Release 980517
Release 980517

Sun May 17 16:23:56 1998  Uwe Bonnes <>

	* [file/profile.c]
	Fix the return value of PROFILE_GetSection

	* [misc/crtdll.c]
	Do _getdrive, fix _chdrive.

	* [misc/commdlg.c]
	First cut at ChooseColor[WA].

	* [misc/network.c]
	Do something sensible for WNetGetDirectoryType16.

Sun May 17 10:21:35 1998  Andreas Mohr <>

	* [controls/menu.c]
	Fixed disabled sub menus with MF_BYPOSITION that were not disabled.

	* [misc/crtdll.c] [relay32/crtdll.spec] [include/winerror.h]
	Implemented fscanf, fsetpos, _access, _fpreset (thanks to Uwe Bonnes),
	and _ltoa. 

	* [loader/task.c]
	MakeProcInstance: must use CURRENT_DS if hInst == NULL.

	* [misc/shell.c]
	SHELL_GetResourceTable, InternalExtractIcon: fixed broken .ICO handling

	* [windows/winpos.c]
	DeferWindowPos: removed "same parent" requirement.
	Which doc states that this is required ?

Sat May 16 20:08:11 1998  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [loader/module.c] [loader/ne/module.c]
	More NE module cleanups.

	* [loader/task.c]
	Fixed SwitchStackBack().

Fri May 15 10:04:27 1998  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [][inlcude/acconfig.h]
	Fixed broken OSS check, added check for working sigaltstack,
	fixed broken statfs checks on some linux systems.

	* [files/directory.c][loader/pe_image.c][relay32/builtin.c]
	Added handling of win32 module pathnames.

	* [relay32/wnaspi32.spec]
	New file.

	* [misc/lzexpand.c]
	LZCopy auto-decompresses LZ compressed files, even if they are not
	specially flagged. Fixes some InstallShield problems.

	* [misc/registry.c]
	Some fixes for RegQueryInfoKey (reference program monkey.exe
	from Win32 SDK works now better). Probably still has faults.

Fri May 15 08:58:58 1998  Martin Boehme <>

	* [graphics/mapping.c] [include/dc.h] [include/gdi.h] [objects/dc.c]
	Reworked the way world transformations and mapping modes are handled
	so that both of these transformations can be computed in a single

	* [graphics/painting.c] [graphics/path.c] [include/path.h]
	More GDI path support.

	* [graphics/x11drv/graphics.c]
	Fixed the return value of GRAPH_DrawArc for the zero height /
	zero width case to reflect Windows' behaviour.

	* [include/windows.h] [relay32/gdi32.spec] [objects/dc.c]
	Implemented ModifyWorldTransform and CombineTransform.

Tue May 14 18:03:46 1998  Eric Kohl <>

	* [controls/commctrl.c][relay32/comctl32.spec]
	Implemented InitCommonControlsEx (dll version 4.72 compatible).
	InitCommonControls calls ImageCommonControlsEx.
	Registering code of the common controls had to be changed
	(see XXXX_Register functions).

	* [controls/status.c][include/commctrl.h][include/status.h]
	Implemented most new features and fixed the look and feel.

	* [contols/commctrl.c][include/commctrl.h][relay32/comctl32.spec]
	Implemented MenuHelp (incomplete).

	* [controls/status.c][controls/progress.c]
	Changed allocation strategy for control specific memory.

	* [controls/header.c][include/header.h][include/commctrl.h]
	First implementation of header control.

	* [windows/defwnd.c][windows/syscolors.c]
	Fixed default control colors for Win95 look.

	* [windows/nonclient.c]
	Fixed off by one error for Win95 look. Top border of child windows
	should be visible.

	* [misc/imagelist.h]
	Improved documentation and fixed some bugs.

Thu May 14 15:42:21 1998  Robert Wilhelm  <>

	* [relay32/crtdll.spec]
	Added hypot,j0,j1,jn and ceil.

Wed May 13 19:10:10 1998  Pascal Cuoq <>

	* [controls/listbox.c]
	Item height is now exactly font height.
	Wine listboxes now behave like Windows' when they are 
	created without WS_VSCROLL but the program subsequently 
	calls ShowScrollBar or SetScrollInfo.

