Release 940518
Release 940518

Tue May 17 23:03:16 1994  Bob Amstadt  (bob@pooh)

	* [windows/dce.c]
	Fixed bug with dce initialization that was causing dialog boxes to not
	be displayed.

	* [if1632/callback.c]
	Better fix for bug found by Martin.

Sat May 14 19:48:39 1994  Rick Sladkey  (

        * [ memory/heap.c ]
        Redirect HEAP_ReAlloc calls with NULL argument to HEAP_Alloc.

May 16, 94 (Martin Ayotte)

	* [objects/font.c]
	Make EnumFonts() calling a callback with dummy fonts ... :-)

	* [objects/text.c]
	Add Empty Stub for ExtTextOut(), which temporarely call Textout().

	* [if1632/callback.c]
	Temporarely go around bug in CallWindowProc(), you will see printfs.

	* [controls/edit.c]
	Make EDIT controls focused by a mouse click.

	* [misc/property.c]
	Bug Fix in function EnumProps(), better use of CallBack16().

	* [misc/mmsystem.c]
	Basic Skelton's for MCI messages dispatching function.

Sun May 15 16:15:17 1994  Erik Bos (

        * [windows/utility.c]
        Added windows_wsprintf() for the emulator, wsprintf() is
        for libwine.

Sat May 14 22:16:40 1994  Rick Sladkey  (

        * [misc/cursor.c]
        Fix pointer problems in LoadCursor leading to heap corruption.

        *  [ controls/menu.c ]
        Fix two NULL dereferencing bugs.

Sun May 15 20:07:48 1994  Rick Sladkey  (

        * [objects/font.c]
        Fix NULL pointer dereferencing bug in GetCharWidth.

        * [loader/resource.c]
        Fix under-allocation of memory in LoadAccelerators.

        * [windows/class.c]
        Ignore negative sizes for extra fields in RegisterClass.

Sun May 15 06:35:03 1994  David Metcalfe <>

        * [objects/metafile.c] [include/metafile.h] [include/windows.h]
          [objects/gdiobj.c] [objects/brush.c] [objects/pen.c]
          [objects/text.c] [objects/dcvalues.c] [windows/graphics.c]
          [windows/dc.c] [windows/mapping.c]
        Beginnings of metafile support.

        * [misc/file.c]
        Corrected spelling of _lcreat.

        * [controls/edit.c]
        Minor bug fixes.
42 files changed