Release 960928
Release 960928

Fri Sep 27 14:18:42 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [controls/button.c]
	Fixed focus rectangle size and clipping.

	* [controls/scroll.c]
	Converted to Win32 and added support for scroll page.
	Completed SetScrollInfo() and implemented other Win32 functions.

	* [files/file.c]
	Removed FILE_Read() (use _lread32 instead).

	* [objects/dce.c] [include/dce.h]
	Allocate DCE on the Win32 heap, and use pointers instead of
	Implemented Win32 version of DC functions.

	* [windows/painting.c]
	Attempt to make CS_PARENTDC style work again.

Wed Sep 25 23:40:52 1996 Alex Korobka <>

	* [windows/dce.c] [windows/winpos.c]
	Override SaveUnder attribute when painting took place
	in a window below. Force X to raise activated window 
	in seamless mode.

	* [misc/clipboard.c] [windows/event.c]
	Translation between DOS and Unix text formats and several
	other fixes for the sudden selection loss.

	* [windows/message.c]
	Apply "first" and "last" when checking for WM_QUIT in 

	* [windows/win.c]
	Rearranged DestroyWindow() to fit "Windows Internals"

	* [windows/win.c] [windows/winpos.c] [windows/nonclient.c]
	Misc. fixes to CBT hook calls.

	* [controls/menu.c] [misc/user.c]
	Fixup resident popup menu window so that it doesn't get
	destroyed by USER_AppExit().

	* [loader/module.c] [loader/task.c] [windows/event.c]
	Process "unsafe" X events outside the scheduler to prevent

	* [windows/message.c] [windows/queue.c] [windows/winpos.c]
	Lots of fixes for better Win16 multitasking.

Wed Sep 25 20:36:30 1996  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [include/windows.h]
	Added some missing HOOK defines.

	* [misc/shell.c][if1632/shell32.spec][include/shell.h]
	SHGetFileInfoA stub added (win95 mplayer.exe /play bla.avi).

	* [win32/console.c][include/wincon.h]
	GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo, GetLargestConsoleWindowSize added.

	* [misc/registry.c]
	Some null ptr fixes.

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	Fixed exported function lookup. (msvcrt20.dll)
	Add debugsyms for entrypoint, exported functions and sections.

	* [multimedia/mmsystem.c]
	MCIOpen: support for element opens (mplayer.exe /play bla.avi).

	* [several]
	Added several missing things/stubs/simple thunks from win32
	to win16 code.

Sat Sep 21 17:27:44 1996  O.Flebbe  <>

	* [windows/property.c]
	Fixed debugging of 16 Bit RemoveProp().

	* [debugger/memory.c]
	Added DEBUG_checkmap_bad() for linux.

Thu Sep 19 20:48:31 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [windows/event.c] [windows/hook.c]
	Use EnableHardwareInput() for JournalPlayback hook.

	* [controls/listbox.c]
	Changed handling of LB_GETITEMRECT in empty listboxes.

Thu Sep 19 13:34:35 1996  Slaven Rezic  <>

	* [misc/main.c]
	Fixes to X resources handling.	

Wed Sep 18 00:31:15 1996  Huw D. M. Davies <>

	* [objects/metafile.c] [include/gdi.h] [objects/dc.c]
	Individual handle table created for each metafile. Fixed
 	GlobalReAlloc() bug in MF_AddHandleDC() (was MF_AddHandleInternal).

	* [windows/graphics.c] [objects/dc.c]
	Rectangle() changed to work better with wide pens and PS_NULL.
	Use JoinMiter.

	* [windows/winpos.c]
	Make the whole (non X) window invalid on resize if CS_[VH]REDRAW
 	is set.

	* [windows/nonclient.c]
	AdjustWindowRectEx() should perform calculations even if the
 	window is minimized.

	* [windows/mdi.c]
	Better handling of system button painting. Maximized windows can
 	contain scroll bars. Icons now maximize properly.

	* [windows/defwnd.c] [windows/nonclient.c] [controls/menu.c]
	Improved greying of items in system menu. WM_INITMEMUPOPUP no
 	longer caught in DefWndProc, DEFWND_InitSysMenuPopup moved to

Mon Sep 16 21:30:00 1996  Uwe Bonnes <>

	* [several files]
	Fix missing includes and wrong printing arguments.

	* [controls/listbox.c]
	Don't sort drives in ListBoxDirectory().
Sat Sep 14 09:05:47 1996  Petri Tuomola <>

	* [windows/dialog.c]
	Fixed handling of Shift-TAB in dialogs.

Thu Sep 12 18:31:00 1996  Thomas Sandford <>

	* [if1632/gdi32.spec]
	Added SelectClipRgn - call win16 version.

	* [if1632/user32.spec]
	Added GetAsyncKeyState, GetMenuItemID and GetMenuStringA.

	* [include/wincon.h]
	out of #if 0 protected portion of file.

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	PE_InitTEB() - Tidy up, bug fix to stack pointer value (Borland
	programs now work better)

	* [win32/console.c]
	Added stub functions for GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo and 

	* [win32/findfile.c]
	FindFirstFile32A() - removed erroneous strcpy

	* [windows/keyboard.c]
	GetAsyncKeyState() - bug fix - now returns value as per Microsoft
	specification. NB - I still have doubts about some other functions
	in this file.
97 files changed