Release 961215
Release 961215

Sun Dec 15 16:18:15 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [graphics/x11drv/bitblt.c]
	Fixed BITBLT_StretchImage for partially covered or inverted

	* [objects/dib.c]
	Fixed the upside-down bitmap problem.

Sat Dec 14 02:49:57 1996  Thomas Sandford <>

	* [if1632/user32.spec]
	IsMenu and RemoveMenu added (use existing Win16 functions).

	* [include/windows.h]
	Corrections to BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.

	* [loader/module.c] [if1632/kernel32.spec]
	New function GetModuleFileName32A (heavily based on original
	Win16 version).

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	Hack to allow files with short PE header to be loaded (e.g.
	COMDLG32.DLL from Win32s).

	* [misc/winsock_async.c]
	#if out EIDRM case (not present in FreeBSD).

	* [tools/build.c]
	Remove trailing comments from .s files generated by build
	as these break assembly when not run through pre-processor.

	* [windows/graphics.c] [if1632/gdi32.spec]
	New function Polyline32 - based on original Polyline. Needs
	metafile support adding still.

Fri Dec 13 13:04:06 1996  Bruce Milner <>

	* [win32/findfile.c] [if1632/kernel.spec]
	FindFirstFile32A(): Use dos current directory for drive prefixes.
	FindNextFile32A(): Fill in file attribute information.
	Implement FindFirstFile16, FindNextFile16, FindClose16.

	* [files/drive.c]
	GetCurrentDirectory32A - Fix problem with null 3rd character in

Tue Dec 10 14:49:07 1996  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [windows/painting.c][windows/message.c]
	Don't use linked lists to call SendMessage(), for it might destroy
 	the current listentry.

	* [misc/registry.c]
	Fixed temporary file saving (rename doesn't work across

	* [files/*.c]
	GetFullPathName*,GetDriveType32A fixed, CreateDirectoryEx*,
	GetVolumeInformation32W fixed.

	* [win32/process.c][if1632/kernel.spec][if1632/kernel32.spec]
	LoadLibrary* updated to new naming std., *32W added.

	* [win32/console.c] [include/wincon.h]
	Additions for NT commandline executables.

	* [if1632/advapi32.spec][if1632/kernel32.spec][win32/init.c]	
	GetUserName32W added, GetComputerName32W added,
	GetStartupInfo32W added, GetSystemInfo updated to NT standard.

	* [windows/msgbox.c][misc/shell.c][windows/graphics.c]
	MessageBox32W, ShellAbout32W, CommandLineToArgvW, Polygon32 added.

	* [misc/crtdll.c][include/crtdll.h][if1632/crtdll.spec][misc/ntdll.c]
	Lot of new unicode functions added (needed for NT).

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	NtCurrentTeb added.

Tue Dec 10 22:39:33 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [windows/keyboard.c]
	Rewrote function TranslateAccelerator().

Mon Dec  9 14:52:13 1996  Slaven Rezic  <>

	* [windows/defwnd.c] 
	DEFWND_SetText(): Set icon name.

Sun Dec  8 23:30:00 1996  Alex Korobka <>

	* [loader/signal.c] [misc/winsock.c] [misc/winsock_async.c]
	IPC resource cleanup, bugfixes.

	* [windows/dialog.c] [windows/defdlg.c]
	More DefDlgProc() fixes.

Sun Dec  8 14:01:42 1996  Vadim Strizhevsky  <>

	* [misc/clipboard.c] [objects/font.c] [win32/init.c]
 	  [win32/newfns.c] [windows/graphics.c]
	Added a few WIN32 functions which needed to run some win32
	accessories. Clock should now work almost as well as 16 bit version.
	Add: RegisterClipboardFormat32W GetTextExtentExPoint32*
	     GetModuleHandleW, DisableThreadLibraryCalls (empty stub),
	Fix: Polygon16 possible memory leak on error return.
89 files changed