Release 960324
Release 960324

Sun Mar 24 13:13:11 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [include/win.h] [windows/*.c]
	Replaced next, parent, child and owner handles by pointers in WND
	structure. This should improve performance, and should be
	reasonably safe since Microsoft did the same in Win95.

	* [include/wintypes.h] [*/*]
	Redefined HANDLE to be UINT instead of a pointer for Winelib. This
	allows removing a lot of unnecessary casts and NPFMTs.

	* [windows/caret.c]
	Create the caret brush upon CreateCaret(); use the bitmap
	dimensions for the caret.
	Fixed CARET_DisplayCaret() to use PatBlt().

Fri Mar 22 16:00:00 1996  Anand Kumria <>

	* [misc/winsocket.c]
	More sanity checks, fixup some erroneous return codes.

	* [documentation/winsock]
	Description of how compatible the winsock is currently.

Fri Mar 22 13:05:34 1996  Ulrich Schmid  <>

	* [library/winmain.c]
	Set `lpszCmdParam' by concatenating arguments.

	* [loader/module.c]
	WinExec: accept Unix commands, use Wine emulator.

Mon Mar 18 12:16:27 1996  Martin von Loewis <>

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec][win32/thread.c][include/kernel32.h]
	DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection,
 	InitializeCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, TlsAlloc,
 	TlsFree, TlsGetValue, TlsSetValue: new functions.
	CRITICAL_SECTION: new structure.

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec][win32/code_page.c]
	WideCharToMultiByte: new function.

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec][win32/file.c]
	GetFileAttributesA: new function.

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec][misc/main.c]
	GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsA,
 	FreeEnvironmentStringsW: new functions.
	* [if1632/user.spec][win32/cursoricon32.c][win32/]
	cursoricon32.c: new file.
	LoadCursorA, LoadCursorW: modified implementation from LoadCursor
 	to WIN32_*.
	LoadIconA, LoadIconW: modified implementation from LoadIconA32
	to WIN32_*.

	* [include/struct32.h]
	pragma pack inserted.
	CURSORICON32 structures added.

	* [include/winnls.h]
	Constants CP_* and WC_* added.

	* [loader/pe_image.c]
	PE_LoadModule: call PE_InitDLL with hModule rather than wpnt.

Sun Mar 17 16:59:12 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [misc/commdlg.c]
	Introduced hook function handling in file dialog.
	Removed an unnecessary ShowWindow call in FILEDLG_WMCommand().

Thu Mar 14 10:50:00 1996  Thomas Sandford <>

	* [if1632/gdi32.spec]
	Added GetNearestColor.

	* [if1632/kernel32.spec]
	Added GlobalAddAtomA.

	* [win32/param32.c]
	Added stackframe.h to includes.
	WIN32_GlobalAddAtomA() - new function.
102 files changed