| /* -*-C-*- |
| * |
| * Copyright 1998-2000 Bertho A. Stultiens (BS) |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA |
| * |
| * History: |
| * 21-May-2000 BS - Fixed the ident requirement of resource names |
| * which can be keywords. |
| * 30-Apr-2000 BS - Reintegration into the wine-tree |
| * 11-Jan-2000 BS - Very drastic cleanup because we don't have a |
| * preprocessor in here anymore. |
| * 02-Jan-2000 BS - Removed the preprocessor code |
| * 23-Dec-1999 BS - Removed the copyright for Martin von Loewis. |
| * There is really nothing left of his code in |
| * this parser. |
| * 20-Jun-1998 BS - Changed the filename conversion. Filenames are |
| * case-sensitive inder *nix, but not under dos. |
| * default behaviour is to convert to lower case. |
| * - All backslashes are converted to forward and |
| * both single and double slash is recognized as |
| * MS/Borland does. |
| * - Fixed a bug in 'yywf' case that prevented |
| * double quoted names to be scanned propperly. |
| * |
| * 19-May-1998 BS - Started to build a preprocessor. |
| * - Changed keyword processing completely to |
| * table-lookups. |
| * |
| * 20-Apr-1998 BS - Added ';' comment stripping |
| * |
| * 17-Apr-1998 BS - Made the win32 keywords optional when compiling in |
| * 16bit mode |
| * |
| * 15-Apr-1998 BS - Changed string handling to include escapes |
| * - Added unicode string handling (no codepage |
| * translation though). |
| * - 'Borrowed' the main idea of string scanning from |
| * the flex manual pages. |
| * - Added conditional handling of scanning depending |
| * on the state of the parser. This was mainly required |
| * to distinguish a file to load or raw data that |
| * follows. MS's definition of filenames is rather |
| * complex... It can be unquoted or double quoted. If |
| * double quoted, then the '\\' char is not automatically |
| * escaped according to Borland's rc compiler, but it |
| * accepts both "\\path\\file.rc" and "\path\file.rc". |
| * This makes life very hard! I go for the escaped |
| * version, as this seems to be the documented way... |
| * - Single quoted strings are now parsed and converted |
| * here. |
| * - Added comment stripping. The implementation is |
| * 'borrowed' from the flex manpages. |
| * - Rebuild string processing so that it may contain |
| * escaped '\0'. |
| */ |
| |
| /* Exclusive string handling */ |
| %x tkstr |
| /* Exclusive unicode string handling */ |
| %x tklstr |
| /* Exclusive rcdata single quoted data handling */ |
| %x tkrcd |
| /* Exclusive comment eating... */ |
| %x comment |
| /* Set when stripping c-junk */ |
| %x pp_stripe |
| %x pp_strips |
| %x pp_stripp |
| %x pp_stripp_final |
| /* Set when scanning #line style directives */ |
| %x pp_line |
| /* Set when scanning #pragma */ |
| %x pp_pragma |
| %x pp_code_page |
| |
| %option stack |
| %option nounput noyy_top_state |
| %option 8bit never-interactive |
| %option prefix="parser_" |
| |
| /* Some shortcut definitions */ |
| ws [ \f\t\r] |
| cident [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]* |
| |
| %{ |
| |
| /*#define LEX_DEBUG*/ |
| |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| #include <ctype.h> |
| #include <assert.h> |
| |
| #include "wine/unicode.h" |
| #include "wrc.h" |
| #include "utils.h" |
| #include "parser.h" |
| #include "newstruc.h" |
| |
| #include "parser.tab.h" |
| |
| /* Always update the current character position within a line */ |
| #define YY_USER_ACTION char_number+=yyleng; wanted_id = want_id; want_id = 0; |
| |
| static void addcchar(char c); |
| static void addwchar(WCHAR s); |
| static string_t *get_buffered_cstring(void); |
| static string_t *get_buffered_wstring(void); |
| static string_t *make_string(char *s); |
| |
| static char *cbuffer; /* Buffers for string collection */ |
| static int cbufidx; |
| static int cbufalloc = 0; |
| static WCHAR *wbuffer; |
| static int wbufidx; |
