack_begin ();
-extern int _obstack_begin_1 ();
-#ifdef __STDC__
-/* Do the function-declarations after the structs
-   but before defining the macros.  */
-void obstack_init (struct obstack *obstack);
-void * obstack_alloc (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void * obstack_copy (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size);
-void * obstack_copy0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size);
-void obstack_free (struct obstack *obstack, void *block);
-void obstack_blank (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void obstack_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size);
-void obstack_grow0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size);
-void obstack_1grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char);
-void obstack_ptr_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data);
-void obstack_int_grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data);
-void * obstack_finish (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_object_size (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_room (struct obstack *obstack);
-void obstack_1grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char);
-void obstack_ptr_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, void *data);
-void obstack_int_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data);
-void obstack_blank_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void * obstack_base (struct obstack *obstack);
-void * obstack_next_free (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_alignment_mask (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_chunk_size (struct obstack *obstack);
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-/* Non-ANSI C cannot really support alternative functions for these macros,
-   so we do not declare them.  */
-/* Pointer to beginning of object being allocated or to be allocated next.
-   Note that this might not be the final address of the object
-   because a new chunk might be needed to hold the final size.  */
-#define obstack_base(h) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->object_base)
-/* Size for allocating ordinary chunks.  */
-#define obstack_chunk_size(h) ((h)->chunk_size)
-/* Pointer to next byte not yet allocated in current chunk.  */
-#define obstack_next_free(h)	((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->next_free)
-/* Mask specifying low bits that should be clear in address of an object.  */
-#define obstack_alignment_mask(h) ((h)->alignment_mask)
-#define obstack_init(h) \
-  _obstack_begin ((h), 0, 0, \
-		  (void *(*) ()) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) ()) obstack_chunk_free)
-#define obstack_begin(h, size) \
-  _obstack_begin ((h), (size), 0, \
-		  (void *(*) ()) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) ()) obstack_chunk_free)
-#define obstack_specify_allocation(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun) \
-  _obstack_begin ((h), (size), (alignment), \
-		    (void *(*) ()) (chunkfun), (void (*) ()) (freefun))
-#define obstack_specify_allocation_with_arg(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun, arg) \
-  _obstack_begin_1 ((h), (size), (alignment), \
-		    (void *(*) ()) (chunkfun), (void (*) ()) (freefun), (arg))
-#define obstack_chunkfun(h, newchunkfun) \
-  ((h) -> chunkfun = (struct _obstack_chunk *(*)()) (newchunkfun))
-#define obstack_freefun(h, newfreefun) \
-  ((h) -> freefun = (void (*)()) (newfreefun))
-#define obstack_1grow_fast(h,achar) (*((h)->next_free)++ = achar)
-#define obstack_blank_fast(h,n) ((h)->next_free += (n))
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (__STDC__)
-#if __GNUC__ < 2
-#define __extension__
-/* For GNU C, if not -traditional,
-   we can define these macros to compute all args only once
-   without using a global variable.
-   Also, we can avoid using the `temp' slot, to make faster code.  */
-#define obstack_object_size(OBSTACK)					\
-  __extension__								\
-  ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-     __o->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-     (unsigned) (__o->next_free - __o->object_base); })
-#define obstack_room(OBSTACK)						\
-  __extension__								\
-  ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-     (unsigned) (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free); })
-#define obstack_grow(OBSTACK,where,length)				\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   int __len = (length);						\
-   if (__o->next_free + __len > __o->chunk_limit)			\
-     _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len);					\
-   if (!__o->alloc_failed)						\
-     {									\
-        bcopy (where, __o->next_free, __len);				\
-	__o->next_free += __len;					\
-     }									\
-   (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_grow0(OBSTACK,where,length)				\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   int __len = (length);						\
-   if (__o->next_free + __len + 1 > __o->chunk_limit)			\
-     _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len + 1);				\
-   if (!__o->alloc_failed)						\
-     {									\
-       bcopy (where, __o->next_free, __len);				\
-       __o->next_free += __len;						\
-       *(__o->next_free)++ = 0;						\
-     }									\
-   (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_1grow(OBSTACK,datum)					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   if (__o->next_free + 1 > __o->chunk_limit)				\
-     _obstack_newchunk (__o, 1);					\
-   if (!__o->alloc_failed)						\
-     *(__o->next_free)++ = (datum);					\
-   (void) 0; })
-/* These assume that the obstack alignment is good enough for pointers or ints,
-   and that the data added so far to the current object
-   shares that much alignment.  */
-#define obstack_ptr_grow(OBSTACK,datum)					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   if (__o->next_free + sizeof (void *) > __o->chunk_limit)		\
-     _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (void *));				\
-   if (!__o->alloc_failed)						\
-     *((void **)__o->next_free)++ = ((void *)datum);			\
-   (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_int_grow(OBSTACK,datum)					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   if (__o->next_free + sizeof (int) > __o->chunk_limit)		\
-     _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (int));				\
-   if (!__o->alloc_failed)						\
-     *((int *)__o->next_free)++ = ((int)datum);				\
-   (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) (*((void **)(h)->next_free)++ = (void *)aptr)
-#define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) (*((int *)(h)->next_free)++ = (int)aint)
-#define obstack_blank(OBSTACK,length)					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   int __len = (length);						\
-   if (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free < __len)			\
-     _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len);					\
-   if (!__o->alloc_failed)						\
-     __o->next_free += __len;						\
-   (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_alloc(OBSTACK,length)					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK);					\
-   obstack_blank (__h, (length));					\
-   obstack_finish (__h); })
-#define obstack_copy(OBSTACK,where,length)				\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK);					\
-   obstack_grow (__h, (where), (length));				\
-   obstack_finish (__h); })
-#define obstack_copy0(OBSTACK,where,length)				\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK);					\
-   obstack_grow0 (__h, (where), (length));				\
-   obstack_finish (__h); })
-/* The local variable is named __o1 to avoid a name conflict
-   when obstack_blank is called.  */
-#define obstack_finish(OBSTACK)  					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK);					\
-   void *value;								\
-   if (__o1->alloc_failed)						\
-     value = 0;								\
-   else									\
-     {									\
-       value = (void *) __o1->object_base;				\
-       if (__o1->next_free == value)					\
-         __o1->maybe_empty_object = 1;					\
-       __o1->next_free							\
-	 = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT (__o1->next_free)+__o1->alignment_mask)\
-			 & ~ (__o1->alignment_mask));			\
-       if (__o1->next_free - (char *)__o1->chunk			\
-	   > __o1->chunk_limit - (char *)__o1->chunk)			\
-	 __o1->next_free = __o1->chunk_limit;				\
-       __o1->object_base = __o1->next_free;				\
-      }									\
-   value; })
-#define obstack_free(OBSTACK, OBJ)					\
-__extension__								\
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK);					\
-   void *__obj = (OBJ);							\
-   if (__obj > (void *)__o->chunk && __obj < (void *)__o->chunk_limit)  \
-     __o->next_free = __o->object_base = __obj;				\
-   else (obstack_free) (__o, __obj); })
-#else /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */
-#define obstack_object_size(h) \
- (unsigned) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->next_free - (h)->object_base)
-#define obstack_room(h)		\
- (unsigned) ((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free)
-/* Note that the call to _obstack_newchunk is enclosed in (..., 0)
-   so that we can avoid having void expressions
-   in the arms of the conditional expression.
-   Casting the third operand to void was tried before,
-   but some compilers won't accept it.  */
-#define obstack_grow(h,where,length)					\
-( (h)->temp = (length),							\
-  (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp > (h)->chunk_limit)			\
-   ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0),			\
-  ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  (bcopy (where, (h)->next_free, (h)->temp),				\
-  (h)->next_free += (h)->temp)))
-#define obstack_grow0(h,where,length)					\
-( (h)->temp = (length),							\
-  (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit)			\
-   ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp + 1), 0) : 0),			\
-  ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  (bcopy (where, (h)->next_free, (h)->temp),				\
-  (h)->next_free += (h)->temp,						\
-  *((h)->next_free)++ = 0)))
-#define obstack_1grow(h,datum)						\
-( (((h)->next_free + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit)				\
-   ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), 1), 0) : 0),				\
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  (*((h)->next_free)++ = (datum))))
-#define obstack_ptr_grow(h,datum)					\
-( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (char *) > (h)->chunk_limit)		\
-   ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (char *)), 0) : 0),		\
-  ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  (*((char **)(((h)->next_free+=sizeof(char *))-sizeof(char *))) = ((char *)datum))))
-#define obstack_int_grow(h,datum)					\
-( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (int) > (h)->chunk_limit)			\
-   ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (int)), 0) : 0),			\
-  ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  (*((int *)(((h)->next_free+=sizeof(int))-sizeof(int))) = ((int)datum))))
-#define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) (*((char **)(h)->next_free)++ = (char *)aptr)
-#define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) (*((int *)(h)->next_free)++ = (int)aint)
-#define obstack_blank(h,length)						\
-( (h)->temp = (length),							\
-  (((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free < (h)->temp)			\
-   ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0),			\
-  ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  ((h)->next_free += (h)->temp)))
-#define obstack_alloc(h,length)						\
- (obstack_blank ((h), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_copy(h,where,length)					\
- (obstack_grow ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_copy0(h,where,length)					\
- (obstack_grow0 ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_finish(h)  						\
-( (h)->alloc_failed ? 0 :						\
-  (((h)->next_free == (h)->object_base					\
-   ? (((h)->maybe_empty_object = 1), 0)					\
-   : 0),								\
-  (h)->temp = __PTR_TO_INT ((h)->object_base),				\
-  (h)->next_free							\
-    = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT ((h)->next_free)+(h)->alignment_mask)	\
-		    & ~ ((h)->alignment_mask)),				\
-  (((h)->next_free - (char *)(h)->chunk					\
-    > (h)->chunk_limit - (char *)(h)->chunk)				\
-   ? ((h)->next_free = (h)->chunk_limit) : 0),				\
-  (h)->object_base = (h)->next_free,					\
-  __INT_TO_PTR ((h)->temp)))
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define obstack_free(h,obj)						\
-( (h)->temp = (char *)(obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk,			\
-  (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\
-   ? (int) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base				\
-	    = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk)				\
-   : (((obstack_free) ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0), 0)))
-#define obstack_free(h,obj)						\
-( (h)->temp = (char *)(obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk,			\
-  (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\
-   ? (int) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base				\
-	    = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk)				\
-   : (_obstack_free ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0)))
-#endif /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */
-#endif /* not __OBSTACK_H__ */
diff --git a/if1632/call.S b/if1632/call.S
index e36f093..326c874 100644
--- a/if1632/call.S
+++ b/if1632/call.S
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
 	.long	0
 	.word	0
+#ifdef __ELF__
+	.long	0
+	.word	0x0f
  *	Places to keep info about the current 16-bit stack frame.
@@ -74,6 +79,16 @@
 	pushl	A(IF1632_Saved32_ebp)
 	pushw	A(IF1632_Saved32_ss)
+#ifdef __ELF__
+	/* change to the other code segment */
+	movw	$0x0f, %ax
+	movw	%ax, A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)+4
+	movl	$L4, %eax
+	andl	$0x0000ffff, %eax
+	movl	%eax,A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
+	ljmp	A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
 	 * Get target address.
