Release 940524
Release 940524

Mon May 23 15:07:36 1994  Bob Amstadt  (bob@pooh)

	* [loader/selector.c]
	Allocate heap and stack segments as 64k.

Sat May 21 01:15:49 1994  Rick Sladkey  (

        * [loader/selector.c]
        Correct typos where memcpy is used instead of memset.

        * [loader/resource.c]
        Allow for legitimate cases where biSizeImage is 0 in LoadIcon
        by calculating the value when the bitmap is not compressed.

        * [miscemu/int21.c]
        Fix NULL dereference caused by superfluous DOS_closedir in FindNext.

        * [loader/resource.c]
        New function type_match to handle string resource types as
        well as IDs.  In addition, compare only low 4 bits of type_id
        when both numbers are IDs so that 0x0002 matches 0x8002.
        In FindResourceByNumber and FindResourceByName use type_match
        instead of comparing numbers.  In FindResource handle the
        "#number" syntax and empty strings in both the resource and
        type names.

Mon May 23 00:48:25 1994  Rick Sladkey  (

        * [windows/dialog.c]
        Fix inadvertent printing of string IDs as strings.

May 23, 94 (Martin Ayotte)

	* [controls/menu.c]
	New functions GetMenuItemCount(), GetMenuItemID().
		GetMenuString() & HiliteMenuItem().
	Bug fix in CheckMenuItem().
	Function SetMenu() now make client area recalc if menu removed.

	* [windows/winpos.c]
	Bug fix in SetWindowPos(), no more XMapping or XConfiguring	of
		windows with initial width or height equal zero.

	* [objects/gdiobj.c]
	New function EnumObjects(), using new lpPenBrushList buildup
		from calls to new function GDI_AppendToPenBrushList().
		('pbrush.exe' don't show its face yet ! ... :-( )
	New EMPTY STUB for function SetObjectOwner(),
		('mplayer.exe' call it via GetProcAddress() ...)

	* [objects/font.c]
	New internal functions ParseFontParms() & InitFontsList().
	EnumFonts() & EnumFontFamilies() enumerates fonts (no more dummies).
	FONT_MatchFont now make retries to find closest-smallest font.
		('charmap.exe' can now show the differents fonts available)

	* [windows/nonclient.c]
	Use small dos OBM_OLD_CLOSE button for MDI windows.

	* [windows/graphics.c] [objects/bitmap.c]
	Start to remove obsolete globals such XT_screen ...

	* [loader/library.c]
	Make function GetProcAddress() working also with builtin DLLs.

Tue May 24 20:18:02 1994  Erik Bos (

        * [if1632/system.spec] [if1632/toolhelp.spec]
        system.dll & toolhelp.dll added.

        * [loader/library.c]
        Modified GetModuleFileName() to return the full
        Added a check to LoadLibrary() to prevent loading
        built in dlls. (eg. user.exe)
        Added a check to FreeLibrary() to prevent built-in
        dlls from being freed.
        Modified GetProcAddress() to support builtin dlls.

        * [loader/signal.c] [miscemu/int2f.c]
        Added => pifedit runs.

        * [misc/dos_fs.c]
        Added a NULL-ptr check to DOS_closedir().
40 files changed