Rebase our patches on wine-1.7.19

I've confirmed this
 - can compile on gTrusty
 - can work with VS2013-update2 (I've compiled chrome on this)
 - can work with VS2014-CTP

Also, now we don't need TLS-hack any more. So, I've remove such changes
from this CL.

The followings are patches this CL contains.

- workaround fix SetThreadPreferredUILanguages
- workaround fix LoadLibrary for datafile?
- Implement SRWLock
- add WINEELFLOADER hack to wine-preloader
- Use timeout for futex_wait in SRWLock
- Add WINENOWINEBOOT environment variable to disable wineboot
- A simple hello world becomes faster (0.121 => 0.024).
- Add codereview.settings
- Workaround for VS2013
-- Workaround for cl.exe deadlock for VS2013.
-- cl.exe for VS2013 sometimes cannot find headers.
- Make wineserver exit immediately

Change-Id: I8c2f39c9f73947bfd644141c14a78aea0b075fd0
9 files changed