Release 980927
Release 980927

Sun Sep 27 14:25:38 1998  Petter Reinholdtsen <>

	* [files/drive.c]
	Make sure GetDriveType32A() handles param NULL.  Added some
	doc on function.

Sun Sep 27 14:07:26 1998  Huw D M Davies <>

	* [controls/edit.c] [windows/win.c]
	Don't call SetWindowLong() in EDIT_WM_NCREATE.
	Fix SetWindowLong(GWL_[EX]STYLE) to work for 16bit windows. Remove
	UpdateWindow() call. 

Sun Sep 27 13:41:22 1998  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [scheduler/*.c] [server/event.c] [server/mutex.c]
	Implemented server-side synchronisation objects.

Sun Sep 27 01:13:35 1998  Alex Priem <>

	* [dlls/comctl32/treeview.c] [include/treeview.h] [include/comctl.h]
	Treeview implementation.

	* [dlls/comctl32/trackbar.c] [include/trackbar.h] 
	Trackbar implementation.

Sat Sep 26 20:49:13 1998  Ulrich Weigand <>

	* [if1632/thunk.c] [tools/build.c] [win32/kernel32.c]
	Bugfix: several problems with flat thunks fixed.

	* [memory/selector.c]
	Bugfix: IsBad...Ptr16 didn't work for limit_in_pages segments.

	* [scheduler/thread.c]
	Bugfix: CreateThread: Allow id parameter == NULL.

	* [objects/gdiobj.c]
	Bugfix: IsGDIObject: Return correct object type for stock objects.

	* [msdos/dpmi.c]
	Bugfix: fixed typo in INT_DoRealModeInt.

	* [msdos/int21.c]
	Bugfix: int21 READ *must* use WIN16_hread, not _hread16.

	* [if1632/kernel.spec] [if1632/dummy.c] [if1632/thunk.c]
	  [loader/ne/module.c] [scheduler/event.c] [scheduler/synchro.c]
	  [scheduler/thread.c] [win32/kernel32.c] [win32/ordinals.c]
	Added names/stubs for all undocumented KERNEL routines (Win95).
	Added the following undoc. 16-bit equivalents to Win32 routines:
	Added stubs for some other KERNEL routines.

	* [memory/heap.c] [memory/global.c] [include/global.h]
	Implemented Local32... 32-bit local heap routines (KERNEL.208-215, 229).

	* [miscemu/instr.c] [loader/module.c] [include/module.h]
	Implemented __GP fault handling and HasGPHandler (KERNEL.338).

	* [misc/error.c]
	Implemented LogParamErrorRegs (KERNEL.327).

	* [loader/task.c] [include/windows.h]
	Implemented GetCodeInfo (KERNEL.104).

	* [loader/task.c] [scheduler/thread.c] [include/thread.h]
	Implemented [GS]etThreadQueue and [GS]etFastQueue (KERNEL.463/4, 624/5).

	* [if1632/gdi.spec] [objects/dc.c] [objects/dib.c]
	  [objects/bitmap.c] [include/windows.h]
	Bugfix: fixed wrong parameter for CreateDIBSection16.
	Added [GS]etDIBColorTable16, stub for GetBoundsRect16.
	Partially implemented BITMAP_GetObject16 for DIBs.

	* [if1632/gdi.spec] [relay32/gdi32.spec] [objects/palette.c]
	Added some GDI stubs.

	* [if1632/] [if1632/display.spec] [if1632/mouse.spec]
	  [if1632/keyboard.spec] [if1632/builtin.c] [windows/keyboard.c]
	Added some stubs for Win16 drivers: KEYBOARD, MOUSE, DISPLAY.

	* [if1632/wprocs.spec] [msdos/vxd.c]
	Added some stubs for VxDs: VMM, ConfigMG, TimerAPI.

	* [msdos/int2f.c]
	Added some stubs for real-mode network drivers.

Sat Sep 26 18:18:18 1998  Marcus Meissner <>

	* []
	Merged in some more of the FreeBSD ports/emulators/wine patches. 
	(Maintainer(s) of this port: You can just submit these
	patches to Alexandre directly.)

	 * [loader/pe_image.c]
	Check filesize of image against size derived from header
	to spot truncated executeables without crashing.

	* [files/directory.c]
	Set envvar "COMSPEC". One win32(!!) program crashes without it.

	* [multimedia/mmio.c]
	Added mmioSetInfo32.

	* [include/file.h]
	Return STD_ERROR_HANDLE for AUX and PRT dos handles.

	* [loader/module.c]
	Handle executeables with spaces in their names a bit better in

	* [relay32/msvfw32.spec][if1632/msvideo.spec][multimedia/msvideo.c][include/vfw.h]
	Started on MS Video support (can load Win32 ICMs).

	* [tools/testrun]
	A bit smarter use of ps.

	* [memory/virtual.c]
	Report PAGE_GUARDed pages as PAGE_PROTECTED (AutoCAD LT R17 fails
	without that check (since Win95 doesn't know about PAGE_GUARD)).

