widl: Add support for standard target options to allow building the right typelib kind when cross-compiling.
diff --git a/Make.rules.in b/Make.rules.in
index 5dc8884..254e8a2 100644
--- a/Make.rules.in
+++ b/Make.rules.in
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 	$(WIDL) $(IDLFLAGS) -s -S $@ $<
-	$(WIDL) $(IDLFLAGS) -t -T $@ $<
+	$(WIDL) $(TARGETFLAGS) $(IDLFLAGS) -t -T $@ $<
 	$(LINT) -c $(ALLLINTFLAGS) $< || ( $(RM) $@ && exit 1 )
diff --git a/tools/widl/widl.c b/tools/widl/widl.c
index 6ae8bae..98e7a51 100644
--- a/tools/widl/widl.c
+++ b/tools/widl/widl.c
@@ -53,33 +53,35 @@
 static const char usage[] =
 "Usage: widl [options...] infile.idl\n"
 "   or: widl [options...] --dlldata-only name1 [name2...]\n"
-"   -c          Generate client stub\n"
-"   -C file     Name of client stub file (default is infile_c.c)\n"
-"   -d n        Set debug level to 'n'\n"
-"   -D id[=val] Define preprocessor identifier id=val\n"
-"   --dlldata=file  Name of the dlldata file (default is dlldata.c)\n"
-"   -E          Preprocess only\n"
-"   -h          Generate headers\n"
-"   -H file     Name of header file (default is infile.h)\n"
-"   -I path     Set include search dir to path (multiple -I allowed)\n"
-"   --local-stubs=file  Write empty stubs for call_as/local methods to file\n"
-"   -N          Do not preprocess input\n"
-"   --oldnames  Use old naming conventions\n"
-"   -p          Generate proxy\n"
-"   -P file     Name of proxy file (default is infile_p.c)\n"
-"   --prefix-all=p  Prefix names of client stubs / server functions with 'p'\n"
+"   -b arch            Set the target architecture\n"
+"   -c                 Generate client stub\n"
+"   -C file            Name of client stub file (default is infile_c.c)\n"
+"   -d n               Set debug level to 'n'\n"
+"   -D id[=val]        Define preprocessor identifier id=val\n"
+"   --dlldata=file     Name of the dlldata file (default is dlldata.c)\n"
+"   -E                 Preprocess only\n"
+"   -h                 Generate headers\n"
+"   -H file            Name of header file (default is infile.h)\n"
+"   -I path            Set include search dir to path (multiple -I allowed)\n"
+"   --local-stubs=file Write empty stubs for call_as/local methods to file\n"
+"   -m32, -m64         Set the kind of typelib to build (Win32 or Win64)\n"
+"   -N                 Do not preprocess input\n"
+"   --oldnames         Use old naming conventions\n"
+"   -p                 Generate proxy\n"
+"   -P file            Name of proxy file (default is infile_p.c)\n"
+"   --prefix-all=p     Prefix names of client stubs / server functions with 'p'\n"
 "   --prefix-client=p  Prefix names of client stubs with 'p'\n"
 "   --prefix-server=p  Prefix names of server functions with 'p'\n"
-"   -s          Generate server stub\n"
-"   -S file     Name of server stub file (default is infile_s.c)\n"
-"   -t          Generate typelib\n"
-"   -T file     Name of typelib file (default is infile.tlb)\n"
-"   -u          Generate interface identifiers file\n"
-"   -U file     Name of interface identifiers file (default is infile_i.c)\n"
-"   -V          Print version and exit\n"
-"   -W          Enable pedantic warnings\n"
-"   --win32     Only generate 32-bit code\n"
-"   --win64     Only generate 64-bit code\n"
+"   -s                 Generate server stub\n"
+"   -S file            Name of server stub file (default is infile_s.c)\n"
+"   -t                 Generate typelib\n"
+"   -T file            Name of typelib file (default is infile.tlb)\n"
+"   -u                 Generate interface identifiers file\n"
+"   -U file            Name of interface identifiers file (default is infile_i.c)\n"
+"   -V                 Print version and exit\n"
+"   -W                 Enable pedantic warnings\n"
+"   --win32            Only generate 32-bit code\n"