@@ -147,6 +162,15 @@
 	popl	A(IF1632_Saved32_ebp)
 	popl	A(IF1632_Saved32_esp)
 	movl	%eax,return_value
+#ifdef __ELF__
+	/* change back  */
+	movw	$0x23, %ax
+	movw	%ax, A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)+4
+	movl	$L5, %eax
+	movl	%eax,A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
+	ljmp	A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
 	movl	return_value,%eax
 	.align	2,0x90
@@ -182,7 +206,19 @@
 	 * Get target address and new ds
-L1:	movl	8(%ebp),%eax
+#ifdef __ELF__
+	/* change code segments */
+	movw	$0x0f, %ax
+	movw	%ax, A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)+4
+	movl	$L2, %eax
+	andl	$0x0000ffff, %eax
+	movl	%eax,A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
+	ljmp	A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
+	/* At this point we have changed segments. */
+	movl	8(%ebp),%eax
 	movl	%eax,jump_target
 	lea	jump_target,%edx
 	movw	12(%ebp),%ax
@@ -244,6 +280,18 @@
 	movl	%eax,return_value
 	movw	return_value+2,%dx
+	/* switch segments */
+#ifdef __ELF__
+	movw	$0x23, %ax
+	movw	%ax, A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)+4
+	movl	$L3, %eax
+	movl	%eax,A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
+	ljmp	A(IF1632_ELF_KLUDGE)
+	/* back in the regular segment set up. */
+	/* restore eax */
+	movl	return_value, %eax
 	.align	2,0x90
diff --git a/if1632/callback.c b/if1632/callback.c
index a38d13b..c820f6b 100644
--- a/if1632/callback.c
+++ b/if1632/callback.c
@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@
 	    user_tab = FindDLLTable("USER");
 	/* DefWindowProc */
-	if (user_tab[107].address == address)
+	if (((LONG)user_tab[107].address &0xffff) == (LONG) address)
 	    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
 	/* DefDlgProc */
-	else if (user_tab[308].address == address)
+	else if (((LONG)user_tab[308].address &0xffff) == (LONG)address)
 	    return DefDlgProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
 	/* DefMDIChildProc */
-	else if (user_tab[447].address == address)
+	else if (((LONG)user_tab[447].address &0xffff) == (LONG)address)
 	    return DefMDIChildProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
 	/* default */
diff --git a/include/nonclient.h b/include/nonclient.h
index 87bc71e..0e8c665 100644
--- a/include/nonclient.h
+++ b/include/nonclient.h
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
+ * Window non-client functions definitions
+ *
+ * Copyright 1995 Alexandre Julliard
+ */
-extern LONG NC_HandleNCPaint( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn );
+#include "windows.h"
+extern void NC_GetInsideRect( HWND hwnd, RECT *rect );
+extern void NC_DoNCPaint( HWND hwnd, BOOL active, BOOL suppress_menupaint );
+extern LONG NC_HandleNCPaint( HWND hwnd );
 extern LONG NC_HandleNCActivate( HWND hwnd, WORD wParam );
 extern LONG NC_HandleNCCalcSize( HWND hwnd, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *params );
 extern LONG NC_HandleNCHitTest( HWND hwnd, POINT pt );
diff --git a/include/region.h b/include/region.h
index a6fef59..7d87c13 100644
--- a/include/region.h
+++ b/include/region.h
@@ -9,23 +9,14 @@
 #include "gdi.h"
-typedef struct
-    WORD        type;
-    RECT        box;
-    Pixmap      pixmap;
-    Region      xrgn;
   /* GDI logical region object */
 typedef struct
     GDIOBJHDR   header;
-    REGION      region;
+    Region      xrgn;
-extern BOOL REGION_Init(void);
 extern BOOL REGION_DeleteObject( HRGN hrgn, RGNOBJ * obj );
 #endif  /* __WINE_REGION_H */
diff --git a/include/segmem.h b/include/segmem.h
index 4aa3f86..527002a 100644
--- a/include/segmem.h
+++ b/include/segmem.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #define MAX_SELECTORS		512
 #define SELECTOR_ISFREE		0x8000
+#define SELECTOR_IS32BIT        0x4000
 #define SELECTOR_INDEXMASK	0x0fff
 extern unsigned short SelectorMap[MAX_SELECTORS];
@@ -75,10 +76,16 @@
 #define GLOBAL_FLAGS_EXECUTEONLY	0x00020000
 #define GLOBAL_FLAGS_READONLY		0x00020000
+#ifdef __ELF__
+#define IS_16_BIT_ADDRESS(addr)  \
+     (!(SelectorMap[(unsigned int)(addr)>>19]& SELECTOR_IS32BIT))
 #define IS_16_BIT_ADDRESS(addr)  \
      ((unsigned int)(addr) >= (((FIRST_SELECTOR << 3) | 0x0007) << 16))
 extern SEGDESC Segments[];
diff --git a/include/selectors.h b/include/selectors.h
index 921e65b..7724f5c 100644
--- a/include/selectors.h
+++ b/include/selectors.h
@@ -23,5 +23,6 @@
 					int *addr);
 extern unsigned int GetEntryPointFromOrdinal(struct w_files * wpnt, 
 					int ordinal);
+extern void InitSelectors(void);
 #endif /* __WINE_SELECTORS_H */
diff --git a/include/win.h b/include/win.h
index 9bb1087..0ffedbf 100644
--- a/include/win.h
+++ b/include/win.h
@@ -56,12 +56,13 @@
 } WND;
   /* WND flags values */
-#define WIN_ERASE_UPDATERGN     0x01  /* Update region needs erasing */
-#define WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT    0x02  /* WM_PAINT sent to window */
-#define WIN_GOT_SIZEMSG         0x04  /* WM_SIZE has been sent to the window */
+#define WIN_NEEDS_BEGINPAINT    0x01  /* WM_PAINT sent to window */
+#define WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND    0x02  /* WM_ERASEBKGND must be sent to window*/
+#define WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT       0x04  /* WM_NCPAINT must be sent to window */
 #define WIN_RESTORE_MAX         0x08  /* Maximize when restoring */
 #define WIN_INTERNAL_PAINT      0x10  /* Internal WM_PAINT message pending */
 #define WIN_NO_REDRAW           0x20  /* WM_SETREDRAW called for this window */
+#define WIN_GOT_SIZEMSG         0x40  /* WM_SIZE has been sent to the window */
 #define WIN_CLASS_INFO(wndPtr)   (CLASS_FindClassPtr((wndPtr)->hClass)->wc)
 #define WIN_CLASS_STYLE(wndPtr)  (WIN_CLASS_INFO(wndPtr).style)
diff --git a/include/windows.h b/include/windows.h
index cb60ce0..65ebf08 100644
--- a/include/windows.h
+++ b/include/windows.h
@@ -1468,9 +1468,6 @@
 #define SW_SHOWNA           8
 #define SW_RESTORE          9
-#define SW_INTERNAL_HIDE    20
   /* WM_SIZE message wParam values */
 #define SIZE_RESTORED        0
diff --git a/include/wine.h b/include/wine.h
index cf7dfdc..bd426f3 100644
--- a/include/wine.h
+++ b/include/wine.h
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 #ifndef  WINE_H
 #define  WINE_H
+#if 0
+#define __ELF__
 extern char *WineIniFileName(void);
 extern char *WinIniFileName(void);
@@ -33,8 +36,12 @@
 	unsigned long cr2;
 #define WINE_DATA_SELECTOR 0x2b
+#ifdef __ELF__
+#define WINE_CODE_SELECTOR 0x0f
 #define WINE_CODE_SELECTOR 0x23
 #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
 #include <signal.h>
diff --git a/loader/resource.c b/loader/resource.c
index e09927b..e836aa4 100644
--- a/loader/resource.c
+++ b/loader/resource.c
@@ -355,11 +355,8 @@
     BITMAPINFO 	*bmi;
     RGBQUAD	*rgbq;
-    HDC 	hMemDC;
-    HDC 	hMemDC2;
     HDC 	hdc;
     int 	image_size;
-    HBITMAP     hbmpOld1, hbmpOld2;
 	printf("LoadIcon(%04X", instance);
@@ -422,14 +419,9 @@
         lpico->hBitmap = 0;
     bih->biBitCount = 1;
     bih->biClrUsed = bih->biClrImportant  = 2;
-    rgbq[0].rgbBlue 	= 0xFF;
-    rgbq[0].rgbGreen 	= 0xFF;
-    rgbq[0].rgbRed 	= 0xFF;
-    rgbq[0].rgbReserved = 0x00;
-    rgbq[1].rgbBlue 	= 0x00;
-    rgbq[1].rgbGreen 	= 0x00;
-    rgbq[1].rgbRed 	= 0x00;
-    rgbq[1].rgbReserved = 0x00;
+    rgbq[0].rgbBlue = rgbq[0].rgbGreen = rgbq[0].rgbRed = 0x00;
+    rgbq[1].rgbBlue = rgbq[1].rgbGreen = rgbq[1].rgbRed = 0xff;
+    rgbq[0].rgbReserved = rgbq[1].rgbReserved = 0;
     if (bih->biSizeImage == 0) {
 	if (bih->biCompression != BI_RGB) {
 	    fprintf(stderr,"Unknown size for compressed Icon bitmap.\n");
@@ -445,15 +437,6 @@
-    hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
-    hMemDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
-    hbmpOld1 = SelectObject(hMemDC, lpico->hBitmap);
-    hbmpOld2 = SelectObject(hMemDC2, lpico->hBitMask);
-    BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, bih->biWidth, bih->biHeight, hMemDC2, 0, 0,SRCINVERT);
-    SelectObject( hMemDC, hbmpOld1 );
-    SelectObject( hMemDC2, hbmpOld2 );
-    DeleteDC(hMemDC);
-    DeleteDC(hMemDC2);
     ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow(), hdc);
     dprintf_resource(stddeb,"LoadIcon Alloc hIcon=%X\n", hIcon);
diff --git a/loader/selector.c b/loader/selector.c
index fe9ec2a..8254460 100644
--- a/loader/selector.c
+++ b/loader/selector.c
@@ -37,8 +37,12 @@
 #ifdef linux
 #define DEV_ZERO
+#ifdef __ELF__
+#define  UTEXTSEL 0x0f
 #define UTEXTSEL 0x23
 #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
 #define PAGE_SIZE getpagesize()
@@ -72,6 +76,35 @@
 unsigned int 
 GetEntryPointFromOrdinal(struct w_files * wpnt, int ordinal);
+ *					InitSelectors
+ */
+InitSelectors(void) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SELECTORS; i++) {
+	if (i < FIRST_SELECTOR) {
+	    SelectorMap[i] = SELECTOR_IS32BIT;
+#ifdef __ELF__
+	    /* quick hack, just reserves 4 meg for wine. */
+	} else if ((i << 19) >= 0x8000000 &&
+		   (i << 19) <= 0x8400000) {
+	    SelectorMap[i]= SELECTOR_IS32BIT;
+	} else {
+	    SelectorMap[i]=0;
+	}
+    }
+#ifdef __ELF__
+    /* create an ldt. */
+    if (set_ldt_entry(1, 0x8000000, 65535, 1,0x1a ,1,0)) {
+	perror ("set_ldt_entry");
+	exit (1);
+    }
+    }
  *					FindUnusedSelectors
@@ -90,6 +123,8 @@
 	    n_found = 0;
+	if (SelectorMap[i] && n_found) n_found=0;
 	if (!SelectorMap[i] && ++n_found == n_selectors)
@@ -364,13 +399,13 @@
 	if (zfile == NULL)
 	    zfile = fopen("/dev/zero","r");
 	p = (void *) mmap((char *) dst_s->base_addr,
-			  ((dst_s->length + PAGE_SIZE) 
+			  ((dst_s->length + PAGE_SIZE-1) 
 			   & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)),
 			  MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE, fileno(zfile), 0);
 	p = (void *) mmap((char *) dst_s->base_addr,
-			  ((dst_s->length + PAGE_SIZE) 
+			  ((dst_s->length + PAGE_SIZE-1) 
 			   & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)),
diff --git a/loader/signal.c b/loader/signal.c
index 51fa430..285571b 100644
--- a/loader/signal.c
+++ b/loader/signal.c
@@ -13,12 +13,6 @@
 #include <syscall.h>
-#ifdef linux
-#define inline __inline__  /* So we can compile with -ansi */
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <asm/system.h>
-#undef inline
 #include "wine.h"
 #include "dos_fs.h"
diff --git a/misc/main.c b/misc/main.c
index 03c7584..b42072b 100644
--- a/misc/main.c
+++ b/misc/main.c
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "desktop.h"
 #include "prototypes.h"
 #include "texts.h"
+#include "selectors.h" /* for InitSelectors prototype */
 #include "stddebug.h"
 #include "debug.h"
@@ -488,6 +489,7 @@
     if (Options.desktopGeometry) MAIN_CreateDesktop( argc, argv );
     else rootWindow = DefaultRootWindow( display );
+    InitSelectors();
diff --git a/multimedia/audio.c b/multimedia/audio.c
index e595c11..84b8fb3 100644
--- a/multimedia/audio.c
+++ b/multimedia/audio.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "win.h"