Wed May 13 18:33:01 1998  Ulrich Weigand <>

	* [relay32/relay386.c]
	Restore ES also in the non-debug case.

	* [windows/event.c]
	Bugfix: Blocking TSXNextEvent could deadlock Wine.

	* [win32/process.c] [windows/message.c]
	Silly stubs for MsgWaitForMultipleObjects / PostThreadMessage
	that make some programs run better.

	* [windows/winproc.c]
	WINPROC_MapMsg32Ato16/16To32A: added WM_NOTIFY.  

        * [win32/kernel32.c]
	Added 16->32 thunking and improved 32->16 thunking functions.

	* [tools/build.c]
	Added new variant of CallFrom16 stub for use with Win95 thunks.

	* [if1632/kernel.spec] [if1632/builtin.c] [win32/kernel32.c]
	Added a few undocumented KERNEL functions.

	* [loader/ne/module.c] [loader/ne/segment.c]
	Call DllEntryPoint for 16-bit DLLs with subsystem >= 4.0.

	* [win32/kernel32.spec] [win32/wow32.spec] [win32/ordinals.c]
	Use names from the Oct 94 beta release for undoc. functions.

Wed May 13 14:18:26 1998  Matthew Becker <>

	* [misc/registry.c]
	Code cleanup.

	* [misc/cpu.c]
	Commented out the registry puts temporarily.

	* [programs/regtest/*]
	New registry testing program.

Tue May 12 22:54:03 1998  Michael Mess <>

	* [multimedia/audio.c]
	ioctl's do not commute in /dev/dsp initialization.

Tue May 12 20:11:42 1998  Karl Garrison <>

	* [win32/console.c]
	Implemented SetConsoleTextAttribute, FillConsoleOutputCharacter.
	Improved cursor positioning.
	This allows for text colors in an xterm, rxvt, or console.

Tue May 12 17:57:52 1998  Petter Reinholdtsen <>

	* []
	Create prefix/{bin|lib} directories if missing during install.

Sun May 10 19:37:51 1998  Jan Willamowius <>

	* [multimedia/mmio.c]
	Have mmioSetBuffer return success (0), so Corel Draw 4
	keeps working. (IO is still unbuffered)

Wed May  6 16:57:55 1998  James Juran <>

        * [] []
	Changed "make clean" to remove `textedit` backup files (*%)

	* [controls/menu.c][graphics/x11drv/xfont.c][include/libres.h]
	Fixed miscellaneous compilation warnings.

	* [misc/main.c][miscemu/main.c][include/main.h]
	Moved prototypes to new include file main.h, various cleanups.

Tue May  5 21:05:06 1998  Morten Welinder  <>

	* [misc/winsock.c]
	Don't refer to __FreeBSD__ when HAVE_STRERROR is meant.

	* [misc/debugstr.c]
	For debug_dumpstrSend, send strings to stderr.

Tue May  5 21:47:40 1998  Huw D M Davies <>

	* [objects/region.c]
	Fix for REGION_RegionOp() if newReg is one of the source regions.

Tue May  5 18:27:32 1998  Jim Peterson <>

	* [misc/main.c]
	Add '-h/-help' option and print WINE_RELEASE_INFO with usage message.

	* [misc/spy.c]
	Realign trace messages.

Tue May  5 15:46:47 1998  Donnie V. Savage <>

	* [graphics/ddraw.c]
	Fixed compile warnings

	* [misc/winsock.c]
	Warnings should not be errors.

Tue May  5 13:40:42 1998  Jim Peterson <>

	* [*/*]
	Remove many warnings through explicit casts, added #include's,
	and corrected printf formats.

Tue May  5 05:18:12 1998  Insomnia (Stea Greene) <>

	* [graphics/ddraw.c]
	Kept unchanged portion of old palette when changing only a few
	palette entries.  Really should only deallocate the changed cells.
	This make StarCraft work almost perfectly (sound overflows still
	cause static).

Mon May  4 15:04:57 1998  Alexander V. Lukyanov <>

	* [misc/lstr.c]
	FormatMessage: terminate string on %0, undo linefeed strip.
156 files changed