+"   --win64            Only generate 64-bit code\n"
 "Debug level 'n' is a bitmask with following meaning:\n"
 "    * 0x01 Tell which resource is parsed (verbose mode)\n"
 "    * 0x02 Dump internal structures\n"
@@ -92,7 +94,6 @@
 static const char version_string[] = "Wine IDL Compiler version " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n"
 			"Copyright 2002 Ove Kaaven\n";
-int win32 = 1;
 int debuglevel = DEBUGLEVEL_NONE;
 int parser_debug, yy_flex_debug;
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
 static const char short_options[] =
-    "cC:d:D:EhH:I:NpP:sS:tT:uU:VW";
+    "b:cC:d:D:EhH:I:m:NpP:sS:tT:uU:VW";
 static const struct option long_options[] = {
     { "dlldata", 1, 0, DLLDATA_OPTION },
     { "dlldata-only", 0, 0, DLLDATA_ONLY_OPTION },
@@ -227,6 +228,45 @@
         wpp_add_define("__WIDL__", NULL);
+/* set the target platform */
+static void set_target( const char *target )
+    static const struct
+    {
+        const char *name;
+        syskind_t   kind;
+    } cpu_names[] =
+    {
+        { "i386",    SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "i486",    SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "i586",    SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "i686",    SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "i786",    SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "x86_64",  SYS_WIN64 },
+        { "sparc",   SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "alpha",   SYS_WIN32 },
+        { "powerpc", SYS_WIN32 }
+    };
+    unsigned int i;
+    char *p, *spec = xstrdup( target );
+    /* target specification is in the form CPU-MANUFACTURER-OS or CPU-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OS */
+    if (!(p = strchr( spec, '-' ))) error( "Invalid target specification '%s'\n", target );
+    *p++ = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cpu_names)/sizeof(cpu_names[0]); i++)
+    {
+        if (!strcmp( cpu_names[i].name, spec ))
+        {
+            typelib_kind = cpu_names[i].kind;
+            free( spec );
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    error( "Unrecognized CPU '%s'\n", spec );
 /* clean things up when aborting on a signal */
 static void exit_on_signal( int sig )
@@ -481,6 +521,9 @@
       do_win32 = 0;
       do_win64 = 1;
+    case 'b':
+      set_target( optarg );
+      break;
     case 'c':
       do_everything = 0;
       do_client = 1;
@@ -508,6 +551,11 @@
     case 'I':
+    case 'm':
+      if (!strcmp( optarg, "32" )) typelib_kind = SYS_WIN32;
+      else if (!strcmp( optarg, "64" )) typelib_kind = SYS_WIN64;
+      else error( "Invalid -m argument '%s'\n", optarg );
+      break;
     case 'N':
       no_preprocess = 1;
diff --git a/tools/widl/widl.h b/tools/widl/widl.h
index d8c945f..e34e64b 100644
--- a/tools/widl/widl.h
+++ b/tools/widl/widl.h
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 #define DEBUGLEVEL_PPLEX	0x0010
 #define DEBUGLEVEL_PPTRACE	0x0020
-extern int win32;
 extern int pedantic;
 extern int do_everything;
 extern int do_header;
diff --git a/tools/widl/widl.man.in b/tools/widl/widl.man.in
index e275292..2757cdf 100644
--- a/tools/widl/widl.man.in
+++ b/tools/widl/widl.man.in
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
 .B General options:
 .IP "\fB-V\fR"
 Print version number and exit.
+.IP "\fB-b \fIcpu-manufacturer[-kernel]-os\fR"
+Set the target architecture when cross-compiling. The target
+specification is in the standard autoconf format as returned by
 .B Header options:
 .IP "\fB-h\fR"
@@ -47,6 +51,8 @@
 .IP "\fB-T \fIfile\fR"
 Define the name of the type library to be generated. 
 The default filename is \fIinfile\fR.tlb.
+.IP "\fB-m32, -m64\fR"
+Generate a Win32, respectively Win64, type library.
 .B UUID file options:
 .IP "\fB-u\fR"