Release 960516

Thu May 16 13:35:31 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [*/*.c]
	Renamed RECT, POINT and SIZE structures to RECT16, POINT16 and
	SIZE16. Implemented Win32 version of most functions that take
	these types as parameters.

	* [configure]
	Patched autoconf to attempt to correctly detect -lnsl and
	-lsocket. Please check this out.
	* [controls/button.c]
	Added support for Win32 BM_* messages.

	* [controls/menu.c]
	Avoid sending extra WM_MENUSELECT messages. This avoids crashes
	with Excel.

	* [memory.heap.c] [include/heap.h]
	Added support for SEGPTRs in Win32 heaps. Added a few macros to
 	make using SEGPTRs easier. They are a bit slower than MAKE_SEGPTR,
 	but they work with Win32.

	* [memory/atom.c]
	Implemented Win32 atom functions.

	* [memory/local.c]
	Fixed LocalReAlloc() changes to avoid copying the whole block twice.

	* [win32/memory.c]
	Use /dev/zero instead of MAP_ANON for VirtualAlloc().

	* [windows/class.c]
	Properly implemented the Win32 class functions.

	* [windows/winproc.c] (New file)
	New file handling the message translation between Win16 and Win32.

Mon May 13 18:00:00 1996 Alex Korobka <>

	* [windows/mdi.c] [windows/menu.c]
	Improved WM_MDICREATE and WM_MDICASCADE handling.

	* [windows/event.c] [objects/bitblt.c]
	Handle GraphicsExpose event for BitBlt from screen to screen.

	* [windows/event.c] [windows/win.c] [windows/nonclient.c]
	Bunch of fixes for problems with -managed.

	* [windows/win.c] [windows/winpos.c]
	Changed conditions for WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE, and WM_GETMINMAXINFO
	in CreateWindow.

	* [windows/win.c] [windows/queue.c] [misc/user.c]
	Do not send WM_PARENTNOTIFY when in AppExit and call WH_SHELL
	on window creation/destruction.

	* [objects/palette.c]
	Crude RealizePalette(). At least something is visible in LviewPro.

Sun May 12 02:05:00 1996  Thomas Sandford <>

	* [if1632/gdi32.spec]
	Added Rectangle (use win16 version).

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec]
	Added GetWindowsDirectoryA (use win16 GetWindowsDirectory).

	* [if1632/user32.spec]
	Added GetSubMenu, MoveWindow, SetScrollPos, SetScrollRange (use win16
	Added SetWindowsHookExA (empty stub for now).

	* [include/handle32.h]
	Changed #include <malloc.h> to #include <stdlib.h> to prevent
	hate message from FreeBSD compiler.

	* [win32/newfns.c]
	Added new function SetWindowsHookEx32A (empty stub for now).

	* [win32/user32.c]
	Removed redundant debugging printf statement.

Sun May 12 01:24:57 1996  Huw D. M. Davies <>

	* [memory/local.c]
	Avoid creating adjacent free blocks.
	Free the block in LocalReAlloc() before allocating a new one.
	Fixed LocalReAlloc() for discarded blocks.
Fri May 10 23:05:12 1996  Jukka Iivonen <>

	* [resources/sysres_Fi.rc]
	ChooseFont and ChooseColor dialogs updated.

Fri May 10 17:19:33 1996  Marcus Meissner <>

	* [files/drive.c,if1632/kernel.spec]
	GetCurrentDirectory(),SetCurrentDirectory() implemented.

	* [if1632/advapi32.spec] [if1632/kernel.spec] [if1632/shell.spec]
	  [include/windows.h] [include/winreg.h] [loader/main.c]
	  [misc/main.c] [misc/shell.c] [misc/registry.c]
	Registry fixes:
	- loads win95 registry databases,
	- save only updated keys on default,
	- now adhers to the new function naming standard,
	- minor cleanups.

Tue May 7 22:36:13 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [combo.c]
	Added WM_COMMAND-handling for interaction between EDIT and COMBOLBOX
        and synchronized mine with Greg Kreider's works.

	* [commdlg.c]
	Bugfix in ChooseFont: font size handling.
131 files changed