| static int wbufalloc = 0; |
| static int stripslevel = 0; /* Count {} during pp_strips/pp_stripe mode */ |
| static int stripplevel = 0; /* Count () during pp_strips mode */ |
| static int cjunk_tagline; /* Where did we start stripping (helps error tracking) */ |
| |
| static int current_codepage = -1; /* use language default */ |
| |
| /* |
| * This one is a bit tricky. |
| * We set 'want_id' in the parser to get the first |
| * identifier we get across in the scanner, but we |
| * also want it to be reset at nearly any token we |
| * see. Exceptions are: |
| * - newlines |
| * - comments |
| * - whitespace |
| * |
| * The scanner will automatically reset 'want_id' |
| * after *each* scanner reduction and puts is value |
| * into the var below. In this way we can see the |
| * state after the YY_RULE_SETUP (i.e. the user action; |
| * see above) and don't have to worry too much when |
| * it needs to be reset. |
| */ |
| static int wanted_id = 0; |
| static int save_wanted_id; /* To save across comment reductions */ |
| |
| struct keyword { |
| const char *keyword; |
| int token; |
| int isextension; |
| int needcase; |
| int alwayskw; |
| }; |
| |
| static struct keyword keywords[] = { |
| { "ALT", tALT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "ASCII", tASCII, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "AUTO3STATE", tAUTO3STATE, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "BEGIN", tBEGIN, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "BITMAP", tBITMAP, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "BLOCK", tBLOCK, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "BUTTON", tBUTTON, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "CAPTION", tCAPTION, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "CHECKBOX", tCHECKBOX, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "CHECKED", tCHECKED, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "CLASS", tCLASS, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "COMBOBOX", tCOMBOBOX, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "CONTROL", tCONTROL, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "CTEXT", tCTEXT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "CURSOR", tCURSOR, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "DIALOG", tDIALOG, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "DIALOGEX", tDIALOGEX, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "DISCARDABLE", tDISCARDABLE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "DLGINIT", tDLGINIT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "EDITTEXT", tEDITTEXT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "END", tEND, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "EXSTYLE", tEXSTYLE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FILEFLAGS", tFILEFLAGS, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FILEOS", tFILEOS, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FILESUBTYPE", tFILESUBTYPE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FILETYPE", tFILETYPE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FILEVERSION", tFILEVERSION, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FIXED", tFIXED, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FONT", tFONT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "FONTDIR", tFONTDIR, 0, 0, 0}, /* This is a Borland BRC extension */ |
| { "GRAYED", tGRAYED, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "GROUPBOX", tGROUPBOX, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "HELP", tHELP, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "HTML", tHTML, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "ICON", tICON, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "IMPURE", tIMPURE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "INACTIVE", tINACTIVE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "LANGUAGE", tLANGUAGE, 1, 0, 1}, |
