Release 951105
Release 951105

Fri Nov  3 20:08:17 1995  Alexandre Julliard  <>

	* []
	Attempt to check for -li386 on NetBSD. Please test this.

Mon Oct 30 12:40:32 EST 1995  Jim Peterson <>

	* [*/*]
	Eliminated various warnings with either explicit casts or more
	accurate variable/parameter declarations (e.g. INT instead of short
	or WORD).
	Changed macros 'min' and 'max' to 'MIN' and 'MAX', since they're

	* [controls/edit.c] [windows/defdlg.c]
	Added '#ifdef SUPERFLUOUS_FUNCTIONS' wrappers around function
	definition of EDIT_KeyVScrollDoc, EDIT_TextLineNumber, and
	DEFDLG_FindDefButton to avoid warnings.

	* [controls/button.c] [controls/scroll.c] [windows/defwnd.c]
	  [windows/message.c] [windows/nonclient.c]
	Converted MAKEPOINT macro call to manual conversion.

	* [include/windows.h]
	For WINELIB32, structures POINT, SIZE, and RECT have LONG members
	instead of INT.  This also invalidates the macro MAKEPOINT(), which
	is not supported in Win32.  Also defined the POINTS structure (SHORT
	members) and the MAKEPOINTS macro.

	* [misc/commdlg.c]
	Changed a lot of 'strcpy' calls to 'strncpy' calls.  I'm desperate to
	find this memory bug, and this should be done anyway.

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Well, the alteration mentioned above didn't do it, but #ifdef'ing out
	a few lines in EDIT_ClearText did.  This leads to bugs, but for now,
	it's better than bizzare memory troubles.

	* [toolkit/miscstubs.c]
	Removed warning messages in GLOBAL_CreateBlock(), GLOBAL_FreeBlock(),
	and RELAY32_GetEntryPoint().  These are the most popular warnings, and
	their current implementation seems fine.

Sat Oct 28 09:39:18 1995  Jochen Karrer <cip307@wpax01.Physik.Uni-Wuerzburg.DE>

	* [objects/cursoricon.c]
	Fix for "broken" X servers that invert masked cursor colors.

Fri Oct 27 19:27:21 1995  Alex Korobka  <>

	* [windows/dialog.c] [windows/nonclient.c]
	Remove unnecessary items from the system menu.

Thu Oct 26 05:03:03 MET 1995  Philippe De Muyter <>

	* [objects/color.c] [objects/palette.c]
	Make GetNearestColor return a RGB value instead of a pixel value.

Wed Oct 25 23:33:39 1995    Martin von Loewis <>

	* [controls/desktop.c][controls/menu.c][include/menu.h]
	Changed WORD parameters to UINT parameters.

	* [include/wintypes.h]
	Made UINT 32bit for WINELIB.

	* [loader/main.c]
	Disabled RELAY32_Init and MODULE_Init for WINELIB.

	* [misc/main.c]
	Assume CPU386 for WINELIB.

	* [rc/winerc]
	add_popup: set MF_POPUP flag on menu item.

	* [toolkit/][toolkit/hello3.c][toolkit/hello3res.c]
	Add resource demo hello3 for WINELIB.
	New file README.resources.

	* [toolkit/miscstubs.c]
	Add a case for 17.

Tue Oct 17 15:13:10 IST 1995  Itai Nahshon <>

	* [loader/module.c]
	Do not append .exe if the file name already has an extension.

	* [misc/profile.c]
	Avoid creating a file with a junk name if a .ini file does not

	* [if1632/gdi.spec] [if1632/user.spec] [if1632/dummy.c]
	Added a lot of dummy stubs for Windows Hebrew version.

Tue Oct 17 01:03:24 1995 William Magro <>

	* [controls/button.c]
	Fix for buttons with no label.

	* [controls/combo.c][controls/listbox.c]
	Fixes for scrollbar positioning.  Now disappears correctly
	for short lists.

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Handle memory allocation differently when building as library.

	* [controls/static]
	Don't destroy old icon before drawing new icon. (Fixes landscape/
	portrait toggle icon in print dialog.)

	* [if1632/gdi.spec]
	New functions SetMetaFileBits and GetMetaFileBits

	* [include/sysmetrics.h] [windows/sysmetrics.c]
	Add support for GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMETRICS) == SM_CMETRICS

	* [include/windows.h]
	define GetCurrentTime as GetTickCount (for wine library)

	* [loader/main.c]
	Don't initialize built-in modules in wine library

	* [memory/local.c]
	LocalReAlloc was defined incorrectly. Swap flags and size arguments.

	* [misc/main.c]
	Always report CPUTYPE=4 to wine library.

	* [objects/dib.c]
	RLE8 images were missing top line when decompressed.

	* [objects/metafile.c]
	SetMetaFileBits and GetMetaFileBits implemented.  Works when called
	from winhelp.  More testing needed.  Various memory leaks plugged.
	Various other bug fixes.  New metafile operations added in
	PlayMetaFileRecord: CreatePalette, SetTextAlign, SelectPalette,
	SetMapperFlags, RealizePalette, ExtTextOut, Escape.  Testing needed.

	* [toolkit/heap.c]
	LocalUnLock changed to LocalUnlock

Sun Oct 15 21:55:33 1995  Anand Kumria <>
	* [misc/winsock.c] 
	Return the correct error number, for host lookup operations.
	Also, correct the problem with send_message.

Fri Oct 13 19:04:35 1995  Morten Welinder  <>

	* []
	Using nm's built-in sorting.

	* [*/*.c]
	Use xmalloc for malloc and xrealloc for realloc in all ungarded

	* [debugger/dbg.y]
	Handle C-like expressions.  Clean-up.

	* [debugger/debug.l]
	Lots of new tokens for expressions.

	* [debugger/info.c]
	Implement "list" command for disassembling.

	* [misc/ole2nls.c]
	Implement more Danish stuff.

Fri Oct  6 10:39:39 1995 Ram'on Garc'ia <>

	* [loader/module.c]
	Updated self-loading modules to support for new 32 bit 
	stack frames.
103 files changed