Release 960818
Release 960818

Sun Aug 18 12:17:54 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [files/drive.c]
	Added 'Filesystem' option in drives configuration.

	* [files/dos_fs.c] 
	Added handling of case-insensitive filesystems.

	* [memory/selector.c] [include/stackframe.h]

	* [misc/commdlg.c] [multimedia/mcistring.c]
	Replaced MAKE_SEGPTR by the SEGPTR_* macros.

	* [objects/bitblt.c] [windows/graphics.c]
	Use an intermediary pixmap to avoid some BadMatch errors on

Sun Aug 18 09:21:27 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [windows/message.c]
	Added handling of WM_NC...mouse messages in JOURNALRECORD hook.

	* [misc/ver.c]
	Fixed a bad string result in VerQueryValue[16|32A|32W].

Fri Aug 16 19:55:04 1996  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [if1632/crtdll.spec] [misc/crtdll.c]
	More additions to get win95 programs further down the road.

	* [if1632/kernel.spec] [loader/module.c]
	GetModuleName() added.
	LoadModule(): params->showCmd can be NULL.

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec] [if1632/thunk.c]
	ThunkConnect32() stub added.

	* [loader/resource.c]
	Entries include lastentry.

	* [misc/shell.c] [files/file.c]
	Made progman work again.

Fri Aug 16 09:00:00 1996  Alex Korobka <>
	* [windows/defwnd.c] [windows/winpos.c] [windows/painting.c]
	Icon painting fixes.

	* [windows/winpos.c] [windows/painting.c]
	Enforce and follow hrgnUpdate more closely to cut down on
	redundant RedrawWindow() calls.

	* [windows/event.c]
	Process ConfigureNotify only for managed windows.

	* [windows/winpos.c]
	Do not redraw parent if the window was hidden before SetWindowPos().

	* [windows/nonclient.c]
	Omit some nonclient decoration painting for managed windows.

	* [controls/menu.c] [windows/mdi.c] [windows/nonclient.c]
	Implemented WM_NEXTMENU.

	* [controls/listbox.c]
	Multicolumn listboxes return WVR_VREDRAW on WM_NCCALCSIZE.

	* [misc/shell.c]
	Added .ICO file handling to ExtractIcon().
78 files changed