Release 961102
Release 961102

Sat Nov  2 12:50:40 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [files/dos_fs.c]
	Added long file name mask in DOSFS_FindNext().

	* [loader/pe_image.c] [loader/task.c]
	Moved Win32 task startup into TASK_CallToStart().

	* [objects/dc.c]
	Fixed SetDCState() for memory DC (thanks to Constantine
	Sapuntzakis for spotting this one).

	* [windows/winpos.c]
	Fixed WINPOS_ForceXWindowRaise() to preserve correct Z-order.

	* [*/*]
	Added Win32 version for many graphics functions.

Thu Oct 31 10:00:18 1996  Huw D. M. Davies <>

	* [controls/button.c]
	BUTTON_CheckAutoRadioButton() unchecks only auto radio buttons.

	* [controls/edit.c]
	EM_GETSEL result should have HIWORD(result) >= LOWORD(result); old
	EDIT_EM_GetSel() renamed to EDIT_GetSel(). 

	* [windows/dialog.c]
	DS_LOCALEDIT is a dialog style not an edit style.

	* [windows/winproc.c]
	Stop stack trashing when wndPtr->text == NULL.

Tue Oct 29 23:35:04 1996   Constantine P Sapuntzakis <>

	* [windows/dce.c]
	GetDCEx32 - The determination of whether to use the DC cache or
 	not should be independent of DCX_USESTYLE.

Sat Oct 26 17:31:00 1996  Thomas Sandford <>

	* [files/directory.c]
	Added errno.h to #includes

	* [tools/makedep.c]
	Close files once they have been processed.
76 files changed