| { "LISTBOX", tLISTBOX, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "LOADONCALL", tLOADONCALL, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "LTEXT", tLTEXT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "MENU", tMENU, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "MENUBREAK", tMENUBREAK, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "MENUEX", tMENUEX, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "MENUITEM", tMENUITEM, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "MOVEABLE", tMOVEABLE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "NOINVERT", tNOINVERT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "NOT", tNOT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "POPUP", tPOPUP, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "PRELOAD", tPRELOAD, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "PURE", tPURE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "PUSHBUTTON", tPUSHBUTTON, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "RADIOBUTTON", tRADIOBUTTON, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "RCDATA", tRCDATA, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "RTEXT", tRTEXT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "SCROLLBAR", tSCROLLBAR, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "SEPARATOR", tSEPARATOR, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "SHIFT", tSHIFT, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "STATE3", tSTATE3, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "STRING", tSTRING, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "STRINGTABLE", tSTRINGTABLE, 0, 0, 1}, |
| { "STYLE", tSTYLE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "TOOLBAR", tTOOLBAR, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "VALUE", tVALUE, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "VERSION", tVERSION, 1, 0, 0}, |
| { "VERSIONINFO", tVERSIONINFO, 0, 0, 0}, |
| { "VIRTKEY", tVIRTKEY, 0, 0, 0} |
| }; |
| |
| #define NKEYWORDS (sizeof(keywords)/sizeof(keywords[0])) |
| #define KWP(p) ((const struct keyword *)(p)) |
| static int kw_cmp_func(const void *s1, const void *s2) |
| { |
| int ret; |
| ret = strcasecmp(KWP(s1)->keyword, KWP(s2)->keyword); |
| if(!ret && (KWP(s1)->needcase || KWP(s2)->needcase)) |
| return strcmp(KWP(s1)->keyword, KWP(s2)->keyword); |
| else |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| #define KW_BSEARCH |
| #define DO_SORT |
| static struct keyword *iskeyword(char *kw) |
| { |
| struct keyword *kwp; |
| struct keyword key; |
| key.keyword = kw; |
| key.needcase = 0; |
| #ifdef DO_SORT |
| { |
| /* Make sure that it is sorted for bsearsh */ |
| static int sorted = 0; |
| if(!sorted) |
| { |
| qsort(keywords, NKEYWORDS, sizeof(keywords[0]), kw_cmp_func); |
| sorted = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| #endif |
| #ifdef KW_BSEARCH |
| kwp = bsearch(&key, keywords, NKEYWORDS, sizeof(keywords[0]), kw_cmp_func); |
| #else |
| { |
| int i; |
| for(i = 0; i < NKEYWORDS; i++) |
| { |
| if(!kw_cmp_func(&key, &keywords[i])) |
| break; |
| } |
| if(i < NKEYWORDS) |
| kwp = &keywords[i]; |
| else |
| kwp = NULL; |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| if(kwp == NULL || (kwp->isextension && !extensions)) |
| return NULL; |
| else |
| return kwp; |
| } |
| |
| %} |
| |
| /* |
| ************************************************************************** |
| * The flexer starts here |
| ************************************************************************** |
| */ |
| %% |
| /* |
| * Catch the GCC-style line statements here and parse them. |
| * This has the advantage that you can #include at any |
| * stage in the resource file. |
| * The preprocessor generates line directives in the format: |
| * # <linenum> "filename" <codes> |
| * |
| * Codes can be a sequence of: |
| * - 1 start of new file |
| * - 2 returning to previous |
| * - 3 system header |
| * - 4 interpret as C-code |