+#include "windows.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "driver.h"
 #include "mmsystem.h"
diff --git a/multimedia/mcianim.c b/multimedia/mcianim.c
index 331ea52..5b764e5 100644
--- a/multimedia/mcianim.c
+++ b/multimedia/mcianim.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "win.h"
+#include "windows.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "driver.h"
 #include "mmsystem.h"
diff --git a/multimedia/mcicda.c b/multimedia/mcicda.c
index 1339f1d..f60163d 100644
--- a/multimedia/mcicda.c
+++ b/multimedia/mcicda.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "win.h"
+#include "windows.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "driver.h"
 #include "mmsystem.h"
diff --git a/multimedia/midi.c b/multimedia/midi.c
index 05f271b..6f4507a 100644
--- a/multimedia/midi.c
+++ b/multimedia/midi.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "win.h"
+#include "windows.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "driver.h"
 #include "mmsystem.h"
diff --git a/multimedia/mmaux.c b/multimedia/mmaux.c
index ea19e54..78b9bf1 100644
--- a/multimedia/mmaux.c
+++ b/multimedia/mmaux.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "win.h"
+#include "windows.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "driver.h"
 #include "mmsystem.h"
diff --git a/objects/bitblt.c b/objects/bitblt.c
index a7b3270..41f889d 100644
--- a/objects/bitblt.c
+++ b/objects/bitblt.c
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
 static void BITBLT_ShrinkRow( int *rowSrc, int *rowDst,
                               short startSrc, short widthSrc,
-                              short xinc, WORD mode )
+                              int xinc, WORD mode )
     register int xdst = xinc * startSrc;
     rowSrc += startSrc;
@@ -643,6 +643,10 @@
     if ((widthSrc < widthDst) && (heightSrc < heightDst))
         mode = STRETCH_DELETESCANS;
+    if (mode != STRETCH_DELETESCANS)
+        memset( rowDst, (mode == STRETCH_ANDSCANS) ? 0xff : 0x00,
+                widthDst*sizeof(int) );
     hstretch = ((widthSrc < widthDst) || (mode == STRETCH_DELETESCANS));
     vstretch = ((heightSrc < heightDst) || (mode == STRETCH_DELETESCANS));
     xinc = hstretch ? ((int)widthSrc << 16) / widthDst :
@@ -1225,7 +1229,8 @@
                 "BitBlt: %04x %d,%d %d bpp -> %04x %d,%d %dx%dx%d rop=%06lx\n",
                 hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, dcSrc ? dcSrc->w.bitsPerPixel : 0,
                 hdcDst, xDst, yDst, width, height, dcDst->w.bitsPerPixel, rop);
+    dprintf_bitblt(stddeb,"        src org=%d,%d  dst org=%d,%d\n",
+                dcSrc->w.DCOrgX, dcSrc->w.DCOrgY, dcDst->w.DCOrgX, dcDst->w.DCOrgY );
     return BITBLT_InternalStretchBlt( dcDst, xDst, yDst, width, height,
                                       dcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, width, height, rop );
diff --git a/objects/clipping.c b/objects/clipping.c
index c633613..42dda4e 100644
--- a/objects/clipping.c
+++ b/objects/clipping.c
@@ -24,18 +24,11 @@
         fprintf( stderr, "SetDeviceClipping: Rgn is 0. Please report this.\n");
-    if (obj->region.xrgn)
+    if (obj->xrgn)
-        XSetRegion( display, dc->u.x.gc, obj->region.xrgn );
+        XSetRegion( display, dc->u.x.gc, obj->xrgn );
         XSetClipOrigin( display, dc->u.x.gc, dc->w.DCOrgX, dc->w.DCOrgY );
-    else if (obj->region.pixmap)
-    {
-        XSetClipMask( display, dc->u.x.gc, obj->region.pixmap );
-        XSetClipOrigin( display, dc->u.x.gc,
-                       dc->w.DCOrgX + obj->,
-                       dc->w.DCOrgY + obj-> );
-    }
     else  /* Clip everything */
         XSetClipRectangles( display, dc->u.x.gc, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0 );
@@ -74,7 +67,7 @@
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return ERROR;
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "SelectClipRgn: %d %d\n", hdc, hrgn );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "SelectClipRgn: %x %x\n", hdc, hrgn );
     if (hrgn)
@@ -101,7 +94,7 @@
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc || !hrgn) return ERROR;
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "SelectVisRgn: %d %d\n", hdc, hrgn );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "SelectVisRgn: %x %x\n", hdc, hrgn );
     retval = CombineRgn( dc->w.hVisRgn, hrgn, 0, RGN_COPY );
     CLIPPING_UpdateGCRegion( dc );
@@ -123,7 +116,7 @@
 	return NULLREGION;   /* ?? */
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "OffsetClipRgn: %d %d,%d\n", hdc, x, y );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "OffsetClipRgn: %x %d,%d\n", hdc, x, y );
     if (dc->w.hClipRgn)
@@ -143,7 +136,7 @@
     int retval;
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return ERROR;    
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "OffsetVisRgn: %d %d,%d\n", hdc, x, y );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "OffsetVisRgn: %x %d,%d\n", hdc, x, y );
     retval = OffsetRgn( dc->w.hVisRgn, x, y );
     CLIPPING_UpdateGCRegion( dc );
     return retval;
@@ -202,7 +195,7 @@
 	return NULLREGION;   /* ?? */
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "ExcludeClipRect: %d %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "ExcludeClipRect: %x %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
 	    hdc, left, top, right, bottom );
     return CLIPPING_IntersectClipRect( dc, left, top, right, bottom, TRUE );
@@ -223,7 +216,7 @@
 	return NULLREGION;   /* ?? */
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "IntersectClipRect: %d %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "IntersectClipRect: %x %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
 	    hdc, left, top, right, bottom );
     return CLIPPING_IntersectClipRect( dc, left, top, right, bottom, FALSE );
@@ -276,7 +269,7 @@
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return ERROR;    
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "ExcludeVisRect: %d %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "ExcludeVisRect: %x %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
 	    hdc, left, top, right, bottom );
     return CLIPPING_IntersectVisRect( dc, left, top, right, bottom, TRUE );
@@ -290,7 +283,7 @@
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return ERROR;    
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "IntersectVisRect: %d %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "IntersectVisRect: %x %dx%d,%dx%d\n",
 	    hdc, left, top, right, bottom );
     return CLIPPING_IntersectVisRect( dc, left, top, right, bottom, FALSE );
@@ -304,7 +297,7 @@
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return ERROR;    
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "PtVisible: %d %d,%d\n", hdc, x, y );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "PtVisible: %x %d,%d\n", hdc, x, y );
     if (!dc->w.hGCClipRgn) return FALSE;
     return PtInRegion( dc->w.hGCClipRgn, XLPTODP(dc,x), YLPTODP(dc,y) );
@@ -318,7 +311,8 @@
     RECT tmpRect;
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return FALSE;
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb,"RectVisible: %d %p\n", hdc, rect );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb,"RectVisible: %x %d,%dx%d,%d\n",
+                     hdc, rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom );
     if (!dc->w.hGCClipRgn) return FALSE;
     LPtoDP( hdc, (LPPOINT)rect, 2 );
     return RectInRegion( dc->w.hGCClipRgn, &tmpRect );
@@ -333,7 +327,7 @@
     int ret;
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return ERROR;    
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "GetClipBox: %d %p\n", hdc, rect );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "GetClipBox: %x %p\n", hdc, rect );
     ret = GetRgnBox( dc->w.hGCClipRgn, rect );
     DPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)rect, 2 );
     return ret;
@@ -349,7 +343,7 @@
     RGNOBJ *obj, *copyObj;
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return 0;
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "SaveVisRgn: %d\n", hdc );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "SaveVisRgn: %x\n", hdc );
     if (!dc->w.hVisRgn)
         fprintf( stderr, "SaveVisRgn: hVisRgn is zero. Please report this.\n" );
@@ -376,7 +370,7 @@
     RGNOBJ *obj, *savedObj;
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc || !dc->w.hVisRgn) return ERROR;    
-    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "RestoreVisRgn: %d\n", hdc );
+    dprintf_clipping(stddeb, "RestoreVisRgn: %x\n", hdc );
     if (!(obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( dc->w.hVisRgn, REGION_MAGIC )))
 	return ERROR;
     if (!(saved = obj->header.hNext)) return ERROR;
@@ -385,5 +379,5 @@
     DeleteObject( dc->w.hVisRgn );
     dc->w.hVisRgn = saved;
     CLIPPING_UpdateGCRegion( dc );
-    return savedObj->region.type;
+    return savedObj->xrgn ? COMPLEXREGION : NULLREGION;
diff --git a/objects/color.c b/objects/color.c
index 68b029e..07acaf3 100644
--- a/objects/color.c
+++ b/objects/color.c
@@ -105,19 +105,25 @@
     size = DefaultVisual( display, DefaultScreen(display) )->map_entries;
     COLOR_ColormapSize = size;
-    if (!(hSysColorTranslation = GDI_HEAP_ALLOC( GMEM_MOVEABLE,
-				            sizeof(WORD)*NB_RESERVED_COLORS )))
-        return FALSE;
-    if (!(hRevSysColorTranslation = GDI_HEAP_ALLOC( GMEM_MOVEABLE,
-                                                    sizeof(WORD)*size )))
-        return FALSE;
-    colorTranslation = (WORD *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hSysColorTranslation );
-    revTranslation   = (WORD *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hRevSysColorTranslation );
+    if (screenDepth <= 8)
+    {
+        if (!(hSysColorTranslation = GDI_HEAP_ALLOC( GMEM_MOVEABLE,
+                                            sizeof(WORD)*NB_RESERVED_COLORS )))
+            return FALSE;
+        if (!(hRevSysColorTranslation = GDI_HEAP_ALLOC( GMEM_MOVEABLE,
+                                                        sizeof(WORD)*size )))
+            return FALSE;
+        colorTranslation = (WORD *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hSysColorTranslation );
+        revTranslation   = (WORD *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hRevSysColorTranslation );
+    }
+    else colorTranslation = revTranslation = NULL;
     if ((COLOR_WinColormap == DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen)) && (screenDepth <= 8))
         COLOR_PaletteToPixel = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * size );
         COLOR_PixelToPalette = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * size );
+        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)  /* Set the default mapping */
+            COLOR_PaletteToPixel[i] = COLOR_PixelToPalette[i] = i;
