| # Global rules shared by all makefiles -*-Makefile-*- |
| # |
| # Each individual makefile must define the following variables: |
| # TOPSRCDIR : top-level source directory |
| # TOPOBJDIR : top-level object directory |
| # SRCDIR : source directory for this module |
| # MODULE : name of the module being built |
| # |
| # Each individual makefile may define the following additional variables: |
| # C_SRCS : C sources for the module |
| # ASM_SRCS : assembly sources |
| # GEN_C_SRCS : generated C files |
| # GEN_ASM_SRCS : generated assembly sources |
| # RC_SRCS : resource source files |
| # SPEC_SRCS : interface definition files |
| # GLUE : C sources for which glue code needs to be generated |
| # EXTRA_SRCS : extra source files for make depend |
| # EXTRA_OBJS : extra object files |
| # SUBDIRS : subdirectories that contain a Makefile |
| # EXTRASUBDIRS : subdirectories that do not contain a Makefile |
| |
| # First some useful definitions |
| |
| SHELL = /bin/sh |
| CC = @CC@ |
| CPP = @CPP@ |
| X_LIBS = @X_LIBS@ |
| LIBS = @LIBS@ |
| YACC = @YACC@ |
| LEX = @LEX@ |
| LN_S = @LN_S@ |
| DIVINCL = -I$(SRCDIR) -I. -I$(TOPSRCDIR)/include -I$(TOPOBJDIR)/include |
| LDCOMBINE = ld -r |
| AR = ar rc |
| RM = rm -f |
| MV = mv |
| MKDIR = mkdir -p |
| C2MAN = @C2MAN@ |
| MANSPECS = -w $(TOPSRCDIR)/dlls/gdi/gdi32.spec \ |
| -w $(TOPSRCDIR)/dlls/user/user32.spec \ |
| -w $(TOPSRCDIR)/dlls/comctl32/comctl32.spec \ |
| -w $(TOPSRCDIR)/dlls/comdlg32/comdlg32.spec \ |
| -w $(TOPSRCDIR)/dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec |
| LINT = @LINT@ |
| WINAPI_CHECK = $(TOPSRCDIR)/tools/winapi_check/winapi_check |
| WINEBUILD = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/winebuild/winebuild |
| MAKEDEP = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/makedep |
| WRC = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wrc/wrc |
| WMC = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wmc/wmc |
| DLLDIR = $(TOPOBJDIR)/dlls |
| @SET_MAKE@ |
| |
| # Installation infos |
| |
| prefix = @prefix@ |
| exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ |
| bindir = @bindir@ |
| libdir = @libdir@ |
| infodir = @infodir@ |
| mandir = @mandir@ |
| prog_manext = 1 |
| conf_manext = 5 |
| includedir = @includedir@/wine |
| CLEAN_FILES = *.o *.a *.so *.ln \\\#*\\\# *~ *% .\\\#* *.bak *.orig *.rej \ |
| *.flc *.spec.c *.glue.c y.tab.c y.tab.h lex.yy.c core |
| |
| OBJS = $(SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.o) $(C_SRCS:.c=.o) $(GEN_C_SRCS:.c=.o) $(GEN_ASM_SRCS:.s=.o) \ |
| $(ASM_SRCS:.S=.o) $(GLUE:.c=.glue.o) $(EXTRA_OBJS) |
| |
| LINTS = $(C_SRCS:.c=.ln) |
| |
| # DLL list |
| |
| X_DLLS = \ |
| ddraw \ |
| @OPENGL32_DLL@ \ |
| x11drv |
| |
| DLLS = \ |
| @X_DLLS@ \ |
| advapi32 \ |
| avifil32 \ |
| comctl32 \ |
| comdlg32 \ |
| crtdll \ |
| dciman32 \ |
| dinput \ |
| dplay \ |
| dplayx \ |
| dsound \ |
| gdi32 \ |
| icmp \ |
| imagehlp \ |
| imm32 \ |
| joystick.drv \ |
| kernel32 \ |
| lz32 \ |
| mcianim.drv \ |
| mciavi.drv \ |
| mcicda.drv \ |
| mciseq.drv \ |
| mciwave.drv \ |
| midimap.drv \ |
| mpr \ |
| msacm.drv \ |
| msacm32 \ |
| msnet32 \ |
| msvfw32 \ |
| odbc32 \ |
| ole32 \ |
| oleaut32 \ |
| olecli32 \ |
| oledlg \ |
| olepro32 \ |
| olesvr32 \ |
| psapi \ |
| rasapi32 \ |
| riched32 \ |
| rpcrt4 \ |
| serialui \ |
| setupapi \ |
| shell32 \ |
| shfolder \ |
| shlwapi \ |
| tapi32 \ |
| ttydrv \ |
| urlmon \ |
| user32 \ |
| version \ |
| w32skrnl \ |
| wineoss.drv \ |
| wineps \ |
| wininet \ |
| winmm \ |
| winspool.drv \ |
| wnaspi32 \ |
| wow32 \ |
| ws2_32 \ |
| wsock32 |
| |
| # Implicit rules |
| |
| .SUFFIXES: .mc .rc .mc.rc .res .spec .spec.c .glue.c |
| |
| .c.o: |
| $(CC) -c $(ALLCFLAGS) -o $*.o $< |
| |
| .s.o: |
| $(AS) -o $*.o $< |
| |
| .S.o: |
| $(CC) -c -o $*.o $< |
| |
| .mc.mc.rc: |
| $(LDPATH) $(WMC) -i -H /dev/null -o $@ $< |
| |