| * |
| * 4 is not used and 1 mutually excludes 2 |
| * Anyhow, we are not really interested in these at all |
| * because we only want to know the linenumber and |
| * filename. |
| */ |
| <INITIAL,pp_strips,pp_stripp>^{ws}*\#{ws}*pragma{ws}+ yy_push_state(pp_pragma); |
| <INITIAL,pp_strips,pp_stripp>^{ws}*\#{ws}* yy_push_state(pp_line); |
| <pp_line>[^\n]* { |
| int lineno; |
| char *cptr; |
| char *fname; |
| yy_pop_state(); |
| lineno = (int)strtol(yytext, &cptr, 10); |
| if(!lineno) |
| parser_error("Malformed '#...' line-directive; invalid linenumber"); |
| fname = strchr(cptr, '"'); |
| if(!fname) |
| parser_error("Malformed '#...' line-directive; missing filename"); |
| fname++; |
| cptr = strchr(fname, '"'); |
| if(!cptr) |
| parser_error("Malformed '#...' line-directive; missing terminating \""); |
| *cptr = '\0'; |
| line_number = lineno - 1; /* We didn't read the newline */ |
| input_name = xstrdup(fname); |
| } |
| |
| <pp_pragma>code_page[^\n]* yyless(9); yy_pop_state(); yy_push_state(pp_code_page); |
| <pp_pragma>[^\n]* yy_pop_state(); if (pedantic) parser_warning("Unrecognized #pragma directive '%s'",yytext); |
| |
| <pp_code_page>\({ws}*default{ws}*\)[^\n]* current_codepage = -1; yy_pop_state(); |
| <pp_code_page>\({ws}*[0-9]+{ws}*\)[^\n]* { |
| char *p = yytext; |
| yy_pop_state(); |
| while (*p < '0' || *p > '9') p++; |
| current_codepage = strtol( p, NULL, 10 ); |
| if (current_codepage && !wine_cp_get_table( current_codepage )) |
| { |
| parser_error("Codepage %d not supported", current_codepage); |
| current_codepage = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| <pp_code_page>[^\n]* yy_pop_state(); parser_error("Malformed #pragma code_page directive"); |
| |
| /* |
| * Strip everything until a ';' taking |
| * into account braces {} for structures, |
| * classes and enums. |
| */ |
| <pp_strips>\{ stripslevel++; |
| <pp_strips>\} stripslevel--; |
| <pp_strips>; if(!stripslevel) yy_pop_state(); |
| <pp_strips>\/[^*\n] ; /* To catch comments */ |
| <pp_strips>[^\{\};\n#/]* ; /* Ignore rest */ |
| <pp_strips>\n line_number++; char_number = 1; |
| |
| <pp_stripp>\( stripplevel++; |
| <pp_stripp>\) { |
| stripplevel--; |
| if(!stripplevel) |
| { |
| yy_pop_state(); |
| yy_push_state(pp_stripp_final); |
| } |
| } |
| <pp_stripp>\/[^*\n] ; /* To catch comments */ |
| <pp_stripp>[^\(\);\n#/]* ; /* Ignore rest */ |
| <pp_stripp>\n line_number++; char_number = 1; |
| |
| <pp_stripp_final>{ws}* ; /* Ignore */ |
| <pp_stripp_final>; yy_pop_state(); /* Kill the semicolon */ |
| <pp_stripp_final>\n line_number++; char_number = 1; yy_pop_state(); |
| <pp_stripp_final>. yyless(0); yy_pop_state(); |
| |
| \{ return tBEGIN; |
| \} return tEND; |
| |
| [0-9]+[lL]? { parser_lval.num = strtoul(yytext, 0, 10); return toupper(yytext[yyleng-1]) == 'L' ? tLNUMBER : tNUMBER; } |
| 0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+[lL]? { parser_lval.num = strtoul(yytext, 0, 16); return toupper(yytext[yyleng-1]) == 'L' ? tLNUMBER : tNUMBER; } |
| 0[oO][0-7]+[lL]? { parser_lval.num = strtoul(yytext+2, 0, 8); return toupper(yytext[yyleng-1]) == 'L' ? tLNUMBER : tNUMBER; } |
| |
| /* |
| * The next two rules scan identifiers and filenames. |
| * This is achieved by using the priority ruling |
| * of the scanner where a '.' is valid in a filename |
| * and *only* in a filename. In this case, the second |
| * rule will be reduced because it is longer. |
| */ |
| [A-Za-z_0-9.]+ { |
| struct keyword *tok = iskeyword(yytext); |
| |
| if(tok) |
| { |
| if(wanted_id && !tok->alwayskw) |
| { |
| parser_lval.str = make_string(yytext); |
| return tIDENT; |
| } |
| else |
| return tok->token; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| parser_lval.str = make_string(yytext); |
| return tIDENT; |
| } |
| } |
| [A-Za-z_0-9./\\]+ parser_lval.str = make_string(yytext); return tFILENAME; |
| |
| /* |
| * Wide string scanning |
| */ |
| L\" { |