     for (i = 0; i < NB_RESERVED_COLORS; i++)
@@ -157,8 +163,8 @@
                 COLOR_PixelToPalette[color.pixel] = pixel;
-	colorTranslation[i] = color.pixel;
-        revTranslation[color.pixel] = i;
+        if (colorTranslation) colorTranslation[i] = color.pixel;
+        if (revTranslation) revTranslation[color.pixel] = i;
 	  /* Set EGA mapping if color in the first or last eight */
 	if (i < 8)
 	    COLOR_mapEGAPixel[i] = color.pixel;
diff --git a/objects/dib.c b/objects/dib.c
index 40039af..d054949 100644
--- a/objects/dib.c
+++ b/objects/dib.c
@@ -670,33 +670,14 @@
     if (hIcon == (HICON)NULL) return FALSE;
     lpico = (ICONALLOC *)GlobalLock(hIcon);
     GetObject(lpico->hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / x=%d y=%d\n", x, y);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / icon Width=%d\n", 
-		 (int)lpico->descriptor.Width);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / icon Height=%d\n", 
-		 (int)lpico->descriptor.Height);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / icon ColorCount=%d\n", 
-		 (int)lpico->descriptor.ColorCount);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / icon icoDIBSize=%lX\n", 
-		 (DWORD)lpico->descriptor.icoDIBSize);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / icon icoDIBOffset=%lX\n", 
-		 (DWORD)lpico->descriptor.icoDIBOffset);
-    dprintf_icon(stddeb,"DrawIcon / bitmap bmWidth=%d bmHeight=%d\n", 
-		 bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
     hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
-    if(debugging_icon){
-    hBitTemp = SelectObject(hMemDC, lpico->hBitmap);
-    BitBlt(hDC, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
-    SelectObject(hMemDC, lpico->hBitMask);
-    BitBlt(hDC, x, y + bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
-    }else{
     hBitTemp = SelectObject(hMemDC, lpico->hBitMask);
     BitBlt(hDC, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCAND);
     SelectObject(hMemDC, lpico->hBitmap);
-    BitBlt(hDC, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCPAINT);
-    }
+    BitBlt(hDC, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
     SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitTemp );
+    GlobalUnlock( hIcon );
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/objects/gdiobj.c b/objects/gdiobj.c
index 3d591d6..340c95d 100644
--- a/objects/gdiobj.c
+++ b/objects/gdiobj.c
@@ -181,10 +181,6 @@
     if (!BITMAP_Init()) return FALSE;
-      /* Initialise regions */
-    if (!REGION_Init()) return FALSE;
       /* Initialise brush dithering */
     if (!BRUSH_Init()) return FALSE;
diff --git a/objects/region.c b/objects/region.c
index c83a2c1..288d70f 100644
--- a/objects/region.c
+++ b/objects/region.c
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
  * GDI region objects
- * Copyright 1993, 1994 Alexandre Julliard
+ * Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Alexandre Julliard
-static char Copyright[] = "Copyright  Alexandre Julliard, 1993, 1994";
+ */
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -13,109 +13,14 @@
 /* #define DEBUG_REGION */
 #include "debug.h"
-  /* GC used for region operations */
-static GC regionGC = 0;
- *           REGION_Init
- */
-BOOL REGION_Init(void)
-    Pixmap tmpPixmap;
-      /* CreateGC needs a drawable */
-    tmpPixmap = XCreatePixmap( display, rootWindow, 1, 1, 1 );
-    if (tmpPixmap)
-    {
-	regionGC = XCreateGC( display, tmpPixmap, 0, NULL );
-	XFreePixmap( display, tmpPixmap );
-	if (!regionGC) return FALSE;
-	XSetForeground( display, regionGC, 1 );
-	XSetGraphicsExposures( display, regionGC, False );
-	return TRUE;
-    }
-    else return FALSE;
- *           REGION_MakePixmap
- *
- * Make a pixmap of an X region.
- */
-static BOOL REGION_MakePixmap( REGION *region )
-    int width = region->box.right - region->box.left;
-    int height = region->box.bottom - region->;
-    if (!region->xrgn) return TRUE;  /* Null region */
-    region->pixmap = XCreatePixmap( display, rootWindow, width, height, 1 );
-    if (!region->pixmap) return FALSE;
-    XSetRegion( display, regionGC, region->xrgn );
-    XSetClipOrigin( display, regionGC, -region->box.left, -region-> );
-    XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXset );
-    XFillRectangle( display, region->pixmap, regionGC, 0, 0, width, height );
-    XSetClipMask( display, regionGC, None );  /* Clear clip region */
-    return TRUE;
- *           REGION_SetRect
- *
- * Set the bounding box of the region and create the pixmap (or the X rgn).
- * The hrgn must be valid.
- */
-static BOOL REGION_SetRect( HRGN hrgn, LPRECT rect, BOOL createXrgn )
-    int width, height;
-      /* Fill region */
-    REGION * region = &((RGNOBJ *)GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn ))->region;
-    width  = rect->right - rect->left;
-    height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
-    if ((width <= 0) || (height <= 0))
-    {
-	region->type       = NULLREGION;
-	region->box.left   = 0;
-	region->box.right  = 0;
-	region->    = 0;
-	region->box.bottom = 0;
-	region->pixmap     = 0;
-	region->xrgn       = 0;
-	return TRUE;
-    }
-    region->type   = SIMPLEREGION;
-    region->box    = *rect;
-    region->xrgn   = 0;
-    region->pixmap = 0;
-    if (createXrgn)  /* Create and set the X region */
-    {
-	XRectangle xrect = { region->box.left, region->, width, height};
-	if (!(region->xrgn = XCreateRegion())) return FALSE;
-        XUnionRectWithRegion( &xrect, region->xrgn, region->xrgn );
-    }
-    else  /* Create the pixmap */
-    {
-	region->pixmap = XCreatePixmap( display, rootWindow, width, height, 1);
-	if (!region->pixmap) return FALSE;
-	  /* Fill the pixmap */
-	XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXclear );
-	XFillRectangle(display, region->pixmap, regionGC, 0, 0, width, height);
-    }
-    return TRUE;
  *           REGION_DeleteObject
 BOOL REGION_DeleteObject( HRGN hrgn, RGNOBJ * obj )
-    if (obj->region.pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, obj->region.pixmap );
-    if (obj->region.xrgn) XDestroyRegion( obj->region.xrgn );
+    dprintf_region(stddeb, "DeleteRegion: %x\n", hrgn );
+    if (obj->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( obj->xrgn );
     return GDI_FreeObject( hrgn );
@@ -128,9 +33,9 @@
     RGNOBJ * obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hrgn, REGION_MAGIC );
     if (!obj) return ERROR;
     dprintf_region(stddeb, "OffsetRgn: %d %d,%d\n", hrgn, x, y );
-    OffsetRect( &obj->, x, y );
-    if (obj->region.xrgn) XOffsetRegion( obj->region.xrgn, x, y );
-    return obj->region.type;
+    if (!obj->xrgn) return NULLREGION;
+    XOffsetRegion( obj->xrgn, x, y );
+    return COMPLEXREGION;
@@ -142,8 +47,19 @@
     RGNOBJ * obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hrgn, REGION_MAGIC );
     if (!obj) return ERROR;
     dprintf_region(stddeb, "GetRgnBox: %d\n", hrgn );
-    *rect = obj->;
-    return obj->region.type;
+    if (!obj->xrgn)
+    {
+        SetRectEmpty( rect );
+        return NULLREGION;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        XRectangle xrect;
+        XClipBox( obj->xrgn, &xrect );
+        SetRect( rect, xrect.x, xrect.y,
+                 xrect.x + xrect.width, xrect.y + xrect.height);
+        return COMPLEXREGION;
+    }
@@ -152,8 +68,25 @@
 HRGN CreateRectRgn( short left, short top, short right, short bottom )
-    RECT rect = { left, top, right, bottom };    
-    return CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rect );
+    HRGN hrgn;
+    RGNOBJ *obj;
+    if (!(hrgn = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(RGNOBJ), REGION_MAGIC ))) return 0;
+    obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn );
+    if ((right > left) && (bottom > top))
+    {
+	XRectangle rect = { left, top, right - left, bottom - top };
+	if (!(obj->xrgn = XCreateRegion()))
+        {
+            GDI_FreeObject( hrgn );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
+    }
+    else obj->xrgn = 0;
+    dprintf_region( stddeb, "CreateRectRgn(%d,%d-%d,%d): returning %x\n",
+                    left, top, right, bottom, hrgn );
+    return hrgn;
@@ -162,20 +95,29 @@
 HRGN CreateRectRgnIndirect( LPRECT rect )
-    HRGN hrgn;
+    return CreateRectRgn( rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom );
-    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CreateRectRgnIndirect: %d,%d-%d,%d\n",
-	    rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom );
+ *           SetRectRgn    (GDI.172)
+ */
+void SetRectRgn( HRGN hrgn, short left, short top, short right, short bottom )
+    RGNOBJ * obj;
+    dprintf_region(stddeb, "SetRectRgn: %x %d,%d-%d,%d\n", 
+		   hrgn, left, top, right, bottom );
-      /* Create region */
-    if (!(hrgn = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(RGNOBJ), REGION_MAGIC ))) return 0;
-    if (!REGION_SetRect( hrgn, rect, TRUE ))
+    if (!(obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hrgn, REGION_MAGIC ))) return;
+    if (obj->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( obj->xrgn );
+    if ((right > left) && (bottom > top))
-	GDI_FreeObject( hrgn );
-	return 0;
+	XRectangle rect = { left, top, right - left, bottom - top };
+	if ((obj->xrgn = XCreateRegion()) != 0)
+            XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
-    return hrgn;
+    else obj->xrgn = 0;
@@ -185,81 +127,103 @@
 HRGN CreateRoundRectRgn( short left, short top, short right, short bottom,
 			 short ellipse_width, short ellipse_height )
-    RECT rect = { left, top, right, bottom };    
-    RGNOBJ * rgnObj;
+    RGNOBJ * obj;
     HRGN hrgn;
+    XRectangle rect;
+    int asq, bsq, d, xd, yd;
-    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CreateRoundRectRgn: %d,%d-%d,%d %dx%d\n",
-	    left, top, right, bottom, ellipse_width, ellipse_height );
+      /* Check if we can do a normal rectangle instead */
+    if ((right <= left) || (bottom <= top) ||
+        (ellipse_width <= 0) || (ellipse_height <= 0))
+        return CreateRectRgn( left, top, right, bottom );
       /* Create region */
     if (!(hrgn = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(RGNOBJ), REGION_MAGIC ))) return 0;
-    if (!REGION_SetRect( hrgn, &rect, FALSE ))
-    {
-	GDI_FreeObject( hrgn );
-	return 0;
-    }
-    rgnObj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn );
+    obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn );
+    obj->xrgn = XCreateRegion();
+    dprintf_region(stddeb,"CreateRoundRectRgn(%d,%d-%d,%d %dx%d): return=%x\n",
+               left, top, right, bottom, ellipse_width, ellipse_height, hrgn );
-      /* Fill pixmap */
-    if (rgnObj->region.type != NULLREGION)
+      /* Check parameters */
+    if (ellipse_width > right-left) ellipse_width = right-left;
+    if (ellipse_height > bottom-top) ellipse_height = bottom-top;
+      /* Ellipse algorithm, based on an article by K. Porter */