Sat Sep 26 15:04:05 1998  Ove Kaaven <>

	* [include/miscemu.h] [if1632/builtin.c] [loader/task.c]
	  [miscemu/instr.c] [msdos/dpmi.c] [msdos/int21.c]
	  [msdos/interrupts.c] [windows/user.c]
	INT_[S|G]etHandler was renamed to INT_[S|G]etPMHandler.
	Added handlers to deal with real-mode interrupts; DOS
	programs are now able to hook real-mode interrupts.

	* [loader/dos/module.c] [msdos/dosmem.c] [msdos/int21.c]
	Moved real-mode interrupt table initialization to
	msdos/dosmem.c, and made new V86 tasks get a full copy
	of the existing "system memory" instead of almost empty
	space. Misc fixes.

	* [include/dosexe.h] [loader/dos/module.c] [msdos/dpmi.c]
	First shot at letting DOS programs start up DPMI (but DPMI
	is still disabled for DOS programs, for pkunzip's sake).

	* [include/debugger.h] [debugger/break.c] [debugger/dbg.y]
	  [debugger/registers.c] [debugger/memory.c] [debugger/info.c]
	First shot at making Wine's debugger work for DOS programs.
	The -debug flag works, as do "nexti" and "stepi".

Sat Sep 26 13:13:13 1998  Juergen Schmied <>

	* [dlls/shell32/dataobject.c]
	New classes IEnumFORMATETC implemented, IDataObject stubs.
	* [dlls/shell32/*.*][relay32/shell32.spec]
	New: ICM_InsertItem(), ILCreateFromPath().
	Implemented: ILCloneFirst().
	Stubs: ILIsEqual(), ILFindChild(), SHLogILFromFSIL(),
	  PathMatchSpec(), PathIsExe().
	Changed: ILGetSize(), _ILIsDesktop(), PathCombine().

	* [include/shlobj.h]
	New interfaces: IEnumFORMATETC, IDataObject, ICommDlgBrowser
	IDockingWindowFrame, IServiceProvider.

	* [dlls/shell32/folders.c]
	Stubs for IShellLink.

	* [loader/resource.c]
	Small fixes.

	* [misc/crtdll.c][relay32/crtdll.spec]
	New __dllonexit().

	* [windows/message.c]
	SendNotifyMessageA, SendMessageCallBack32A half implemented.

	* [controls/edit.c]
	EDIT_WM_SetText set EF_UPDATE flag not for ES_MULTILINE.

	* [files/file.c]
	Handling of fileposition fixed.

Fri Sep 25 18:13:30 1998  Patrik Stridvall <>

	* [include/windows.h] [include/wintypes.h]
	  [ole/ole2nls.h] [relay32/kernel32.spec]
	Implemented EnumDateFormats and EnumTimeFormats.
	Only adds US English support.

	* [] [] 
	  [dlls/] [dlls/psapi/] 
	New files to implement stubs for PSAPI.DLL (NT only).

	* [relay32/] [relay32/builtin32.c] 
	New spec file for PSAPI.DLL (NT only).

	* [scheduler/handle.c]
	HANDLE_GetObjPtr should only interpret the pseudo handles as the
	current thread or the current process if a thread or a process is

	* [include/winversion.h] [misc/version.c]
	Adds the global function VERSION_GetVersion() so functions can
	have different behavior depending on the -winver flag.

	* [include/oledlg.h] [ole/oledlg.c]
	Minor fixes. 

	* [windows/winproc.c]
	Minor changes.

	* [include/imm.h] [misc/imm.c]
	Now returns correct values under both Windows 95 and NT 4.0.

Thu Sep 24 22:11:44 1998  Kristian Nielsen  <>

	* [] [include/acconfig.h] [include/thread.h]
	Autoconfig test for non-reentrant libc.

Wed Sep 23 19:52:12 1998  Matthew Becker <>

	* [*/*.c]
	Miscellaneous documentation updates and debugging output 

	* [objects/clipping.c]
	Added ExtSelectClipRgn.

Wed Sep 23 00:03:28 EDT 1998  Pete Ratzlaff <>

	* [include/windows.h] [if1632/user.spec] [relay32/user32.spec]
	Added, marginally implemented, GetKeyboardLayoutName().
	Only returns US English keyboard name.

Tue Sep 22 16:32:41 1998  Marcel Baur <>

	* [programs/control/*]
	New Winelib application.

Mon Sep 21 00:29:18 1998  Peter Hunnisett <>

	* [include/dplay.h][multimedia/dplay.c][ole/compobj.c]
	Added all DirectPlayLobby interfaces and enhanced DirectPlay
	and DirectPlayLobby support. Still not all that much. Useful
	enough if you just need to start a program, don't try any
	real dplay/lobby stuff.

	* [documentation/status/directplay]
	Added a very little bit.