| .rc.res: |
| $(LDPATH) $(WRC) $(WRCFLAGS) $(DIVINCL) -o $@ -r $< |
| |
| .spec.spec.c: |
| $(LDPATH) $(WINEBUILD) @DLLFLAGS@ -L $(DLLDIR) -o $@ -spec $< |
| |
| .c.glue.c: |
| $(LDPATH) $(WINEBUILD) @DLLFLAGS@ -o $@ -glue $< |
| |
| .c.ln: |
| $(LINT) -c $(ALLLINTFLAGS) $< || ( $(RM) $@ && exit 1 ) |
| |
| .PHONY: all install uninstall clean distclean depend dummy |
| |
| # 'all' target first in case the enclosing Makefile didn't define any target |
| |
| all: Makefile |
| |
| # Rule for main module intermediate object |
| |
| $(MODULE).tmp.o: $(OBJS) Makefile.in |
| $(LDCOMBINE) $(OBJS) -o $@ |
| -strip --strip-unneeded $@ |
| |
| # Rule for main module spec file |
| |
| $(MODULE).spec.c: $(MODULE).spec $(RC_SRCS:.rc=.res) $(SYMBOLFILE) $(WINEBUILD) |
| $(LDPATH) $(WINEBUILD) @DLLFLAGS@ -L $(DLLDIR) $(SYMBOLFILE:%=-sym %) -o $@ -spec $(MODULE).spec |
| |
| # Rule to rebuild the resource compiler |
| |
| $(WRC): |
| cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wrc && $(MAKE) wrc |
| |
| # Rule to rebuild the message compiler |
| |
| $(WMC): |
| cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wmc && $(MAKE) wmc |
| |
| # Rule to rebuild the 'makedep' program |
| |
| $(MAKEDEP): |
| cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools && $(MAKE) makedep |
| |
| # Rule to rebuild the 'winebuild' program |
| |
| cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/winebuild && $(MAKE) winebuild |
| |
| # Rules for makefile |
| |
| Makefile: Makefile.in $(TOPSRCDIR)/configure |
| @echo Makefile is older than $?, please rerun $(TOPSRCDIR)/configure |
| @exit 1 |
| |
| # Rules for auto documentation |
| |
| man: $(C_SRCS) |
| for i in $(C_SRCS); do $(C2MAN) -L -o $(TOPOBJDIR)/documentation/man3w -S3w $(DIVINCL) -D__WINE__ $(MANSPECS) $$i; done |
| |
| doc-html: $(C_SRCS) |
| for i in $(C_SRCS); do $(C2MAN) -L -o $(TOPOBJDIR)/documentation/html -Th -iwindows.h $(DIVINCL) -D__WINE__ $(MANSPECS) $$i; done |
| |
| # Rule for linting |
| |
| $(MODULE).ln : $(LINTS) |
| if test "$(LINTS)" ; \ |
| then \ |
| $(MV) llib-l$(MODULE).ln $(MODULE).ln ; \ |
| else \ |
| $(LINT) $(ALLLINTFLAGS) -C$(MODULE) /dev/null ; \ |
| fi |
| |
| lint:: $(MODULE).ln |
| |
| # Rules for Windows API checking |
| |
| winapi_check:: |
| |
| # Rules for dependencies |
| |
| $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__depend__): $(MAKEDEP) dummy |
| cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) depend |
| |
| depend: $(MAKEDEP) $(GEN_C_SRCS) $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__depend__) |
| |
| # Rules for cleaning |
| |
| $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__): dummy |
| cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) clean |
| |
| $(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__): dummy |
| -cd `dirname $@` && $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES) |
| |
| clean:: $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__) $(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__) |
| $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(GEN_C_SRCS) $(GEN_ASM_SRCS) $(RC_SRCS:.rc=.res) $(MC_SRCS:.mc=.mc.rc) $(PROGRAMS) |
| |
| # Rules for installing |
| |
| $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__install__): dummy |
| cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) install |
| |
| $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__uninstall__): dummy |
| cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) uninstall |
| |
| # Misc. rules |
| |
| $(SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.c): $(WINEBUILD) $(TOPSRCDIR)/include/builtin16.h |
| |
| $(GLUE:.c=.glue.c): $(WINEBUILD) $(TOPSRCDIR)/include/builtin16.h |
| |
| $(RC_SRCS:.rc=.res): $(WRC) |
| |
| $(MC_SRCS:.mc=.mc.rc): $(WMC) |
| |
| $(SUBDIRS): dummy |
| @cd $@ && $(MAKE) |
| |
| dummy: |
| |
| # End of global rules |