+      /* in DDJ Graphics Programming Column, 8/89 */
+    asq = ellipse_width * ellipse_width / 4;        /* a^2 */
+    bsq = ellipse_height * ellipse_height / 4;      /* b^2 */
+    d = bsq - asq * ellipse_height / 2 + asq / 4;   /* b^2 - a^2b + a^2/4 */
+    xd = 0;
+    yd = asq * ellipse_height;                      /* 2a^2b */
+    rect.x      = left + ellipse_width / 2;
+    rect.width  = right - left - ellipse_width;
+    rect.height = 1;
+      /* Loop to draw first half of quadrant */
+    while (xd < yd)
-	int width  = rgnObj-> - rgnObj->;
-	int height = rgnObj-> - rgnObj->;
-	XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXcopy );
-	XFillRectangle( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		        0, ellipse_height / 2,
-		        width, height - ellipse_height );
-	XFillRectangle( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		        ellipse_width / 2, 0,
-		        width - ellipse_width, height );
-	XFillArc( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		  0, 0,
-		  ellipse_width, ellipse_height, 0, 360*64 );
-	XFillArc( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		  width - ellipse_width, 0,
-		  ellipse_width, ellipse_height, 0, 360*64 );
-	XFillArc( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		  0, height - ellipse_height,
-		  ellipse_width, ellipse_height, 0, 360*64 );
-	XFillArc( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		  width - ellipse_width, height - ellipse_height,
-		  ellipse_width, ellipse_height, 0, 360*64 );
+        if (d > 0)  /* if nearest pixel is toward the center */
+        {
+              /* move toward center */
+            rect.y = top++;
+            XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
+            rect.y = --bottom;
+            XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
+            yd -= 2*asq;
+            d  -= yd;
+        }
+        rect.x--;        /* next horiz point */
+        rect.width += 2;
+        xd += 2*bsq;
+        d  += bsq + xd;
+      /* Loop to draw second half of quadrant */
+    d += (3 * (asq-bsq) / 2 - (xd+yd)) / 2;
+    while (yd >= 0)
+    {
+          /* next vertical point */
+        rect.y = top++;
+        XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
+        rect.y = --bottom;
+        XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
+        if (d < 0)   /* if nearest pixel is outside ellipse */
+        {
+            rect.x--;     /* move away from center */
+            rect.width += 2;
+            xd += 2*bsq;
+            d  += xd;
+        }
+        yd -= 2*asq;
+        d  += asq - yd;
+    }
+      /* Add the inside rectangle */
+    if (top <= bottom)
+    {
+        rect.y = top;
+        rect.height = bottom - top + 1;
+        XUnionRectWithRegion( &rect, obj->xrgn, obj->xrgn );
+    }
     return hrgn;
- *           SetRectRgn    (GDI.172)
- */
-void SetRectRgn( HRGN hrgn, short left, short top, short right, short bottom )
-    RECT rect = { left, top, right, bottom };    
-    RGNOBJ * rgnObj;
-    dprintf_region(stddeb, "SetRectRgn: %d %d,%d-%d,%d\n", 
-		   hrgn, left, top, right, bottom );
-      /* Free previous pixmap */
-    if (!(rgnObj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hrgn, REGION_MAGIC ))) return;
-    if (rgnObj->region.pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap );
-    if (rgnObj->region.xrgn) XDestroyRegion( rgnObj->region.xrgn );
-    REGION_SetRect( hrgn, &rect, TRUE );
  *           CreateEllipticRgn    (GDI.54)
 HRGN CreateEllipticRgn( short left, short top, short right, short bottom )
-    RECT rect = { left, top, right, bottom };    
-    return CreateEllipticRgnIndirect( &rect );
+    return CreateRoundRectRgn( left, top, right, bottom,
+                               right-left, bottom-top );
@@ -268,34 +232,8 @@
 HRGN CreateEllipticRgnIndirect( LPRECT rect )
-    RGNOBJ * rgnObj;
-    HRGN hrgn;
-    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CreateEllipticRgnIndirect: %d,%d-%d,%d\n",
-	    rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom );
-      /* Create region */
-    if (!(hrgn = GDI_AllocObject( sizeof(RGNOBJ), REGION_MAGIC ))) return 0;
-    if (!REGION_SetRect( hrgn, rect, FALSE ))
-    {
-	GDI_FreeObject( hrgn );
-	return 0;
-    }
-    rgnObj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn );
-      /* Fill pixmap */
-    if (rgnObj->region.type != NULLREGION)
-    {
-	int width  = rgnObj-> - rgnObj->;
-	int height = rgnObj-> - rgnObj->;
-	XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXcopy );
-	XFillArc( display, rgnObj->region.pixmap, regionGC,
-		  0, 0, width, height, 0, 360*64 );
-    }
-    return hrgn;
+    return CreateRoundRectRgn(rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom,
+                              rect->right-rect->left, rect->bottom-rect->top );
@@ -314,15 +252,12 @@
 HRGN CreatePolyPolygonRgn( POINT * points, short * count,
 			   short nbpolygons, short mode )
-    RGNOBJ * rgnObj;
+    RGNOBJ * obj;
     HRGN hrgn;
     int i, j, maxPoints;
     XPoint *xpoints, *pt;
-    XRectangle rect;
     Region xrgn;
-    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CreatePolyPolygonRgn: %d polygons\n", nbpolygons );
       /* Allocate points array */
     if (!nbpolygons) return 0;
@@ -339,10 +274,10 @@
 	free( xpoints );
 	return 0;
-    rgnObj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn );
-    rgnObj->region.type   = SIMPLEREGION;
-    rgnObj->region.xrgn   = 0;
-    rgnObj->region.pixmap = 0;
+    obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_ADDR( hrgn );
+    obj->xrgn = 0;
+    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CreatePolyPolygonRgn: %d polygons, returning %x\n",
+                   nbpolygons, hrgn );
       /* Create X region */
@@ -357,7 +292,7 @@
 			       (mode == WINDING) ? WindingRule : EvenOddRule );
 	if (!xrgn)
-            if (rgnObj->region.xrgn) XDestroyRegion( rgnObj->region.xrgn );
+            if (obj->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( obj->xrgn );
             free( xpoints );
             GDI_FreeObject( hrgn );
             return 0;
@@ -365,18 +300,15 @@
 	if (i > 0)
 	    Region tmprgn = XCreateRegion();
-	    if (mode == WINDING) XUnionRegion(xrgn,rgnObj->region.xrgn,tmprgn);
-	    else XXorRegion( xrgn, rgnObj->region.xrgn, tmprgn );
-	    XDestroyRegion( rgnObj->region.xrgn );
-	    rgnObj->region.xrgn = tmprgn;
+	    if (mode == WINDING) XUnionRegion( xrgn, obj->xrgn, tmprgn );
+	    else XXorRegion( xrgn, obj->xrgn, tmprgn );
+	    XDestroyRegion( obj->xrgn );
+	    obj->xrgn = tmprgn;
-	else rgnObj->region.xrgn = xrgn;
+	else obj->xrgn = xrgn;
     free( xpoints );
-    XClipBox( rgnObj->region.xrgn, &rect );
-    SetRect( &rgnObj->, rect.x, rect.y,
-	     rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height);
     return hrgn;
@@ -386,26 +318,11 @@
 BOOL PtInRegion( HRGN hrgn, short x, short y )
-    BOOL res;
     RGNOBJ * obj;
-    POINT pt = { x, y };
     if (!(obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hrgn, REGION_MAGIC ))) return FALSE;
-    if (!PtInRect( &obj->, pt )) return FALSE;
-    if (obj->region.xrgn)
-    {
-	return XPointInRegion( obj->region.xrgn, x, y );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	XImage *image = XGetImage( display, obj->region.pixmap,
-			    x - obj->, y - obj->,
-			    1, 1, AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
-	if (!image) return FALSE;
-	res = (XGetPixel( image, 0, 0 ) != 0);
-	XDestroyImage( image );
-    }
-    return res;
+    if (!obj->xrgn) return FALSE;
+    return XPointInRegion( obj->xrgn, x, y );
@@ -414,40 +331,13 @@
 BOOL RectInRegion( HRGN hrgn, LPRECT rect )
-    XImage * image;
     RGNOBJ * obj;
-    RECT intersect;
-    int x, y;
     if (!(obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hrgn, REGION_MAGIC ))) return FALSE;
-    if (obj->region.xrgn)
-    {
-	return (XRectInRegion( obj->region.xrgn, rect->left, rect->top,
-			       rect->right-rect->left,
-			       rect->bottom-rect->top ) != RectangleOut);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if (!IntersectRect( &intersect, &obj->, rect )) return FALSE;
-	image = XGetImage( display, obj->region.pixmap,
-			   intersect.left - obj->,
- - obj->,
-			   intersect.right - intersect.left,
-			   intersect.bottom -,
-			   AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
-	if (!image) return FALSE;
-	for (y = 0; y < image->height; y++)
-	    for (x = 0; x < image->width; x++)
-		if (XGetPixel( image, x, y ) != 0)
-		{
-		    XDestroyImage( image );
-		    return TRUE;
-		}
-	XDestroyImage( image );
-    }
-    return FALSE;
+    if (!obj->xrgn) return FALSE;
+    return (XRectInRegion( obj->xrgn, rect->left, rect->top,
+                           rect->right-rect->left,
+                           rect->bottom-rect->top ) != RectangleOut);
@@ -457,72 +347,10 @@
 BOOL EqualRgn( HRGN rgn1, HRGN rgn2 )
     RGNOBJ *obj1, *obj2;
-    XImage *image1, *image2;
-    Pixmap pixmap1, pixmap2;
-    int width, height, x, y;
-      /* Compare bounding boxes */
     if (!(obj1 = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( rgn1, REGION_MAGIC ))) return FALSE;
     if (!(obj2 = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( rgn2, REGION_MAGIC ))) return FALSE;
-    if (obj1->region.type == NULLREGION)
-	return (obj2->region.type == NULLREGION);
-    else if (obj2->region.type == NULLREGION) return FALSE;
-    if (!EqualRect( &obj1->, &obj2-> )) return FALSE;
-    if (obj1->region.xrgn && obj2->region.xrgn)
-    {
-	return XEqualRegion( obj1->region.xrgn, obj2->region.xrgn );
-    }
-      /* Get pixmap contents */
-    if (!(pixmap1 = obj1->region.pixmap) &&
-	!REGION_MakePixmap( &obj1->region )) return FALSE;
-    if (!(pixmap2 = obj2->region.pixmap) &&
-	!REGION_MakePixmap( &obj2->region )) return FALSE;
-    width  = obj1-> - obj1->;
-    height = obj1-> - obj1->;
-    image1 = XGetImage( display, obj1->region.pixmap,
-			0, 0, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
-    image2 = XGetImage( display, obj2->region.pixmap,
-		        0, 0, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
-    if (!image1 || !image2)
-    {
-	if (image1) XDestroyImage( image1 );
-	if (image2) XDestroyImage( image2 );
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-      /* Compare pixmaps */
-    for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
-	for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
-	    if (XGetPixel( image1, x, y ) != XGetPixel( image2, x, y))
-	    {
-		XDestroyImage( image1 );
-		XDestroyImage( image2 );
-		return FALSE;
-	    }
-    XDestroyImage( image1 );
-    XDestroyImage( image2 );
-    return TRUE;
- *           REGION_CopyIntersection
- *
- * Copy to dest->pixmap the area of src->pixmap delimited by
- * the intersection of dest and src regions, using the current GC function.