| yy_push_state(tklstr); |
| wbufidx = 0; |
| if(!win32) |
| parser_warning("16bit resource contains unicode strings\n"); |
| } |
| <tklstr>\"{ws}+ | |
| <tklstr>\" { |
| yy_pop_state(); |
| parser_lval.str = get_buffered_wstring(); |
| return tSTRING; |
| } |
| <tklstr>\\[0-7]{1,6} { /* octal escape sequence */ |
| unsigned int result; |
| result = strtoul(yytext+1, 0, 8); |
| if ( result > 0xffff ) |
| parser_error("Character constant out of range"); |
| addwchar((WCHAR)result); |
| } |
| <tklstr>\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{4} { /* hex escape sequence */ |
| unsigned int result; |
| result = strtoul(yytext+2, 0, 16); |
| addwchar((WCHAR)result); |
| } |
| <tklstr>\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,3} { parser_error("Invalid hex escape sequence '%s'", yytext); } |
| |
| <tklstr>\\[0-9]+ parser_error("Bad escape sequence"); |
| <tklstr>\\\n{ws}* line_number++; char_number = 1; /* backslash at EOL continues string after leading whitespace on next line */ |
| <tklstr>\\a addwchar('\a'); |
| <tklstr>\\b addwchar('\b'); |
| <tklstr>\\f addwchar('\f'); |
| <tklstr>\\n addwchar('\n'); |
| <tklstr>\\r addwchar('\r'); |
| <tklstr>\\t addwchar('\t'); |
| <tklstr>\\v addwchar('\v'); |
| <tklstr>\\. addwchar(yytext[1]); |
| <tklstr>\\\r\n addwchar(yytext[2]); line_number++; char_number = 1; |
| <tklstr>\"\" addwchar('\"'); /* "bla""bla" -> "bla\"bla" */ |
| <tklstr>\\\"\" addwchar('\"'); /* "bla\""bla" -> "bla\"bla" */ |
| <tklstr>\"{ws}+\" ; /* "bla" "bla" -> "blabla" */ |
| <tklstr>[^\\\n\"]+ { |
| char *yptr = yytext; |
| while(*yptr) /* FIXME: codepage translation */ |
| addwchar(*yptr++ & 0xff); |
| } |
| <tklstr>\n parser_error("Unterminated string"); |
| |
| /* |
| * Normal string scanning |
| */ |
| \" yy_push_state(tkstr); cbufidx = 0; |
| <tkstr>\"{ws}+ | |
| <tkstr>\" { |
| yy_pop_state(); |
| parser_lval.str = get_buffered_cstring(); |
| return tSTRING; |
| } |
| <tkstr>\\[0-7]{1,3} { /* octal escape sequence */ |
| int result; |
| result = strtol(yytext+1, 0, 8); |
| if ( result > 0xff ) |
| parser_error("Character constant out of range"); |
| addcchar((char)result); |
| } |
| <tkstr>\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2} { /* hex escape sequence */ |
| int result; |
| result = strtol(yytext+2, 0, 16); |
| addcchar((char)result); |
| } |
| <tkstr>\\x[0-9a-fA-F] { parser_error("Invalid hex escape sequence '%s'", yytext); } |
| |
| <tkstr>\\[0-9]+ parser_error("Bad escape sequence"); |
| <tkstr>\\\n{ws}* line_number++; char_number = 1; /* backslash at EOL continues string after leading whitespace on next line */ |
| <tkstr>\\a addcchar('\a'); |
| <tkstr>\\b addcchar('\b'); |
| <tkstr>\\f addcchar('\f'); |
| <tkstr>\\n addcchar('\n'); |
| <tkstr>\\r addcchar('\r'); |
| <tkstr>\\t addcchar('\t'); |
| <tkstr>\\v addcchar('\v'); |
| <tkstr>\\. addcchar(yytext[1]); |
| <tkstr>\\\r\n addcchar(yytext[2]); line_number++; char_number = 1; |
| <tkstr>[^\\\n\"]+ { |
| char *yptr = yytext; |
| while(*yptr) |
| addcchar(*yptr++); |
| } |
| <tkstr>\"\" addcchar('\"'); /* "bla""bla" -> "bla\"bla" */ |
| <tkstr>\\\"\" addcchar('\"'); /* "bla\""bla" -> "bla\"bla" */ |
| <tkstr>\"{ws}+\" ; /* "bla" "bla" -> "blabla" */ |
| <tkstr>\n parser_error("Unterminated string"); |
| |
| /* |
| * Raw data scanning |
| */ |
| \' yy_push_state(tkrcd); cbufidx = 0; |
| <tkrcd>\' { |
| yy_pop_state(); |
| parser_lval.raw = new_raw_data(); |
| parser_lval.raw->size = cbufidx; |
| parser_lval.raw->data = xmalloc(parser_lval.raw->size); |
| memcpy(parser_lval.raw->data, cbuffer, parser_lval.raw->size); |
| return tRAWDATA; |
| } |
| <tkrcd>[0-9a-fA-F]{2} { |
| int result; |
| result = strtol(yytext, 0, 16); |
| addcchar((char)result); |
| } |
| <tkrcd>{ws}+ ; /* Ignore space */ |
| <tkrcd>\n line_number++; char_number = 1; |
| <tkrcd>. parser_error("Malformed data-line"); |
| |
| /* |
| * Comment stripping |