	* [graphics/ddraw.c]
	- Call to SetWindowLong32A wasn't working because there was no
	  memory set aside when the window class was registered.
	- Fixed some xlib reference counting and change the behaviour
	  of DirectDrawSurface3_SetPalette to mimic observed behaviour
	  (palette is associated will all backbuffers)
	- Also stored all palette colour fields and spit back our saved
	  colour fields rather than query X for them.
	- Added plenty of AddRef and Release traces.
	- Added Xlib support for using -desktop option.
	- Fixed Xlib message handling. Messages weren't being passed to
	  the application. Fixes mouse movements in some xlib DDraw games.
	- Added a few stubs.

	* [windows/win.c][include/winerror.h]
	Fixed up some error handling in WIN_SetWindowLong. SetLastError
	wasn't being used. Could cause problems with 0 return codes.
	Added new error in winerror (1400).

	* [AUTHORS] [include/authors.h]
	Added myself as a Wine author.

Sun Sep 20 21:22:44 1998  Alexander Larsson  <>

	* [loader/module.c]
	Changed GetModuleFileName32A so that is returns the
	long version of the filename. Note that just the name
	is long, not the directories.

Sat Sep 19 20:05:30 1998 Per Ångström <> 

	* [controls/menu.c]
	Made a couple of fixes to make life easier for applications that alter
	their menus at runtime.

	* [windows/defdlg.c]
	Removed the cast of the return value from dialog procedures to a 16-bit
	bool. The return value needs to retain all its 32 bits, since it is not 
	always a bool, such as when responding to the WM_NCHITTEST message.

Fri Sep 18 11:30:38 1998  Sergey Turchanov <>

	* [loader/resource.c]
	Fixed very funny bug (though gravely affecting further excecution)
	with FindResource[Ex]32 functions.

	* [include/multimon.h] [windows/multimon.c] [relay32/user32.spec]
	  [include/windows.h] [windows/sysmetrics.c]
	Default implementation for Multimonitor API.

	* [include/windows.h] [windows/winpos.c]
	Fixed incorrect declaration (and behaviour) of GetWindowRect32.

Wed Sep 16 10:21:15 1998  Gerard Patel <>

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Fixed EDIT_EM_GetLine to use correctly length of lines.

Tue Sep 15 20:40:16 1998  Eric Kohl <>

	* [misc/tweak.c][include/tweak.h][controls/menu.c]
	Replaced the tweak graphic routines by calls to DrawEdge32().

	* [misc/tweak.c][include/tweak.h][documentation/win95look]
	Changed "look and feel" selection. Allows Win3.1, Win95 and
	Win98 (no GUI code implemented) look and feel.

	* [dlls/comctl32/header.c][include/header.h][include/commctrl.h]
	Started callback item support and did some minor improvements.

	* [dlls/comctl32/imagelist.c]
	Fixed bug in transparent image display.
	ImageList_GetIcon is still buggy :-(

	* [dlls/comctl32/toolbar.c]
	Fixed button drawing (partial hack).

	* [dlls/comctl32/commctrl.c]
	Fixed MenuHelp().

	* [controls/button.c]
	Added 3d effect for groupbox.

	* [windows/msgbox.c]
	Added font support for message boxes.

	* [windows/nonclient.c]
	Fixed window moving bug.

	* [dlls/comctl32/*.c]
	Various improvements.

	* [dlls/comctl32/listview.c][dlls/comctl32/rebar.c]
	More messages.

	* [windows/syscolor.c][include/windows.h]
	Introduced new Win98 system colors.

Tue Sep 15 18:29:45 1998 Wesley Filardo <>

	* [files/profile.c]
	Added support in PROFILE_LoadWineIni for -config option

	* [misc/main.c] [include/options.h]
	Added -config option.

Tue Sep 15 18:22:26 1998  Petter Reinholdtsen <>

	* [documentation/]
	Make sure directory exists before installing into it.

Tue Sep 15 01:47:33 1998  Pablo Saratxaga <>

	* [ole/nls/*] [ole/ole2nls.c] [include/winnls.h]
	Fixed a few errors and completed some NLS files.

Mon Sep 14 01:23:45 1998  Joseph Pranevich <>

	* [include/miscemu.h] [msdos/interrupts.c]
	Removed a compilation warning, added INT 25 to the list of interrupts
	callable from DOS applications, added a debug message when unsupported
	interrupts are used.

Sun Sep 13 19:55:22 1998  Lawson Whitney <>

	* [if1632/relay.c]
	CallProcEx32W should not reverse arguments.

Sun Aug 17 21:18:12 1998  Eric Pouech  <>

	* [multimedia/midi.c] [multimedia/init.c] [multimedia/mmsys.c] 
	  [include/multimedia.h] [include/mmsystem.h] 
	  [multimedia/] [multimedia/midipatch.c]
	Made MIDI input and output functional on OSS capable systems.

	* [multimedia/timer.c]
	Changes to trigger callbacks at the accurate pace even when
	fake timers are used.
355 files changed