- */
-void REGION_CopyIntersection( REGION * dest, REGION * src )
-    RECT inter;
-    if (!IntersectRect( &inter, &dest->box, &src->box )) return;
-    XCopyArea( display, src->pixmap, dest->pixmap, regionGC,
-	       inter.left - src->box.left, - src->,
-	       inter.right - inter.left, inter.bottom -,
-	       inter.left - dest->box.left, - dest-> );
+    if (!obj1->xrgn || !obj2->xrgn) return (!obj1->xrgn && !obj2->xrgn);
+    return XEqualRegion( obj1->xrgn, obj2->xrgn );
@@ -533,37 +361,20 @@
 static int REGION_CopyRegion( RGNOBJ *src, RGNOBJ *dest )
-    if (dest->region.pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, dest->region.pixmap );
-    dest->region.type   = src->region.type;
-    dest->    = src->;
-    dest->region.pixmap = 0;
-    if (src->region.xrgn)  /* Copy only the X region */
+    if (src->xrgn)
         Region tmprgn = XCreateRegion();
-        if (!dest->region.xrgn) dest->region.xrgn = XCreateRegion();
-        XUnionRegion( tmprgn, src->region.xrgn, dest->region.xrgn );
+        if (!dest->xrgn) dest->xrgn = XCreateRegion();
+        XUnionRegion( tmprgn, src->xrgn, dest->xrgn );
         XDestroyRegion( tmprgn );
+        return COMPLEXREGION;
-    else  /* Copy the pixmap (if any) */
+    else
-        if (dest->region.xrgn)
-        {
-            XDestroyRegion( dest->region.xrgn );
-            dest->region.xrgn = 0;
-        }
-        if (src->region.pixmap)
-        {
-            int width = src-> - src->;
-            int height = src-> - src->;
-            dest->region.pixmap = XCreatePixmap( display, rootWindow,
-                                                 width, height, 1 );
-            XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXcopy );
-            XCopyArea( display, src->region.pixmap, dest->region.pixmap,
-                       regionGC, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0 );
-        }
+        if (dest->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( dest->xrgn );
+        dest->xrgn = 0;
+        return NULLREGION;
-    return dest->region.type;
@@ -573,12 +384,9 @@
 int CombineRgn( HRGN hDest, HRGN hSrc1, HRGN hSrc2, short mode )
     RGNOBJ *destObj, *src1Obj, *src2Obj;
-    REGION * region;
-    int width, height;
-    BOOL res;
-    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CombineRgn: %d %d %d %d\n", 
-		   hDest, hSrc1, hSrc2, mode );
+    dprintf_region(stddeb, "CombineRgn: %x,%x -> %x mode=%x\n", 
+		   hSrc1, hSrc2, hDest, mode );
     if (!(destObj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hDest, REGION_MAGIC )))
 	return ERROR;
@@ -588,183 +396,57 @@
     if (!(src2Obj = (RGNOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hSrc2, REGION_MAGIC )))
         return ERROR;
-    region = &destObj->region;
       /* Some optimizations for null regions */
-    if (src1Obj->region.type == NULLREGION)
+    if (!src1Obj->xrgn || !src2Obj->xrgn)
-        case RGN_AND:
         case RGN_DIFF:
-            if (region->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( region->xrgn );
-            if (region->pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, region->pixmap );
-	    region->type = NULLREGION;
-	    region->xrgn = 0;
+            if (src1Obj->xrgn)
+                return REGION_CopyRegion( src1Obj, destObj );
+            /* else fall through */
+        case RGN_AND:
+            if (destObj->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( destObj->xrgn );
+	    destObj->xrgn = 0;
 	    return NULLREGION;
         case RGN_OR:
         case RGN_XOR:
-            return REGION_CopyRegion( src2Obj, destObj );
-	default:
-	    return ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (src2Obj->region.type == NULLREGION)
-    {
-        switch(mode)
-        {
-        case RGN_AND:
-            if (region->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( region->xrgn );
-            if (region->pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, region->pixmap );
-	    region->type = NULLREGION;
-	    region->xrgn = 0;
-	    return NULLREGION;
-        case RGN_OR:
-        case RGN_XOR:
-        case RGN_DIFF:
-            return REGION_CopyRegion( src1Obj, destObj );
+            if (src1Obj->xrgn)
+                return REGION_CopyRegion( src1Obj, destObj );
+            else
+                return REGION_CopyRegion( src2Obj, destObj );
 	    return ERROR;
-    if (src1Obj->region.xrgn && src2Obj->region.xrgn)
-    {
-	/* Perform the operation with X regions */
+      /* Perform the operation with the two X regions */
-	if (region->pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, region->pixmap );
-	region->pixmap = 0;
-	if (!region->xrgn) region->xrgn = XCreateRegion();
-	switch(mode)
-	{
-	case RGN_AND:
-	    XIntersectRegion( src1Obj->region.xrgn, src2Obj->region.xrgn,
-			      region->xrgn );
-	    break;
-	case RGN_OR:
-	    XUnionRegion( src1Obj->region.xrgn, src2Obj->region.xrgn,
-			  region->xrgn );
-	    break;
-	case RGN_XOR:
-	    XXorRegion( src1Obj->region.xrgn, src2Obj->region.xrgn,
-			region->xrgn );
-	    break;
-	case RGN_DIFF:
-	    XSubtractRegion( src1Obj->region.xrgn, src2Obj->region.xrgn,
-			     region->xrgn );
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    return ERROR;
-	}
-	if (XEmptyRegion(region->xrgn))
-	{
-            XDestroyRegion( region->xrgn );
-	    region->type = NULLREGION;
-	    region->xrgn = 0;
-	    return NULLREGION;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    XRectangle rect;
-	    XClipBox( region->xrgn, &rect );
-	    region->type       = COMPLEXREGION;
-	    region->box.left   = rect.x;
-	    region->    = rect.y;
-	    region->box.right  = rect.x + rect.width;
-	    region->box.bottom = rect.y + rect.height;
-	    return COMPLEXREGION;
-	}
-    }
-    else  /* Create pixmaps if needed */
-    {
-	if (!src1Obj->region.pixmap)
-	    if (!REGION_MakePixmap( &src1Obj->region )) return ERROR;
-	if (!src2Obj->region.pixmap)
-	    if (!REGION_MakePixmap( &src2Obj->region )) return ERROR;
-    }
+    if (!destObj->xrgn) destObj->xrgn = XCreateRegion();
-      case RGN_AND:
-	res = IntersectRect( &region->box, &src1Obj->,
-			     &src2Obj-> );
-	region->type = COMPLEXREGION;
-	break;
-      case RGN_OR:
-      case RGN_XOR:
-	res = UnionRect( &region->box, &src1Obj->,
-			 &src2Obj-> );
-	region->type = COMPLEXREGION;
-	break;
-      case RGN_DIFF:
-	res = SubtractRect( &region->box, &src1Obj->,
-			    &src2Obj-> );
-	region->type = COMPLEXREGION;
-	break;
-      default:
-	return ERROR;
+    case RGN_AND:
+        XIntersectRegion( src1Obj->xrgn, src2Obj->xrgn, destObj->xrgn );
+        break;
+    case RGN_OR:
+        XUnionRegion( src1Obj->xrgn, src2Obj->xrgn, destObj->xrgn );
+        break;
+    case RGN_XOR:
+        XXorRegion( src1Obj->xrgn, src2Obj->xrgn, destObj->xrgn );
+        break;
+    case RGN_DIFF:
+        XSubtractRegion( src1Obj->xrgn, src2Obj->xrgn, destObj->xrgn );
+        break;
+    default:
+        return ERROR;
-    if (region->pixmap) XFreePixmap( display, region->pixmap );
-    if (region->xrgn) XDestroyRegion( region->xrgn );
-    if (!res)
+    if (XEmptyRegion(destObj->xrgn))
-	region->type   = NULLREGION;
-	region->pixmap = 0;
-	region->xrgn   = 0;
-	return NULLREGION;
+        XDestroyRegion( destObj->xrgn );
+        destObj->xrgn = 0;
+        return NULLREGION;
-    width  = region->box.right - region->box.left;
-    height = region->box.bottom - region->;
-    if (!width || !height)
-    {
-	fprintf(stderr, "CombineRgn: width or height is 0. Please report this.\n" );
-	fprintf(stderr, "src1=%d,%d-%d,%d  src2=%d,%d-%d,%d  dst=%d,%d-%d,%d  op=%d\n",
-	        src1Obj->, src1Obj->,
-	        src1Obj->, src1Obj->,
-	        src2Obj->, src2Obj->,
-	        src2Obj->, src2Obj->,
-	        region->box.left, region->,
-	        region->box.right, region->box.bottom, mode );
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    region->pixmap = XCreatePixmap( display, rootWindow, width, height, 1 );
-    region->xrgn   = 0;
-    switch(mode)
-    {
-      case RGN_AND:
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXcopy );
-	  REGION_CopyIntersection( region, &src1Obj->region );
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXand );
-	  REGION_CopyIntersection( region, &src2Obj->region );
-	  break;
-      case RGN_OR:
-      case RGN_XOR:
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXclear );
-	  XFillRectangle( display, region->pixmap, regionGC,
-			  0, 0, width, height );
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, (mode == RGN_OR) ? GXor : GXxor);
-	  REGION_CopyIntersection( region, &src1Obj->region );
-	  REGION_CopyIntersection( region, &src2Obj->region );
-	  break;
-      case RGN_DIFF:
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXclear );
-	  XFillRectangle( display, region->pixmap, regionGC,
-			  0, 0, width, height );
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXcopy );
-	  REGION_CopyIntersection( region, &src1Obj->region );
-	  XSetFunction( display, regionGC, GXandInverted );
-	  REGION_CopyIntersection( region, &src2Obj->region );
-	  break;
-    }
-    return region->type;
+    else return COMPLEXREGION;
diff --git a/rc/Imakefile b/rc/Imakefile
index 79ca9b8..36decda 100644
--- a/rc/Imakefile
+++ b/rc/Imakefile
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-	$(RM) $(RCSRCS:.rc=.c)
+	$(RM) $(RCSRCS:.rc=.c) $(RCSRCS:.rc=.h)
 XCOMM Rules to build the winerc program
diff --git a/tools/build.c b/tools/build.c
index 9f87253..9a4bce6 100644
--- a/tools/build.c
+++ b/tools/build.c
@@ -7,8 +7,12 @@
 #include "wine.h"
 #ifdef linux
+#ifdef __ELF__
+#define UTEXTSEL 0x0f
 #define UTEXTSEL 0x23
 #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
 #define UTEXTSEL 0x1f
@@ -753,20 +757,29 @@
     sprintf(filename, "dll_%s.S", LowerDLLName);
     fp = fopen(filename, "w");
+    fprintf (fp, "#define __ASSEMBLY__\n");
+    fprintf (fp, "#include <asm/segment.h>\n");
     fprintf(fp, "\t.globl " PREFIX "%s_Dispatch\n", UpperDLLName);
     fprintf(fp, PREFIX "%s_Dispatch:\n", UpperDLLName);
     fprintf(fp, "\tandl\t$0x0000ffff,%%esp\n");
     fprintf(fp, "\tandl\t$0x0000ffff,%%ebp\n");
     fprintf(fp, "\torl\t$0x%08x,%%eax\n", DLLId << 16);
-    fprintf(fp, "\tjmp\t" PREFIX "CallTo32\n\n");
+#ifdef __ELF__
+    fprintf(fp, "\tljmp\t$USER_CS, $" PREFIX "CallTo32\n\n");
+    fprintf(fp, "\tjmp\t_CallTo32\n\n");
     fprintf(fp, "\t.globl " PREFIX "%s_Dispatch_16\n", UpperDLLName);