| * Should never occur after preprocessing |
| */ |
| <INITIAL,pp_stripp,pp_strips>"/*" { |
| yy_push_state(comment); |
| save_wanted_id = wanted_id; |
| if(!no_preprocess) |
| parser_warning("Found comments after preprocessing, please report"); |
| } |
| <comment>[^*\n]* ; |
| <comment>"*"+[^*/\n]* ; |
| <comment>\n line_number++; char_number = 1; |
| <comment>"*"+"/" yy_pop_state(); want_id = save_wanted_id; |
| |
| ;[^\n]* want_id = wanted_id; /* not really comment, but left-over c-junk */ |
| "//"[^\n]* want_id = wanted_id; if(!no_preprocess) parser_warning("Found comments after preprocessing, please report"); |
| |
| \n { |
| want_id = wanted_id; |
| line_number++; |
| char_number = 1; |
| if(want_nl) |
| { |
| want_nl = 0; |
| return tNL; |
| } |
| } |
| {ws}+ want_id = wanted_id; /* Eat whitespace */ |
| |
| <INITIAL>. return yytext[0]; |
| |
| <<EOF>> { |
| if(YY_START == pp_strips || YY_START == pp_stripe || YY_START == pp_stripp || YY_START == pp_stripp_final) |
| parser_error("Unexpected end of file during c-junk scanning (started at %d)", cjunk_tagline); |
| else |
| yyterminate(); |
| } |
| |
| <*>.|\n { |
| /* Catch all rule to find any unmatched text */ |
| if(*yytext == '\n') |
| { |
| line_number++; |
| char_number = 1; |
| } |
| parser_warning("Unmatched text '%c' (0x%02x) YY_START=%d stripslevel=%d", |
| isprint(*yytext & 0xff) ? *yytext : '.', *yytext, YY_START,stripslevel); |
| } |
| |
| %% |
| |
| #ifndef parser_wrap |
| int parser_wrap(void) |
| { |
| #if 0 |
| if(bufferstackidx > 0) |
| { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| #endif |
| return 1; |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| /* These dup functions copy the enclosed '\0' from |
| * the resource string. |
| */ |
| static void addcchar(char c) |
| { |
| if(cbufidx >= cbufalloc) |
| { |
| cbufalloc += 1024; |
| cbuffer = xrealloc(cbuffer, cbufalloc * sizeof(cbuffer[0])); |
| if(cbufalloc > 65536) |
| parser_warning("Reallocating string buffer larger than 64kB"); |
| } |
| cbuffer[cbufidx++] = c; |
| } |
| |
| static void addwchar(WCHAR s) |
| { |
| if(wbufidx >= wbufalloc) |
| { |
| wbufalloc += 1024; |
| wbuffer = xrealloc(wbuffer, wbufalloc * sizeof(wbuffer[0])); |
| if(wbufalloc > 65536) |
| parser_warning("Reallocating wide string buffer larger than 64kB"); |
| } |
| wbuffer[wbufidx++] = s; |
| } |
| |
| static string_t *get_buffered_cstring(void) |
| { |
| string_t *str = new_string(); |
| |
| str->size = cbufidx; |
| str->type = str_char; |
| str->str.cstr = xmalloc(cbufidx+1); |
| memcpy(str->str.cstr, cbuffer, cbufidx); |
| str->str.cstr[cbufidx] = '\0'; |
| |
| if (!current_codepage || current_codepage == -1 || !win32) /* store as ANSI string */ |
| { |
| if (!current_codepage) parser_error("Codepage set to Unicode only, cannot use ASCII string here"); |
| return str; |
| } |
| else /* convert to Unicode before storing */ |
| { |
| string_t *str_w = convert_string( str, str_unicode, current_codepage ); |
| if (!check_unicode_conversion( str, str_w, current_codepage )) |
| parser_error("String %s does not convert identically to Unicode and back in codepage %d. " |
| "Try using a Unicode string instead.", str->str.cstr, current_codepage ); |
| free_string( str ); |
| return str_w; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static string_t *get_buffered_wstring(void) |
| { |
| string_t *str = new_string(); |
| str->size = wbufidx; |
| str->type = str_unicode; |
| str->str.wstr = xmalloc((wbufidx+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); |
| memcpy(str->str.wstr, wbuffer, wbufidx*sizeof(WCHAR)); |
| str->str.wstr[wbufidx] = 0; |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| static string_t *make_string(char *s) |
| { |
| string_t *str = new_string(); |
| str->size = strlen(s); |
| str->type = str_char; |
| str->str.cstr = xmalloc(str->size+1); |
| memcpy(str->str.cstr, s, str->size+1); |
| return str; |
| } |