Release 960314
Release 960314

Wed Mar 13 19:46:50 1996  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Removed calls to memmove (not portable).

	* [debugger/dbg.y] [debugger/debug.l]
	Prefixed all token with 't' to avoid conflicts with type
	Added 'walk queue', 'walk class' and 'info class' commands.

	* [debugger/info.c]
	Moved queue and window information functions to windows/queue.c
	and windows/win.c respectively.

	* [loader/signal.c]
	Added SIGHUP handling to force entry into built-in debugger.
	Cleaned up a bit.

	* [misc/spy.c]
	General cleanup and performance improvements.

	* [windows/class.c]
	Added CLASS_DumpClass() and CLASS_WalkClasses() functions for

	* [windows/event.c]
	Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Return forces an entry into the debugger. Not
	sure if this key combination is a good choice...

	* [windows/message.c] [windows/queue.c] (New file)
	Moved message queue handling functions to windows/queue.c.

Tue Mar 12 14:55:16 1996  Onno Hovers  <>

	* [if1632/except.S] [include/except.h] [win32/except.c] (New files)
	Implemented Win32 exception functions: RaiseException(),
 	RtlUnwind(), SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() and

Mon Mar 11 19:23:29 1996  Albrecht Kleine  <>

	* [controls/listbox.c] [include/listbox.h]
	Special handling for COMBOLBOX styles introduced via extension of
 	HEADLIST structure: lphl->dwStyle.

Mon Mar 11 13:31:06 1996  Greg Kreider <>

	* [controls/combo.c]
	Any mouse movement within a small distance (defined by CBLMM_EDGE)
	of the top or bottom edge causes the window to scroll.  Also moved 
	some assignments so the routine works correctly.

	* [controls/listbox.c]
	Changing selection in ListBoxSetCurSel now updates PrevFocused.
	Added to LBSetFont and CreateListBoxStruct a fake hdc that tests 
	and sets the standard text height.

Sun Mar 10 08:39:23 1996  Alex Korobka <>

	* [windows/dce.c]
	Fixed memory leak in DCE_ClipWindows().
47 files changed