     fprintf(fp, PREFIX "%s_Dispatch_16:\n", UpperDLLName);
     fprintf(fp, "\tandl\t$0x0000ffff,%%esp\n");
     fprintf(fp, "\tandl\t$0x0000ffff,%%ebp\n");
     fprintf(fp, "\torl\t$0x%08x,%%eax\n", DLLId << 16);
-    fprintf(fp, "\tjmp\t" PREFIX "CallTo32_16\n\n");
+#ifdef __ELF__
+    fprintf(fp, "\tljmp\t$USER_CS, $" PREFIX "CallTo32_16\n\n");
+    fprintf(fp, "\tjmp\t_CallTo32_16\n\n");
     odp = OrdinalDefinitions;
     for (i = 0; i <= Limit; i++, odp++)
diff --git a/tools/newbuild.c b/tools/newbuild.c
index 647594f..f9f8e42 100644
--- a/tools/newbuild.c
+++ b/tools/newbuild.c
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
 #include <ctype.h>
 #ifdef linux
+#ifdef __ELF__
+#define UTEXTSEL 	0x0f
 #define UTEXTSEL 	0x23
 #define UDATASEL	0x2b
 #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
diff --git a/windows/cursor.c b/windows/cursor.c
index 5ba75a7..7c98f92 100644
--- a/windows/cursor.c
+++ b/windows/cursor.c
@@ -416,7 +416,8 @@
 void ClipCursor(LPRECT lpNewClipRect)
-    CopyRect(&ClipCursorRect, lpNewClipRect);
+    if (!lpNewClipRect) SetRectEmpty( &ClipCursorRect );
+    else CopyRect( &ClipCursorRect, lpNewClipRect );
diff --git a/windows/defwnd.c b/windows/defwnd.c
index a8c5319..37ed5aa 100644
--- a/windows/defwnd.c
+++ b/windows/defwnd.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     case WM_PAINTICON: 
     case WM_NCPAINT:
-	return NC_HandleNCPaint( hwnd, (HRGN)wParam );
+	return NC_HandleNCPaint( hwnd );
     case WM_NCHITTEST:
 	return NC_HandleNCHitTest( hwnd, MAKEPOINT(lParam) );
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
     case WM_ERASEBKGND:
-	    if (!(classPtr = CLASS_FindClassPtr( wndPtr->hClass ))) return 1;
-	    if (!classPtr->wc.hbrBackground) return 1;
+	    if (!(classPtr = CLASS_FindClassPtr( wndPtr->hClass ))) return 0;
+	    if (!classPtr->wc.hbrBackground) return 0;
             if (classPtr->wc.hbrBackground <= COLOR_MAX+1)
                  HBRUSH hbrush;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 	         FillWindow( GetParent(hwnd), hwnd, (HDC)wParam,
 		        classPtr->wc.hbrBackground );
-	    return 0;
+	    return 1;
     case WM_GETDLGCODE:
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
     case WM_SETTEXT:
 	DEFWND_SetText( hwnd, (LPSTR)lParam );
-	NC_HandleNCPaint( hwnd, (HRGN)1 );  /* Repaint caption */
+	NC_HandleNCPaint( hwnd );  /* Repaint caption */
 	return 0;
     case WM_SETCURSOR:
diff --git a/windows/event.c b/windows/event.c
index 71469b7..4f4a2cf 100644
--- a/windows/event.c
+++ b/windows/event.c
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@
 static void EVENT_Expose( HWND hwnd, XExposeEvent *event )
     RECT rect;
-    UINT flags;
     WND * wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
     if (!wndPtr) return;
@@ -266,10 +265,9 @@
     rect.right  = rect.left + event->width;
     rect.bottom = + event->height;
-      /* Erase desktop background synchronously */
-/*     if (event->window == rootWindow) flags |= RDW_ERASENOW | RDW_NOCHILDREN; */
-    RedrawWindow( hwnd, &rect, 0, flags );
+    RedrawWindow( hwnd, &rect, 0,
+                  (event->count ? 0 : RDW_ERASENOW) );
diff --git a/windows/graphics.c b/windows/graphics.c
index cd8013b..8ed3f8c 100644
--- a/windows/graphics.c
+++ b/windows/graphics.c
@@ -542,8 +542,6 @@
     DC * dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC );
     if (!dc) return FALSE;
-      /* FIXME: the region is supposed to be in logical coordinates */
       /* Modify visible region */
     if (!(prevVisRgn = SaveVisRgn( hdc ))) return FALSE;
@@ -558,7 +556,7 @@
       /* Fill the region */
-    GetClipBox( hdc, &box );
+    GetRgnBox( dc->w.hGCClipRgn, &box );
     if (DC_SetupGCForBrush( dc ))
 	XFillRectangle( display, dc->u.x.drawable, dc->u.x.gc,
 		        dc->w.DCOrgX + box.left, dc->w.DCOrgY +,
@@ -717,21 +715,13 @@
     if (DC_SetupGCForPen( dc ))
-    {
 	for (i = 0; i < count-1; i ++)
 	    XDrawLine (display, dc->u.x.drawable, dc->u.x.gc,  
 		       dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP(dc, pt [i].x),
 		       dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP(dc, pt [i].y),
 		       dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP(dc, pt [i+1].x),
 		       dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP(dc, pt [i+1].y));
-	XDrawLine (display, dc->u.x.drawable, dc->u.x.gc,  
-		   dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP(dc, pt [count-1].x),
-		   dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP(dc, pt [count-1].y),
-		   dc->w.DCOrgX + XLPTODP(dc, pt [0].x),
-		   dc->w.DCOrgY + YLPTODP(dc, pt [0].y));
-    } 
-    return (TRUE);
+    return TRUE;
@@ -915,7 +905,7 @@
     if (!PtVisible( hdc, x, y )) return FALSE;
-    if (GetClipBox( hdc, &rect ) == ERROR) return FALSE;
+    if (GetRgnBox( dc->w.hGCClipRgn, &rect ) == ERROR) return FALSE;
     pixel = COLOR_ToPhysical( dc, color );
     if (!(image = XGetImage( display, dc->u.x.drawable,
diff --git a/windows/keyboard.c b/windows/keyboard.c
index ab15b9d..e02ebd7 100644
--- a/windows/keyboard.c
+++ b/windows/keyboard.c
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
  * Copyright 1993 Bob Amstadt
-static char Copyright[] = "Copyright  Bob Amstadt, 1993";
 #include <string.h>
 #include "win.h"
 #include "windows.h"
diff --git a/windows/mdi.c b/windows/mdi.c
index 43abdf4..ee6f575 100644
--- a/windows/mdi.c
+++ b/windows/mdi.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include "windows.h"
 #include "win.h"
+#include "nonclient.h"
 #include "mdi.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "menu.h"
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@
     SendMessage(child, WM_SIZE, SIZE_MAXIMIZED,
-    SendMessage(GetParent(parent), WM_NCPAINT, 1, 0);
+    SendMessage(GetParent(parent), WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
     return 0;
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
     ci->flagChildMaximized = FALSE;
     ShowWindow(child, SW_RESTORE);		/* display the window */
-    SendMessage(GetParent(parent), WM_NCPAINT, 1, 0);
+    SendMessage(GetParent(parent), WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
     MDIBringChildToTop(parent, child, FALSE, FALSE);
     return 0;
@@ -496,7 +497,6 @@
     WND           *w;
-    LONG           rv;
     HDC            hdc, hdcMem;
     RECT           rect;
     WND           *wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr(hwndFrame);
@@ -512,11 +512,10 @@
     if (ci->flagChildMaximized && wndPtr && wndPtr->wIDmenu != 0)
-	rv = NC_DoNCPaint( hwndFrame, (HRGN) 1, wParam, TRUE);
+	NC_DoNCPaint( hwndFrame, wParam, TRUE);
 	hdc = GetDCEx(hwndFrame, 0, DCX_CACHE | DCX_WINDOW);
-	if (!hdc)
-	    return rv;
+	if (!hdc) return 0;
 	hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
@@ -563,7 +562,7 @@
 	DefWindowProc(hwndFrame, message, wParam, lParam);
-    return rv;
+    return 0;
@@ -725,8 +724,8 @@
       case WM_NCPAINT:
-	return NC_DoNCPaint(hwnd, (HRGN)1, 
-			    hwnd == ci->hwndActiveChild);
+	NC_DoNCPaint( hwnd, hwnd == ci->hwndActiveChild, FALSE );
+        return 0;
       case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
 	switch (wParam)
diff --git a/windows/message.c b/windows/message.c
index 072635e..2fd510e 100644
--- a/windows/message.c
+++ b/windows/message.c
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 static BOOL MSG_TranslateMouseMsg( MSG *msg, BOOL remove )
     BOOL eatMsg = FALSE;
-    LONG hittest_result;
+    INT hittest_result;
     static DWORD lastClickTime = 0;
     static WORD  lastClickMsg = 0;
     static POINT lastClickPos = { 0, 0 };
@@ -231,14 +231,14 @@
       /* Send the WM_NCHITTEST message */
-    hittest_result = SendMessage( msg->hwnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0,
-				  MAKELONG( msg->pt.x, msg->pt.y ) );
+    hittest_result = (INT)SendMessage( msg->hwnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0,
+                                       MAKELONG( msg->pt.x, msg->pt.y ) );
     while ((hittest_result == HTTRANSPARENT) && (msg->hwnd))
 	msg->hwnd = WINPOS_NextWindowFromPoint( msg->hwnd, msg->pt );
 	if (msg->hwnd)
-	    hittest_result = SendMessage( msg->hwnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0,
-					  MAKELONG( msg->pt.x, msg->pt.y ) );
+	    hittest_result = (INT)SendMessage( msg->hwnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0,
+                                             MAKELONG( msg->pt.x, msg->pt.y ));
     if (!msg->hwnd) msg->hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
diff --git a/windows/nonclient.c b/windows/nonclient.c
index bab7953..6d0903f 100644
--- a/windows/nonclient.c
+++ b/windows/nonclient.c
@@ -537,33 +537,18 @@
  *           NC_DoNCPaint
  * Paint the non-client area.
- * 'hrgn' is the update rgn to use (in client coords) or 1 if no update rgn.
-void NC_DoNCPaint( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, BOOL active, BOOL suppress_menupaint )
+void NC_DoNCPaint( HWND hwnd, BOOL active, BOOL suppress_menupaint )
     HDC hdc;
     RECT rect;
     WND *wndPtr = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd );
-    dprintf_nonclient(stddeb, "NC_DoNCPaint: %d %d\n", hwnd, hrgn );
-    if (!wndPtr || !hrgn) return;
-    if (!(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE)) return; /* Nothing to do */
-    if (!(wndPtr->dwStyle & (WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_THICKFRAME)) &&
-        !(wndPtr->dwExStyle & WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)) return; /* Nothing to do */
+    dprintf_nonclient(stddeb, "NC_DoNCPaint: %x %d\n", hwnd, active );
+    if (!wndPtr || !(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE)) return; /* Nothing to do */
-    if (hrgn == 1) hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, 0, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW );
-    else
-    {
-	  /* Make region relative to window area */
-	int xoffset = wndPtr->rectWindow.left - wndPtr->rectClient.left;
-	int yoffset = wndPtr-> - wndPtr->;
-	OffsetRgn( hrgn, -xoffset, -yoffset );
-	OffsetRgn( hrgn, xoffset, yoffset );  /* Restore region */
-    }
-    if (!hdc) return;
+    if (!(hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, 0, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW ))) return;
      * If this is an icon, we don't want to do any more nonclient painting
@@ -654,9 +639,9 @@
  * Handle a WM_NCPAINT message. Called from DefWindowProc().
