Release 980726
Release 980726

Sat Jul 25 19:45:45 1998  Juergen Schmied <>

	* [include/shlobj.h][misc/shell.c][misc/shellord.c][ole/folders.c]
	Added SHFILEOPSTRUCT32[A|W] and constants, prototypes.
	Implemented SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, SHGetPathFromIDList32[A].
	Many IShellFolder, pidl, shell -related changes.

	SHChangeNotifyRegister, SHChangeNotifyDeregister,
	SHShellFolderView_Message, SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex,
	SHAddToRecentDocs32, SHFileOperation, SHChangeNotify, 
	SHCreateShellFolderViewEx stubs.

Sat Jul 25 17:16:25 1998  Huw D M Davies <>

	* [files/profile.c]
	Fix return value of PROFILE_GetSection().

Fri Jul 24 22:45:19 1998  Ove Kaaven <>

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Killed the modified flag on WM_SETTEXT. Eudora should no longer
	bother asking whether you want to save an unchanged message.

Fri Jul 24 21:21:35 1998  Andreas Mohr <>

	* [controls/menu.c]
	Fixed bug in GetMenuState32.
	Doesn't fix Free Agent 32 :((

	* [documentation/debugging]
	Hints added.

	* [files/dos_fs.c] [include/msdos.h] [msdos/int21.c]
	Enhanced DOS device support.

	* [if1632/] [if1632/builtin.c] [if1632/rasapi16.spec]
	  [relay32/] [relay32/builtin32.c] [relay32/rasapi32.spec]
	Added RASAPI16/32.DLL.

	* [misc/aspi.c] [relay32/wnaspi32.spec]
	Implemented GetASPI32SupportInfo.

	* [multimedia/mmsystem.c]
	Implemented mmTaskCreate.

Fri Jul 24 20:55:31 1998  Eric Kohl <>

	* [controls/toolbar.c]
	Fixed some bugs and added new features.

	* [controls/tooltips.c][include/tooltips.h]
	Added more messages and started display code.

	* [misc/shell.c][misc/shellord.c][relay32/shell.spec]
	Fixed StrToOleStrN (SHELL32_79) and added OleStrToStrN (SHELL32_78).
	Added some new stubs.

	* [objects/cursoricon.c][misc/imagelist.c][include/windows.h]
	Fixed GetIconInfo and removed the GetIconInfo hack from the
	image list code.

	* [controls/pager.c][include/pager.h][controls/treeview.c]
	Added some messages.

	* [misc/tweak.c][winows/nonclient.c][documentation/win95look]
	Removed unused tweak variables.

	* [documentation/common_controls]

Fri Jul 24 18:36:32 1998  James Moody <>

	* [objects/font.c]
	Fixed a bug in GetTextFace.

Fri Jul 24 17:09:33 1998  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [misc/commdlg.c]
	Fixed stacksmashing bug due to invalid specified function

	* [files/dos_fs.c]
	Small change in case handling... be able to create files with
	uppercase in them (like Program Files/).

	* [graphics/ddraw.c]
	XF86DGA support made threadsafe, added more Xlib dependent stuff
	(create Window using CreateWindow(), draw into it). xlib support
	is not satisfying.

	* [scheduler/critsection.c]
	Don't recurse on HeapLock with semaphore id 0.

	* [win32/user32.c][windows/message.c][windows/event.c]
	Moved win32 *Message functions where they belong.
	Removed some potential races between XPending and XNextEvent by
	a bit more locking.

Fri Jul 24 13:58:19 1998  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [loader/pe_image.c] [loader/ne/segment.c]
	Use bogus pointer value instead of NULL for unresolved externals.

	* [memory/selector.c]
	Clear saved_fs on selector free.

	* [msdos/cdrom.c] []
	Added check for linux/ucdrom.h.

	* [scheduler/client.c] [server/socket.c]
	Fix for missing struct cmsghdr.
	Attempt to support msg_accrights fd passing (completely untested).

	* [windows/event.c]
	Do not grab the pointer in SetCapture (Win32 behavior).

Tue Jul 21 22:28:13 1998  James Juran  <>

	* []
	Changed $(MKDIR) macro to use -p option (make parent directories
	if they don't already exist.  This fixes an error in 'make install'
	if /usr/local/include doesn't already exist.

Tue Jul 21 13:37:04 Rein Klazes <>

	* [include/heap.h]
	Replaced macro SEGPTR_GET by inline function to avoid *lots*
	of wrong use of this macro.

	* [relay32/comdlg32.spec]
	Corrected GetSaveFileNameW entry.

	* [relay32/advapi32.spec] [win32/advapi.c]
	  [relay32/ole32.spec] [ ole/moniker.c]
	Added stubs for SetFileSecurity[AW] and CreateFileMoniker32

	* [graphics/x11drv/graphics.c]
	Finished implementation of bezier drawing code.

Tue Jul 21 11:00:51 1998  Claus Fischer <>

	* [files/drive.c]
	Remove label trailing blanks in GetVolumeInformation32A.

	* [documentation/cdrom-labels]
	Added documentation on how to find out a CD-ROM label.

Sun Jul 19 23:16:41 1998  Pascal Cuoq <>

	* [include/windows.h]
	Added some DM_* and DISP_CHANGE_* flags.

	* [relay32/user32.spec] [windows/user.c]
	Added stub for ChangeDisplaySettingA.

	* [ole/ole2nls.c]
	is_punctuation: reuse information from another table.

Sun Jul 19 22:04:46 1998  Douglas Ridgway  <>

	* []
	Updated automatic documentation rules.

	* [graphics/path.c] [misc/aspi.c] [misc/ntdll.c] [misc/winsock_dns.c]
	[ole/ole2dsp.c] [relay32/user32.spec]
	Comment format futzing to keep c2man happy.

	* [documentation/README.documentation]
	Updated description of automatic documentation.

Wed Jul 15 19:10:09 1998   Andrew M. Bishop <>

	* [files/profile.c]
	Cache the 10 most recently used .ini files.

Tue May 20 19:20:23 1997  Pablo Saratxaga <>

	* [misc/commdlg.c]
	Makes PrintDlg32A() return TRUE even if it is an empty
	stub, so most programs are happy and run anyway instead of
	aborting at startup.

	* [graphics/x11drv/xfont.c]
	Increased the maximum font families as (X11) font aliases
	eated up a lot of families causing wine to stop reading fonts.
155 files changed