Release 971130
Release 971130

Sat Nov 29 12:35:26 1997  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [if1632/builtin.c]
	Build a complete PE header for builtin Win32 modules.

	* [loader/pe_image.c] [loader/module.c]
	HMODULE32 now points to the loading address of the module. There
	is no longer a separate PE_MODULE structure.

Fri Nov 28 11:21:47 1997  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [ole/*][][][include/interfaces.h]
	New directory, moved OLE stuff there.
	new .spec files for olecli32,olesvr32, some stubs added.

	* [misc/shell.c]
	Added support for extracting icons from PE dlls.

	* [misc/shellord.c][if1632/shell32.spec]
	Added a huge heap of ordinal only exported shell functions
	(will work only in Win95).

	* [loader/task.c]
	Hack to make MakeProcInstance16 work in all cases (mplayer.exe).

	* [win32/string32.c][include/string32.h]
	Obsolete, removed.

	* [windows/keyboard.c]
	Added *RegisterHotkey.

	* [objects/font.c][objects/text.c]
	Added GetFontLanguageInfo, GetTextCharsetInfo.

Wed Nov 26 18:10:40 1997  Uwe Bonnes  <>

	* [misc/network.c]
	In WNetGetConnection16 return the Drive label and not the DOS-Cwd.
	Makes Wordview 6 start on a network connected machine.

	* [controls/status.c]
	Catch a Null pointer in SW_SetText.

	* [files/dos_fs.c]
 	Add NT5 functions GetLongPathName32.

	* [files/file.c]
	Make GetTempFileName16 accept drive 0 (Current Drive) too.
	Handle more errors and be more verbose in FILE_SetDosError, fix
	an error in DeleteFile32W

	* [memory/virtual.c]
	Implement FlushViewOfFile.

	* [misc/crtdll]
	Implement _rotl and splitpath and add a stub for 

	* [misc/printdrv.c]
	Stub for EnumPrinters32A.

	* [win32/newfns]
	Add Stub for QueryPerformanceFrequency, change return value
	for QueryPerformanceCounter.
 	Add stub for DeviceIoControl.

Tue Nov 25 15:55:01 1997 Martin Boehme <>

	* [controls/combo.c] [controls/edit.c] [windows/defwnd.c]
	  [windows/winpos.c] [windows/win.c]
	Removed WIN_NO_REDRAW flag.

Tue Nov 25 13:20:35 1997  Douglas Ridgway <>

	* [graphics/x11drv/bitblt.c]
	Fixed memory leak in BITBLT_GetDstArea.

Sun Nov 23 14:05:23 1997  Andreas Mohr <>

	* [files/directory.c]
	Export windows system directory to environment.

	* [if1632/] [if1632/builtin.c] [if1632/w32skrnl.spec]
	  [if1632/win32s16.spec] [misc/w32scomb.c] [misc/w32skrnl.c]
	Added Win32s DLLs W32SKRNL and WIN32S16.

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec] [loader/module.c]
	Added misc functions for Win32s.

	* [if1632/kernel.spec] [loader/task.c]
	Added DefineHandleTable().

	* [scheduler/process.c]
	Fixed SetEnvironmentVariable32A() to avoid heap corruption.

Sat Nov 22 14:11:42 1997  Kristian Nielsen  <>

	* [windows/painting.c]
	Fix leak in BeginPaint16() for CS_PARENTDC windows where the
	update region was not properly released.

Thu Nov 20 03:55:29 1997  Gordon Chaffee <chaffee@CS.Berkeley.EDU>

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	Implemented forwarded DLL functions.

	* [objects/dib.c]
	Added support for 16- and 32-bit mode DIBs.
	Support negative bitmap heights.

	* [win32/process.c]
	Added stub for CreateProcess32W.

	* [win32/security.c] [include/ntdll.h]
	Added stubs for LookupAccountSid32A/W.

	* [scheduler/process.c]
	Use the size specified in the PE header for the process heap.

Mon Nov 17 00:53:35 1997  Len White <>

	* [msdos/int3d.c]
	New file. Stubs for int3d.

Sun Nov 16 12:30:00 PST 1997  Jason Schonberg  <>

	* [include/aspi.h]
	Changed comment style from C++ to C.
124 files changed