-LONG NC_HandleNCPaint( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn )
+LONG NC_HandleNCPaint( HWND hwnd )
-    NC_DoNCPaint( hwnd, hrgn, hwnd == GetActiveWindow(), FALSE );
+    NC_DoNCPaint( hwnd, hwnd == GetActiveWindow(), FALSE );
     return 0;
@@ -668,7 +653,7 @@
 LONG NC_HandleNCActivate( HWND hwnd, WORD wParam )
-    NC_DoNCPaint( hwnd, (HRGN)1, wParam, FALSE );
+    NC_DoNCPaint( hwnd, wParam, FALSE );
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/windows/painting.c b/windows/painting.c
index fe45db7..e44110b 100644
--- a/windows/painting.c
+++ b/windows/painting.c
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 #include "win.h"
 #include "message.h"
 #include "gdi.h"
+#include "stddebug.h"
+/* #define DEBUG_WIN */
+#include "debug.h"
   /* Last CTLCOLOR id */
@@ -34,21 +37,29 @@
     wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = 0;
-    if (!(lps->hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, hrgnUpdate,
+    if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT)
-        fprintf( stderr, "GetDCEx() failed in BeginPaint(), hwnd=%d\n", hwnd );
-        DeleteObject( hrgnUpdate );
+        SendMessage( hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0 );
+        wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
+    }
+    lps->hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, hrgnUpdate, DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_USESTYLE );
+    DeleteObject( hrgnUpdate );
+    if (!lps->hdc)
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "GetDCEx() failed in BeginPaint(), hwnd=%x\n", hwnd );
         return 0;
     GetRgnBox( InquireVisRgn(lps->hdc), &lps->rcPaint );
     DPtoLP( lps->hdc, (LPPOINT)&lps->rcPaint, 2 );
-    SendMessage( hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, hrgnUpdate, 0 );
-    DeleteObject( hrgnUpdate );
-    if (!(wndPtr->flags & WIN_ERASE_UPDATERGN)) lps->fErase = TRUE;
-    else lps->fErase = !SendMessage( hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, lps->hdc, 0 );
+    if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND)
+    {
+        lps->fErase = !SendMessage( hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, lps->hdc, 0 );
+        wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
+    }
+    else lps->fErase = TRUE;
     return lps->hdc;
@@ -86,7 +97,7 @@
 	if (!hwndParent) return;
 	hbrush = (HBRUSH)SendMessage( hwndParent, WM_CTLCOLOR,
-				      hdc, hwnd | (hbrush << 16) );
+				      hdc, MAKELONG( hwnd, hbrush ) );
     if (hbrush) FillRect( hdc, rect, hbrush );
@@ -106,14 +117,23 @@
     if (!(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) || (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NO_REDRAW))
         return TRUE;  /* No redraw needed */
+    if (rectUpdate)
+    {
+        dprintf_win( stddeb, "RedrawWindow: %x %d,%d-%d,%d %x flags=%04x\n",
+                     hwnd, rectUpdate->left, rectUpdate->top,
+                     rectUpdate->right, rectUpdate->bottom, hrgnUpdate, flags);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        dprintf_win( stddeb, "RedrawWindow: %x NULL %x flags=%04x\n",
+                     hwnd, hrgnUpdate, flags);
+    }
     GetClientRect( hwnd, &rectClient );
     rectWindow = wndPtr->rectWindow;
     OffsetRect(&rectWindow, -wndPtr->rectClient.left, -wndPtr->;
     if (flags & RDW_INVALIDATE)  /* Invalidate */
-	if (flags & RDW_ERASE) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_ERASE_UPDATERGN;
 	if (hrgnUpdate)  /* Invalidate a region */
 	    if (flags & RDW_FRAME) tmpRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rectWindow);
@@ -162,11 +182,13 @@
 		wndPtr->hrgnUpdate = tmpRgn;
+        if (flags & RDW_FRAME) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
+        if (flags & RDW_ERASE) wndPtr->flags |= WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
 	flags |= RDW_FRAME;  /* Force invalidating the frame of children */
     else if (flags & RDW_VALIDATE)  /* Validate */
-	if (flags & RDW_NOERASE) wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_ERASE_UPDATERGN;
+	if (flags & RDW_NOERASE) wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
 	if (!(hrgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ))) return FALSE;
 	  /* Remove frame from update region */
@@ -231,22 +253,31 @@
       /* Erase/update window */
-    if (flags & RDW_UPDATENOW) UpdateWindow( hwnd );
+    if (flags & RDW_UPDATENOW) SendMessage( hwnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0 );
     else if (flags & RDW_ERASENOW)
-	HDC hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate,
-	if (hdc)
-	{
-            SendMessage( hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, 0 );
+        if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT)
+        {
+            SendMessage( hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0 );
+            wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_NCPAINT;
+        }
+        if (wndPtr->flags & WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND)
+        {
+            HDC hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate,
+                               DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_USESTYLE );
+            if (hdc)
+            {
               /* Don't send WM_ERASEBKGND to icons */
               /* (WM_ICONERASEBKGND is sent during processing of WM_NCPAINT) */
-            if (!(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE)
-                || !WIN_CLASS_INFO(wndPtr).hIcon)
-                SendMessage( hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, hdc, 0 );
-	    ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
-	}
+                if (!(wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE)
+                    || !WIN_CLASS_INFO(wndPtr).hIcon)
+                {
+                    if (SendMessage( hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, hdc, 0 ))
+                        wndPtr->flags &= ~WIN_NEEDS_ERASEBKGND;
+                }
+                ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
+            }
+        }
       /* Recursively process children */
@@ -294,10 +325,7 @@
 void UpdateWindow( HWND hwnd )
-    if (GetUpdateRect( hwnd, NULL, FALSE )) 
-    {
-	if (IsWindowVisible( hwnd )) SendMessage( hwnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0 );
-    }
+    RedrawWindow( hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
@@ -372,27 +400,15 @@
     if (!wndPtr->hrgnUpdate)
-	if (!(hrgnClip = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ))) return ERROR;
-	retval = CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgnClip, 0, RGN_COPY );
+        SetRectRgn( hrgn, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+        return NULLREGION;
-    else
-    {
-	hrgnClip = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0,
-			   wndPtr->rectClient.right-wndPtr->rectClient.left,
-			   wndPtr->rectClient.bottom-wndPtr-> );
-	if (!hrgnClip) return ERROR;
-	retval = CombineRgn( hrgn, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, hrgnClip, RGN_AND );
-	if (erase)
-	{
-	    HDC hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate,
-	    if (hdc)
-	    {
-		SendMessage( hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, hdc, 0 );
-		ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
-	    }
-	}	
-    }
+    hrgnClip = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0,
+                             wndPtr->rectClient.right-wndPtr->rectClient.left,
+                             wndPtr->rectClient.bottom-wndPtr->;
+    if (!hrgnClip) return ERROR;
+    retval = CombineRgn( hrgn, wndPtr->hrgnUpdate, hrgnClip, RGN_AND );
+    if (erase) RedrawWindow( hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_ERASENOW | RDW_NOCHILDREN );
     DeleteObject( hrgnClip );
     return retval;
diff --git a/windows/scroll.c b/windows/scroll.c
index 4a1a51f..d662983 100644
--- a/windows/scroll.c
+++ b/windows/scroll.c
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@
     if (flags | SW_INVALIDATE)
-	RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, hrgnUpdate,
-		     RDW_INVALIDATE | ((flags & SW_ERASE) ? RDW_ERASENOW : 0));
+	RedrawWindow( hwnd, NULL, hrgnUpdate, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE |
+                      ((flags & SW_ERASE) ? RDW_ERASENOW : 0));
     ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
diff --git a/windows/win.c b/windows/win.c
index 779fbf7..809c333 100644
--- a/windows/win.c
+++ b/windows/win.c
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
  * Copyright 1993, 1994 Alexandre Julliard
-static char Copyright[] = "Copyright  Alexandre Julliard, 1993, 1994";
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
diff --git a/windows/winpos.c b/windows/winpos.c
index 659211e..6de8899 100644
--- a/windows/winpos.c
+++ b/windows/winpos.c
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 #include "winpos.h"
 #include "stddebug.h"
 /* #define DEBUG_WIN */
-/* #undef  DEBUG_WIN */
 #include "debug.h"
 static HWND hwndActive = 0;  /* Currently active window */
@@ -274,7 +273,7 @@
             MoveWindow(hwnd, wndPtr->ptIconPos.x, wndPtr->ptIconPos.y,
-            RedrawWindow( hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASENOW );
+            RedrawWindow( hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE | RDW_ERASENOW);
 	case SW_SHOWNA:
@@ -604,7 +603,7 @@
             OffsetRect( &rect, -wndPtr->rectClient.left,
                         -wndPtr-> );
             RedrawWindow( hwnd, &rect, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN |
-                          RDW_FRAME | (erase ? RDW_ERASENOW : RDW_ERASE) );
+                          RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE | (erase ? RDW_ERASENOW : 0) );
             hwndCur = curPtr->hwndNext;
@@ -620,7 +619,7 @@
             OffsetRect( &rect, -curPtr->rectClient.left,
                         -curPtr-> );
             RedrawWindow( hwndCur, &rect, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN |
-                          RDW_FRAME | (erase ? RDW_ERASENOW : RDW_ERASE) );
+                          RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE | (erase ? RDW_ERASENOW : 0) );
             hwndCur = curPtr->hwndNext;
@@ -775,12 +774,13 @@
             HRGN hrgn3 = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
             CombineRgn( hrgn3, hrgn1, hrgn2, RGN_DIFF );
             RedrawWindow( wndPtr->hwndParent, NULL, hrgn3,
-                          RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_ERASENOW );
+                          RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN |
+                          RDW_ERASE | RDW_ERASENOW );
             if ((oldWindowRect.left != wndPtr->rectWindow.left) ||
                 ( != wndPtr->
                 RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE |
-                              RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_ERASENOW );
             DeleteObject( hrgn1 );
             DeleteObject( hrgn2 );
@@ -794,9 +794,11 @@
         if (wndPtr->window)
             XMapWindow( display, wndPtr->window );
-            MSG_Synchronize();
-            if (flags & SWP_NOREDRAW)  /* Validate the whole window */
-                RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_VALIDATE );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0,
+                          RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE );
     else if (flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW)
@@ -810,7 +812,7 @@
             RedrawWindow( wndPtr->hwndParent, &wndPtr->rectWindow, 0,
                           RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME |
-                          RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_ERASENOW );
+                          RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_ERASE | RDW_ERASENOW );
         if ((winpos->hwnd == GetFocus()) || IsChild(winpos->hwnd, GetFocus()))
             SetFocus( GetParent(winpos->hwnd) );  /* Revert focus to parent */
@@ -835,23 +837,14 @@
 	    WINPOS_ChangeActiveWindow( winpos->hwnd, FALSE );
-      /* Send WM_NCPAINT message if needed */
+      /* Repaint the window */
-    if (flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW)
-    {
-	  /* Repaint the window frame and background */
-	RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0,
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if ((flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED) ||
-	    (!(flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) ||
-	    (!(flags & SWP_NOMOVE)) ||
-	    (!(flags & SWP_NOACTIVATE)) ||
-	    (!(flags & SWP_NOZORDER)))
-	        SendMessage( winpos->hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, 1, 0L );
-    }
+    if (wndPtr->window) MSG_Synchronize();  /* Wait for all expose events */
+    if (flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
+        RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0,
+                      RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE );
+    RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0,
+                  (flags & SWP_NOREDRAW) ? RDW_VALIDATE : RDW_ERASENOW );
       /* And last, send the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message */